in the sense that the canvas' coordinate system is different from the one i'm trying to express the collision detection math in.
i want to express all my geometry in a 0-1/0-1 system. but my canvas might have an aspect ratio of 10:4 or something. so the hit detection will be off in one axis.
Same as collision detection in any other language. Canvas is just for rendering. Calculate your coordinate system based on the width/height of the canvas element
so when I render a circle as an entity, e.g., I have to pick a radius in terms of the canvas' coord sys. later, when the circle hits an edge of the canvas, i determine the edge's distance to the circle's center is greater than its radius. but i want to do that calculate in the 0-1 coord system. but there winds up being a distorting in the distance along one of the axis' and collision detection is off on that axis.
i think the problem is that when canvas renders the circle it does so in the non 1:1 aspect ratio, and when i try to do math that assumes a 1:1 aspect ratio it fails along the axis that is smaller/larger.
i have been using arcRadius = node.Radius * canvas.width/15 (or something). and the calculation node.y + node.radius > 1.0 for bottom edge detection fails.
in the event loop, there is a call stack and a callback queue. things like $setTimeout are web api's which get called in the callback queue after they are done executing and eventually pushed back into the call stack. Are web api's like settimeout seperate threads?
i thought one solution would be to use ellipses, but than there'd be more parameters to the geometry and the collision detection would be more complicated. so i had been thinking of way to normalize/scale the numbers so that circles could be expressed in both the 0-1 and canvas coord sys.
if my canvas' circle's width is node.radius * canvas.width, then when I'm detecting distance, presumably I could add in some aspect-ratio adjusting scaling term along the height axis when calculating final distances?
but i do kinda see how this is creating problems. i did really want to be able to think of my model/world in terms of a normalized 0-1 scale, but perhaps that just introduces confusion.
i'm also rendering the nodes to canvas like: this.ctx.arc(node.x, node.y, node.size * canvas.width, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
now i can point out that the radius term there (node.size * canvas.width) is obviously the culprit. when I do the top/bottom edge detection, I'm presuming the same "node.size" as the left/right detection. and i think that is wrong but i don't know exactly how, nor how to fix it.
The event loop checks the current time every iteration and fires any timeouts that are due. I think this is how it actually works.
A timer is registered with the CPU clock (or some kind of hardware device) and fires an interrupt when the timeout is up, which tells the CPU to process the timeout.
I don't think JS uses the latter approach for timeouts, but may well do for IO (XHR for example)
I don't actually know for certain because I haven't seen the code myself, but I've read in a few places that there are more threads under the hood in node. It's often mentioned as an important consideration when deciding how many processes to spin up on a server with X number of cores.
so although they say, javascript is single threaded, the reality is that it is 2 threads running. One for accessor methods, tasks that require parallel execution, and a main thread where all non blocking execution takes place.
@Arrow the threads are an implementation detail that you shouldn't worry about. Any code you write will be in a single thread, unless you explicitly fire up a worker
setTimeout/setInterval don't need a different thread, but even if they did you shouldn't worry about it because they will always RUN in the main thread.
Yesterday I was pointed to webpack#5600, which outlines how webpack v3 generates code for calls to imported functions, i.e. code like this import foo from "module"; foo(1, 2); // <- called without this (undefined/global object) is turned into the following bundled code: var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__module__ = __webpack_require__(1); Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__module__…
in context of Javascript and Node's event loop, can i think of their concurrency as tasks being scheduled on a separate thread? in browsers, this separate thread running the web API which would provide async functions such as setTimeout and Xhr etc.., and in NodeJS, this thread running the libuv which would provide file system module.. etc?
@StillQuestioning Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i seriously have no idea wtf is going on with my webpack babel loader. i stripped everything out, deleted all my node modules and used just babel and webpack and the config from their doco and it still doesnt work. but if I run babel cli it transpiles my code
@MadaraUchiha in the beggining I thought it was some kind of funny official PDF generator, where you could write what you want and it will generate that file for you
@MunkhdelgerTumenbayar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neoares that wasn't the first comment, somebody else erroneously said that the constructor in a class was mandatory (and the previous comments were removed)
I'm a Ruby on rails developer and I want to learn React.js. I directly jumped to Jquery and understand the basic functionality of JS. How can I proceed learning React.js ?
@MadaraUchiha I do game. But, apparently, I don't play games that require a level of precision that would require me to care about my mouse being wireless or not