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aged well
haven't heard any of their new stuff. didn't even know they made music still.
but their old stuff is still worth a listen imo
New album a few days ago. Sucks
Why can't I close Windows Settings with any keyboard combinations
It is the fn action for my F12 so I keep opening it and having to mouse..
@rlemon my common typo
> this.porps.database
alt+f4 doesn't work?
It is a MagIC WiNdoW
what was that website that lets you test a site in various browsers?
i wrote a small little node canvas script could someone look at it and tell me if they see the problem?
also where should i post the code
Mmmm chillout at EOD
Wth a preview?
since recently
I think links to things still work
They have ALL the indie even the stuff not on youtube :/
hey do you guys know node?
@rlemon That promise eslint plugin is good stuff so far. It really makes the errors that lead to the warning very obvious. Would recommend
Yea this song isn't on YT
@user3743168 jsfiddle
Play music links don't work right either heh
that plays
Well. I like it
I think this is going to be a looooong drive next to the river with the subs cranked evening.
Is there anyway to get a local XML file without just copying it into the code?
read the file with code.
if this is node, see the "readFile" function in the "fs" module
Any way with pure JS?
is it normal taht your productivity will be < 10% when you are doing hte work you don't really enjoy doing
What's "pure js"?
what environment?
JS by itself, I mean. Just plain old JS.
No libraries.
@FlyingMonkey you mean just a JS runtime
you still ahve a runtime and the way to access loose files is differnt in a browser than a server-side app
which only supports ES 6
so what you need is a JS interpreter
I think d8 should do that
(or v8)
@Mosho 82 max Becker for sale
The question can't be answered without knowing an environment
And a lease on my street
@Shrek can be. what are you doing?
@Luggage DMd
Dungeon Master ...d?
Did anyone here just hangouts me?
Oh, it's in browser. Sorry, I don't do a lot of web development.
ok, then you can fetch() the .xml file form the server, or bundle it up inside your .js with a tool like webpack.
just serving the .xml and fetch()ing is the most straightforward if you aren't already using a build process like webpack / other.
Seems I can't fetch() unless I upload it to my server, lol. I'm testing it locally right now.
yea, browser apps don't run well from the filesystem
but you have lots of one-line options for running a web server for static files
testing local and live is much more convenient than needing to upload to a server
Yeah, I've used WAMP in the past, I just don't have it on this computer right now. I'll probably go grab it again. Any alternatives you might suggest? WAMP always gives me problems. Could just be incompetence, though.
@FlyingMonkey If you have python installed anyway, python -m SimpleHTTPServer will serve up the cwd. If you have npm installed, http-server does the same
There's bound to be a way to do it in powershell
$Hso=New-Object Net.HttpListener;$Hso.Prefixes.Add("http://+:8000/");$Hso.Start();While ($Hso.IsListening){$HC=$Hso.GetContext();$HRes=$HC.Response;$HRes.Headers.Add("Content-Type","text/plain");$Buf=[Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((GC (Join-Path $Pwd ($HC.Request).RawUrl)));$HRes.ContentLength64=$Buf.Length;$HRes.OutputStream.Write($Buf,0,$Buf.Length);$HRes.Close()};$Hso.Stop()
That was surprisingly quick
It was in that link I pasted :)
@MadaraUchiha that _ in node thing is really really weird
Q: "_" (underscore) symbol in JavaScript

JulyMorningI was playing in Node.js with some code while noticed this thing: > 'hello world'.padEnd(20); 'hello world > 'hello world'.padEnd(20, _); 'hello worldhello wor' What does underscore symbol do here? > _ 'hello worldhello wor'

ohh, in the console.
$_ in chrome console
and bash
i wish i knew that... i would love 9 upvotes in 5 minutes ><
you got 3
you netted as much rep as the answer
yep... community wiki ftw
madara doesn't need rep though
whereas i'm desperately trying to get to 10k
it does make me wonder why they didn't follow convention and use $_
my current tactic of not answering any questions doesn't seem to be working so well
it takes longer that way
dam, Luggage
you need to get that 1K rep at least
I'm just a noob.
you could clean up on the
prolly all dups
still updoots
@Jhoverit youtube.com/watch?v=C3_VW0UAKcI you might like this guys channel. does a lot of bushcraft and such. you seem to be getting into that?
answer 1 good question a month
and he's canadian, so you get to listen to that beautiful aboot
@Luggage or you could be like this guy and write beautiful answers with diagrams and everything
that's not to say you haven't been very helpful to me in the past
I don't look too hard for questions to answer, but looking hard is needed to find anything worth answering.
if you put 10% of the work into main as you do helping us in chats you'd be at 10K in like a year
or I'm just a cynical jerk
ahaha, i just got downvoted because some guy didn't like the fact that I answered a low quality question
do not answer questions like this that show no effort, you are just making the site worse and making your peer group terrible — Jarrod Roberson 2 mins ago
don't feed the trolls, eh?
Eh, it's not that bad a question, it's basic, but if you don't know about regular expressions it can be quite difficult to even know where to start
also giving proper answers means you don't end up with crazy regexes like the other answer
question sucks
his response could be less abrasive
@rlemon not on realtor.ca
@Mosho just saw the sign today
might not be up yet
@rlemon yeah it sucks, but my answer was okay right? and the other answer was some crazy '/^(?:(?!([0-9]+)\1{3,}).)+$/m' regex
we could be like.. neighbors or something
yea it's not bad.
I'd try to figure out a non regexp way
just for kicks
question does lack effort tho
str[0] !== str[1]
and so on..
oh, no repeats anywhere?
@Luggage It's hard to know exactly what he wants because the question is terrible
!!> new Set(...['1233'.split('')]).size === '1233'.split('').length
@rlemon false
is '11112' okay? is '123345' okay? is '1' okay? what about 'aaaaa'?
excited to see deleted questions soon david?
the truth is the asker probably doesn't know himself
I think my solution is optimal :D
i would suggest staying out of regexp on SO
@William yessss that's why i'm answering dumbass questions
it was a free 8 rep :D
that spread is in the wrong place.. and is it even needed?
damn, I don't think so
does it work?
most of the questions will be terrible, and rarely get viewed thus having little to no rep in the long run.
can you spread strings?
ohh good point
@david ["H","e","l","l","o"]
they're iterable
new Set([...'1233']).size === [...'1233'].length
Yeah kevin is right the questions I have answered and got a lot of rep for I answered before nodejs was as popular as it is
@david of course. Strings have been iterable since es5 at least.
@rlemon second one could just be '1233'.length
I just wish my questions which predated others would be have been closed as duplicates so I would have gotten the other answers rep
@david true
@rlemon i don't think i've ever needed to iterate a string before
a good chunk of my rep came from accepts, but... most of it came from upvotes that occurred over a long period of time
but now that i know about it...
hmm.. wonder if i ever got a bounty
@KevinB yeah the majority of mine is from like 3 answers from when i was just starting out in the world of javascript
I think I have gotten more bounties than I've received, but it's close.
yup, 400 rep from bounties
the rest is from a bunch of css and php shit :(
a whopping 400 rep
my most upvoted answer is a python question about try/excepts for string to int conversion. Like first week of learning python stuff.
what did archer did to get pulled from RO? Maybe not acceptable to talk about it
> 10 Earned bounties for 2,300 reputation
17 Offered bounties for 2,250 reputation
@William he is RO.
madara was trolling him
@NathanJones my top 4? are css, then a php
then I think I get into the js
Array.from("1123").some((item, i, arr) => item === arr[i - 1])
i've offered 2
150 points
I tried to give away all the bounties I got
i don't like the bounty system
at least 1500 of my bounties were from cheeky people in the chats trying to get me to 10K
I didn't feel right about that
more often than not it gets used on a terrible question that everybody passed up because it was a terrible question
@rlemon tfw your answer has more votes than the accepted
and then it's stuck for 7 days where you can't close it and it's likely to get upvotes
I had that for a while
then I guess OP felt pressured and checked mine like a year later
was pretty strange
my most upvoted answer is like that
@rlemon the php question?
I think there is a badge for it
@NathanJones nahh, the stacked images one
157-119 atm, but at one point it was very close to double
I'm still salty about the question i answered that got marked as a dupe of a question that was posted AFTER the one I answered, and has worse answers than mine
or was it
lemmy check
ever since the other anwser edited my answer into his, his has been gaining on mine
the site shouldn't allow you to mark questions as dupes if they were asked before the other one
@rlemon it has a bounty, which can't change, right?
marked as a dupe of a question posted 10 months later
@NathanJones yea bounties can't change.
it was either the stacked images or this one stackoverflow.com/questions/11182775/…
one of them the OP like a year later unchecked another answer and selected mine
only time I can recall that happening to me
like, I literally just posted an article then sourced it incase of link rot
early SO was easy
tell me about it. Look at this shit: 99 upvotes
@david I agree
@david lol
easy 1000 rep
and this! 192!:
@david I get comments and downvote notifications of questions and answers that are newer then mine
for fucking quote escaping
man, you got much higher scoring answers than I do
I just have more. :/
those are my 2 big hitters
stackoverflow.com/questions/8790752/… is my highest... fortunately it's a pretty good one
but still jquery
Q: Javascript Regular Expression Remove Spaces

rlemonSo i'm writing a tiny little plugin for JQuery to remove spaces from a string. see here (function($) { $.stripSpaces = function(str) { var reg = new RegExp("[ ]+","g"); return str.replace(reg,""); } })(jQuery); my regular expression is currently [ ]+ to collect all spac...

at least I can laugh at myself.
here is my highest about module exports stackoverflow.com/questions/7137397/…
Yeah my questions have progressed some were downright terrible
document.write($.stripSpaces("123 456"));
document.write("<br />");
document.write($.stripSpaces(" 123 456 "));
document.write("<br />");
document.write($.stripSpaces(" 1 2 3    4 5 6 "));
my questions were all terrible
all 8 of them
Wish you could delete them sometimes even if they have upvoted answers
you can close and delete vote your own shit
you can get them disassociated
I've done it
i'm fairly certain that if i didn't answer any questions, most of my questions would have a positive score
if not 0
I concede, it was a horrible question by me. I should have shown some attempts or that I had first put in an effort to solve this myself. BAD rlemon! BAD! – rlemon
and a close vote by me
can't delete it. but I can own it
hah. i even accepted my own answer
that's downvoted
@Jhoverit +1 btw. wish I had hair
I'm actually okay with my questions
I think they were all genuine things that were hard to solve
The other day I deleted a post right after a bounty expired(and it was unanswered) and it refunded half my bounty is this normal?
most of my questions sucked if I am looking at them now
but that's because I know the answers
stackoverflow.com/questions/3945243/… for example has 4 downvotes. so you can assume that at least 4 of the downvotes on my other questions are revenge downvotes
most of my revenge votes were from chat trolls where ended up getting deleted
that's why a few of my tops are protected. 10K users can see the answers from deleted accounts
answers really I thought it was just deleted questions interesting.\
> I will slowly downvote you to 0 whatever it takes ;; even if it takes years cause i'm patient. your friends such as gruenbaum and so called fat and weird shaped head sterling archer will get the same treatment.

Whatever it takes.
one such comment
that is hilarious. This is sparta!!!
fat and weird shaped head @SterlingArcher :D
still makes me laugh.
... whatever.. it... takes
that was okok or I think .. Ziggi or whoever was pretending to be zigi
I recall mods did verify he was only responsible for like half of it :D
bleh trying to reduce my steam unplayed %.. I have to play 24 games just to get it to drop by 1 percent. Pretty much no way I will every play all the games
is also a personal favorite
LOL wtf
what a creeper
ahahah stackoverflow dating
how many people have tried to hit on cap?
So are we supposed to all ping the person on their bday "Happy Bithday?"
dozen or so
couple have emailed her
that's so good
@Loktar stackoverflow.com/questions/11214053/… check the deleted answers on this
😃 great stuff
I have a bookmarks folder for things that are deleted that i want to read when i get 10k
i've added that
If I hit 10k eventually I might myself a bot that is strictly used for sending people pictures of deleted content
probably against the rules though
yeah, might be risky
I resigned yesterday
new job? or taking a break
@SterlingArcher @rlemon I don't need a GC. Was privilege enough to stand shirtless amongst you titans
New job
Pretty pumped. Finally going to be working on a product that doesn't revolve around selling shit
fertilizer is a huge market tho
That's my other business. Wholesale shit production
congrats @monners
@monners quality
Our shit is processed using only the very best P.F. Changs...
ok nerds
Q: Is there a closed form for this "flowery" integral?

Kendall FreyI'm curious about shapes like this: I think of this as the trajectory of a particle where the acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity and oscillates sinusoidally in time. The functions I'm investigating, in the generic case, are of the form: $$f(x) = \int e^{ai(x + b\,sin\,x)}\ dx$$ T...

I stumped myself
Hey. I'm planning to create a parser-toolkit (with a parser generator), basically because I find ANTLR documentation messed. Any ideas? github.com/hydroper/parser-toolkit/blob/master/parserc/… (Nothing implemented yet, of course...)
Hi! I'm learning typescript and i wanted to know how to use a @type correctly
trying to use the superagent type
Well, it should be possible to pause a parsing and etc. on actions (predicates)
but it wont work
Show code?
I forgot how TS is. Only remember ES4.
type AllNumbers = (uint, int, double, byte)
import * as request from 'superagent';
import HttpRequestInterface from '../Interfaces/HttpRequestInterface';

class HttpRequestService implements HttpRequestInterface{
    private engine: SuperAgent;
    constructor(engine) {
        this.engine = engine;
    get(url: String) {
        return request.get(url);

export default new HttpRequestService(request);
sorry, it's my very first day with it
i want my private engine to be SuperAgent
but i always got this: Cannot find name 'SuperAgent'
It is on request, I think.
but, wait... it's a static type
Yea, but it'd dnot make sense.
declare namespace request {
    interface SuperAgentRequest extends Request {
        agent(agent?: https.Agent): this;

        cookies: string;
        method: string;
        url: string;
    interface SuperAgentStatic extends SuperAgent<SuperAgentRequest> {
        (url: string): SuperAgentRequest;
        // tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures
        (method: string, url: string): SuperAgentRequest;

        agent(): SuperAgent<SuperAgentRequest>;
        serialize: { [type: string]: Serializer };
how can i work with superagent correctly?
woo, got a VPC set up with only one external IP, that is openvpn, and the internal nodes access the internet through that machine, too.

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