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@Zirak Now that we? have that intro out of the way
Most of the? methods are stolen from
It will also launch resource requests , for example with?
"uninformally" is not a word, and I'm not sure if you were trying to be funny :P
and please make "firefoxi" a thing, without mentioning firefoxes πŸ˜›
maybe say in parentheses that it's the plural of firefox, so it doesn't look like a typo
but that's really subjective
> Compatibility: It’s 4 am.
however funny this is, it could be a good idea to put something useful in there. I feel kind of cheated
Looking for HTML for an explanation...
I have a complex term - PTSD
I'd like a little underlines and popup with explanation
I think I can do something similar with <span title="post traumatic stress disorder">PTSD</span> but not sure if that is the right idea
(then I could style the thing so it has little underlines that looks like link - but that wouldn't be functional on mobile)
Clean, semantic solution - ideally no JS BS
Explanation / Title / Term / Legend... Not even sure how to tall a little tooltip so expand an abbreviation.
hey guys
stupid curried functions
it doesn't print errors when you don't pass in sufficient arguments
it thinks it's still waiting
good evening!
guys, quick and maybe stupid question, I've seem some functions in javascript with a for( i = 0 ; ...). But inside constructors the interpreter complains about a undeclared variable assignment, that can be fixed by for( let i = 0; ...). Why this different behavior inside the constructor? When does javascript automatically declare the variable?
So, anybody know any big js web apps worth looking at? I'm trying to figure out best practices your app consists of several "panels" or program states...
3 hours later…
@Zirak memes don't work... :(
wow yeah best badge to earn right</sarcasm>
My internet does not work in Chrome. It works in Edge and firefox. What could be wrong
Does it work on Internet Explorer?
TypeScript - Does decorator run during import time?
Does execution of statement import myDefault from '/modules/my-module.js'; decorators used in my-module.js execute?
@overexchange Yes
Everything at the top-level of a module gets executed
If the decorator isn't found inside of a function, it will be executed as soon as the module gets imported.
@MadaraUchiha Angular 2 is majorly depending on decorator syntax. Any idea on this query?
Like @NgModule() parametrised decorator
1 hour later…
The major problem with JavaScript is so many people are still stuck with pre-ECMA ideas and think 'top level' global variables should rule everything by force
*pre ECMA 2106
there is almost no value to this as it creates a situation where over-writing everything just bollockses up entire applications
I know this is pretty obvious to everyone by this point
but it's still a pain point for many
what is pre ECMA?
pre ECMA 2016
I should really have said 2015
among many other things, it allowed people to write code that wasn't hoisting useless variables up the rankings all over the place
anyway, I don't know if this is the kind of thing that's allowed here, but if people want to code review github.com/PeterDavidCarter/haaweb/blob/master/assets/js/… I was wondering it it's possible to write in pure JavaScript as I find jQuery, wonderful as it is, can be slightly sluggish and prefer the feel of pure JS
It took me way too long to realize what is what in this pic:
2 hours later…
@KamilSolecki Damn, the perspective really fucks with you!
yeah It took me long time to realize its not bar stools :D
Same. I was wondering why there were pebbles on every stool
yeah lol
Hello. Does anyone have any idea about why on earth after deleting a configurable own property from an object (with delete returning true), I can still see it using Object.keys()?
const a = {};
Object.defineProperty(a, 'x', { configurable: true });
delete a.x;
I don't see x in the output. What's your code / which browser do you see it in?
yeah, I also tried to reproduce in a MWE and failed
I'm using Node.js
!!lunch or breakfast
@towc lunch
Don't see it with Node v8.9.1 either
@SomeGuy at some point I have this code

const res = delete value.name;
console.error(name + ' DELETED ' + res);

and I get this output

protocol DELETED true
[ ..., 'protocol' ]
Try Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor on it?
{ get: [Function: protocol],
set: undefined,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true }
is the fact that it is a getter relevant?
(not a class-like getter, it's added with Object.defineProperty...)
where I install a plugin by npm, where will it be placed?
do you mean module?
unless you're talking about a specific environment, like hexo plugins
either way, they normally all go to node_modules
yes I meant modules
 Aborted due to warnings.
 Running "uglify:dist" (uglify) task
 JS_Parse_Error {
   message: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token: operator (>)',
   filename: '../concat/production.js',
hi there; I try sience hours to do a deploy on heroku
 >> Uglifying source .tmp/public/concat/production.js failed.
 Warning: Uglification failed.
 SyntaxError: Unexpected token: operator (>).
 Line 1575 in .tmp/public/concat/production.js

 Looks like a Grunt error occurred--
 Please fix it, then **restart Sails** to continue running tasks (e.g. watching for changes in assets)
 Or if you're stuck, check out the troubleshooting tips below.
I googled a lot, but nothing solved the problem
tried every solution :/
Q: heroku and sails app | crashes and timeouts

CiscoKidxI have a very basic sails app up and running locally. When I deploy to Heroku, I cannot get a response from the app and then eventually get "Application Error". I sometimes receive "No data received". heroku logs 2015-08-30T22:06:50.949475+00:00 heroku[api]: Release v22 created by me 2015-08-3...

sup sup
@Suisse First place I'd start looking is Line 1575 in concat/production.js
You pushed a git merge conflict.
It amazes me how incompetent some people remain.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, I wanted him to reach that conclusion though
It's Suisse, it's not like he's going to put the time in and learn. He'll be back in a few with another question.
inb4 he says it's not a merge conflict after fixing the merge conflict.
using mongodb can help avoid most merge conflicts
Because you never get to the point you're committing
@SomeGuy oh God I feel so dumb. I should have use square brackets...
@effeffe For what?
@SomeGuy for the delete
Oh! hahaha, that's an annoying oversight
guys can someone point me in the right direction
how would i make a jquery script for a chrome extension
@TheCodesee πŸ‘ˆ
so that each number, for example 707981077
goes to example.com/707981077 when clicked
@MadaraUchiha ?
You asked us to point you in the right direction.
but isnt that left?
I have been outplayed.
Should have replied "no, that was towards my avatar"
Since I am kind sir jQuery PHP master that helps with all your queries.
Yeah, Benji is a kind jQuery master who can help you with all your questions @TheCodesee
do you need me to explain it in more detail
Sure, although in order to get my help - you must first pass my apprentice jQuery padawan enthusiast @MadaraUchiha :)
He has a jQuery gold badge and is a StackOverflow jQuery moderator - you're in good hands.
i see
what do i have to do
Why do you need jQuery?
Making a JSON request is just fetch("https://rbx.rocks/apis/catalog?percentage=42").then(x => x.json())
its for a chrome extension
In a background page (in an async function):
let json = await fetch("https://rbx.rocks/apis/catalog?percentage=42").then(x => x.json())
Inside an async function, oh, and read stackoverflow.com/questions/14220321/…
Don't forget the async function
i have this at the moment
setInterval(function() {
  $.getJSON('https://rbx.rocks/apis/catalog?percentage=30', function(data) {
}, 1000);
What I would like to display in the console log is each item in "catalog_items" below one another
how are these jQuery levels obtained?
@Traitor You take the W3Schools jQuery certification
only $95
no im serious
ah okay
how do u send emojis?
would i have to reiterate through the data?
@MadaraUchiha gag
IS tomorro cybermonday"?
Hey mosho
@MadaraUchiha we should get it for Nitzan's birthday
Like, pool up ~10 people and buy him jQuery certification
from W3Schools
I bet you also need to take a test :D
> Candidates who have more than 95% correct answers will get an Excellency Degree notation added to their certificate.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That must happen. ^
He needs to get the regular certificate from W3Schools IMO :D
No, no, definitely an excellence notation.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1348195/benjamin-gruenbaum) have 157432 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 70 questions, gave 1743 answers, for a q:a ratio of 10:249.
avg. rep/post: 86.83. Badges: 56g 349s 396b
I haven't run this in like ~3 years
@BenjaminGruenbaum Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
@ShrekOverflow hi
@Mosho how's the degree coming along?
@BenjaminGruenbaum did 1 study term, now is an off (work) term
3 more study terms to go :'(
Still working for the same place?
I was under the impression I would do 2 study terms in a row, but I was wrong
so I didn't get an interesting internship, but leaving work for a few months would have been not cool anyway
Yeah but we were talking about some cool places to work for last time we talked about it
still have 1 more to do
in 8 months
how's your work?
Pretty interesting, lots of tricky problems to tackle.
!!work on vpn or take rest?
Lots of algorithmic stuff I haven't brushed off in a while, a bunch of JS and performance I'm good at, no UI (which is nice since it's effectively network programming so a new field)
@ShrekOverflow work on vpn
Driving for 10 hours. Pls send tunez
@Jhoverit which kind ?
@Jhoverit john cage is hot
I listented to Holst: Planets
@BenjaminGruenbaum sounds great
and how is the company, people?
@Mosho yeah, it's great. The people are nice, I'm making friends (although it took a little longer) - doing stuff together with people here now so that's good.
It's also great to not manage people
Uri Katz is hiring :D
I heard :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum that sounds like fun!
what are you working on :?
@towc name a song? I found a few John cages
and yeah, I'm with you
no management, less or no UI
@Jhoverit 4'33
also no fintech
at least not this type of fintech
@towc is this a prank lol
half-prank, I guess :P
I just hear some rustling
Lmao you got me I tried like 4 versions of it
4'33 doesn't have any musical notes. The music is made by the confusion of the audience
or the environment and stuff like that
@Jhoverit If you don't mind classical music itunes.apple.com/us/album/… I am sure Google Music / Youtube has it
Lmao that's for sure.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm in Israel end of january btw
but john cage also writes concerts for pans and ironing boards
cc @MadaraUchiha @Zirak
it's interesting stuff
I'll check it out Shrek
@Mosho you're telling me now :D?
Time to drive I'll be back later
I'm in the Galapagos and Equador half of January and some of Feb
@BenjaminGruenbaum about to buy tickets
flying back around february 20
Oh cool :)
Let's have a beer, I'm away from Israel Jan 19th to Feb 8th or something like that
yeah, should work
@Mosho skiing in israel?
Awesome, would be great to see you
@towc I don't think so
For once we'd be able to meet and not have questions about your build
I'm sure it'll come up regardless
Fwiw, @Mosho's code still builds Angular, and you still have Angular
<3 angular
prove it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, but we don't build it anymore
@MadaraUchiha sure, but you're at the mercy of product right now, if product wants a change in the header you're pretty much stuck.
@towc angular isn't that needy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope, "3 weeks" which is kinda true.
I doubt anyone would agree to give us 3 weeks to develop on something we're actively phasing out
And if they do, welp, I guess we'll just have to do it.
@MadaraUchiha no, they'd be pissed at you, then get an outsourcer to touch your code after they promise to do it in 2 days and you'll be left cleaning the mess. Although I totally see myself taking similar risks
@Luggage how would you know. It never showed its real self to the likes of you
@BenjaminGruenbaum I might just consider leaving if that were actually the case, tbh.
@MadaraUchiha tell me I'm not right.
I'd like to hope that you're not.
I'd like to hope that Gilad knows better.
If you estimate a small header change at 3 weeks, I'm not sure any company would behave much differently. Tech doesn't dictate all the shots all the time.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It does when pretty much all technical choices made (and approved) get us further and further away from being able to sanely maintain the Angular project.
No one can complain that it will take 3 weeks now, everyone knows that Angular is fairly untouchable by the point, and that's by design.
Let's play role reversal, unrelated to TipRanks or concrete places. You're the CEO of Serious Company Inc. - R&D took X time to develop feature Y since forever, now you're asking R&D to do like an R&D does and do feature X scope work on a project. R&D has taken a project that was development ready and made it unmaintainable to make code prettier - R&D didn't communicate that fact to you - you wouldn't be very happy.
@BenjaminGruenbaum We communicated it very well for the past few months.
Your other alternative as R&D is to invent some shit up like "The flux capacitor needs calibrating for us to touch that code" - but that's not too great.
Every time we made a choice that would make general development faster and nicer but would also make maintaining the custom mess harder, we said so and got a green light.
That's good, just make sure everything is very clearly communicated.
!!nudge 90 oven
@towc Nudge #2 registered.
What is the best source in the web to learn angular 2?
@ErroreFatale the official website, and hirez.io
You mean this tutorial?
Although honestly hirez is much nicer in terms of production level - a friend of mine is doing it and he's much funnier than the official site + I like videos
Yeah, might as well link it hirez.io
might someone suggest a funny film for me to watch?
Good day, does anyone here speak node/express/ejs?
!!welcome ptts
@ptts Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok. Thanks for the heads up
What is the best/easiest way to route following get requests to the main index page with node/express? I want "/", "/home", and "/index" all routed to the index.ejs file.
And I want an else statement sending the people to the 404. This does not work, this only works for "/":
app.get("/", function(req, res){
if(req.url === "/index" || req.url === "/" || req.url === "home"){
res.render(path.resolve(__dirname + "/views/index"))}
else {
res.render(path.resolve(__dirname + "/views/404"))
What might be the issue? I am seeing such character on my French Home page
@AnjanaSharma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
guys is anyone experienced in rich notifications?
Cc @SterlingArcher @rlemon @KendallFrey
@towc nudge oven
Shadow dom question; is it possible to have content next to a shadowRoot? It seems that when i attach a shadow to a host, the hosts initial content disappears but it's still visible in dev tools. Demo: codepen.io/nicklassandell/pen/aVjYep
anyone knows their way around kubernetes?
I have 14 vm's across 2 clusters
and I'm creating 14 deployments
want to make sure they get assigned
so when you create a new Date object, you can do something like this:

`let d = new Date();`
`>Sun Nov 26 2017 11:15:04 GMT-0800 (PST)`

without invoking the toString method
how can you do this for any object?
@Dave Date() is a function, not an object. It simply returns the value.
@qwerty from the spec: "if no arguments are provided, the constructor creates a JavaScript Date object for the current date and time according to system settings."
a, in the above code is a Javascript Date Object
d, rather
when you call a constructor function an object is returned. I just don't understand how Date Object describes itself by default
@Dave Maybe this is of help jsfiddle.net/pcppyrhm
@qwerty this is not how a constructed object works.
@qwerty do you see the difference?

@Dave Yeah I see what you mean, I'm not sure how it's done
@Dave Let me know if you figure it out
will do
1 hour later…
Microsoft issued me a Mac when they hired me to help people use Linux on Azure. ✨ If this sounds like the beginning of a nerdy joke, it’s because we need to question long-held opinions, let go of deeply-cherished stereotypes, and welcome this new era of open collaboration.
good job MS :)
maybe they issued her that mac because she looks like the type that would go against a windows PC
^ that
i bet you that's the computer she prefers and uses
uhh... wait... why would you get a mac to help people on linux
why not get a linux computer
that's so sad
shame she wasnt my friend
.. unless she was trying to get a gender studies degree
@towc Person in job making more than 90% of the earths population complains about being given a machine which costs more than many peoples monthly salary
sorry if I don't have pity.
Unless I'm reading it wrong and she's happy, but it's very oddly worded otherwise
I think she's happy
the smiley face was the first clue
what smiley face?
I guess you read it as well as I did πŸ˜‰
The one I imagined
@Loktar fine. Maybe not "good job", but "about fucking time"
@towc disregard my comment
I took it totally the opposite way lol
I was assuming she wanted a linux machine..
which to me would make sense sort of like what @HatterisMad said
the only reason to give someone a linux computer is to keep them off the wifi
it seems like she was thrilled to be given a mac because it somehow improves her ability to help linux customers
why not get a computer that was manufactured to use linux
either way, life update: I've now tried turning on the AC so I feel like the covers are more comfortable in another attempt to fall asleep before I'm mentally exhausted
or not make a point about the manufacturer mattering at all in the first place
no big vendor sells linux laptops with support, macs are close enough for most purposes
darwin is mostly a posix env
the darwin was weak with that girl
had been in bed without looking at a screen and trying to sleep for apparentl 1hr, then heard the ping, decided to disregard and keep on trying, then heard the edit ping, and thought something important happened, so looked
and that gave me the idea to turn the AC on. Don't ask
we won't
we won't
Zirak taught me not to ask long ago
and slovak girl may or may not come tomorrow, it turned into an awkward mess
as just about anything I touch
on the other hand, I realized that there's no particular thing that I want in life :D
which is great
because it means I can just sit around lazily until I somehow die, and be absolutely ok with it, I hope
@qwerty its engine specific
CNI is some kind of magic that eludes me :(
on another note, this would be nice:
Dear @ChromeDevTools, with binary data becoming more common in the browser, something like console.hex() would be brilliant to have in the Dev Tools. Very useful for logging TypedArrays and ArrayBuffers. But also to see the encoding of strings. 👍
@towc what seems to be the problem, mr copot?
hmmm, why do you think there are problems?
oh god
well, that's one of them
urgh, I just don't know what I want to do, and I don't even mind :P
just play vidya games
honestly a big FU to programming might be due
but then it's not like I want to spend time with people
Just play video games then
nor do I want to be that unproductive
I bet a therapist could help you find something you enjoy
if anything, becoming a video game person might just be too stereotypical for me to be ok with it
Play frog fractions, it's fun and you learn something about fractions
@KendallFrey I'm enjoying being confused. Again, I don't mind
@copy that game is addictive
I got most of the way through it once, took forever
I used to think it was a serious game
inb4 it is a serious game
in other news: somehow she's not picking up on the fact that I'm an awkward fuck (or she is and just being an amazing person) and will probably be coming tomorrow
not... literally
either of the things
you pervs
I think the AC is doing its job
I'm now seeking the covers instead of pushing them away and feeling uncomfortable
oooooh took me a while that W and S were also possible things
tell us more
we're interested in the minutiae of your day-to-day life
so, a there's a fly on the window
!!giphy it crowd fly

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