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maybe I'm going about trying to sleep the completely wrong way
maybe I should aim to get extremely tired early on, so I feel like I'll want to sleep
so, now, what's the most tiring thing you can think of?
you need to set aside some time for meditative contemplation before actually going to bed
relax your mind
I mean, I contemplate things all the time
yeah? about what though? complicated stuff
or meditative stuff?
my life, your life, a random person's life
the sound of your own breathing
yeah nah don't do that
shit like that gets you all worked up
what doesn't?
and my breathing's creepy as hell
When would you realistically use a Linked List ?
when would you not?
except for when memory and performance are primary concerns
@towc I think that is the case in almost all use-cases
really depends
And in any other case a vector or arraylist
is going to make life easier for you anyway
@towc I am just befuddled by a CS course that is basically LinkedList porn
the requirement is to use LinkedLists in everything... in Java.
but they're not nearly as easy to move around and sometimes manipulate, as linked lists
it's probably about FP
@towc How do you replace in LL -> a bunch of next prev swap or you swap the reference to data node, How do you swap an object in ArrayList, just swap the god-damned reference its pointing to
yes, but whole parts of the list?
like splices and stuff
@towc I'd just a bulk copy
if its all references
the longer the array/vector, the harder it is to do that, but it's basically O(1) for linked lists
Isn't bulk copy of memory an optimized operation anyway?
for example
Btw I do see that use case
and again, if you're into FP, linked lists are probably going to be much more interesting/fitting than the data-centric (?) alternatives
I haven't done much FP so I'm going to take your word for it.
imagine haskell, basically, that's all I'm saying
I know
I just know that linked lists make much easier to implement (less complex) than the alternatives when dealing with λ-calculus
which also means maybe some more optimizations can be done
^ That fasicnates me
The only use-case I have found of Linked Lists is when I am using them as a slow buffer (as in Queue)
@ShrekOverflow A queue is possibly the worst use case for a (singly) linked list
@KendallFrey Doubly, no one with a real brain would use a Single Linked List for a queue
although @oboecat's college is using a SLL in similar cases I am guessing for education purpose
I always assume singly unless otherwise specified
Ah Ok o/
but @KendallFrey any reasons for using an SLL in Java / C# / JS level of abstraction?
Nothing to do with usage, LL just means singly in my vocabulary
^ I'll keep that in mind
Achievement Get: Steam Refund
what did you refund? O_O
Project Cars 2
I think I just won frog fractions
there are credits running
at this point I don't know if to expect a whole other portion of the game to come up
like, real credits this time
hmmm a guide seems to say that's the end of that
yay :D
best waste of time ever
hope @copy is proud
I'm using mail function in php and it fails to send. Yes I know this is not a php room but the problem relies in the linux mail server.
I already check t he err logs and it says: Invalied Response Packet, read_socket_timeout: read error = conn reset by peer.
it was working before I went home last friday
and when I came back from work. Some saying that they cnannot receive mail from an existing system. when I checked it, it really fails.
Just wanted to share this story of my findings on a website. Newegg store has a 24/7 chat for support. I was using it and they are using the full address variables in get and can be modified easily. I originally was placed in queue 26 but copied the link, changed QUEUE=27 and was placed right with a support person. Figured I would share.
@ZackTarr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Yep knew that was coming. Sorry for that!
@ZackTarr ignore her
@ZackTarr You should report this to newegg
anyone knows of a way to minimify es2015 code? - Without transpiling to es5. (Or, well, without having babel screwing up for...of loops)
1 hour later…
@KamilSolecki ^
@ZackTarr she's a bot..
Hello guys
@copy except 600
This is the best twitch channel: twitch.tv/kitboga
TIL theifmaster manages flask :o
I've got a phone interview with an Amazon recruiter. I looked up the hiring process and common questions. I reviewed algorithm time complexity and the languages I know. Anything else I should do tech-wise? This is my first programming interview.
@person27 how do you get called by an Amz recruiter, :( I never get any recruiter calls :/
@person27 try out a bunch of required technologies ?
@ShrekOverflow Networking. I wasn't able to attract attention ordinarily since I haven't finished a Bachelor's. My portfolio doesn't feature web-related projects yet, so that's probably 80% of the market. Technologies at Amazon vary by team / project, though I did review a number of them.
makes sense, no amount of networking is gonna get an Ogre a job :P x)
@person27 Gluck :D
do let us know how it went!
But apparently they have behavioral questions, which I tend to fail as I've never been wonderful at choosing between two qualities that are erroneously treated as being mutually exclusive. (I should elaborate that most tests make you pick between being "people-oriented and task-oriented", as a prog. you want to lean for task-oriented, but this isn't the only choice. You need to choose the most favorable choices in your answers that reflect the profile Amazon wants.)
I don't even know what that means
XYZ gets behavioral specialists to design a test that builds a behavioral profile for the test-taker. XYZ decides they like a certain profile and the candidates not matching it are not a good fit. Then if XYZ sucks, the paraphrased questions they use to catch inconsistent test-takers ("liars") will have slightly different meanings, connotations, or ambiguity that might cause the test-taker to answer differently.
Alright @ShrekOverflow I'll let you know if I get the job in the end. I'm signing off to go study.
any css legend here?
we're all css legends here
Bro, I am having a fixed positioned header but its content is dynamic, so I can't give it a static height. Now the rest of the body needs to be given a margin-top according to the size of header, you know? How should I do it all with css?
css legends?
@RahulJain do you need position: sticky?
wait not sticky but there is a css prop that will let you do exactly waht you want
@RahulJain try if sticky works for you
@ShrekOverflow Yes. Data structure at the level of linked list can be relevant at Java/C#/JS level. Java has many lists including a linked list. Same for .Net.
I have barely found a reason to ever use Singly LinkedList in my code, which makes me wonder regarding the obsession of linked list in CS 1** courses, unless it was academically specified to do so, I have only used a doubly linked list when using it as a buffer and even then at times I have found myself instead making a ring buffer.
True. Linked list makes good data structure exercise, but is rarely used in practice. I know my buffers are all array backed.
Also what hits me is why would you teach memory management in Java or C# of all languages T_T
Not sure what they teach; memory management can mean many things.
does anyone know why there is a waffle in chrome's window?
@KarelG screenshot or gtfo
It certainly looks non-standard (not added by Chrome).
You sure its not coming from the MDN page you loaded?
because waffle is undefined
ah yes from MDN Probably waffle.io
!!giphy slowclap
you certainly don't have monday morning blues
why did cap post that twice ?
She added the clap herself
@KarelG Its still sunday night for me
How does this look to ya'll
I certainly don't. My boss won't let me have weekends off. Every day is a work day.
I'd like to work wherever you work @Sheepy
just noticed my phrasing ...
@ShrekOverflow I work at home. My baby is my boss. He's one year old.
My primary duties are making meals, feed him, milk him, play with him, change nappy, clean up his mess, soothe him, and protect him from harms.
@Sheepy lol
sounds like you need a baby sitter :P
IS JS going to get function decorators?
Sure a baby sitter cost only one iphone x per month. If three hours per day.
no day care?
Not really. Hong Kong is not know as baby friendly. Actually I think we qualifies as baby hostile.
For example we are asked to pick up the baby and fold the stroller when we get on a bus. When shopping, many of us simply push the stroller - with baby in it - onto escalators, because the alternative is often the freight lift in the back alley.
He's too young for day care anyway.
@ShrekOverflow basically wrapping stuff around a function?
@Wietlol Yep
I like python decorators :P
and react basically does something very weird anyway
do you want a special syntax for that?
would be nice to have :P
rather than whatever both decorator proposals are :|
They seem to go the exact opposite direction of what decorators should do
i just read the first code example from here: javascript.info/call-apply-decorators
seems fine to do it that way
but then i wonder what it is that you still want... as, afaik, you can already do that in js
@Wietlol try reading the example for decorating a function
It must be in a class :|
what you linked me is higher order functions
im missing a tldr though
@Sheepy How dare you bring more humans into this world?!
You should have bought one of the existing ones
eh oliver
having 2 kids is reasonable
I know. I wasn't serious
that is more balanced than having >2 kids
I thought kubernetes was simple
That reminds me of that person here, he claims that families should not have more than 2 children. But he has 4 children.
> I have 2 kids and no money, why can't I have no kids and 2 money? 😬
but I'm reading these articles and I don't get anything actionable
families have to have more than 2 children
for a society to progress
on average
I don't care. I'm rich. I'll have as many kids as I want!
@MadaraUchiha what's wrong with it
Look carefully
It uses spaces for indenting
@MadaraUchiha I had eye surgery on friday
That's a fair excuse.
It adds a listener for 'state' event on mount, but removes a listener from 'newState' on unmount.
@OliverSalzburg Too quick to acuse. I am 🐑 Ovis Aries 🐑.
@MadaraUchiha ayyyy lmao
didn't notice the bottom part
@OliverSalzburg also only uses 2
3 or 4 is fine, 2 is too few, 5 is too much
@MadaraUchiha I must say it doesn't look bad at all after 2.5 years or whatever
and btw, that's the system that I made to mock a real flux and turned out to be the main web app
surprise :D
@ShrekOverflow I think some browsers don't support sticky yet? And what other property were you talking about?
@Sheepy In our country, the stork brings the children. I could see one riding in on a sheep as well
@Mosho then the population shouldn't grow right?
@KarelG at exactly 2, no, and at slightly over 2 because shit happens and people die
I forget what the actual number is for for a healthy nation
2.7 I think, on average
which I think puts most developed countries well in the "fucked" range of the spectrum
I came in here at the wrong time
@BrianMcCall Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RahulJain All up to date browsers support sticky: caniuse.com/#feat=css-sticky
@Mosho oh right! How'd that go?
I assume you're still alive
and can somewhat read
@Mosho A birth rate of 2.1 result in a balanced population - not going up or down. How much growth (or un-growth, in case of China) is considered healthy varies by culture and age I think.
so your eyeballs aren't completely fucked
@Sheepy I read a paper once that quoted something like 2.7 for "sustaining the culture" and stuff like that
@towc not completely, no
something go wrong?
yay :D
so, are you a cyborg yet?
except having to deal with how weird I look without glasses
you should totally go around with glasses frames and no lens
well, that mean 2 kids?
be one of those people
Get some non-perscription glasses XD
Or did you have seen a 0.7 person?
@KarelG ?
In colloquial language, an average is a middle or typical number of a list of numbers. Different concepts of average are used in different contexts. Often "average" refers to the arithmetic mean, the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers are being averaged; in mathematics and statistics, this would be called the arithmetic mean. In statistics, mean, median, and mode are all known as measures of central tendency, and in colloquial usage sometimes any of these might be called an average value. == Calculation == === Arithmetic mean === The most common type of average is the arithmetic mean...
or cut a leg off the third
Tbf , there is one country that has a 0 birthrate
the vatican isn't an actual country
no, Vatican City :P
it is
well, that's what they make you think
we all know what goes on in a room full of elderly who seek power
it's no more a country than disneyland is
@towc They bath in a big tub of spaghetti?
actually, wait, isn't the fertility rate infinite/undefined?
And the winner has to eat the contents of the tub to be accepted as pope!
@OliverSalzburg nah, they brag how many kids they got have.
standard birthrate is births/woman
there are no resident women, are there?
so births/0
now, not sure to count the births. Maybe a tourist broke their waters in st peter's square
This room has a very high birthrate :P
@towc there are women in the vatican
but do they count as residents?
is the pope the only resident?
there are multiple priests and nuns residing there as residents. They even have a passport of that city state
> On February 26, 2013, Worldcrunch reported that there were around 30 women who are citizens of Vatican City.
oh, damn
well, TIL
Women in Vatican City are those who live in or are from Vatican City. According to the Herald Sun in March 2011, there were "only 32 female citizens" residing in the "smallest state in the world". Out of the 572 citizens issued with Vatican passports, one of them is a nun. On February 26, 2013, Worldcrunch reported that there were around 30 women who are citizens of Vatican City. In 2003, Worldcrunch also reported that there were 2 South American women, 3 Swiss women, 2 Polish women, and some Italian women. As of February 2013, the majority of the women were from Italy. == Female residents == Among...
They have their own article!
No information on births though. I am disappoint
> Vatican City is one of six countries worldwide that ban abortion completely—even if the mother's life is in danger.
well, wut
> Among the women who lived in Vatican City was one of the daughters of an electrician, who later got married and "lost her right to live" in the city.
religion is a crazy thing
@towc don't leave out the other part of that paragraph
> Another woman who lives in Vatican City was Magdalena Wolińska-Riedi, who is a Polish translator and wife of one of the Swiss Guards.[2]
makes sense
like 2+2=3
better get on with the cleaning
@Mosho I am now curious if they can have kids...
nvm found another thing I'm fascinated by: github.com/s-macke/VoxelSpace
(3d terrain generation/rendering in 20 lines of code)
2.5 is the exact amount of dimensions you need to maintain a culture
actaully just 1 d and 2-3 women
not touching that
the God of the bible rules
Let's not
not what ben?
@Mosho How was the surgery btw? Recovering well?
@MadaraUchiha yeah, went ok, no issues
don't see as good yet
@towc I sold some this weekend. Almost made back my entire investment
Now I'm waiting a bit to dump the rest and then I hope the market crashes minutes after!
what did you initially put in?
I'm not going to go on record regarding the extent of my irresponsible spending habits
how long ago? :P
"Not enough" is what I would currently say
I watch the € price, it was around 3400€ at the time
oh, end of summer 2016, about
@OliverSalzburg are you rich now
Not rich enough :sadface:
@towc Actually much more recent. My initial purchase was end of August this year
oh, really?
So it doubled in 3 months
btw, I just noticed an onion at the back of a shelf started sprouting:
Pot that sucker!
I thought it was some huge worm or snake for a couple of seconds
@BenFortune O.o I want to see if it is a good 3D printer
towc, tip: put the onions in a bowl. Much easier to cleanup if you have to do that
hmm that product has 220 x 220 x 240mm printing volume, while rlemon suggested CR 10 which has 300 x 300 x 400mm
I'm reaching my internets quota earlier than usual today
lmao what the hell is this website
> Heidi has been criticised for her actions on Facebook
She's fucked
I think that's what she wants
@Mosho xD
Well, she brexited right out of that
9 kids in one household. Fuck
@OliverSalzburg Thanks captian obvious.
I just fucked up my entire work area with a script that's supposed to automatically bump dependencies in all projects in the work area
I have that in every project now
Wow that is even better than the fidget cube!
Anyone know a good file format for saving database items to? I use PHP to post to a .js file using variable.push, but i've been told this isnt a good way to go about it. Any suggestions?
I dont want to use mysql if possible
Use Postgres
Nobody wants to use MySQL
@OliverSalzburg will that let me keep the database in the website root like the .js file? I don't have any reason to keep this database hidden from public
I wanna learn Computers again. Like, I know things but I just learnt them in very different manner, don't know fundamentals for everything. Where should I begin with?
Computers is a nice world
@RahulJain I would start with javascript if you want to learn to program
I suggest you you to begin by explaining wtf you mean with "Computers"
it's like... too broad
@finlx You could do that, but it wouldn't really make sense
@OliverSalzburg Okay fair enough i'll take a look at postgres, thank you
It's a weird requirement
@finlx you can do it, it's how django for example works by default if you don't provide a database, with sqlite
@Neoares yeah, like I know js but don't know under the hoods to make programs efficient. I don't like hardwares part, more like networking and web
for local development it's ok, though if you use postgres in production you probably should use it in development too
but it's generally a no-no for an application to run facing users while using that setup
for various reasons
What a day!
Finally consistent dependency versions everywhere
npm update moment.js
@KarelG That doesn't do the same thing
My friend Anna just sent me this photo from my high school trivia team days. Notice the hair that would eventually migrate to my face.

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