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I haven't made any optimizations
so I doubt
there is room for compiling functions and caching them so it wouldn't have to parse the same selector again
faster than $()
haven't tried pure sizzle
that's impossible... jQuery uses QSA
@Esailija put this up on github :)
yeah prolly later, there is still a lot features missing
need to add ~=, $= etc here
var attrFn = {
    "=": function(attr, value) {
        return attr === value;
no regex
can you call the lib "Ohh Yea" because when you first saw the results of the perf you were like "ohh Yea!"
more like WTF
@Esailija you can put the code on github unfinished, at least you'll get a free hosted code in a repo
onoes, not @Zirak :(
I am the Zirak. Fear me.
s/fear/be disgusted by/g
My yellow visage frightened many a brave men
You are not amongst the brave men
switched it to jQuery.find( selector ); still yours is faster
yeah but jQuery is using QSA
@Esailija, did you happen to make any other changes to the worker?
I'm planning to actually do shit, so want to operate on latest version
uhh yeah I have been improving it a bit there and here
haven't pushed though
cos I had to replace your html encoding
it fails on "";
say wat?
Double quotes? They're encoded
!!> "";
run the bot and that command
!!> "";
@Zirak ""
!!> '"';
@rlemon """
Am I missing something?
aww it doubled my single double
i put ' " '
it gave me
' " " '
yeah, strings are displayed "stringValue"
!!> "";
@Esailija ""
!!> "wtf";
!!> "hello";
@Esailija "wtf"
@rlemon "hello"
ok.... wtf ?
I totally replaced your html encoding because it ate the semicolon
Link to where you saw it happen
ok but then why isn't my ' " ' coming back as " " "
!!> '"';
@rlemon SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
is that 2 single quotes or 1 double quote
@rlemon """
!!> ""
there must be no semicolon
@FlorianMargaine ""
I entered '(single) "(double) '(single)
Because ' denotes a string, " is the string value, and it displays strings as "stringValue" regardless of what you used to denote the string.
heh it's still 50% than jQuery when you remove QSA jsperf.com/ohhyeatesting/2
Enter it into your console
ohh shoot i see son
i was reading ' " " ' not " " "
:{ my bad
!!> "Man, what was I smoking when I thought this wouldn't work";
"Man, what was I smoking when I thought this wouldn't work"
@Esailija Could not find definition for was I smoking when I thought this wouldn
no semicolon, it's where it was bugging.
two bots running at once?
no, I mean with ""; it didn't work
it ate the semicolons
haha, I forgot! It falls through
you had to do "" ;
@FlorianMargaine remember when you had to do "" ; instead of "";
!!> "what's an elephant"
"what's an elephant"
@Zirak Any of various extinct or living animals related to either of these two animals. [\(source\)](http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/search.aspx?pid=aff18&word=elephant)
don't worry, you didn't smoke
!!> '!!> "What is pie"';
@rlemon "!!> "What is pie""
hm, earned 200 rep today
nice day.
can @Esailija make his bot fight @Zirak's bot in a battle of wits? or monopoly?
zirak do you have the crash fix?
does this crash you?
!!> Array(50000000).join("asdokasdoaskodakosdkoakods");
did it crash any tabs for you
The implied answer is "yes"
looks like it does :D
I merged in the "important fix" you made, and then went into a coma
I haven't pushed stuff in ages
even the SO answer to your question is a bit old
but it has the fix for the .join
yeah, I had wondered about doing incredibly gigantic shit
!!> console.log( "div", "null", null, {object: "object"}, [[], "asd"] );
1 sec
Logged 1:"div"
Logged 2:"null"
Logged 3:null
Logged 4:[object Object] {"object":"object"}
Logged 5:[object Array] [[],"asd"]
Well, push the shizzles. I hacked the > into it...wanna make it not suck
And I'm preparing an alias command, so it will store common explanations and other stuff comfortable (!!/alias nabcake "u r nab", and then !!~nabcake will echo u r nab)
Or something like that
ok but how about the encoding
I just overwrote it :D
Is it better now?
IO.decodehtmlEntities = (function (){

var rdecode = /&(amp|lt|gt|quot|zwnj);/g,
    rdecodenum = /&#([0-9]{1,8});/g,
    rdecodehex = /&#x([0-9a-f]{1,4});/g,

    decodeTable = {
        amp: "&",
        lt: "<",
        gt: ">",
        "zwnj": "",
        quot: '"'

    decodeFn = function (a, b) {
        return (b in decodeTable ? decodeTable[b] : a);

    decodeNumFn = function( a, b ) {
        var num = parseInt( b, 10 );
        return num < 256 ? String.fromCharCode(num) : "";
it doens't have the list of entities like you did
it just decodes
yeah, mine is actually complete, so I'm gonna keep it
There was a way to not merge specific files...I'll just merge the ones you did to codeWorker and stuff
maybe I won't commit the bot.js
hehe, that could also work
see I haven't even commited, I have just hacked
ok it has
2   master.min.js
9   source/plugins/codeExecuter.js
39   source/plugins/codeWorker.js
those masters prolly don't matter, just build and overwrite
I accidentally master.js, is it bad?
You accidentally the whole master.js!?
yea I accidentally
WTF function window.onload(){} runs in IE
!!> function Iaccidentally.dotInFunctionName(){}
@Esailija SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
enumrable don't you just hate stringly typing
ugh, someone motivate me into working on the bot...
arg! my productivity dropped horribly now that i'm thinking about the hobby projects i would rather be working on right now
yes, suffer with me
lol misery loves company
nah..."but company doesn't love misery"
untrue, lilly loves misery
i miss working for young start ups! Started drinking at 12:30pm and didn't leave work until 7:00 but still left with a smile on my face
heck, she's made a pretty penny off of it
I miss pizza
watching naked news during lunch... those were the days
if you don't understand my last joke google "Eli Lilly"
and you'll understand why Lilly loves misery
You are truly a master of comedy
i do try
A byte walks into a bar and orders a pint. Bartender asks him "What's wrong?" Byte says "Parity error." Bartender nods and says "Yeah, you do look a bit off"
Eight bytes walk into a bar and say to the bartender, "make us a double".
An int, a double and a uint32 walk into a bar. The bartender asks "is this a joke or something?"
An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to it.
jQuery walks into a bar, ten minutes later finds a seat at the bar, then after another 15 or so orders a drink.
jQuery walks into a bar. The floor collapses.
hehe plugin
these are actually pretty entertaining
Hello Everybody! How to also remove the next element after that one which is removing? jsfiddle.net/7mhSw/6 Thank you!
Hello everyone, do my work plz!
Sure! Just paste this into your main code file: $($); (jQuery is obviously included)
i'm asking :) i'm newbie in js
I meant without using jquery)
is there a way?
Why do you have so many theads and tbodys?
Which all just contain 1 row, with one exception?
this is my DOM, is there a way to change nothing in html and to also remove the next element, i mean tbody also after thead which actually removes
That's not your DOM, that's your crappy html
Which will translate into crappy and awkward DOM traversals
Ok sir! :)) So how to change things? To make it look great for js :)
I would like to change nothing, but..
Please explain what to change, I will change it by myself)
If you have time of course
@Hypn0tizeR is there any way you could add some kind of attribute to each element to indicate an items index?
you can't use jQuery?
the problem is that thead and tbody is like one element together :)
i can indicate indexes
trying to replace + with -
and - with plus
function deleteDisc(ok) {
    var removeOk = ok.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
    var ok= ok.parentNode.parentNode;
nextElementSibling will need a shim for IE support
wow, thank you!
@jjpd magic ^_^
@rlemon, how to do that Shim?
@Neal thankyou
you open up the mystical google and type in "nextElementSibling IE shim" then wait for the oracle to respond with a cryptic message and fancy spinning fireballs...
@jjpd your welcome ^_^
ok! thank you! :)
thank buddies for your help!
@Neal let me try to collpase/expand rows. i'll b back to u after 5attempts
@Hypn0tizeR i'm glad you saw past the sarcasm. :P a "shim" or polyfill is just a way to make a method available to a DOM implementation that does not support it.
@jjpd :-P
Can anyone suggest a way to include <script> tags inside jQuery templates?
i have a form inside a jquery template id like to add ajax to
@rlemon, thank you! I already found a shim, so I'm reading about it ^_^
Now I remember why I went into a coma...
Why is this called shim? This word doesn't tell anything :/
Don't need any answer! Just asking myself!
!!/tell Hypn0tizeR define shim
@Hypn0tizeR shim: A thin, often tapered piece of material, such as wood, stone, or metal, used to fill gaps, make something level, or adjust something to fit properly. (source)
@Hypn0tizeR shim: A thin, often tapered piece of material, such as wood, stone, or metal, used to fill gaps, make something level, or adjust something to fit properly. (source)
whoops. I'll disable mine
err, I'll disable mine
Oh my god! Google Translate fault
shim to romanian (my native language) means also shim
so don't have any translation
So basically a shim is something they slap onto something else to make it fit
I already understood!)
Thank you
Can anyone suggest a shim to include <script> tags inside jQuery templates? Oo entering private conversation
i have tried </scr{{= ""}}ipt>, and the likes
I would suggest punching jQuery templates
ugh...why? just...why?
could maybe make a shim to do that
I'd like to understand the rationale...just...WHY GOD WHY
just run code inside the template tags that allow running arbitrary code?
i have my reasons for using jquery templates, full screen functionality for a photography portfolio but i have made pages with similar functionaility. i wish to add an ajax contact form so i need to add ajax submit
i cant write it in the code becasue it disappears
I'm gonna give up
most people do when i ask for support in these chat rooms
not really just dont get why people cant just help out 5 mins
instead its omg why the fuck are you doing like tht go die
and the likes
Yes. People tend to be nice.
I dont want you to die
People being nice to nublets like me is a rare thing, its usually nubets jog on
google is nublet friendly :P
id help you but I have no idea how youd do it
Google suggests this {{html "</sc"+"ript>"}}, and this </scr{{= ""}}ipt>
I want to help you, but I'm also torn apart by the desire to keep my sanity
does anyone use Chrome's javascript debugger or does everyone use Firebug?
(as if nothing else exists)
@jjpd when you get back here is my dismal attempt. jsfiddle.net/rlemon/VmEtJ/4 i think when i try to use jQuery I end up just making things worse.
I use Chrome, therefore I use Chrome dev tools
I use Chrome as my default browser but i love Firebug for dev (I'm not a fan of Firefox as a browser)
I would also like to throw in a random hooray for boobies and i'm not talking about the album
@jjpd bug: either add a final row to the table with your hr tag in it, or be ok with them being removed from the display when you collapse the row(s)
@rlemon I'm resorting to var nthChild = /\s*(?:([+-]?[0-9]+)n\s*([+-]\s*[0-9]+)?|([+-]?[0-9]+))\s*/; to parse the fucking 5n+1 stuff :P
var x = Array(50).join("O"); alert( "B" + x + "!");
it's cached though
so it will never execute it twice
and it won't use regex for odd/even
  : S* [ ['-'|'+']? INTEGER? {N} [ S* ['-'|'+'] S* INTEGER ]? |
         ['-'|'+']? INTEGER | {O}{D}{D} | {E}{V}{E}{N} ] S*
@rlemon it's working good. i'll add hr tag at end. but can u explain el.parents('tr').nextUntil($('span.collapserow').parents('tr')).slice(0,-1).toggle(); //i can't understand this code
i used hr tag to differentiate group of collapsible rows, but this code doesn't include hr tag
still it's working fine
@jjpd the docs can explain it better than I (fancy that)
ok. thanks. nextutil is new for me. thanks again
.slice works like you would expect it to
and .toggle() toggles between .hide() and .show() (basically)
Does a DOM-shim work only for initial elements? What about dynamically created elements?
A good one will work for both
Do you have any suggestions of a good one?
YOu know, practice is the best answer
A complete one? Nope. I have the privilege of not caring about IE
What if I will start to code in jQuery? Do I need a DOM-shim to make those functions to work in IE's?
jquery is a DOM abstraction, so you don't really touch the DOM. jquery fiddles with it for you.
I can recommend what I'd do - write your own wrapper or shim for what you need.
or go back to the mystical oracle "Google" and ask her, "Ahhemmm, excuse me, mrs.Google, can you please direct me to a DOM Shim"

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