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2:00 PM
@OliverSalzburg 24hrs is not a useful window to judge stocks
Oh, right, you're on NASDAQ
that change is a fraction of a % and probably won't last the day
1day, below previous closing
point is: "no one cares, it wont hurt them, they big" isn't always true. we've seen lots of "big" "rich" companies take big hits due to fuckups being publicly blasted this year
and I don't think that trend is going to go away
2:02 PM
Logitech, EA, Uber, ...
in increasing order of federal fines :P
don't forget equifuckups
that one might be even more interesting, depending on what regulations come out of it
> 0.10
> es-depricated
render() {
        const innerColorHsl = hexToHsl(this.props.color);
        const innerColorHex = hslToHex({ hue: innerColorHsl.hue, saturation: innerColorHsl.saturation, luminance: innerColorHsl.luminance * 0.9 });

        // Set appropriate styles based on the input property
        let style;
        if (this.props.striped) {
            style = {
                background: `repeating-linear-gradient(
                    ${this.props.color} 10px,
@rlemon Where is that from?
2:06 PM
ugly or not?
@OliverSalzburg someone posted on /r/webdev
Does this coding challenge seem a little excessive prior to even having an interview with someone that isn't part of HR?
@KamilSolecki Template string with lots of whitespace is ugly
@OliverSalzburg it is?
without syntax highlighting, it would be a pain to read
so would jsx
shit, so would js
2:09 PM
@rlemon Yes :D
@OliverSalzburg I guess we only really agree on plants.
because, dats wrong yo
I'm fine with that
So, debugger causes function to not be optimized if I'm not mistaken. Is there something I can do to trigger a breakpoint during development that does not negatively impact production code?
if you're using webpack, replace debugger with /* noop */ or something in the prod bundle?
I usually just set breakpoints
@ssube I'm not. Especially because this is backend code
Oh crap I forgot.
2:13 PM
Breakpoints don't transfer easily to other workstations
especially? webpack works just as well on the backend
After certain luminance I'm supposed to invert the conversion
@ssube Alright. Then let's just say that I don't think this is the kind of problem that should necessitate introducing another tool into our stack
that's fair
you could move that into a function of its own and put that in a second file
replace that file/fn with a noop
I like that
2:17 PM
works just right now
why do you need to convert between them? and not just one way?
1. I like to make my components useful in the future, and hopefully not only for me.
2. One usually wants to pass a hex value to the component
component has a 2 props: color: number and striped: bool
why when trying to run nano from a screen session It fucks with the baud?something to fuck my text
after exiting nano
it was fucked as soon as I entered nano
is it windows term used with linux screen?
2:21 PM
@KamilSolecki no
Ubuntu screening to debian
then dunno
something wrote binary/command characters and switched charset, I bet
I cat binary files fairly often and just reset after
@rlemon debian usually has vi installed by default too, does that fuck up too?
no I just re-connected and vim is fine
stupid nano
I knew I hated it for good reason
also ctrl+o ctrl+x seems stupid to me
thats the main reason why im not using it :D
2:24 PM
that's fine, screen has just as stupid key combos
> why won't it freaking pull the repo?!
interface SquareConfig {
    color?: string;
    width?: number;

function createSquare(config: SquareConfig): {color: string; area: number} {

   /* function body */

:looks at device:
I forgot to plug in the eth
Typescript - What does syntax {color: string; area: number} indicate?
an object, much like SquareConfig
color is expected to be a string, area is expected to be a number
I think
I don't TS, but that would make sense
2:29 PM
a better signature would be createSquare(config: Partial<SquareConfig>): SquareConfig and take out the ? from the interface
so if I recall, that says createSquare returns an object with a color String, and a area Number
Is that the return type?
What is the advantage of width:number being width?:number?
2:38 PM
width?: number is equivalent to width: number | undefined
Kamil, I don't like nano either
I find vim more convenient.
A co-worker once told me that I'm an ancient. I took that as a compliment
"Ancient" as in SG-1 🤓
you should have said "sorry, actually we prefer Alteran, Ancient is kinda a derogatory term in our society"
that, rlemon, would definitely make me a nerd. I love being a geek, but being a nerd. No.
would it? or would it scare you because then you risk being an Ori
huh? huh?!
I gotta re-watch sg-1. it's been like 6m
2:45 PM
Me an ori? Nevah!
@KarelG "ignore the pale skin, and fucked up eyes. I just have jaundice"
just fyi, I have all SG-1 episodes on my HDD. If i'm in mood to watch it again, i just plug it in my media server and stream it to my pc
yea I have the dvd box set
i torrented it :|
then "I ripped it" to my hdd
aka, downloaded it because swapping dvd's is a pain
but hey, I own a physical copy at least.
I keep toying with buying SGA
but .. it's not as good, and it's much shorter
2:47 PM
also torrented that
so idk.
it was on netflix for the longest time.
they've been steadily losing the good shows
if I really like a scifi series I usually end up buying the box set. mostly as room art :D
like TNG and SG-1
@KendallFrey LOL
> NASAs discovery of water on Mars was just sand.
lol wat
printer came
3:03 PM
I think I'm going to upgrade my printer camera, get something with tilt/pan and IR
that'd be nice
I wanna build a 'station' for it first
it looks like banggood sells a camera that can work with this surveillance hub software
@rlemon I have a pair of heavy metal garage shelves coming tomorrow to put it on
I went look for a deep shelf and they were all $150+, but a pair of otherwise identical shallow (14" vs 24") shelves were $30 each...
I'm still debating which room to put it in
garage won't work unless I heat the garage
so I just got two and plan on ziptying them
so.. office or basement
3:05 PM
yeah, my garage is too cold, so it's in the basement
basement would work fine for me, but I need to build something stable enough to hold it
don't wanna put the coffee table down there.
which is totally doable. maybe on the weekend.
hello guys
Has anyone here played shadow of war?
/me is avoiding it because of its monetization strategy
I've played Hello Kitty Online
3:20 PM
... and I have no intention of grinding 80 hours to get the "proper ending", without spending real money to buy virtual orks
hey actual js-related question here
I'm working with socket io for now and I want to somehow verify the size of incoming socket requests in the handshake--before they're accepted by the server. When malicious users try to send me a 2gb packet, I want to shut that down without node trying to digest it. I've been searching for the past three days and I cannot find anything on this, which seems baffling. Am I missing something really obvious?
Right now I'm thinking about moving to npm websockets/ws but I just realized I don't really know how you do that there either and my googlefu has proved as fruitless as it did with socke tio
not that this is not on a connection basis: it is on a per-emit basis
is your reverse proxy aware of the socket message size?
that's where I would look, at the nginx/haproxy/ALB/WAF layer
That's what I figured. It's actually why I thought maybe I should move to pure websockets: I'm a newbie to server admin and I wasn't sure how to track all the possible ways I know socket will try to set up communication
the socket library on the node side shouldn't matter, they are a standard protocol
Does long polling traffic go through the same port as websocket traffic? How do I check the packet size on any of this? And what terms do I need to be searching to help guide me?
3:29 PM
Long polling is just HTTP.
What about flash?
What about it?
I don't see anything socket body size related in the nginx docs, so maybe it's not a thing
I know socket can and will try to use flash if it can't set up a better connection: how do I sniff those packet headers to decide if I should let them in?
there are SO questions and issues in the socket repo
3:31 PM
it's funny how width and height properties don't work the same way in FF and in Chrome
at least in video elements
So... forgive me if this still dumb but

I know the nginx default client_max_body_size is 1Mib but obviously websocket traffic amounts to much more than that
And I've had users who have fed my server a 2gib object so obviously the socket traffic isn't being caught by that
@Cereal ask @Loktar but I think that he was busy with total war warhammer II
@kikjezrous that applies to the body of http requests, not sockets
3:38 PM
I did not have bought that game yet. The first one is a very good game. I have also heard positive feedback from that game
oh god
PS C:\dev> git checkout crmModules
Switched to branch 'crmModules'
Your branch is behind 'origin/crmModules' by 2495 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)
PS C:\dev>
since they would not be able to sell physical copies, it could cut their sales a bit :o
@KarelG Bit of a tiny sample size
other games got sold out
Yeah, those by the publishers where the shitstorm is already forgotten
Like Ubisoft with their scandalous DRM
And maybe the game is just shit or they just restocked. I wouldn't know :D
It's fine to get annoyed about that shit, I'm just saying it really makes no difference in the long run. People will just get a coupon for 5 free Facebook likes or whatever and they will forget all about it
that is true
Tomorrow we'll be talking about Nike for saying you should put corn sirup and watermelon in your shoes and that is racist somehow
3:53 PM
hmmm that certainly would lead to wet feet
I rather have to see something else wet. ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
Trump probably paid EA to do it, to get people over his elephant hunting son
> to get people over his elephant hunting son
did I miss something?
You see. It's working better than expected
That one has the photo with his son holding the cut off tail
And that was just published to move your attention off the fucking earth being flat!!!!
Fucking lizard people are ruling the world!
it is odd that this decision did not got highlighted much
I'm a person taht follows up news by reading paper newspapers and online news sites. Yet it is the first time I have seen that article.
4:09 PM
That's what makes my conspiracy theory theory so plausible
Times are moving fast. I'm already enjoying House of Cards again!
the power of webgl nowadays: adultswim.com/etcetera/elastic-man
@towc Hot!
That's actually making me feel slightly uncomfortable
4:31 PM
well that sucks
the beagle bone black octoprint service won't start
4:42 PM
I just lost a second puppy to foxes. That's it. Every fox on the map is being hunted.
first print failed.
stupid test print 185 nozzle and 50 bed
is this pla?
go higher
the test print on the card with the test roll
ofc. I was just running the initial test.gcode on the card
4:44 PM
you can raise it after it starts.
and my third puppy just had the tail bitten off by the same fox that woke up before the hunter got to him to finish him off
but otherwise unharmed
no work today?
it's thanksgiving
i think
yea, whew
ohh yea
@towc Thank you
you're welcome
4:54 PM
@DigitalDulphin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Um, If you encode a json string twice will it cause an error in php and JS?
I think that is best answered by looking at the output after each encoding to see what it does.
hey guys, I want to create a project generator in node. I'm unsure what to use so I'm looking for recomendations.
5:08 PM
npm install -g express-generator
yeoman, was the thing I was looking for. Thx
@KamilSolecki hey man thanks!
@Cereal yeah
it's pretty damn fun
@rlemon is that the 2nd printer for work, or for you?
5:23 PM
Happy Thanksgiving from Rimworld. I was attacked by turkeys (I think a coincidence).
@Loktar Lots of reviews on steam were saying it forces microtransactions
But some others were saying no - wanted a non-steam opinion
I didn't buy a single thing
they are there, and that's annoying sure
5:27 PM
right on. 40% off right now
but you don't have to use them at all
the microtransactions are for orcs for your fortresses pretty much
and you can get them normally
you also earn tons of money in game so you can buy stuff with that as well
I mean I'm not a fan of those things in an SP game, but it honestly didn't affect me at all
and 40% off... wth
you see the new Wolfenstein game was 50% off??
came out like 28 days ago lol
Really struggling with positioning that guy
going to be a ton of supports regardless I guess
@Loktar Never finished the first one
Hard time justifying the second one when I haven't finished the first
Same reason I haven't gotten AC: origins yet. Haven't finished syndicate
Before I download something random off the internet - does anyone have a recommendation to look at the memory of a process on windows?
5:43 PM
@Cereal oh yeah I don't want the 2nd one, and I did finish the first actually
apparently it's a heaping turd
The second one!? Really?
just feel bad for those who paid $60 less than a month ago
How do you mess up killing nazis
apparently it's really bad performance wise
has lots of random issues I guess
Ah, well.. yeah. Almost everything is bad on PC performance wise
5:43 PM
people were also saying the story is pretty meh and short
disappointing since I liked the first a lot
Except doom. They must have sold someone's soul to the devil for doom's performance on pc
If I have a table cell the value images/foto1.jpg how do I do in JS to set that value to an img source <img src="" id="photo">? I've tried document.getElementById(photo").value = this.cells[10].innerHTML; but it doesn't work and I'm nu in JS.
Q: NodeJs: How to pipe two streams into one spawned process stdin (i.e. ffmpeg) resulting in a single output

Keyne VianaIn order two convert PCM audio to MP3 I'm using the following: function spawnFfmpeg() { var args = [ '-f', 's16le', '-ar', '48000', '-ac', '1', '-i', 'pipe:0', '-acodec', 'libmp3lame', '-f', 'mp3', 'pipe:1' ]; var ffmpeg = spaw...

> I'd smoke my kid Across the head If he pulled this shit wasting ranch and shit
5:53 PM
@Loktar he goes for a second hit whyyyy
why does Caprica say "hammertime"
@Loktar whynotboth.jpg
5:57 PM
@rlemon did you get the lightning deal?
.ca bro
completely different stores.
I'm on the wait list for it, if someone drops I'm buying it
damn good price for amazon prime
yea .ca has no sales on it
and .com won't ship it to Canada
@rlemon Shoul be nice and make the ahipping free to canada on Black friday
it won't even ship, not a price issue
> This item does not ship to Canada. Please check other sellers who may ship internationally. Learn more
6:01 PM
You should make a friend right Across the border
@Loktar assembly went okay, the z coupler and stepper were not right. had to pretty much take that apart and put it back together. not sure what was wrong other than it wouldn't lower all the way to the switch
> Hey wanna be my shipping buddy for some maple syrup?
just stopped about a 1/4 in from it
amazon add-on items suck >:
@KendallFrey yes... yes they do
6:03 PM
hey you can get a 4-pack for $10 or a 2-pack for $3... and a $25 purchase on the side
I splurged on a pinball machine. Not sure what attracted me.
6:23 PM
i'm trying to animate some svg circles from a react render method. I've been able to use the "animateMotion" tag in my SVG on jsfiddle to animate the <circle> elements along a path elements "d" element. but this won't work in React.

Turkey in the oven.
Turkey out of the oven because we forgot to lay bacon over top.
my man
my god
I just spent 5 minutes trying to ~. (kill) a unresponsive ssh
only to finally remember it's a screen session
6:49 PM
another failed print.
See the positive side. You've made a perfect copy of a piece of garbage
new printer woes.
one failed print, one good print, another failed print
but I can't be arsed to spend the time to perfectly level it without the knobs, because man are the stock ones painful
7:33 PM
thanks giving guys
you're welcome, but you can keep your guys
7:51 PM
i'm having tags that i add to React elements not show up in the dom
however only in one project.
i have a project structure i created from scratch and one i created with create-react-app. in the create-react-app project I add a tag to an element "<animateMotion dur={"1s"} />" and I see the "dur" tag show up in the dom
however in my other project I have the same exact JSX (copy pasted) and the tag does not show up in the dom
@AlexBollbach Since a specific React version I can't recall, unknown attributes started getting passed into the DOM
Look at what versions of React you have in both projects, and you'll see a difference.
that was one of the things i checked
i made sure both projects have 16.1.1 in stalled for react and react-dom
but for one project <animateMotion dur={"1s"}></animateMotion> renders the "dur" tag in the dom but the other does not.
i noticed that one app has a "data-reactid" tag on every element while the create-react-app based app does not
@AlexBollbach That sounds like SSR
we dead https://t.co/lUys7DptdZ
Soviet Socialist Republic
8:00 PM
the one with the data-reactid tag is SSR
maybe the serverside vs clientside rendering difference explains why the "dur" and "repeatCount" tags are getting dropped on my from-scratch project?
nvm google translate figures out the original language
@ssube you been playing with octoprint yea?
8:37 PM
Hi! Could anyone help me to solve how to pass a table data or cell value to a img src? I mean, if I have in atable cell the value images/foto1.jpg how do I do in JS to set that value into the img source <img src="" id="photo">? I've tried document.getElementById(photo").value = this.cells[10].innerHTML; but it doesn't work and I'm nu in JS.
!!pub or rest
@towc pub
!!alone or invite someone
@towc alone
!!shitfaced or tipsy or one beer or just laugh at other drunk people
8:39 PM
@towc tipsy
@Einnerlink images don't have values
you probably wanna set the src if you wanna change the srcs value
holy shit this thing is adding foam on purpose
I'm not even in Japan yet and already having my mind blown https://t.co/Yj6c8agPvz
some people like a good head on their beer
I can't deal with it
@rlemon What I mean is: if a table cell has this content images/foto1.jpg how do I set it to img src, in other word <img src="images/foto1.jpg">
8:46 PM
so, I don't feel like actively joining someone else's discussion, but I still want people to be able to talk to me if they feel like it. What should I do in the pub? Stare down at my phone pretending to chat with someone while I'm reading a book instead? I'm somehow socially burnt out again
@Einnerlink I just told you
@towc that's not going to work out
That triple screen setup is really paying off!
but it'd also be nice if people didn't think I had been stood up or I was a drunk regular
I mean, I'm also fine with noone talking to me at all
(those are in the wrong order)
god damn octopi
just keep rebooting
@OliverSalzburg took me a while to figure wtf that is
8:48 PM
JFC what the fuck is going on
looked like a skull popping up from a winged angel made out of icecream
first time I wrote the card it wrote the FS but not the boot partition,
second time it wrote the boot partition and the FS but it crashed on boot
third time it looks like the FS partition is blank
what in the good fuck
@rlemon did you possibly towc it up?
@OliverSalzburg thatsapenis.gif
8:55 PM
@towc Still taking...
cough cough
I understand it's a penis
I just don't understand the... medium.
well, it's not a penis

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