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@KendallFrey youtube.com/…
puts hands in mercury, doesn't wear gloves. does math, puts on gloves. I love cody
@rlemon bit late :P
ugh. do work at home, commit. get to work, pull. doesn't run.
Gotta remember to push :P
Maybe you can SSH into your home machine?
I did push, I failed to mention that step
not sure what the issue is, the code runs if I execute npm start here from the console
but vs code won't run it itself
no biggie, just annoying
Eh? What do you mean vs code won't run it?
Integrated terminal?
when i run Start debugging I get the message 'Cannot connect to runtime; make sure that runtime is in 'legacy' debug mode.'
but my launch config explicitly contains "protocol": "legacy"
Doesn't sound like anything related to git
What're you running btw?
oh, no it wasn't a complaint about git - git is fine lol
This is gonna get fun
I hope ur flamethrower is upgraded
@KendallFrey woah... the map is friggin huge!
@Loktar Meh, not really
bigger than I remember them being when I played
The actual whole map is infinite
I'm probably gonna use up most of that space
oh man is that bob's + angel's?
just bobs
Going back to just iron and copper would feel so wrong
Even though I've only tapped into tin, lead, and silicon so far
and iron and copper obviously
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier I just got a tank and the second tier of bullets. That should do for now...
well, at least you can wall up that space good
lotsa water around to block their path
I don't need walls
peaceful mode
any one have experience with collision detection in a canvas drawing?
@AlexBollbach Canvas doesn't really have anything to do with it, you know.
In what possible sense?
in the sense that the canvas' coordinate system is different from the one i'm trying to express the collision detection math in.
i want to express all my geometry in a 0-1/0-1 system. but my canvas might have an aspect ratio of 10:4 or something. so the hit detection will be off in one axis.
That seems like just an explanation of how canvas doesn't have anything to do with it.
ok, replace canvas with "a secondary coordinate system with an arbitrary aspect ratio"
Same as collision detection in any other language. Canvas is just for rendering. Calculate your coordinate system based on the width/height of the canvas element
are browser API's separate threads?
@AlexBollbach Another question: What exactly does aspect ratio have to do with collision detection?
@Arrow Context?
within the context of the event loop
so when I render a circle as an entity, e.g., I have to pick a radius in terms of the canvas' coord sys. later, when the circle hits an edge of the canvas, i determine the edge's distance to the circle's center is greater than its radius. but i want to do that calculate in the 0-1 coord system. but there winds up being a distorting in the distance along one of the axis' and collision detection is off on that axis.
@Arrow More context. I don't understand how browser APIs could be related to threading
@AlexBollbach You could either use ellipses rather than circles, or rescale the coordinate system beforehand
can you expand on rescale the coord sys?
i think the problem is that when canvas renders the circle it does so in the non 1:1 aspect ratio, and when i try to do math that assumes a 1:1 aspect ratio it fails along the axis that is smaller/larger.
i have been using arcRadius = node.Radius * canvas.width/15 (or something). and the calculation node.y + node.radius > 1.0 for bottom edge detection fails.
in the event loop, there is a call stack and a callback queue. things like $setTimeout are web api's which get called in the callback queue after they are done executing and eventually pushed back into the call stack. Are web api's like settimeout seperate threads?
Presumably circles are represented as an x/y pair for the centre point. Is there also a radius, or is that hardcoded?
i have a Node object that has x,y,size (size is just radius).
Which dimension is the radius expressed in, X or Y? It can't be both if the aspect ratio isn't 1:1
that is the problem i'm trying to reason through
Why are you trying to use [0, 1] anyway? Wouldn't direct coords be more convenient?
i thought one solution would be to use ellipses, but than there'd be more parameters to the geometry and the collision detection would be more complicated. so i had been thinking of way to normalize/scale the numbers so that circles could be expressed in both the 0-1 and canvas coord sys.
@AlexBollbach That's impossible
if my canvas' circle's width is node.radius * canvas.width, then when I'm detecting distance, presumably I could add in some aspect-ratio adjusting scaling term along the height axis when calculating final distances?
but i do kinda see how this is creating problems. i did really want to be able to think of my model/world in terms of a normalized 0-1 scale, but perhaps that just introduces confusion.
Are you trying to make your circles collide with the edges of the canvas?
yea, just detect and invert direction
it's a square, so you can just do (circle.x + circle.radius) > canvas.width or (circle.x - circle.radius) < 0
same for height
not a square sorry, but a rectangle
You still need to handle the asymmetry of radius
@BenFortune Dafuq?
he said it's a circle...
or is he stretching it?
@david but not, apparently, in the coordinate system he's doing the math in
i'm also rendering the nodes to canvas like: this.ctx.arc(node.x, node.y, node.size * canvas.width, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
now i can point out that the radius term there (node.size * canvas.width) is obviously the culprit. when I do the top/bottom edge detection, I'm presuming the same "node.size" as the left/right detection. and i think that is wrong but i don't know exactly how, nor how to fix it.
Why are you using a [0,1] coordinate system?
Anyone on a chromebook that supports android apps?
actually never mind, i'm going to ignore you and just pretend your problems don't exist because i'm pretty sure they're all your own fault ><
my dad says the same thing
You should meet up with Raghad he lives in Singapore also
can you use proxies across web-workers?
@William there's more people here in Singapore?
Yes RaghavSood in the Android room
talked to him yesterday
I think Singapore is pretty small not really sure though
oh wow. I know some poeple in the APac region, but hadn't heard about anyone in Singapore
it's aoubt 720 sqkm
that's it
wow that's crazy small. You should ping and get beers or something.
yup, I should. I'll write the name down
thanks for the tip!
@Arrow probably not
depends on what you mean though
you can't share anything between multiple web workers
they only communicate with stringified messages
@phenomnomnominal are web API's considered different threads?
or is it some type of concurrency shuffling on the main event loop?
@Arrow APIs are APIs, not threads
by api's I mean browser api's like setTimeOut etc..
To me, I see you basically asking if my dog is a set of playing cards. The question just doesn't make sense.
A thread is a context where code executes. An API is a way to call code.
what you describe sounds like a web-worker
Web workers are essentially the JS version of threads
It's not a coincidence
so are these things happening in parallel?
They can be
It's a bit complicated, but on a multicore CPU, often multiple threads are executing at any one instant.
setTimeout runs in the same thread
asynchronous behaviour doesn't mean multi-threading
In JS, everything in the same global scope runs in the same thread
@phenomnomnominal and sharedarraybuffers now!
^ yep!
(but no need to confuse stuff)
is the call stack considered the thread or the event loop as a whole?
@Arrow Each thread has its own call stack
And the JS event loop is just one chunk of sequential code, and runs in one thread
javascript is async and non blocking, where is the setTimeout running when the call stack executes the next function in the queue
@Arrow It's not running on the CPU.
There are a couple of options
The event loop checks the current time every iteration and fires any timeouts that are due. I think this is how it actually works.
A timer is registered with the CPU clock (or some kind of hardware device) and fires an interrupt when the timeout is up, which tells the CPU to process the timeout.
I don't think JS uses the latter approach for timeouts, but may well do for IO (XHR for example)
under the hood io is probably done in a separate thread that you don't see... That's how node does file access right?
That would surprise me a bit
given that the hardware doesn't require it, and it would be less efficient than using interrupts
Interrupt-driven programming is damned powerful
from my understanding node has underlying c libraries it communicates with, just like the browser has underlying library methods
@Arrow Yep, and those C APIs internally use OS APIs (or sometimes called ABIs).
I don't actually know for certain because I haven't seen the code myself, but I've read in a few places that there are more threads under the hood in node. It's often mentioned as an important consideration when deciding how many processes to spin up on a server with X number of cores.
so although they say, javascript is single threaded, the reality is that it is 2 threads running. One for accessor methods, tasks that require parallel execution, and a main thread where all non blocking execution takes place.
@Arrow Well, there could be many IO threads
@Arrow the threads are an implementation detail that you shouldn't worry about. Any code you write will be in a single thread, unless you explicitly fire up a worker
setTimeout/setInterval don't need a different thread, but even if they did you shouldn't worry about it because they will always RUN in the main thread.
I am trying to fire up multiple web workers
this would be true if I was using clustering on node
@KendallFrey && @david thanks your insights. I have a better understanding of what's taking place.
anyone using angular? can I ask a question?
You can ask a question, might not be many people online this time cos america is napping
ok about this one
when I click on page 3 it never generate the next page
1 message moved to Trash can
@Chenny Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
is there a good application launcher (like Launchpad for Linux) ?
I installed Solus on an age old laptop (I tried arch first but this is for someone else so I am keeping solus)
I don't like their default menu, any suggestions are welcome
plz no spem
@Shrek idk sorry
spam makes me sick. who buys that stuff anymore
how to prevent form submit to reload page
you need to call .preventDefault on the event
i have an ajax form inside form submit, where should i put it?
under success function of ajax? or after ajax f unction?
right up yer hoohah
what do you mean by hoohah
sorry im not familiar with that term
@david no worries :D
<form class="form-horizontal" onSubmit="return false;">
I shall post a screenshot when I am done with this Solus
in my webpack.config.js I have the following section
module: {
    loaders: [
            test: /\.js/,
            include: [
            loader: 'babel-loader',
            query: {
                presets: ['es2015']
CLIENT_DIR is my /src folder
but I get errors where I have used import in es6 in my code
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
is CLIENT_DIR correctly sizzled in the hizzle? maybe try ` path.resolve(__dirname, CLIENT_DIR)`
What he said
posted on August 31, 2017

Yesterday I was pointed to webpack#5600, which outlines how webpack v3 generates code for calls to imported functions, i.e. code like this import foo from "module"; foo(1, 2); // <- called without this (undefined/global object) is turned into the following bundled code: var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__module__ = __webpack_require__(1); Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__module__

CLIENT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, 'src');
path.resolve doesn't help, nor does using the absolute path
@KamilSolecki "Done" removes focus from my input
@Paran0a I believe its normal and you will have to workaround this if you want it to behave differently
thats how it acts in the chat too
Alright ,thanks!
in context of Javascript and Node's event loop, can i think of their concurrency as tasks being scheduled on a separate thread?
in browsers, this separate thread running the web API which would provide async functions such as setTimeout and Xhr etc.., and in NodeJS, this thread running the libuv which would provide file system module.. etc?
@StillQuestioning Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenFortune that's a serious implementation bug
but ... why are some answers about ES specs?
i seriously have no idea wtf is going on with my webpack babel loader. i stripped everything out, deleted all my node modules and used just babel and webpack and the config from their doco and it still doesnt work. but if I run babel cli it transpiles my code
i think it might be home time
yeah ill start over in the morning
nice discovery
I am trying to make a parallax scroll effect, I succeeded but it was too easy I want to know if there is something I'm not thinking of
I have an img tag that is 1.5 times the height of it's container, and it is at the very top of the window
So my JS is...
    $('.slideshow_slide_image img').each(function(){
      $(this).css("transform","translate(0," + Math.ceil($(window).scrollTop() * 0.66) + "px)");
And in this example it works, but I am feeling there is something wrong with it
Default media type in media queris is "All" right?
pastebin.com/M7fMsacr Is it possible to get the data only for the second http request?
@BenFortune @rlemon I've enjoyed this imgur gallery where someone created a camera that records and prints a gif instantly.
@Paran0a Yes
I found my old auth class with the API auth shema
Thank god since someone removed it from the docs
Guys, anyone uses an ambient noise generator instead of music at work?
What do you use?
I'm currently mostly relying on asoftmurmur.com and it's really nice, but I'd like to try something different and compare
@MadaraUchiha love the pdf title
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, it's a nice touch :D
where did you find that?
@FlorianMargaine Imgur
The subdomain is the public space for uploading files, so it's not official
But it's still funny :D
didn't know there was a subdomain for uploading files.
@FlorianMargaine It's their file CDN for the comment sections
Or something like that
do they store comments in a file?
I improved my parallax background script, I am proud of myself for coming up with a working solution. Now I just have to debounce it :B
@KarelG attachments
@MadaraUchiha in the beggining I thought it was some kind of funny official PDF generator, where you could write what you want and it will generate that file for you
but it's a .gov so...
oh but it's not official :(
hello got one question
@MunkhdelgerTumenbayar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
$(document).on('click','.ConfigPatternTable tr',function(){
return something
}); how to grab that something which is returned ?
sorry for earlier question dont know why cut
grab where ?
@DenysSĂ©guret look his first comment 3 minutes after he asked
grab on other function just regular function(){doing some stuffs}
@Neoares that wasn't the first comment, somebody else erroneously said that the constructor in a class was mandatory (and the previous comments were removed)
@MunkhdelgerTumenbayar you don't grab anything, you do whatever you want inside your anonymous function
The point is this is just a perfect duplicate
I like the node.js tag
i cant do it because regular function dont recognize dynamically generated classes which is that anonymous function generate whenever i click on td
Well fine, i will find another way — Nicolas Frbezar 56 mins ago
that came ... 5 minutes after the post
Life uh.. Finds a way
Not sure if there is a comment before that. If not, then he's not patient
nvm just noticed the convo between denys and neoares
michael scott is awesome
!!google michael scott
He's my hero
I was going to tell you that SO chat has an edit feature
I knew someone was going to :P
is that frog a new meme?
how can I insert HTML code as text inside an input type="submit" ?
I mean, the displayed text is inside the value tag
so it's not as easy as in a button element
why do you want to put a HTML string there?
because I want a spinner inside my button :P
<span class="icon-spinner icon-spin"></span>
use <button> and add a submit hook on it
yes that's the only option I see
I don't use the input to send the form, I use the onSubmit event in the form tag
so I can send the form by hitting enter inside a text input
oh wait this makes everything easier
I'll just use onClick in the button, and onSubmit in the form will handle everything else
I've got another 'how can I write this better' questions if anyone is interested: https://gist.github.com/samjtozer/4b32d711156fba47c524fc41d0120089

I've written some details directly in the post to avoid spamming. Thanks
shouldn't you change the second conditional to mode==1, and the 3rd to mode==2?
I mean your 2nd and 3rd conditionals are the same as the first one
ah, yeah. Must of missed that out when writing it out, thanks. But, shouldn't affect the overall question
and if(x) { if(y){ ... } } can be written as if(x && b)
I'm wondering if there's a way I can structure it without having to check for so many conditions
ok nvm my last statement, it doesn't work for your example
since you have another return between the outer and the inner if
yup, lots of returns :p
I've only just realised I can make method calls to other modules in other files so I might just segment the sections out
I assume every call to the functions are different
so you can't factorize the calls
I guess that's the only way to do it
since your function calls are different for every permutation of mode and type
Yeah each function call is different and each parameter is set is also different
Cut my losses and move on?
no worries, thanks for helping anyway @Neoares appreciated
I'm a Ruby on rails developer and I want to learn React.js. I directly jumped to Jquery and understand the basic functionality of JS. How can I proceed learning React.js ?
react and jquery are not compatible
just saying
but if you want to learn react, read this: facebook.github.io/react/docs/hello-world.html
It was very useful for me
also take a look at this discussion: discuss.reactjs.org/t/jquery-with-react/683
@GaganGupta How well versed are you with concepts in JS? Closure, hoisting, this, functions as first class citizens?
gah, rmb stopped working
@littlepootis There's a keyboard button for that
But it sucks, yes.
@Neoares Thanks a lot for reply. I have basic understanding of JQuery. Do I have to learn JS in a better way in order to learn React?
@GaganGupta It's highly recommended, at the very least.
I should probably invest in a durable mouse.
@littlepootis Not really
A $20 mouse is likely all you need.
@MadaraUchiha I know how these work but I have never practically implemented them.
@GaganGupta Then you should be fine
I've bought a few, they all failed after a while. I do a lot of gaming.
@MadaraUchiha But which one?
@littlepootis Logitech or Microsoft
If you're a gamer, it's a bit different
@MadaraUchiha Okay, Btw going through You don't know JS series would help right ?
What's your primary grip style?
@Neoares Thanks for the links :) I have bookmarked them.
Just 250?
@GaganGupta Eloquent JavaScript is a good online free book for JS
@MadaraUchiha What do you mean?
Which of those is most suitable to the way you hold the mouse?
@MadaraUchiha all right, Will read it. :)
fingertip grip
I'll check that out, thanks :)
I also bought a mousepad to go with it (you calibrate it to the surface for best results)
Hi all
@OliverSalzburg gaming + wireless? :/
Man, I game on a 50ms delayed screen using a wireless xbox controller. 'Cuz fuck it
@RoelvanUden Some people like it rough.
I do a bit of sniping and the lag's going to make it hard.
While playing Dark Souls or some shit ;-)
@RoelvanUden Dark Souls isn't hard, it's frustrating
Super Meat Boy, I Want To Be The Guy, those are hard.
You know what else is hard?
@RoelvanUden Your penis?
bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=702421 hmmmm, can everyone star that Chrome issue on their issue tracker.
Dark souls isn't even frusterating
It's just learning the enemy spawns and attack patterns
Can everyone star that Chrome issue :D?
@MadaraUchiha Daium.
So it takes a second to figure out how to play
Everyone star his message and not the issue itself please.
Self starring like a boss
@MadaraUchiha Oh, because of the extra 10ms delay that introduces into your Minesweeper runs?
It's a pretty good device IMHO. I use it on all my workstations and keep a spare around. A lot of our employees use it as well and like it
And I only got my first ever because it came highly recommended
@OliverSalzburg Do you game though?
The difference is significant when playing realtime games like shooters.
I play starcraft 2 semi-competitively, can confirm latency is a bitch
!!s/you/you lose the /
@jAndy @OliverSalzburg Do you lose the game though? (source)
Just up your skill. ;-P
@MadaraUchiha I do game. But, apparently, I don't play games that require a level of precision that would require me to care about my mouse being wireless or not
@littlepootis g502
probably the best mouse I've ever owned

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