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@Brogrammer ... ugh... I had scruples so I just unignored you (I passionately dislike spam) to find that wall of code. this is not how you ask for help.
i didnt know how else to ask for help
i apologize
I believe that the simplest way is to state your problem clearly (or as clearly as you can), concisely, then ask about it exactly once. If someone is about and can help, they will.
also, use pastebin or gist.github.com to dump your code sample, this looks better in the chat
that being said, I believe 7PM is an ok time to leave the office, laters y'all.
@Brogrammer for best results, reproduce the issue in a fiddle
oftentimes, this might even lead to you solving the problem on your own
good day, is there anyone somewhat fluent in vue.js here?
@towc talks about vue
I speak of vue, yes
if I have a dockerfile with an entry point that inherits from another image with an entry point, only my entry point will be executed
oh wow, vscode has dockerfile integration now
got autocomplete for images on docker hub :o
I have 2 things I want to implement:
I want to add and then remove a class on a div every time a button is clicked.
How do I go on about this, can I do this on an instance method?
@Loktar so cracked open the control box. it wasn't the 40mm fan, it was the 50mm fan
ordered two of those. be here thursday
ah that sucks
<button @click="toggleOn = !toggleOn"> ... <div :class="{ 'some-class': toggleOn }">
there are three fans in the control box. a 40 a 50 and a 60 in the power supply
you can wrap the click in its own function
the other thing is, I would like to add a class to a range counter based on its value. For example, if the value is <=10%, add a class, else add another class.
Should i make a pen quickly? So you can see what I have done so far?
@rlemon that dude's frustration fills me with determination
the bus guys cool confidence tho
@ptts :class="[ score < 10 ? 'class-a' : 'class-b' ]"
there are many shortcuts. If that's the only purpose, then sure, but I reccommend adding your own style data on top
I'd use a getter for the class, maybe: :class="someObject", and getters: { someObject() { ... } }
honestly, I recommend a quick read at the docs

I am reading the docs, it's my first day with vue, still trying to grasp some concepts. Have a look if you can.
Hi o/
anyone experienced working with biometrics fingerprint?
i think they'll want to hear the question in either case
I'm working with DS MA500 Biometrics, and currently I can transfer data that has been saved in database by the biometrics. The problem is, what if the network is down, then the data of biometrics will store inside the device itself. This is the I need help part. How can I retrieve the data from the biometrics once the network is up.

note: i have script in transferring of data to t imekeeping db.
So I would like to add the class #bag.swingLeft every time the "punch it" button is clicked.
The other thing is, I would like to have the health bar go red if the remaining health is lets say less or equal to 20%.
keep trying for a couple more hours, you should get it pretty soon :)
give another read of the docs
anyone here uses angular4?
!!welcome JoeSaad
@JoeSaad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
just trying for the past few days to understand the argument for using angular2 or angular4
what did you google?
i'm comparing angular2 to react or vue
almost all the google say one thing
Hi Earvin, sorry, idk
@Webster i'm frustrated in these low end biometric that the company purchased
ME: Joe, about halfway through the speech, I’m gonna wish you a happy birth-- BIDEN: IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! ME: Joe. Happy birthday to @JoeBiden, my brother and the best vice president anybody could have.
I suppose the answer will be in the transition part of the docs and here, right? https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html
@ptts it's in the one I linked
and i also gave you the answers
yeah happy birthday creep
but thought it would be better if you got some more context as well, so it felt less like magic
Earvin that sounds doable, retrieve the value on an event of your choosing
biden creepin from behind
@Loktar wtf 0.o
Biden #himtoo
@towc, ah yeah that is that same link.
yeah, that's not the transition part
I was wondering if I will have to check the transition part for the removal of a class straight after an animation is done. I think I will just set a counter variable or a boolean and toggle that after every click. And I will try your suggestion, thanks again:-)
read the tag after reading the text
I'm waiting for mods to update
was somewhat traumatized
hell of a rim job
But what to do about the 0.5 puppies?
It's alive and being tended to.
You can't give dogs prosthetics. That sucks
Awwwww!!! There's no mod for that?
@Webster yes it is doable. Currently our biometrics is way more high end than those new bought biometrics. Idk why they downgraded it.
and its just a stored value you want to retrieve from the device when internet is restored?
someone in here should be able to help you with that
I want to install oracle java
on debian 9
and every result on google says to do something different
go to oracle's site for instructions?
@Luggage garbage
> These instructions use the following file:

> jdk-8uversion-linux-x64.tar.gz
> Download the file
oracle's site or my suggestion?
where is the fucking file
they just give a name
Is there an accompanying riddle?
@Webster yes. not actually internet. LAN most likely.
So I asked oboecat to write an LRU in TypeScript as their first TypeScript project
LGTM except she is calling set even when getting, but then she is re-using almost her entire code. Any feedback :D
Hi, I want to integrate web editior to type in kruti dev (Hindi language font), please suggest any editior if anyone ever used, i am not finding any working solutions there.
@KuldeepChoudhary Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't know if I can ask questions XD
rulez lul
it's better to ask for forgiveness than for pizza
Tying the noose
I think it depends, for instance I had pizza for lunch and there were slices left over. But I have no forgiveness left over
Wrapping it around neck
Getting chair
@BradleyWilliamElko I swear to god I spent way too long figuring out how you would tie a moose.
@KendallFrey N o o s e
Canadian rodeo, baby
!!wiki noose
!wiki noose
stackoverflow.com/questions/47386154/… this question is still up for grabs. I am yet to find a way to generate array path using conditions
oh man your capitalised variable names hurts me
capitalized* lul.
And doon't juuge meh, daved.
@BradleyWilliamElko Don't be anglophobic
@KendallFrey I'm not afraid of being judged. I, frankly, don't give a var InsertSwearWordHere = "shit.";
@BradleyWilliamElko your question looks like you haven't done any research on maze generation algorithms... Do you want a link to read or are you hoping someone will just give you the code?
@david I looked at maze generation algorithms but the ones I looked at were different. I want a maze that is more-or-less a pathway.
If you have a link, I will check it out
I'm not sure what you mean by 'more or less a pathway'
this is a fairly good link for maze generation bost.ocks.org/mike/algorithms/#maze-generation
@BradleyWilliamElko Also, that bit where you have 100 if statements isn't good... there will be a better way to do whatever it is you're doing
const len = 10; // ur array len
const a = ... // fill array, all zeroes

const directions = [
{name: 'up', addx: 0, addy:-1},
{name: 'down', addx: 0, addy:+0},
{name: 'left', addx: -1, addy:0},
{name: 'right', addx: +1, addy:0}

function getNextStep(prevStep) {
// random choose between directions with a rule: it may no go inverse
// eg if prevStep is 'up', then return may not be 'down'. Same for 'left', no return 'right'. No arg = does not matter

var pathX = 0,
pathY = Math.trunc(Math.random() * len / 2);
I'm surprised cap didn't jump on that...
KarelG showed me that code. He/She said I need to make a condition so my maze will look more like a pathway maze; however, I am unfamiliar on to do conditions
what do you mean by 'more like a pathway'?
do you mean biased towards long corridors rather than lots of turns?
A 1 by 1 path I showed in the question:

[2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
See how there is a distinct pathway to travel on
Looks like you don't want a maze, you probably want a pathfinding algorithm
like a*... you could give the tiles random weights to get a bit of randomness
but the heuristic would still lead you fairly directly from start to finish
@BradleyWilliamElko I did one such thing when I was 13, what david is exactly what you want, but you can optimize it by keeping a know list and making waypoints at some specific distance if you are going to travel multiple times.
@david o/
hey @ShrekOverflow
How goes?
not too bad
been babysitting a script for the past 2 days
any more issues with auth0 ?
isn't ubuntu supposed to include gpg
@Mosho gpg2 ?
transferring a bunch of videos from vimeo into china so we can avoid the great firewall
@ShrekOverflow whatever package has the gpg command
@david what's the a* website again?
nah, haven't touched the auth in a while. I think the authorization extension fell over a few days ago for a while but it's back now
why is it not there then :|
@BradleyWilliamElko I didn't link one, should be able to google it
try gpg2
not there either
ubuntu 17.10
I don't think it's installed by default, most people are lucky enough to never use it
It's on my WSL instance
the default dockerfile for node uses it :(
this one has javascript code buildnewgames.com/astar
Pretty sure I didn't have to install it last time I used it (years ago)
apt list ? (or whatever command there is to list packages installed)
and it doesn't install it
there are dists that ship with gpg1
the fuck!
uses gpg right away
and built on top of jessie
if jessie has it, how can ubuntu not have it
I mean, I can just install whatever I need to install
trying to understand
that jessie image has a few layers on top of it
@BradleyWilliamElko another theortical link
some of them install groups
maybe one of those has it
curl: not found
is there a way to abstract this thing i do 10 times an hour?
or i should say a good reusable way i can import into various projects
`&& apt-get purge --auto-remove -y curl gnupg `
^ Why did you run that ?
I copied a chunk out of a dockerfile
quite blindly
famous last words
I saw the links you sent me.
I don't know how to use the code in the links you sent me. My approach to making pathways was an approach of digital cancellation, but that takes too and is too complicated. I need to know the simpliest method to make conditions so the line will come out straight.
not straight but 1 by 1
experimenting with a dockerfile for a few hours
then docker system prune
"total storage freed: 1023791247GB"
@Mosho stop torturing your computer
Could someone help me out with my comment here? stackoverflow.com/a/34058471/8581664
@Jhoverit snap the neck? you didn't have an axe and a log with two nails stuck out of it?
and all I did was try to get java, node, and chrome on the same image
headless chrome?
I use it headless, but it's still the same chrome package
not found: make
I don't have make either?
apt-get install build-essential
docker images come pretty bare
if they don't, somebody fucked up
hmm, and why do I have to apt-get update a billion times
i don't know, why do you? are you adding repos?
even if you are, once should be fine
just one, but it's not the one that would have build-essential
it's like I have to do it after every last docker-cached command
images come with that cleaned out for size
not just for size
a stale apt cache is useless, it just throws errors
but I did apt-get update some lines before
if this is a docker image
oh. Then I don't know
can't you just nuke it start new ?
If I knew a maze was going to be hard to make, I wouldn't have made it. Now I'm kinda screwed because it is my project that I was going to present.
I can
but why would I
What type of game should I make instead of a maze game?
it takes a while to build from scratch
to save time
go home, shrek, you're drunk
lets see if it complains if I do it from scratch without the extra update
super ninja'd
I've made clicker games (those games are easy).
@Luggage eh? I thought he could just start with a simple docker image, instead of trying to figure out whats wrong with this one vOv
using addEventListener("mousedown", ...);
he is starting with a simple image
or claimed to be
oh man all my upload tasks are going into the 'failedtasks' bucket and i don't know why
I guess we haven't seen any code, so who knows
@Luggage I never leave my home, and I am not drunk, Its just the pollution here is very toxic.
crazy ass chinese java sync services
not the good kind of intoxicating, i assume
@Luggage more like will burn you from inside and die of something by 40 toxic
You should get a job at the tourism promotion agency
@Luggage I don't think I'll make a good agent at propaganda machine
unable to locate package build-essential
even from scratch
unless I apt-get update a line before
that'll happen when you have no cache
even though I did it more than once in the build
@ShrekOverflow just talk here. too much hassle to use my phone to have a side conversatin
Could someone help me out with my comment here? stackoverflow.com/a/34058471/8581664
I'm creating a user to use to run my stuff in the container, but I can't sudo without entering a password
I spent literally hours trying to figure out why selenium wasn't working
and it was as simple as permissions 😞
but chromedriver didn't forward google-chrome's stderr
new XmlHttpRequest() Does browser's web api execute this http request on separate thread in non blocking IO mode or blocking IO mode?
living alone. I’m so fucking bored
@SterlingArcher play games
endless space 2 is amazing
although free weekend may be over
lol why is this stupid ass image over 1 gb
@SterlingArcher nice
I've been living alone for like
a decade
I had a roommate for about a year
I've never lived alone
just realized that...
been alone at home before and that's pretty shitty
I didn't like having a roommate
@ssube it's ridiculous, they keep making cars bigger
they've ruined btcc and dtm for the very same reason. they race in 100 years old tracks with cars that are as big as the track
also they are obsessed with city circuits. they suck
@BradleyWilliamElko what are you going to do..
@Abhi A matching game
anyone used kubernetes and can tell me how to pass command arguments to an image
Hi All!
Good Morning...
Hey, can somebody vote on these tag synonyms, for Ajax. stackoverflow.com/tags/ajax/synonyms
Is tweets not an array of object?
tweets[0] does not work
Try tweets.tweets[0]
Yo, what's the hip new way to clone objects?
@Mikhail I don't know.
That wasn't a joke, I actually need to clone some object, or copy/paste the lines...
Deep or shallow clone?
I've seen Object.assign used for shallow
Deep, I think would require the "same old" ways
fuck this language, I'll just copy and paste
So, here is another thought I've been musing around int he pixel art game developer field. How does one draw text so that it snaps to larger virtual pixels, artistic, output pixels? I can find a blocky font, but how I scale it to match my scene...
Variable scoping issue. How to make name url visible to http.open()?
window.onload = function(){

  function cb(resolve, reject){
    var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
    http.onload = 1;
    http.onerror = 2;

  function get(url){
    return new Promise(cb);

pass it on
new Promise( /* exécuteur */ function(resolve, reject) { ... } );
Is there a website (or tool) which checks a website in some different screen sizes and different browsers? (I actually want to upload the beta version of my website and I need to check it before uploaing)
yes, there are some
there's BrowserStack for example
we're just trying out a new service atm, let me look it up
sauce labs is what that is called
how to send data from local system to live server phpmyadmin database automatically wihtout loggedin into cpanel(i means Is there any way to store or send data into database into my local php file configuration.)within local file configuration i need to give my username and pssword and want to send data into live server
@GNi33 thx
@hearthacker excuse me, what?
@Shafizadeh You can do it via the Chrome Dev tools too, no need to use any website for this.
Really? Nice, I will search about it
Doesn't that only do Chrome?
@hearthacker Yes, that is called remote mysql connection. Google it.
I don't see any "dev tool" tab into inspect element menu
well, you can set the view width along with some UserAgent
Isn't the point to narrow down rendering defects?
good for quick checks, but of course the render engine will still be Blink
@Shafizadeh The whole Inspect Element panel in called dev tools
@Shafizadeh search for "chrome dev tools emulation"
I still think "emulation" is a horrible word choice there though
@Mikhail Same option is also available in FireFox, Safari, Opera and IE too(I think)
There are numerous services that do exactly this, but I've found that most of the time its not worth the trouble unless you need to support IE - and even then we've been able to work it out with the "client".
This guy is a lot more important, validator.w3.org
@Shafizadeh So, did you find it?
@mega6382 and yes, this is nice for emulating mobile device
Anyone knows how to disable additional validations when testing out captchaV2
its so annoying always having to click through cats/cars/buildings
And shit gets slower and slower
it is a part of the validation...
hey heyo
Captain Jack
It is so nice to teach/watch someone learn how to actually program :D
teach me senpai
who decided today was tuesday?
hello guys
hello guy
hey what are you up 2?
@Traitor nothing.

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