I've been lazing off and learning a shitton of stuff without much practice for too long now
need to make another fullstack application
and maybe actually finish it this time
most attempts at contributing to OSS have ended with the communities not being active or me not having enough skills to contribute to the project, and the gap between what I'd have to know and what I actually know would be too great for me to feel motivated
knowing mostly that it's skills that I won't be using in other scenarios
!!> let obj = { "data":{"HPH":[{"firstvalue":"[I NEED THIS VALUE]>= 0","secondvalue":"<=HCH"}],"HCE":[{"firstvalue":"> 0","secondvalue":null}],"HCH":[{"firstvalue":">= 0","secondvalue":"<=HPE"}]} }; obj.data['HPH'][0]['firstvalue'];
I have an existing chat application using nodejs, socket.io and mongodb which is working fine. I am also using mongoose to manage the db.
However with the increase in the number of users I have to horizontally scale my application on different servers and my existing application will fail.
I r...
Please do anyone know why when i click on edit it toggle the class for `UpdateComment`, but when i click the update it show alert for both `SubmitComment` and `UpdateComment`?
@PhilipJems Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious on his QA. IMO, having more than one account is OK if you're very serious about avoiding to exploit that (for example answering/starring/voting your other account)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I still did not have figured out how HN can shadowban your HN account by using a direct link. The referrer only shows the url. Ofc they can use the search tool. But even then, they still have to link my name here on SO to my name on HN, which are different :P
hi everyone! how can convert object string as a integers and use this values for a sum: {cost: " $200"} {cost: " $100"} and want to do is: 200 + 100 = 300
@Neoares Yea Ive done quite a bit of Googling this AM on browser support for other, simpler features such as width: fit-content which browser support SUCKS for. Glad I didnt follow that trail...
Helo frendos. Anyone able to maybe assist me with something? I'm wondering why I'm getting a response of <unavailable> when querying a website. Stack search is failing me and I can't find anything related. There is my code; jsfiddle.net/z244fth2
@WillParky93 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am getting value in console in your fiddle.. `Get success show:59:4 {…} buying: 0 buyingQuantity: 0 overall: 0 selling: 0 sellingQuantity: 0 __proto__: Object { … } show:60:4 id is126`
but im gonna do some more research @towc That's continual and forever. I was just seeing if anyone had a quick remedy to learning how to get out of floats and into display inline-block quickly so I could absorb it as I was converting
The following PHP script with MySQL is basically working fine:
global $wpdb;
$keyword = $wpdb->_real_escape(strtolower($keyword));
$res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type='product' AND post_status='publish' AND ((LOWER(post_title) LIKE '%{$keyword}%') OR (LOWER(p...
// option 1
let val = a.b.c.d || null;
// this gives error if a.b.c is undefined or a.b is undefined etc.
// option 2: alternate version
let val2 = null;
if (a.b && a.b.c && a.b.c.d) {
val2 = a.b.c.d;
Is there an elegant way of writing th...
+1 @towc Off to learn more about display: inline-block to replace what usta be float left and right here: your-adrenaline-fix.com/… (Side note: If you saw my site b4 and almost barfed at the 90's look of it, you'll dig what ive been up to. Incomparable difference
you can either create a <p> first separately (recommended for security reasons along with other things) and then use the first link, or you can use the last link to manipulate the whole html string
On button click we are get the data from the database that data i need to display in the text field but it working fine for me. but i try to get Id value from the $.each(data, function (i, v1) i cannot get ID value: var GenID = jQuery('[id$=hdnGenericID]').val(v1.Value);
There was no callback hell in my reduce. In any cases, callback hell is a thing of the past. Now we just have weird untraceable bugs when forgetting what functions are async.