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ok, fair enough
@towc Lol, did you literally do no research before buying?
@BenFortune I did. I'm still shocked
it was a long time ago
i yesterday bought a VPS
200GB SSD, 4GB RAM, pretty good for 9 euros per month afaik
You pay a monthly fee?
Thinking of moving all my shit to scaleway, I don't need to be paying £45 a month for a website, git server and teamspeak
@Neil sort of
i pay yearly to just dont give a shit 11 months a year
i also have "unlimited" traffic
which i highly doubt
Me too
at least its not "unlimited" storage
traffic is still locked by connection
unlimited storage is something I dont believe in
Somebody tested the "unlimited storage" of Amazon prime recently uploading something like 100 terabytes of data
They're true to their word
@Neil IIRC it was all porn
@BenFortune yeah it was
it was all random shit
They wrote a bunch of crawlers for cam sites, and stored every single stream of every person
I would just write a program that writes random bytes to it
I think you'd have to. 100 terabytes of porn would be impressive even by my standards
eventually, they will have to stop me
on a side note
reminds me of someone who wanted to increase the length of an array in Jaba
he thought an array with a signed int as length was too small
he wanted an array that he could access with a 64-bit integer (aka, long)
i think he didnt understand how much RAM he needed
Hi All! I was wondering if I could get some help on a VueJS/jQuery integration question that has been bugging me and a colleague? stackoverflow.com/questions/46072390/…
@Wietlol Maybe you only have 1Mb bandwidth guaranteed ;P
@Neil Close to 2 PB
That's quite a bit more than I remembered then
I don't see why you would go through the trouble of finding that much porn when you could just as well use a stream of 1s
@timgws cc @towc
For the prestige, man. ;)
But it was a Reddit user. So the 2 PB of porn were probably easier to get your hands on than a stream of 1s
I don't do jQuery
First time I've actually heard the unit petabyte used in any real-world scenario too by the way
if the question contains jQuery and Vue in one, you should then feel a mix of love and hate
In 20 years it might by used like terabyte is used today
@Neil google has many hexabytes
hi everyone! do you know how to make this code more dynamic? $('[type="button"]').attr('href', 'http://www.sportagencyone.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/' + pdfOutput + '.pdf'); I would like to change the Jahr and Month from 'attr()' to match the currently year and moth. Is it possible?
@Neil Yes, because we will have transitioned to a system where every character uses up 1 MB, to make room for all the emoji
@OliviaP. It is possible
@OliverSalzburg so you think we'll never need that much space?
Somebody else said something similar a while back.. Gates I think his name was..
@DenysSéguret yeah I did
@Neil Oh, I'm sure we will
@BenjaminGruenbaum BTW, about that Node debugger crash. Cause was found: github.com/nodejs/node/issues/15075#issuecomment-327380552
any ideas about why this regex doesn't work in a pattern attribute inside an input ?
@OliverSalzburg please can you maybe tell me how? :-/ just and Idea maybe....
it says unable to chek because "because the pattern is not a valid regexp: raw bracket is not allowed in regular expression with unicode flag"
still don't see the unicode flag, because it's actually not set
@OliviaP. new Date().getYear() + 1900 should get you started
@OliverSalzburg saw that fix too :)
Cool :)
Very happy about this
actually the regex works perfecty in javascript
that's the weird thing
@Neoares Simplify until you find the specific spot in the regex that is causing the error
cheers @KamilSolecki
@OliverSalzburg what are "raw brackets"?
@towc I try not to as well :)
[] or {}
wtf @ that regex. Validating mailto's ?
searched raw brackets on google but I got some carpentry tools
@KarelG yes
@Neoares I'm assuming it refers to the attempt to use [] inside a character class
As in [^<>()[]\\.,;:\s@"]
whelp ... make it simple. Also that a mail matches the regex doesn't mean it's valid
That is actually read as [^<>()[] and \\.,;:\s@"]
@Neoares maybe the quote? @"]
@KamilSolecki @towc imagine it's another framework, or pure javascript
@timgws no, I'm using single quotes... pattern=' rexeg '
@KarelG I know
but the default <input type="email"/> validation sucks
@Neoares That's because a@a is a valid email address
@OliverSalzburg what
@Neoares try ^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@(([[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9‌​]‌​{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$
You can have a host named a on your network and it can host a mailbox named a. That is perfectly fine and would be address in this way
@OliverSalzburg but the .something is not necessary?
a@a.a ?
TLDs are min. 2 character length
@Neoares That is inferred from your network. By default, it will attach your default name suffix for the network or whatever you configure in your resolver
can't get debian on it -_-
You generally don't have to use a FQDN to address LAN resources
@OliverSalzburg but does that email address work outside your network?
I go through the normal install with the usb, but after I reboot, it says that it can't find any bootable devices
(tried a couple of times with different settings. Maybe I haven't tried hard enough)
@Neoares No, that doesn't make it less valid though :D
I'm not sure if any TLD publishes an MX
But foo@to would work just as welll
i would do it "[^@]+@[^.]+\.[a-zA-Z]+"
ok but I won't have that use case
then check if you can connect to it
and pull it through a temporary-email filter
if I understood well, you can only use that kind of email inside your network
so no one will be able to register in my platform with that kind of email
I generally argue for not overthinking it and not adding additional validation rules that just cause valid addresses to not validate
like, it's not a security issue
@OliverSalzburg thanks a lot !
@Neoares Not really. There are new TLDs all the time. And whoever owns them can also publish an MX for that domain
well the thing of using default's browser validation is that they will keep it updated
so.. yes, I'll use it
I rather let the browser validate it as well. Sure a@a is one extreme example. The complex ones are the ones that are worse :P
Like oliver.salzburg(awesome)@gmail.com
is "ñ" alowed before the @?
Wikipedia also has some great examples: "very.(),:;<>[]\".VERY.\"very@\\ \"very\".unusual"@strange.example.com
@Neoares ASCII-only and no punycode AFAIK
Tried to get my hands dirty with an emoji address once, failed
would've been funny
It'll come
That's what we'll be spending our petabytes of storage on in the future
people interested on my profile can send me an offer at neoares.(winkyface)@gmail.com
well, ubuntu works
something tells me debian 9 is broken, I'll try with 8
@towc Maybe it's you
maybe it is me
at least I know it's not entirely the laptop's fault
It's always been you.
which is good
Only you.
If any Linux is "not working", you don't just try another one. You troubleshoot the issue until you want to kill yourself
I recently discovered that in Java, you can write almost any unicode character for identifiers
which made me believe emojis also worked
but the editor still gave errors
so I gave up :(
is there anybody know what is the different between saga and thunk middleware
i read several article
all of them says it run a function in between
debian 8.6 still works
@OliverSalzburg it still miss a TLD :o
keh, that input only checks if \w + @ + \w
ugh, sick of the scrollbar being broken on this site
in which sense ?
Chat doesn't auto scroll and sticks to the top
it has been like that if your scroll bar isn't at the bottom or selected a text
@KarelG a can be a TLD. We covered that ;D
wireless is still not working :/
and it's not broadcom
Anyone can help me with this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/46072978/…
@towc you did install the drivers, right
@KamilSolecki you mean use the nonfree debian install?
I meant the wireless card drivers
@Granny That question is too long
@towc do post your wireless adapter make and model
Network Controller: Intel Corporation Device 3165 (rev 79)
trying to install various firmware now
@OliverSalzburg Im not asking about the format of that question :) Im asking about the problem itself.
@Granny The question itself is a new problem :P
@KamilSolecki Aye, he raised a gofundme to replace the window after fire department had to destroy it to extract her
The whole thing is pretty funny
may i know how to edit last edit of multi-dimensional array ?
@VipulLakhtariya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KamilSolecki (Which raised %1000)
@VipulLakhtariya what
imagine you brought a girl over, and instead of sexy time you end up with a chick that throws poop out of the window and then goes on a quest to save it
@KamilSolecki I'd be convinced it was @towc
@KamilSolecki Then you going on a quest to save her
@VipulLakhtariya element?
@KendallFrey she threw it out, not put it on a window sill to breathe.
@CapricaSix okay
my array is
now i want to edit last element of array...?
@KamilSolecki That's the official story.
@VipulLakhtariya thats an empty array.
edge case
@MadaraUchiha 10/10 would enjoy the evening again. Probably got lots of exp for the side quests too.
That's not a multi-dimensional array at all!
Hey guys, what is the best practice for handling loading an external script that has an undefined module name in requireJS?

Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module
@KamilSolecki wait that really happened?
aaargh, tried copying some firmware to /lib/firmware
rebooted, and didn't seem to work
rfkill list all only even shows bluetooth
@Proxy apparently yeh
lol my manager sent me an email congratulating me on how many tickets I finished
I think it might be a little accidentally passive-aggressive, since I don't usually complete many.
if you want to access the last element of an array, you can do

array[array.length - 1]
dmesg | grep net doesn't seem to return anything of relevance
@Loktar @KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine
@KendallFrey maybe it was parking tickets
I might just admit defeat and get to ubuntu already
@KamilSolecki No, he didn't say tickets
I was planning on getting some work done today
@towc Try arch
@towc you should try puppy linux
it's got the better name of all the linuxes
You should try LFS
@rlemon I actually might
just you watch
Is puppy linux a thing
of course
If you can't get debian right, you've got no chance with puppy
@towc i still think you should try damn small linux
Even though it's a live distro
iirc DSL died a while ago
DSL was originally developed as an experiment to see how many usable desktop applications can fit inside a 50MB live CD
that's it, I'm falling back to ubuntu
real pity though :/
I love it when people try making things fit into space constraints
I hope bluetooth works at least
Haha nvm!
You're going to love Arch..
node version manager?
if you can get it to install
@SterlingArcher I think I've found your spirit brother reddit.com/r/pics/comments/6yd4j8/…
on your laptop
honestly, in all these years, I haven't really done the advanced things people do on linux
What advanced things?
like not break it?
$ cd
the things that distinguish arch and debian, I guess
I don't think I'd notice the difference
I barely do between debian and ubuntu
that's by design
@towc what specific things?
@littlepootis I dunno
why would I love arch?
Hey guys, what is the best practice for handling loading an external script that has an undefined module name in requireJS?

Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module
@user2248441 there is an so question
google the error
I don't think arch is more "advanced" than debian. They're just different.
Arch is great if you love playing update simulator
@littlepootis different in advanced things
some advanced things in debian are different than some advanced things in arch, I guess
Which distro would you recommend for a server machine?
Like what things?
either centos or ubuntu
@KamilSolecki ubuntu
or yea, centos
fedora is okay
@KamilSolecki Debian or RHEL
Could someone take a look at my noUISlider , I'm trying to reverse the values (i.e. trying to set the bottom-most value to 0 and the top-most to the max. jsfiddle.net/wquL9hp6/3 I've commented my idea next to the working example but that doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
You can run shit on arch if you can maintain it.
Im wondering, but im not sure if I'd care about the fact that RHEL supports olde packages. In that case ubuntu seems nicer. But I guess I will end up taking in both and playing around in each
@KamilSolecki If you don't know what to care about, then it really doesn't matter what distro you pick
anyone can help me with a C# issue?
@Wietlol We actually have a room for that
C# chat dedded
Well, okay then
@Wietlol that's what the JavaScript room was made for
Q: XML Unicode Safe Encoding

Alexandre RondeauI'm looking for a way to encode an XML document using the #&233; encoding. Using this basic code var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(@"D:\Temp\XmlDocBase.xml"); xmlDoc.Save(@"D:\Temp\XmlDocBaseCopy.xml"); my Xml document pass from: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Tag1> <comment>entit&#233;<...

basically, that is my issue
i need "&#nnnn;" to not be written as the character they represent but as the unicode notation
@Wietlol Then use the solution from the accepted answer
problem is... it doesnt work
@Wietlol brotha just ping us next time :P
iDunno who to ping dough
ah fixed it
@Wietlol you want the opposite?
C# code with var is really so fucked up
@Wietlol me :P
That's even worse than using var in JS
@OliverSalzburg i use var whenever i use "var x = new Clazz();"
and on "var x = literal-value;"
@BenFortune i want the same result as the input
just formatted
but it also decodes all unicode notations into the characters
hi anybody has experience with django with reactjs, could you please share me how to get Django template variable to react?
@OliverSalzburg it can yes, but it still need a dot beforehand
aka, &#160; will result in " ", &#233; will result in "é" etc
hi guys possibly off topic question...
have you ever came across huge tables (having paragraphs, code and math equations with MathJax) written in markdown and shared in github repository ?

is it possible to do?
@anir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
but I want the result to remain the same
the last dot may be ignored because it's the root keh
Good news everyone! Bluetooth works!
@KarelG No. It doesn't
the RFC about the mail addresses violates the FQDN specs tbf
!!> var v𝖺r = 'var'; console.log(v𝖺r), 'butts'
@rlemon "butts" Logged: "var"
But nobody cares about that, so keh
// back to work
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you confirm that hls.js renders videos fairly slow in Chrome compared to Firefox?
Increases significantly on browser window-size
Huh Ijust remembered I have breakfast in the car
A tasty egg sandwich
<div onChange="foobar()">
  <input type="text" />
  <input type="text" />
Is listening to a parent div's onChange supported in all browsers?
To pick up changes in the child text inputs, that is?
that's not how change events work
use MutationObserver to handle DOM changes correctly
support is 👌 tho. Have used those myself.
but to listen to changes on input elements itself, you have to hook your event on those
@KarelG then why does it pick up the changes?
@AwalGarg did you switch from sakura to stterm?
@Vap0r bubbling
@KarelG why is it not okay to use this?
bubbling :P
if there are change events on a parent wrapper element, then it will catch it too
leading to unintended effects. Unless you stop the bubbling
@towc just use xterm
or uxterm
so listening to change events from a container would make it complex
I'll just stop the bubbling at that point. I have a dynamic number of input elements below this div, not just two, and I need the same onChange attached to each
I don't want to individually attach it, so attaching to the parent makes sense
you can pass a param to find the target more easily
this is in your foobar function the window itself ;)
	handleArgumentsChange = (event) => {
		this.props.handleChange(this.props.index, Array.from(event.currentTarget.querySelectorAll("input")).map(input => input.value), "Arguments");
That's what my foobar function looks like in reality
The most important part is this:
Array.from(event.currentTarget.querySelectorAll("input")).map(input => input.value)
Array.from(nodeList, node => node.value)
you're doing extra work on that map
this screen is majestic 0.o
wut. Array .from is beast! Thanks @rlemon
hi, i want to download all instagram post through api?how to do it.....BirdSong Analytics
is perfect website how to use that api or any other alternative solution
Do you see anything wrong with how I'm doing this? I have a dynamic number of input elements. I listen to onChange on their parent div so I don't have to attach to each one. onChange I do the above function
I'd wrap them in a form.
but that's splitting hairs.
this is the window in your function
@KamilSolecki That was unexpected
@KarelG even in react?
@KarelG is it?
It's not.
@KarelG are you sure
@rlemon would you listen to the change at the form container level?
class foo {
 bar = () => {
new foo().bar(); // foo { bar: function }
not in strict mode
@rlemon and would that make serialization easier?
I'm looking to have my serializiation look like this: "Arguments": ["foo", "bar"]
@Vap0r well you get form.elements instead of qsa
if I have 2 inputs with foo and bar, respectively
That's fair
it is yes o.o
and forms make a lot more sense for onChange
in strict mode, it's undefined i think
@KamilSolecki what kind of tests did you want me to run?
wrong again waffle man
@KarelG 	handleArgumentsChange = (event) => {
		this.props.handleChange(this.props.index, Array.from(event.currentTarget.querySelectorAll("input")).map(input => input.value), "Arguments");
well when you call it stupid yea
don't call it stupid
if you work in strict mode, you get undefined
and onChange in react context isn't an element.onChange
@KarelG this is Filter, my containing class
That statement was before he told it's in react -.-
2 mins ago, by KarelG
in strict mode, it's undefined i think
after that statement, I got
not this one
5 mins ago, by Vap0r
@KarelG even in react?
24 mins ago, by Vap0r
<div onChange="foobar()">
  <input type="text" />
  <input type="text" />
I still have to read other chats comments :|
reading is for the weak
Alright guise
Good talk
ben, that can be done outside react too ...
Thanks @rlemon
@KarelG other chats?
like in plain HTML + js
oh yeah, brain just autocorrected to jsx
@OliverSalzburg corrected.
Hi guys
I am having nested array like below :
var tree = [
           name : null,
           selected : false,
           "text" : [
              "str" : "This is my first Node-1 string",
               "str" : "This is my second Node-1 string",
that's wrong
check your console
I installed DSL on virtual box, and the mouse doesn't work
Would install again
real linux doesn't use a mouse
It boots into a DE so
@Learning last character should be ]

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