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Just in case we're not arguing over the same thing:
31 mins ago, by Oliver Salzburg
Using destructuring to pull a single property into a variable is just needlessly confusing
This is what I'm disagreeing with; it's the exact same "confusing" as the "legitimate" use
@Zirak Alright. I can accept that. But I would still disagree because I see it as applying a tool in a way where it provides no benefit and I see that as confusing in itself. It is confusing because it is unexpected
const { foo } = window
// gives
foo = window.foo

const { foo:bar } = window
// gives
bar = window.foo

const { foo: {bar} } = window
// gives
bar = window.foo.bar

const { foo: {bar = baz} } = window
// gives
bar = window.foo.bar === undefined ? baz : window.foo.bar
@Cereal --^
* rechecks it again *
Why does const { foo } = window equal foo = window.foo
not 100% certain tho
const { foo } = window does neither create a free (context) variable foo nor window.foo if you apply that in a console
@jAndy That's because of const
@OliverSalzburg Would you really see const { foo } = window and stop in your tracks while reading?
Fuming, saying "that's needlessly applying a tool where it provides no benefit!"
Or would you glance over it the same way you'd glance over const { foo, bar } = obj
I'd just stop out of utter confusion lol
That's fine...if you don't know the syntax, then you need to learn it
@Zirak I hardly ever see that at all
Because it's new
Destructuring is so incredibly rare in our entire codebase
And there are hardly any use cases for it
I think the const {} is just confusing me. Is it destructuring an object, and the variables in the const object are property names?
You've had about 1 year of code to see it
@Zirak That's the same thing I do when I see return await ...
If you see code written by people who are familiarising themselves with the language and have written code in the past 1-2 years then you'll see destructuring
@Cereal yes
It's as useful as array destructuring
@Zirak I am seeing it, but only in places where we consider it to make sense and that is extremely rare
I don't get the syntax
@OliverSalzburg Who's "we"? The people working on your codebase, or the general js community?
makes no sense
Just because there is a new feature doesn't mean you have to use it everywhere where "it works". Bringing me back to a previous point of mine
@Zirak Our company
You'll get used to it
object destructuring rarely makes sense, unless you want to come over as a js guru
@Zirak he and me
@OliverSalzburg Conversely, you don't have to specifically not use a piece of syntax because it's new and unfamiliar
@KarelG I disagree
@Zirak Agreed
Destructuring can be super confusing, especially at 2+ levels of nesting. It's very hard to follow at that point
I'm certain that such thing will appear in the nearby future :P
But it's super useful in parameters and function return values
I already have seen lvl3 + nested ternary operators
We use it happily with "options" arguments. That's where it makes a lot of sense to me
And that is only due to the fact that JS is a pretty shitty language to begin with, which makes us rely on shit like options arguments
What would you have liked to see instead?
weird thing is that you can "invoke" a function through it
Optional arguments maybe?
The thing which disturbs me most is that destructuring can't apply default arguments on 2nd level +
@Zirak Function overloading
anyone have any idea how i can parse this from string to jscode?
    foo: function() {},
    bar: null,
    baz: 0,
And types! :P
So you're just here to troll, k
if I do a JSON.parse, it fails on the function (assuming i do put quotes around the names)
!!> const foo = 'foo'; const {length : len} = foo; len;
@KarelG 3
@Zirak Yes. I have been hanging out here for years and built an entire platform around JS to troll. You got me
@OliverSalzburg The long con is the sweetest con
@rlemon @OliverSalzburg The lorng corn is the sweetest corn (source)
animate( { node, id = 'last', rules:{ delay = '0', duration = 200, timing = 'linear', iterations = 1, direction = 'normal', mode = 'forwards', name = '' } = { } } = { } ) {
		let rules = { delay, duration, timing, iterations, direction, mode, name };
close enough
is there any "better" way of applying defaults than this?
For an example of a long con troll, see @jAndy
He gets it
@Zirak can you give an example of using object destructuring in function arguments ?
trying to figure out one atm
@Wietlol eval
@KarelG Sure, in code I wrote for the bot not too long ago
I pass around a client object which has a bunch of properties: DOM, Runtime, Page, etc. Some functions need to use a bunch of these, some only a few
When accepting the parameter, the function decides which to use
In line #69 you can see "regular" destructuring where I also need to pass the full object along later
@jAndy if I was you, I'd keep namespacing rules.delay, and have a default object somewhere else in the code, and simply do animate({ node, id = 'last', rules = defaultRules })
what happens if such property does not exist ?
await Promise.all([
        type('#login-form #email', config.email, client, documentId),
        type('#login-form #password', config.password, client, documentId),
    await screenshot('pics/login-filled.png', client);

    await click('#login-form #submit-button', client);
    await Page.loadEventFired();
    await screenshot('pics/login-post.png', client);
@Wietlol that's not valid json
@KarelG undefined of course
or if you don't want to namespace, you can then do let { delay, duration, timing, ... } = rules
@jAndy Because I don't want them all to run in parallel
@BenFortune i never said it had to be valid json
Just the first two
it is valid js
@towc: v-for worked! Thanks!
json with a function :D
js !== json
but eval should have worked
@BenFortune yes, it means that the js is turned on
you fool
get out
@Zirak what's the benefit over just passing client.Runtime here?
Hey, question is, can I combine two things, angularjs and jquery together?? I have heard that there may be problems later in the project by that, jquery is using $ and in angular too , right or no ? :P
It confuses me, I suppose that's a benefit
was asking it myself too. lots of function picks one property from client
I understand now, but still
Is it better to avoid jquery, or will there be problems as you think?
@BenFortune Unexpected token (
@Zirak Why is that code using var all over the place? Because you don't have to use every piece of new syntax instantly just because it exists?
@towc naah that is not very nice either. Then you have to Object.assign (or other merge function) everytime you just want to override a few properties
but I admit that the code makes more sense with object destructuring
It looks nice
if you remove the quotes and replace "eval(str)" with "str", then it works
you see more clearly what you expect
@GNi33 Because I don't want to constrict implementation: At the top level, I don't know what click needs from that object, I know that it needs that object. It can be implemented in any number of ways
why does it only work with parens?
@OliverSalzburg Exactly. Plus it's easier to experiment that way in the console
@Zirak makes sense
Alright :)
would this give a nice way to provide default values as well?
I guess
@BenFortune I like the background on your site
if you'd do {Runtime = something} and not pass the client, what would happen?
something is used
I like that
@jAndy well, animate({ node, id, { delay: 0, ...defaultRules }}) actually sounds very compelling to me
@Cereal thanks lol, I've been meaning to redo it for a while
@GNi33 You're asking what'd happen if you don't pass an object to an argument that is destructured?
@BenFortune i still dont understand
@Wietlol because {} has more than one meaning. {a:1,b:2} tries to open a new block, define the label a with 1, then hits a syntax error. wrapping it in () makes it an expression and evaluates it to an object.
sorry, the other way around
{ ...defaultRules, delay: 999 }
because I'd guess it would fail
!!> function foo({ bar }) {return bar; } foo();
@Zirak "TypeError: (destructured parameter) is undefined"
@towc hmm, fair enough
alright, so no default values
@rlemon that makes sense
there are so many ways destructuring in params can throw
thanks for clearing that up
I don't even bother anymore and wait until the next line
!!> function foo({ bar } = { bar: 4 }) {return bar; } foo();
!!giphy SPAM
Hello, everybody there was a highly voted answer claims that using
`[].slice0` is better than using
because Array class methods are subjects to change
My reasoning :
` []` is and instance of Array than if slice method is not available on `Array` than it is not on `[]`
@GNi33 You can however combine destructuring with default arguments, like above ^
@user10089632 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ah, I see
clunky, but it would work
it gets even clunkier when you need ({bar, foo = 3} = {bar: 4, foo: 5}) :(
@user10089632 They're one and the same actually. [] gets everything from Array.prototype
And to bum you out even more, you can use spread: [...something] which is sort of equivalent to [].slice.call(something)
also, am I the only one using object destructuring for almost every function?
@towc but wait a second ... on Object can't be right can it
@jAndy it is ;)
@towc if you're destructuring similar things every time, you have a class and methods
it's the same as Object.assign
@towc throws for me
as unexpected token
@Zirak , thank you. one last question : Array.prototype.slice() vs Array.slice() ? still the same?
@jAndy update node? If you're on chrome, it should work
@jAndy hasn't landed yet
I am on Chrome
but it will be a thing soon
!!> const a = { b: 1 }; ({ c: 2, ...a })
@towc {"c":2,"b":1}
@user10089632 Array.slice doesn't exist
no point in avoiding it
@jAndy ^^^
!!> function foo({ bar = 4 }) { return bar; }foo();
@Cereal "TypeError: (destructured parameter) is undefined"
@Loktar youtube may be trolling me
@rlemon Could've sworn that landed
btw, here's a snippet from one of my backends:
so it will be sugar for Object.assign on top-level (shallow) cloning
    passwordMatchesName({ password, name }) {
      return fetchers.user.hashFromName({ name })
        .then((hash) =>
          bcrypt.compare(password, hash)
            .then((result) => promiseFromValidation({
              test: result,
              error: 'user password not matching'

    profileUrlMeetsPolicy({ profileUrl }) {
      const policy = policies.profileUrl;

      return promiseFromValidations([
          test: policy.protocols.includes(profileUrl.split(':')[0]),
I may slightly be abusing it
nested promises
Oh yeah, Node 8.5 supports the object rest/spread
@rlemon nested promises just "return as themselves" afaik
don't nest promises
return to the outermost promise (when possible)
as in, you can .then and it will go to the returned promise rather than the returned value
oh yeah, if ya'll enjoying ES2015+, see my lecture slides, you'll wet your pants
@towc You're going to want to return your promises
so they're kinda flattened?
or something
@Zirak, thanks that was available only on Firefox web dev tool. then it must not be standard. Thank you very much. have a great day.
@user10089632 np, rock on
oh wait, you mean the bcrypt thing
@OliverSalzburg Implicit return :P
it's already returning implicitly, isn't it?
I mean, the login system is working fine on the backend
@BenFortune Oh right. I missed the missing braces :D
I did too at first
So ugly
nesting and newing promises is Bad News
any opinions on Closure compiler? Probably in comparison to Webpack
return fetch(...).then( hash => bcrypt.compare(...) ).then( result => handler );
@towc you have that last .then nested
yeah, the new Promise thing is just bad and I'm sorry
not top level
decent? good? horrible?
What html/js technique do I use when I want to get an element in javascript which is not unique (therefore, no id) and does not have a specific style (therefore, no class)?
@jAndy They don't solve the same problems
yea not exactly
@ssube What am I missing about newing?
@AfonsoMatos add a class
@AfonsoMatos querySelector/querySelectorAll
@rlemon oh, and that's bad for readability?
@towc nesting usually is
oooh I see
ok, my fault, I need to change that
@jAndy Closure really shines when you can apply aggressive optimizations. Which you usually can't, because you have to architect your entire application with that goal in mind
not sure what I was thinking
Beyond that, the difference to uglify is negligible
What a nasty word
@rlemon But I have to give it some query. What I'm looking for is maybe an alternative identifier? Something used conventionally? Like <div alternative-id="1234">
That is used only in code.
you still use querySelector to look that up
Yes yes, and what about the attribute? What is the convention?
go look at 'attribute selector' on mdn
there are a few bits in the syntax to note
Sorry, does that answer the question about convention/best practices?
the convention is to add a class, really
but if you don't wanna use classnames or ids, attribute selector is quite valid
lots of 'popular' 'frameworks' select by attribute
@GNi33 But if the element does not have a style, adding a class would be too much, no?
@AfonsoMatos no
not really
only if you're pedantic about that
classes are for styling and grouping like elements
^ just fine
oh no you said grouping :P
I usually follow some sort of convention for classes that are only used in JS selectors
I don't like using id for styling. rubs me funny. I'd rather <div id="foo" class="foo" and style with .foo
that's my only hangup
so classes used in CSS are not used in JS and vice versa
of course you end up with multiple classes on some elements, but I think that is fine
I wonder how bad the lag between my pcs is.
3 seconds
that is a weird code snippet
let item = [];
item.src = ".....";

function getThumbail(item) {
  // somewhere
  let base_image = `<img src=${item.src} ...`
  // returns a canvas

let dataImg = getThumbail(item);
weird that it is an array
it's always weird if you put object attributes on a js-array
everything else seems okayish
outside of the index
> Thumbail
is that where you fall hard because of your thumbs?
Hi all
How do i use replaceall
to replace this '(data >= '3-Jan-2017 12:00 AM') or'
with ''
I am doing like .replaceAll('(data >= \'3-Jan-2017 12:00 AM\') or ','')
but it's not working
what is .replaceAll?
are you talking about the jQuery function?
.replace with a global flag?
because afair that only works on DOM elements
> target
Type: Selector or jQuery or Array or Element
Please let me know with replace method
I am using javascript
!!mdn replace
this bot is just a shadow of its' former self
just found out stackoverflow have a chat room
@RogerStach Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thanks @Cap
@RogerStach your life will never be the same
I slowly beging to think that MDN wants to discredit Safari in particular. This is the third or fourth time in a couple of weeks I see that MDN states that Safari doesn't support a feature which in in fact does
yeah bro, i don't have to ask a question in stackoverflow anymore @GNi33
so... update it
this is very good
that's the magical thing about wikis
when did stackoverflow release this
they are updated and maintained by the community
@RogerStach 8 years ago
@jAndy I haven't heard this name in a long time
@jAndy @jAndy I haven't heard this game in a long time (source)
never change, andy, never change
Is there any good utilities for combining multiple higher-order components? My render tree is getting ridiculous
!!s/Is there any good utilities for combining multiple higher-order components? My render tree is getting ridiculous/The Game
@Neoares All signs point to yes
@BenFortune new Promise can usually be swapped for Promise.resolve or Promise.try. Usually you have a sync call or value to start the chain with. I'd have to look up one of Benji's answers on the topic for more.
it was meant to be funny AF
you ruined it, @CapricaSix

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