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I argued with my teachers back in elementary school
I don't like to see people being obviously wrong
heh, I almost had a teacher throw the overhead at me once
Just gets under your skin doesn't it?
That's great.
she was saying something astoundingly wrong about the power system and I pulled up the wiki page on it
I argued with my english teacher and my physics teacher. both were old and crazy.
if she had been able to lift the overhead projector, it would have hit me
Being a contrarian got old to me though.
no it hasn't, don't lie
what's the appropriate way to encode booleans in a query string? with key=true, or just key? e.g., ?name=corvid&isQuestionStupid
my physics teacher in the UK used to get really loud with me
lol I'll still correct people. I just don't give a shit about little incosistencies
I argued with my english teacher that if we're interpreting text, any interpretation is therefore valid and shouldn't be deducted points for making a connection that would otherwise not exist.
never scream, but almost there
she wouldn't believe maths is not just a tool
I had a russian physics teacher at uni
she was crazy AF
@towc It isn't?
romania's president was a german physics teacher (no joke)
@rlemon lmao I used to pull that one. Our teacher insisted on allowing "coinage". Pretty much the creation of words. From that point on I insisted every (-1) spelling issue was coinage hahaha
@Neoares well duh, "russian physics" is crazy
my physics teacher was old and crazy. like the old dude who wears velcro shoes and is probably calculating the amount of energy going into each footstep while he walks to school.
@Vap0r what's wrong with the word coinage?
I don't even think I really did any physics in school
All teachers are crazy. Imagine what it does to you if you have to explain the same shit over and over again to people for years
Kinda like answering the same old jQuery questions for 40 years
@KendallFrey do you think it is?
"Yes, 2 + 2 = 4."
My earth science teacher was crazy. She had a PhD, her license plate was "RCKDOC", and interesting rocks you brought her could result in extra credit.
@towc Depends what you mean, but sure
"If you paid attention to my life story, you would have already known."
@ssube no. Coinage as in, "coining" a phrase. Making new words that are representative of or indicative of culture, background, time, place, etc....
@OliverSalzburg practice makes perfect
@KendallFrey I find maths to also be very useful as a plain form of art, as a way to get a hard-on. If that's still a tool, everything is though, so "tool" loses any meaning
@Rick Nobody is perfect. So why practice?
Direct view video for those still curious: youtube.com/watch?v=K9ZYX9MYqr4
Art is just a tool
what's not a tool?
^ what towc said
useless things
ssube is such a tool
at least he's useful
what's your excuse?
you practice for the window dressing.
(obligatory luggage smile to make sure it's clear I mean no harm) :)
So is a dildo in some cases
@towc I was made at the Quality Tool shop right up the street
That's why he's such a QT
I think I've actually snapchatted people a selfie with their sign
@ssube did inspector 5 check you out?
dunno, I have yet to find the bit of paper
obscure reference 101
@towc luggage smile?
or do people actually remember that?
You know, the luggage smile
> you're an imbecile I hate you :)
-- Luggage
@towc you clearly do not understand how futurama, marijuana, and the other related -a[mn]as work
@KendallFrey he tends to edit his messages whenever he half-mocks someone and adds a smiley at the end, I think as a way to get people to understand he's joking
people don't just remember that, they still watch it on loop
@ssube -a[mn]as ?
@Vap0r /a[mn]a$/
@ssube I only got the futurama thing
anyone can teach 1+1 but how well you teach it is a skill. you don't want to half-ass things. you want to achieve perfection. people pay a lot for close to perfect
@towc people who smoke the pot still watch futurama. It's far from obscure.
people pay a lot for the absolute minimum you can charge money for
@Rick indeed you need tons of skills to teach 1+1
in the shortest time
I thought marijuana was a new series or something
@Rick people pay a lot for someone who makes it work just well enough to push out to client
people are broke
@towc it is and it's getting better all the time
@towc speak for yourself peasant
!!tell towc cry
damnit people, I know marijuana is also pot.
do you tho?
Guise my browser has a wormhole
r/marijuanaenthusiasts gives me wood
damnit physics
can someone halp me with moral support?
@Wietlol marijuana
kill like quality is a commodity, lots of people are willing to eat del toco imitation meat, it gets the job done. However, I happen to believe that things aren't worth doing unless you can do them well.
@Wietlol try javascript sometime
@towc whoa man, don't be a pusher
@towc dont have the power to choose atm
but we will soon be able to just swap to something else
for now, its asp.net web forms
@KamilSolecki That is some A-grade handwriting
yeah, creds to you
I can't find the POTATOL :(
Shiiit emergency shutdown fast
did you learn that in russian hacking cyberschools?
or was somebody playing postal?
Artifacts started appearing on screen
I guess graphics is overheating again
They belong in a museum
@ssube something something cat's anus suppressor
who said windows' graphics are stable?
@BenFortune I still play it occasionally, usually with mods
@ssube The physics in postal 2 are hilarious

Basically I'm wondering if this is really neural evolution, or just a facade.

The neural network takes 1 input, and has 1 output, the distance from next upper pipe.
The result of the network is used like so:

Threshold = 0.9
IF (NN.compute(BirdDistanceFromUpperPipe)> Threshold) bird.flap();

But I feel this is just a convoluted way of hardcoding

IF (BirdDistanceFromUpperPipe > bird.height + bird.flapVelocity) bird.flap();
@ssube the "special" mode or whatever it was called was glorious
the first one was just dark
they were all pretty dark :P
the first one was much more serious
the second one was funny dark though
didn't they work at a third one at some point?
not googling this at work now
I dont think so
@KendallFrey LOL
But hell postal 2 was hella fun
they were working on it, but it was canceled
someone said they had an apt at 420... posted that in the work chat, no response :(
next week: Jason, we need you to come in and pee in a cup for us
@Loktar Hahaha wtf
@Loktar I'd slap the fuck out of that kid :D
haha yeah
such a stupid video but cracks me up
@rlemon Also, we'd like you to do a drug test
is it possible to make fetch NOT log an error to the console if the request is not okay?
try {
  fetch(... )
} catch( nothing ) { // do nothing }
@KendallFrey :39215844 not yummy.
@Loktar My knife hand started twitching.
@rlemon tried, that does not work
@rlemon isn't that supposed to be fetch.then(something).catch(nothing)?
@NathanJones if you wanna use it that way
I prefer async/await
.catch(nothing => undefined)
yea, async/await all the things.
@rlemon only if you're using async/await...i don't think promises support traditional try/catch
if Bluebird could add typed catch, I hope TS does...
That's not TS's job.
why do you say that?
well, maybe.
they could use catch (err: ErrorType) and just emit catch (err) { if (err instanceof ErrorType) or something simple
TS types and runtime types aren't always the same. I still feel there is a mismatch having TS involved.
and that's a fair point. Maybe it becomes catch (err, ErrorType) and they take the ctor. I don't know.
very small rocks
I think it's a simple enough sugar (since it would probably just use instanceof) that it's within their purview. It's an extension of existing syntax.
A duck floats.
oh, yeah actually
@corvid no, the browser does that
!!> [Math.cos(1), Math.cos(1)*1e6, Math.cos(1)*1e6 %1]
@towc [0.5403023058681398,540302.3058681397,0.30586813972331583]
it's "inside" fetch implementation
is it only me, or does this mean there are more than 18 bits?
Ohh, have TS take a "guard function" as the argument for the type?
It's a pattern I've been using, with success. No idea if it's a good one yet... :D
@Luggage What else floats?
@towc 18 bits? What are you talking about?
@towc doubles have 64 bits, what you do with them varies'
oh wut, it's 66 bits?
I mean, digits
I've always thought of doubles as good for 15 digits
I guess that makes a huge difference? But can't be that big
are floats allocated a lot more bits than integers?
I thought the safe integer range was higher than 15 digits?
@KendallFrey oh, I don't know if what I'm doing is safe
@towc JS uses doubles and int32s
@towc What do you mean by "safe"?
@KendallFrey fair enough, no floats are safe
Q: biggest integer that can be stored in a double

Franck FreiburgerWhat is the biggest "no-floating" integer that can be stored in an IEEE 754 double type without losing precision ?

nvm me
@ssube nope
!!> Math.log10(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
@KendallFrey 15.954589770191003
it was so close
@towc floatmath is "safe," if you mean well-defined and predictable
so, I'm trying to expand on that idea of using trigonometry for seeded RNGs
@towc If you're asking where those extra digits came from, it's because toString on a float automatically reads up to a certain number of decimal digits and discards the rest.
@ssube oh, sure. Is integer math not?
@KendallFrey yeah, that makes sense
are there any values you can store in a float/double that repeat forever?
I'm not familiar enough with how the mantissa works to tell
class FooError extends Error {
    imFoo = true;

    static catchGuard(foo: any) foo is FooError {
        return foo.imFoo;

try {
catch (ex: FooError) {

// transpiles to
try {
catch (ex) {
    if (ex.catchGuard ? ex.catchGuard(ex) : ex instanceof FooError) {
or whatever
@ssube There are no float values that would yield an infinitely repeating decimal representation.
This is because 2 is a factor of 10
@Luggage I think you could shorten that with a functor interface, but using those to pass type guards would be pretty cool
else throw ex;
oh, I might need to publish privately
try now
Also, I've already mentioned that trigonometric functions will give a non-uniform hash
the idea is to still use decimal digits because they're "good enough for a mock"
and there are other trivial ways of getting a uniform hash
@KendallFrey haven't researched how good it is yet
@KendallFrey I'm intrigued
Why are you calling this "cryptographic" when it's probably super insecure
what are you getting at with "mocking seeded RNGs?"
I specify that it's not crypto secure at all
@towc input * Math.PI % 1
Usually that just means passing a mock that returns a preset list of "random" values
I'm going to write up another chapter for the hashes and crypto, disgard that part of the title
it's still very much the initial draft, don't worry about the wording too much
!!afk ⛅️
I wanted to rename my math/generators stuff to math/random, but my sequential and preset test generators are in there
afk mild-weather?
what are you trying to accomplish in that post, @towc ?
a very simple seeded RNG to use as a mock thing while
the point of showing it to both of you now is what do you think is the best way to get the most information out of that cosine while making it still quite easy to understand
Jun 21 '13 at 15:42, by rlemon
var pRand = function(nseed) {
  var seed, constant = Math.pow(2, 13) + 1, prime = 37, maximum = Math.pow(2, 50);
  if(nseed) {
    seed = nseed
  if(seed == null) {
    seed = (new Date).getTime()
  return{next:function() {
    seed *= constant;
    seed += prime;
    seed %= maximum;
    return parseFloat("." + seed)
the 1e8/1e8 combination goes well past what's safe from what I'm hearing?
but... why not use an existing, seeded PRNG?
Like, I wrote a sequential "random" generator and use mersenne otherwise, usually.
I used that in a code war type website that blacklisted Math.random
@ssube it's a flimsy excuse, at the beginning. Basically that you might prefer to get on with the things you were initially implementing instead of switching context to install an npm module or look at some docs, and this is something easy to remember
I don't understand why you're explaining how to write a slightly unpredictable number generator.
@towc wait, so writing your own RNG is supposed to be less of a context switch than installing an NPM module?
13 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@towc What do you mean by "safe"?
@ssube duh
@ssube the objective is that after reading the post, it would be less of a context switch
something you need to read once and is easy to remember can be more valuable than an actual context switch
wouldn't it be 0 context switch after the first time regardless, because you, yknow, have one?
and it's also just to show off and have fun
@ssube it would if you're working on many projects
again, don't take the excuse too seriously
but that's why npm modules are for...
> Don't get me wrong, it's also just a fun thing to do, and I always love finding small little hacks like these, even if I may never use them!
I stand by this ^
@ssube one thing is finding out the module name, which you may remember and that's fine, then you might need to open the browser to look at the docs
implementing this takes literally seconds and for basic purposes, works just as well
it's nowhere near finished btw
clearly I'm missing the premise
there's no concrete promise
if you're a serious developer only doing serious stuff, this won't do anything for you
but if you're like me and kendall and just like to play around sometimes, it might do something for you
when faced with this problem, I usually just do something like ineeda<Generator>({ nextInt: () => ++counter })
almost by definition, almost everyone on codepen likes to mess around
blah blah blah javascript
node foo.js | bunyan (does not work on powershell, no output from bunyan)
@ssube which might be good enough for some cases
works fine from cmd.exe
nobody remembered that it was my birthday yesterday
node foo | tee and tail -f that | bunyan?
Happy Birthday @Shmiddty!
I blame @BadgerCat
fucking windows :)
me too

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