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is it really comfortable ? o.O
@MadaraUchiha claw grip
@MadaraUchiha I have that mouse :P
Can someone help me with this
Dear Stackers,

I'm working on a unlimited scroll of information.

I've an call on a jquery function that using slice in an .each function, as default it is 10, but i want, if you scroll down the amount will rise * 2 times.

But everytime i'll scroll he'll add the same below it with more new items.

But what i want is, that i have the same 10 items and when i scroll that 10 or more new items will show below that default amount of items.


var win = $(window);

// Each time the user scrolls
is that already a SO question?
because you can post the link here
instead of the content
by the way, where is the nazi Cap when we need her?
!!welcome PieterDijkstra
@PieterDijkstra Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
not sure if cap is able to detect first time visitors tho. But if you want to see a formatted code, don't think about that.
Guys does anyone remember how to get an input according to its name if you have a reference to the form?
@MadaraUchiha .inputName
on the form
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm getting undefined :(
with JS or CSS?
No, I'm just a moron
oh with a selector
and input is your reference
@BenjaminGruenbaum PEBCAK
Why was my Node.js => Nodejs comment stripped of stars?
It was quality
@Vap0r it was pretty funny, but someone probably found it offensive.
(I didn't unstar it)
Lol that's fine was just wondering I thought it got deleted but then I found it in the logs
@MadaraUchiha PICNIC
is this legal?
import './foo';
or do you always need a `foo from`
It is legal, just usually bad
As in, you will not get arrested for doing it, probably
well, I have some script (no exports, just code running) I want to include in a project
@BenjaminGruenbaum 60% XHR expert: How do I access a fetch's JSON body after already calling .json() in another scope?
you can't
(if I didn't misunderstood your "scope")
Really? A stateful reader with no ability to rewind?
What is this? Java?
@MadaraUchiha you clone it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Clone what?
@MadaraUchiha do you have any idea how incredibly stupid an idea of a stream rewinding is?
The response
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just want my goddamn JSON why does it have to be so complicated? :/
@MadaraUchiha it's not, why are you calling .json() in two places on the stream?
var response = await fetch(...);
var json = response.json(); // consumes the response body as json
// reuse json, not response
@BenjaminGruenbaum Calling a function in another place, I want to use both the headers and the response.
Madara might need some sleep
If you have a legit use case for cloning, you can call .clone():
I'll just refactor it to return {headers, json} but this is kinda silly
Did canada get stripped of internet? Its already 1hr past Canadian Chatting Time
var response = await fetch(...);
var json = response.clone().json(); // consumes the response body as json
// can consume response again
@MadaraUchiha you got why .rewind doesn't make no sense on a stream though?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure
Why am I, the userland consumer, exposed to these things though, I don't know.
Copies of data are so common in JS -_-
It feels like pretty bad API
@MadaraUchiha it's a low level API for capabilities.
Not a high level API
if you do like response = await fetch( ... ).then( r => r.blob() ).then( blob => doSomething ) would just await the last promise right?
It is explicitly more powerful than anything built on top of XHR
@jAndy Yes, but now I want to return something that allows me to use both blob and the response's headers
@jAndy await just waits for the promise on the right, in that case that's the last one since promises chain. So yes.
@MadaraUchiha Just .clone() anything you consume.
You can't call .blob() again
@BenjaminGruenbaum Guess I have to :/
@MadaraUchiha Which is a good thing (tm)
You can do like Angular2 HTTP and just make the request twice :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum And then fail to introduce Observables into the language.
@MadaraUchiha truly amazing
Wow, hello guys.
Sorry for posting a question.
@MadaraUchiha you in Tel Aviv this weekend or with the night king?
oh shit Dijkstra it's you?
@Neoares obviously not...
@PieterDijkstra ...what?
My mouse magically came back to life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@BenjaminGruenbaum TIL that you can bypass that with .clone
Hasn't been a week yet :D
I've post a little while ago an question, that's why i typed sorry
wait ... you meant cloning the fetch object or the stream ?
no, he clearly meant to clone yourself
Eh pieter, are you a family member of Edgar?
But now their are people here talking, can some help to store a value on a variable in Jquery.

> i think i'm no family of Edgar, but the Netherlands isn't so big so it can haha
> to store a value on a variable in Jquery.
just var foo= 'myVariable' ?
@PieterDijkstra go read learn.jquery.com
no, that's not jQuery, @KarelG reported xD
Guy's i know how to store something on a variable, i'll explain.
So everyone starred that bug here but only 1 person starred it :D?
benj... you didn't answer on my question so far ;_;
i've an unlimited scroll unit. But i like to store an value for more then one attempt.

when the user scroll, like

first scroll foo = 1, second scroll if foo = 1, foo 'll change to 2
1 message moved to Trash can
@PieterDijkstra Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
you can do IIFE ...
ctrl + k
1 message moved to Trash can
@PieterDijkstra Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
select the code then ctrl+k
I think it works even without selecting, but not sure
it does
          if ($(document).height() - win.height() == win.scrollTop()) {
            if (first == 0) {
            	getEvents(10, 20);
            	first = first * 2;
            	second = second * 2;
            	getEvents(first, second);

i need to select else it wont work
well, it's something
That has to be the most boring question I've read today :D
Sorry Benjamin :S
what's the question? @BenjaminGruenbaum
@Neoares "what's the question?"
auth0 says it saves my changes, but it's a dirty lie.

URL.createObjectURL() is not working in safari.Any other solution ?
abandon safary compatibility
AFAIK safari supports it
!!mdn createobjecturl
why she ignores me?
maybe forgot that command
!!are you alive?
I'm bogging down her pc atm
100% cpu
@Luggage No
@Luggage By all means
so gonna be hella slow for like 10 minutes
if we ask her a lot of questions, will it fuck your image writing?
maybe more
@Luggage :shrugs:
Any idea why an ajax post wouldn't persist a session cookie? Get requests work
she processed 2 times @Luggage 's command
instead of 1 each
!!mdn createobjecturl
the pc is so slow I'm getting mouse lag right now
and !!mdn doesn't work anymore
anything that used google is borked
@rlemon you host cap in your computer?
@Cereal Because he doesn't have Odysseus to guide him.
@Trasiva why do you exist
@Cereal CORS
oh hi @KarelG
@ssube It's on the same domain
you're the new bot
I guess it's behind a proxy though
protocol, domain, and port?
cors doesn't look to the domain only
Requests come in on port 9292, dished out to other ports
I imagine that's the problem, then
the console should show a CORS error, if there is one
mmmmmmmmm that's the stuff
No cors error, also seems to have the session in the request
@BenFortune you don't put thermal paste that way
@Neoares of course you do, how are the pins meant to transfer the heat?
I got a ton of grease on the pins when I was fixing my CPU fan the other day
but you don't draw a line
Also has nobody noticed it's mayonnaise yet?
that way you get overflow
mayonnaise is grease and eggs, it might transfer heat
I'm laughing so fucking hard at the office right now
you'd end up with a fried egg tho
it's fucking hellmann's mayo
Did you also miss the obvious satire?
I just quit
you won chat
you quit your job?
laughed too much?
I quit the chat
@littlepootis I found you a mouse, gfycat.com/PassionateOilyCarp
@Cereal Purely to spite your ass.
@BadgerCat You guys aren't near Frankfurt, are you?
My company is hiring another devops person. We run AWS with Terraform, Kube, Gitlab, and other fun stuff. Let me know if you're interested.
Frankfurt is a hella nice city
I'm gonna stick that for a day or so, unless somebody minds
@ssube Where are you guys located?
@Alex Minneapolis, but most of the team and a good chunk of the company are remote.
I was wondering, if any of you did some authentications with GraphQL?
Is it a good practice?
@MikeBoutin sure, GraphQL can have middleware like anything elsse.
@ssube I'll finish cleaning up my resume again tonight and send it your way to look over and decide if it's worth submitting.
@ssube Don't have much experience with your tech stack
@ssube can have middleware? What do you mean?
@ssube btw there is an additional 'and' in the sentence: >Do the words "automation" and "open source" and make your brows perk up?
@Trasiva do you do servers?
Microsoft stack here, w/ some LAMP/WAMP
@KamilSolecki I will let someone know
@MikeBoutin are you familiar with express middleware?
@ssube My authentication work as a query like { authentication(username: ***, password: ***) { username, firstname, lastname, etc}}
@ssube Sure
do you send the auth query every time or do you have some token you can send back?
i put all in the session
@ssube Part of what I did in the military was on windows and red hat, but that's probably been too long.
to maintain the connexion
so if the session is set, no need to call the auth query
i manage it with Redis
But how do you manage it in a middleware? I'm very curious to know your way
@Trasiva we run recent ubuntu, so that part is pretty uninteresting. Knowing the Terraform/Ansible tools is more important, along with the general DBA side.
@ssube Hmm, I do database work, but probably not enough to qualify for this job. Oh well, lol.
learn jQuery
it does all things
^ that
jQuery skills for web devs are now required
Why, this jQuery sounds absolutely magical. Tell me more Bobbeh Boucher.
my work vm ran out of disk and I can't start slack :(
@rlemon Man, that dude is jacked.
Such an up-lifting image.
you can at least say that he does get the job done
why not just go down from the roof?
it's so much closer
you have to get on it first?
and is that a ladder on the building?
a ladder with 6ft rungs?
not likely. looks like a guard for a previous ladder
well, maybe not. little close in
are those not supports for a long pipe ?
> Understanding and familiarity of the fundamentals of Linux scripting language.
I only miss two required skills: terraform and ansible
@KarelG pretty sure they're not required if all the other boxes are checked
@rlemon Watch, he's putting in the supports for a new ladder, lol.
@ssube How are you going to get the forklift to the roof though?
how do you hook a rope on the roof? Using a stone and throw it ?
@FlorianMargaine we're inventing a new scripting language called The Linux Kernel, dontcha know? I reported it.
@ssube hehehe
@KarelG tie it to something
like a pipe
@ssube you guys still only hire US remote, right?
@FlorianMargaine I think so, yeah. :(
He has the pallets ratchet strapped so he should be good
Word to the wise, avoid the PVC
I'd wrap my rope around an AC unit and rappel down
I'd wrap it to the exhaust covers so when it breaks free and I fall it hits me like in the cartoons
if you ask me, I prefer that forklift method
you don't know that the roof is flat or not tho
all commercial roofs are flat
really ?
All they have to do is ratchet strap the forks to the roof and then lower the cab of the forklift to where they need to work lol
almost 100%, yeah
they need to have people walk around and fix the AC units, vents, etc
they might have platforms and catwalks, with ladders, but they're very easy to get around
Gee, I sure hope that's a load bearing pipe
eh, don't want to see the roofs of our neighbouring company
get a drone, you see all kinds of cool stuff :D
As a real american I only want a drone if I can subjugate a foreign people with it
I'm sure you can find a neighbor to harass
potato potato
eh that doesn't come through as well through text
how do i print Object {AS: -2646900000, OR: 6311541} all this 4 values
pohtato potahto
@ssube well done
@jagdish document.write("Object {AS: -2646900000, OR: 6311541}");
Or did you also want to include "all this 4 values"
@jagdish where are the 4 values coming from?
!!> console.log({AS: -2646900000, OR: 6311541});
@Trasiva "undefined" Logged: {"AS":-2646900000,"OR":6311541}
Oh right, Cap is being oppressed.
Being opressed?
lemon is keeping her loaded
@Vap0r That's why you write "potato tomato" and then insist that both refer to the same thing and are just different words
@OliverSalzburg Is the goal to convince them they're insane or to convince them that you're insane?
@ssube Her poor little cpu is being used from all angles.
@Vap0r why not both?
@ssube keeping her loaded? I don't understand what this means. Did he not before?
@Vap0r Mostly the latter
@OliverSalzburg ah the "child molester in prison" approach
@Vap0r I have never heard that and I'm scared to google it
@OliverSalzburg their only hope of surviving is to convince everyone else they're too crazy to mess with
A lot of guys who are scared in prison (child molesters have the highest incidence of prison violence against them) will try to act crazy to avoid people messing with them.
What @ssube said
From what I heard it rarely works because those guys know what real crazy looks like and know when a guy is faking it
@ssube ^-- neighbor building
That looks like an old gym or rec center or something lol
@ssube hang myself
it's an IT company lol
maybe it was a gym before. idk
@KarelG this is europe?
some stylized buildings don't have flat roofs
there are exceptions
@KarelG I can tell because the city and buildings have characters :(
it's fugly... and those prisms reflects sunlight on an annoying way on some time of day
there is a channel behind that building tho
I live in Florida, they are slowly replacing all of our buildings near the beach to look like miami, and all the buildings in the city to look like NYC highrises
All between are quaint neighborhoods turned into suburbs now :/
civilization? :P
^ that near the beaches
^ and that's actually the city lol, though it does look prettier from the water
@Vap0r Huh
Quite the stretch from not knowing the difference between a tomato and a potato, but, okay
That was in regards to the "trying to convince them you're crazy" thing.
In regards to the tomato and potato, I have nothing to say lol
Yeah, I got it :D
is it bad to have that view ?
@KarelG which view?
the 2nd one, that city
It's ok for me.
I've been in K Lumpur or Tokio before ... No way
The city is actually really pretty and very vibrant. My only problem is that it's the type of city where you pretty much have to have money to enjoy it.
Asian cities are like an ant nest
If you look like you don't have money and are around this area the cops might harass you
Cops will pull over beater cars driving around here and harass you too.
@Vap0r like every city in this world
eh, that cannot happen here
Sounds nice. Which city is this?
ofc there are exceptions, but they can get fired. We have means to report cop abuses
@Neoares Many of the cities (other than huge metropolitan ones) in europe avoid this by preserving history, enforcing height and view and sometimes even style requirements
I've noticed a lot older, well maintained buildings in Europe, despite having new tenants and enough money to rebuild.
museums are not free anyway
That pic I've taken is from Ghent. (I work there)
Here they would rip whatever down in a heartbeat and put in the newest glass and steel structure. Not bad, just a symptom of Tampa coming into it's own as a metropolitan city and I'm not used to it.
@OliverSalzburg my city is Tampa :/
there's a bar near my office called Tampa
@KarelG I think I've been
Back when the I Love Techno event was still there
Fuck, that's been ages ago
Oliver where do you live in Germany?
@Vap0r Near Hanover
I'm originally from Frankfurt though
I was in dusseldorf and koln many years ago but that's my only exposure to Germany
I liked it a lot. Very beautiful and much more modern feeling than the US
@OliverSalzburg in Flanders Expo? One of the best techno events I've been on. Sadly it has ended :|
@Vap0r Well, there's probably a lot of variation in both countries, depending on where you go
@KarelG Yeah, right
If I had to guess, I'd say I went in 2008
oh wtf
@OliverSalzburg that's fair. Do you know how your university system works compared to the US? I'd ideally like to go work for a company over there while going to school.
taht event is now being organized in france by other groups
somewhere in montpellier
not sure if it's of same quality
@Vap0r Not really, since I've never been. Some of our employees have been though
@KarelG I'm getting too old for those kinds of events anyway :P
@Vap0r our country allows you to go work while studying
so, I had this window open with the laptop that ben suggested, had put my credit card info in, but didn't press "pay", because I wasn't sure yet. So I went around the internet looking to see if there was something better to buy for that same amount of money, but then I get an email saying "we received your purchase order, we'll continue informing you about the process"
although it depends of what you're doing. If you plan to attend colleges, you have a maximum # of work hours per year
is a "techno event" some kind of polite quiet rave?
Does anyone know of a off the shelf microservice that orchestrates task running and dependant task resolving. Like Make or Gulp but for asynchronous job running across a distributed system. Likely making use of a queue.
@JoshuaBarnett kubernetes
otherwise you only show up for exams only. In that situation, you can work like most employee here and take those exams on your vacation day
or if you just mean tasks as in jobs, then a message queue
any will work, bull is a nice JS library that abuses redis into being a queue
@KarelG am I still able to take advantage of these programs as a foreigner not in the EU?
@ssube I was thinking of something a bit more light weight and focused on this task alone.
@ssube music festival (like tomorrowWorld)
but for techno music
@Vap0r I need to check that first 😛
Also how do I get adopted by Germany? Do I just wear lederhosen, listen to techno, and drink beer?
Cause I can do that
@Vap0r Germans will never admit to it publicly, but, when you bring a case of beer to an interview, you're hired 100% guarantee
@OliverSalzburg if only I knew of a CTO who worked in Germany that could be persuaded...
do you get a bonus or negatives if you come up with a lederhosen ?
Probably depends on if you're wearing it ironically
If not, you're hired lmao
i've been in germany many times because buying electro stuff is dirty cheap there

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