I want to maintain a mapping of version numbers to ECS task revision index in our GitLab CI environment. So that I can, at a later point in time, re-run a deployment and know which task revision has the correct image tag. Any ideas? cc @ssube
okay, so far on my list I have a bunch of different hinges, few different planters, some deco for my fish tanks, few rpi/arduino holders/cases, clamps.. ohh do I have clamps. sanding pads, vices, a water jet (for pond), then some fun stuff like a catapult and that light switch cover
> Ensure you know how to print this filament. You'll want a hardened nozzle or something more equipped to handle filament with abrasives. I used a regular brass nozzle, printing about .5kg of the roll. Worked fine, however after I went back to other filaments I was getting tons of "blips" in my prints. Changed out my nozzle and everything worked perfectly again, but definitely ruined my other nozzle.
Got some great feedback on here the other day so thought id ask for help with something else. Got this code here: https://jsfiddle.net/2kd6LdLc/ On line 27 and 30 it says (i1checkval + i2checkval + i3checkval), I want it to get the inputs from i1,2 and 3 and then go into whichever object is required but it doesnt work. Any suggestions on how to do this?