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in any event, has anyone used angular-cli?
@SterlingArcher I measured the travelled distance when I went full course once. 25km (15,53 miles) of walking
i might have used angular cli once, a few years ago
@im1dermike in a pinch I'll use a towel twice, but I'm very self-conscious about smelling bad. If I think I can smell myself, or something weird, I go clean myself
or was that the loopback cli
Hence the one towel for every day of the week X2
or some other cli
FWIW, i have a $30/week budget for cologne
My hair costs me $100/month :(
12$ every 2-3
just take it off
wigs are pricey.
@SterlingArcher yikes
@SterlingArcher wtf
no... 13$, plus tip, 15$
My barber is expensive man but holy shit she does a good job. A good fade is hard to come by
Gotta keep up to that fuckboy haircut though right?
And I always tip real gud
@KevinB So just the tip is $2?
used to be just 6$ before my old barber retired
@KevinB Super cuts?
mine costs me $13 every two months or so
I pay like £9 every 2 months
no, classic barber
archers' hair is self conscious and demands monthly payments
hole in the wall with 1 char
> Do I look like I need bald guy cream?. Mikey, I can barely get a comb through this. It's so thick my barber charges me double.
If I can feel my hair it's too long
i fucking hate when hair grows into my ears
or when i can feel it on my neck
omg not ears
shave it, go skin head
My hair grows insanely fast. If I shaved my head, in a month I'd probably have an inch of hair
I just use a #6 guard on the back and sides, and then trim the top/bangs
Is that fast?
there is always this wild strand of hair that says "hey, lets go into that spiraly thing yo" and then it annoys you until you get it cut
I don't think that's very fast
> According to the U.S Center for Disease Control (CDC), scalp hair grows at an average rate of 0.50 inches (1.25 cm) per month, or one-eight of an inch every week. This means the average person grows 6 inches of hair per year.
wrong head
alright all games added.. took like 15 mins
already owned exactly half
added where?
that bundlestars bundle to steam
@Loktar fuck me, that's a lot more expensive than the list price
50 games for $1
I've got better things to do with my time
haha yeah it's annoying especially when you have to search your library first
Like browse memes and watch youtube
@Loktar where?!
if you try to activate too many games you already own you get hit with steams activation cooldown for an hour
ye do share
21 mins ago, by Loktar
@KarelG https://www.bundlestars.com/en/bundle/dollar-monster-bundle
@Loktar wtf that's odd
oh shit
yeah not sure the reason behind it though, maybe to block bots auto adding? idk
it used to be even worse like regardless you couldn't activate more than like 12 games an hour
12 away from 2400 games, where 80% of them are shite anyway ;P
I've never heard of any of those games
the last bundle i got... had pretty much all shit games
who cares
free is free
I only heard of a few, older games mostly
@Loktar pubg just got a big update
well they aren't free, first of all
@BenFortune wooo
Sturgeon's revelation, commonly referred to as Sturgeon's law, is an adage commonly cited as "ninety percent of everything is crap". It is derived from quotations by Theodore Sturgeon, an American science fiction author and critic; while Sturgeon coined another adage that he termed "Sturgeon's law", it is the "ninety percent crap" remark that is usually referred to by that term. The phrase was derived from Sturgeon's observation that while science fiction was often derided for its low quality by critics, it could be noted that the majority of examples of works in other fields could equally be seen...
optimizations hopefully?
Q: How to create function that reproduces other functions

João AraújoThis is a very basic exercise, but I cannot seem to find a way to reproduce a couple of functions inside of a function. landscape(nf,sf,nm,sm) receives number of flats, size of flats, number of mountains, size of mountains. flat(sf) - reproduces a set of sf number of underscores (_) mountain(sm...

am i tired or does this make no sense?
@KamilSolecki some optimizations, a new town on the map, etc.
some fixes, some new features
@KendallFrey lol that's awesome
o no fuction sex
it makes perfect sense
whats yall fav spot in PUBG for drop?
what is pubg
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds
awesome survival fps
yeah, but what is it
@KamilSolecki swamp is fun
oh wow i really am tired
@KevinB The sound of violent penetration
!!afk hometime
or apartments
FYI:@NASA’s Cassini mission cost less than what Americans spent on Lip Balm. @TodayShow archive 2004:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/908422606726074368
lol wat
didn't the church behead him?
he rose again the third day
Neil Tyson is Black Jesus
@KevinB the principle of the game: Every match is a 20-35 min last man(team) standing. All 90-ish players drop kinda where they want on this pretty big map. You need to gather loot (weapons, weapon mods, health packs etc) that will help you survive. The catch is, that every 4 or so minutes the game area gets smaller, so you have to be moving towards the 'zone'. If you stay out of it, you die. As the zone gets smaller, the more the players are clustered and it gets more intense
so, hunger games.
@BenFortune my fav is the leftmost big houses in georgepool
@KamilSolecki Hey, I saw that concept years ago in Minecraft
sheesh, at least reference the proper movie
Forget the name of the series
I think it was UHC
is it normal to be on the brink of going crazy when setting up docker for the first time?
probably not
I mean. yes. Normal to be going crazy.
that took way too long now
sounds boring
and now there's yet to see if it'll be faster than using vagrant
so just local development docker?
should have just been an install
but yea, it'll be faster than vagrant.
the hardest part of Docker is just understanding what Docker is
nginx - php-fpm - mysql
@KendallFrey the concept has been done in few games afaik. But PUBG's pros are that 1. LOTS OF PLAYERS, so you don't wait more than 30s for a game. 2. It features all them physics for shooting (bullet drop etc etc) and 3. it just does the whole concept very well, makes you really feel like you gotta work hard to survive
it's a bit of a paradigm shift for a lot of people
for a symfony project. pretty basic one might think but good lord
the synched folders are nothing but causing trouble on windows
@KamilSolecki I don't like working hard to survive :(
@KamilSolecki in other words: it's the newest one
yes and no. All games that tried this before were mods
(tried this in its full concept)
aaaand I forgot to install node. down the rabbit hole again
not sure why people still do webdev on windows
they work for companies that require windows
Also it sounds unfriendly to snipers, and I like sniping.
then those companies are shit
@KendallFrey very untrue. Long distances and open areas in the game basically mean that if you don't have a sniper, you are in shaite.
pubg is mostly sniping
yeah... this is my personal notebook though
I do sometimes need windows
not a very good excuse for using windows
@KamilSolecki But doesn't the shrinking zone force movement?
I mean.. I'm all for developers using what they want, but if you have years and millions of dollars invested in a project that runs on windows (say, .NET that requires window-sonly junk) then.. your devs need to be on windows.
@KendallFrey yea, but the map size: pubgmap.io/erangel.html#2/-121.8/127.0
@Luggage didn't say anything about running on windows
@ChrisRasys give me a linux that just does everything out of the box (apart from developing) like windows and I'll use it
Then I lost the thread of the critisism.
@GNi33 that's nonsensical
@KamilSolecki That's so vague as to be meaningless
microsoft should make a linux distro :3
also, dual-boot? there's tons of options
@towc wsl
What's wrong with Windows?
dual-boot on a 256gb ssd, nope
How long would it take for the zone to shrink to zero?
dual-boot in general... nope
@OliverSalzburg it's a garbage OS
@KendallFrey about half an hour
just don't want to anymore
screw dual booting. One OS is going to win in that battle.
it's only redeeming feature is that it's the only thing that runs DirectX (so far)
@ChrisRasys Not true. I empty the garbage bin every week. And, also, every other desktop OS I used had one
So presumably you can't sit somewhere and snipe for 15 minutes?
@BenFortune ?
@KendallFrey You can near the start, but you need to keep moving to avoid the zone
@KendallFrey also the zone works like this: after you drop, you have like 4 mins to get stuff before the zone shrinks. It shrinks very slowly at first, so you can pretty much move towards its center on foot.
in like 25-30 mins it will be pretty tiny.
@KendallFrey snipe near the center
the point is, if your dev environment is a LAMP stack... don't run it in windows
@ChrisRasys I use Steam, Photoshop, 3dsMax and some other applications on a regular basis
@KendallFrey but you can move to the center instantly and just wait people out
why not?
@ChrisRasys Are you allowed to run it in Docker on Windows?
or wait somewhere along the way
any tactics are possible, really
@BenFortune well, doesn't count for me :P
but it's a good thing
@OliverSalzburg sure, but that's the onus of the dev
@KamilSolecki That seems the safest, except what do you do when the zone hits you? Run on foot?
and a lot of people aren't great at figuring that shit out
@KendallFrey Yeah, unless you have a vehicle
@ChrisRasys Definitely agree with you on that one!
you just install docker for windows and type docker-compose up
anyways, I can apt-get nvm, right?
or some shit
@KendallFrey also depends on the distance from the center
It doesn't kill you instantly, you start chunking health. The longer you're out of the zone the faster it chunks
@GNi33 npm install it!
the problems I had haven't been with docker per se
So yeah I don't get how a game mechanic that forces you to move can be at all friendly to snipers
also first zone you can run outside of it for solid 2-3 mins and make it with half hp
npm i it!
do people not use npm i?
@KamilSolecki oh, that's pretty long
@OliverSalzburg but I'd need npm for that first :)
@KendallFrey Tactical positioning. Calculate where the zone is going to end and camp it
@KendallFrey /s :P
@towc Only when I'm in private
so basically I apt-get node and then npm nvm, right?
@BenFortune That only works if you're alone
@KendallFrey do go and watch a YT gameplay / review, sniping works just fine.
sorry, these are all very google-able questions, I'm just kinda exhausted today. I'll figure it out
forcing people to move is an excellent aspect for snipers
countersniping is a lot of fun though
@GNi33 better to curl/wget the install script for node, it will give you a more recent version
it's also commonly referred to as "flushing"
@ChrisRasys Only if they themselves don't have to move
it can be quite easily automated
snipers who never move are bad snipers
and dead snipers
snipers who move are bad snipers
Gives you a good overview of the shenanigans
@GNi33 Maybe switch it up with github.com/jasongin/nvs
guess we got them all covered then
the thing being here, how do you do this the "docker" way?
@KendallFrey I mean its nothing like Battlefield sniping gameplay
still fun nonetheless
shouldn't node be its own container?
@GNi33 what are you trying to do?
@GNi33 generally, yes
even if I basically just use it to do npm install, for now at least?
but docker doesn't technically force that
do what the docker way? install nvm? don't. base an image off the node image of the vesion you need
@ChrisRasys Only if they get discovered.
yeah, that ^^
don't waste your time with nvm unless you have to
snipers who get discovered are bad snipers
^^^^^^^^(I never used docker) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ah, I see
You wouldn't do your work in the containers anyway (mount points), so you can just upgrade the container when you need to
I'll try that. I think I did the exact same with php-fpm
you're a bad sniper
yeah, sounds reasonable
@towc I did pretty good in my PS2 days
I rebuild my containers on a what-should-be-weekly basis just as policy
also, if this is ever meant for production-ish stuff, specify versions on your Docker images
@KendallFrey do you actually have time to wait 15 minutes for nothing to happen? 😒 that's pretty concerning
nah, I didn't do that. I did this with mysql
If nothing's happening I usually move before then
But if there are targets and no threats, I stay.
while I do see the compell in sniping, I think if a game allows that, it stops being a game and starts becoming a real-life "award system"
I try to leave my containers running indefinitely, but they're all version-locked anyhow
you don't snipe because it's fun to snipe. You snipe because you want the reward of winning without losing, even if it takes time
@towc Yes, and that's fun for me
unless you actually enjoy waiting for the sake of itself
in which case you're weird
I like gameplay where I use my intellect to win, rather than muscle memory.
more that the wait feels worth it
@KendallFrey and you take pride in it, I guess 😒 And I do admire people who snipe, but that's something that sets them aside from almost any other game style, and that's gone sideways, I think
@KendallFrey oh, sure, but sniping involves a good amount of probability
problem is that most games just plain have crappy gun/bullet mechanics
if you get it hard from using your intellect, there's far better ways to do it
I mean, sniping in COD? who cares?
but they might not give you as much pride/creds
the more I think about it, the more it feels twisted
like the games have gone under our skins
sniping in bf is great
@towc not really
sniping in BF is very strategic
yeah, because there's sufficient complexity in their gun/bullets implementation
not a lot of sitting around, either
well, if you do things for intellect, you get the most kicks when everything is purely deterministic, I think
there's almost no chance to it in Sniper Elite
which is, perhaps, the most realistic sniping game
sniping is more about "there's a chance this might go wrong, even if I do everything as right as humanly possible"
that's not at all what sniping is about
it's about finding a good spot, waiting for a good time, and being accurate and decisive
@BenFortune its so amazingly rewarding
and again, don't get me wrong. When I play long-range games, I do enjoy sniping
moving around to avoid getting spotted, flanking, etc even in smaller games
@Luggage okay, do you have a documentation page that you could point me to here?
@GNi33 you just FROM node:8 and add your modules/packages
set the entry point, if you want to to run automatically
I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing here. Most of the guides basically just install node after building the container
You can do install the node package they release or FROM the node image they make.
right, so I'd create a dockerfile for node itself?
I wouldn't/don't, my files start with FROM when the upstream is reputable.
I have a dockerfile for nginx and for php-fpm right now
and 4 services in general
2 of those just have an image provided in the docker-compose file
so I guess what I'm asking is, should I just install node on the nginx service or does node get a service on its own that I somehow connect to nginx?
node gets a container of its own and connects to nginx over the network
glob y u no find files :(
y u no give glob gud glob
you didn't use enough *
@ssube if I want node to run as its own server, yeah. But what if I want to use npm inside of my php project?
@ChrisRasys one is enough :/
to install dependencies and run build scripts / babel
wouldn't you only do that in development?
** does have a different meaning you know
@GNi33 tl;dr: you don't. You split each tech into a build step.
@ChrisRasys glob('../../configs/*.json'
not that I need more :P
okay. so node runs in its own container, gets the project volume and I just run npm there?
I beg to differ
@GNi33 run npm for what?
are we talking during local development, CI, or deployed?
local dev
Q: What is the ** glob character?

Jwan622I have this path in my react gulpfile: var path = { HTML: 'src/index.html', ALL: ['src/js/*.js', 'src/js/**/*.js', 'src/index.html'], JS: ['src/js/*.js', 'src/js/**/*.js'], MINIFIED_OUT: 'build.min.js', DEST_SRC: 'dist/src', DEST_BUILD: 'dist/build', DEST: 'dist' }; What is the d...

well yeah I do know that
but my location is specific.
fair enough
@GNi33 then yeah, mounting a directory into one container, running that tool, then mounting it into another makes sense.
or just sharing the volumes via compose
depends on if they're running services or tools, but either way, volumes
glob borked :/
I wonder if I can use docker execs in VS Code yet...
@ChrisRasys could you not before?
I wasn't able to get it to work anyway
though, that could be my fault
but it seems to use an explicit executable validation
so it won't just arbitrarily pipe stuff to whatever you put in the settings
which, should theoretically work just fine with a docker exec
either way, I don't want to install php/node/whateverthefuck on my host system if I don't have to
nah, looks like the behavior is the same in the newest update
I can see exec having problems, it does some unfortunate things
does run work better?
I'm trying to use docker run -it php:7.0-apache php
why -it?
just in case, mostly

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