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03:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

is it at all possible to include a file which has javascript with an XHR request and then that file can use the globally set variables from the main script that called it :S ?
2 hours later…
@nil hi
@AamirPathan Hello? Are you sure you have the right nil?
@nil i have some issue regarding javascript
so i tagged u
That's a good way to anger people.
@nil i have seen first time that to tag some one is to anger wow!
if any one could not help me here than i would not come here
@AamirPathan It's more that people wouldn't really want to be bothered because you arbitrarily picked them out to poke them
If you have a question, post it on SO, then link to it here or something, but don't try to ping people at random. It's kind of rude.
@nil might be a new defination of rude but i am not rude bbye take care
2 hours later…
Hi All
Hey guys
Hi Sam
How are you?
I am exploding with dogs.
Thats a lot of dogs
fine. Can you please help me in solving my problem in JavaScript?
Possibly, whats up?
I have an html text file. How can i can i call a javascript function when the user selects some html text?
I have used window.onselect = getSelectionHTML;
But the getSelectionHtml function never gets called
What reason are you trying to do this?
I need the corresponding html part of the user selected text.
For saving the selection.
@Esailija Can you please help me in finding a solution?

can someone tell me why this example doesn't work? I'm trying to print the input value.. http://jsfiddle.net/PgjbR/16/
@BeNdErR According to my test, it seems that "$" is not in the same context with your input elements. I have tried $('anything'), but got nothing...
@pluto solved.. i forgot to import jquery lib
I have tried native javascript code, and it works
thanks anyway
I have this weird thing: if I do $("#my_button").text("something else") from the console, then this button's visual appearance changes. What could cause this?
never mind, I found out
3 hours later…
hi, i want to implement collapse/expand on table's rows in jsfiddle.net/abaf/zRKJG
Whats the best way to call a PHP in an onlick in jquery
Ugh, Fucking trolls! It's 9am and i'm already too pissed off at SO users to want to continue coding for the day.
@rlemon that is ridiculous. jQuery via CDN is present on every user's machine anyway, and even when using a local copy, the "overhead" of loading jQuery is a couple of kbytes. Any page with some images will weigh many, many times that. Any YouTube Video, hundreds of times. — Pekka 2 mins ago
^ context: user needs AJAX so is asking if it's silly to include all of jQuery
PHP function*
Showcase of jQuery arrogance at work!
@rlemon The current minified jQuery weighs 92.62 kilobytes. The current Stack Overflow front page - HTML only - weighs 200 kilobytes. Face it - writing your own code in order to beat jQuery's size is a completely pointless exercise. There are other reasons for rolling your own, but size isn't one of them. — Pekka 3 mins ago
Ensuring your code has a small footprint is not only important, it is our responsibility as web developers.
ugh... the insanity i say the insanity.
@rlemon: y u pick on pecker?
Yeah, there's a lot of reasons not to use jQuery, but size is probably a case by case issue.
Hi everybudy
My json object is not updated
I already discussed about this couple of days eariler
but i got answer
this is my fiddle please check this out
@rlemon:Hi Whats wrong with my code..
my console logs this
[Object { row_0="3366", row_1="3366"}]

Object { row_0="3366", row_1="3366"}



but row_2 is attached
Hey dogs. I have a question.
@AndyE yea but the OP question was "if i'm only using AJAX, does including all of jQuery make sense", so for him to argue "yea it's fine... it's likely already included via a CDN from another site" is just insanity
Why can't you update elements of a string via the array access method, but you can pull them out that way. E.g.
`temp = 'test string';`
`temp[0] = temp[0].toUpperCase();`
`// test string, expecting Test string.`
is problem with JSON.stringify
@rlemon: I suppose. AJAX is easy enough that you don't need a library anyway. IE6-8 might give you some hassle, but it's not that difficult.
@AndyE and my original suggest was "no don't use jQuery, it's only like 10% ajax... use a AJAX lib if you wanna use a lib or write it yourself"
@user973810: strings in JS are immutable, they can be created and deleted but not modified.
var temp = [
temp[0] = temp[0].toUpperCase();
console.log(temp);  // ​ ["TEST","foo","Bar"]
^ Chrome 19 Ubuntu
ucfirst does not exist in js
Someone take look at my issue. i try to dynamically add and remove elements in json
but its not updating in JSON.stringify output
String.prototype.toTitleCase = function() {
    return this.toLowerCase().replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g, function($1) {
        return $1.toUpperCase();
ajax is so 2000
get with the times and use websockets
@AndyE Ahhh, it's funny that I've never run into that before. Totally explains why temp = temp[0].toUpperCase() + temp.substr(1); works too.
Your page can update without reloading? hahahaha my page is constantly representing real time data
Hitler used websockets.
@user973810 ohh shoot... hehe I totally didn't understand you there :P
String.prototype.toTitleCase is still fun!
the regex looks like boobies!
( . )( . )
^ normal boobs
^ small boobs
( o )( o )
^ big nipples
( * )( * )
^ perky boobs
( . )( ç )
^ nipple ring
[ . ][ . ]
^ minecraft boobs
\ , / \ , /
^ old boobs
( . )( : )
^ chick with three nipples
rlemon, the jQuery kb size is peanuts and you know that unless you're on 28.8kbps modem
@Esailija not the point. it's not that the size is huge it's that it's silly to include anything which you know you're never going to use
it's not unlike including a 30kb blank gif on your page just because...
no one sees it, it doesn't hurt anything... but you still gotta load it.
that's not the same thing, it was assumed jQuery was loaded so you could use it
and in practice nobody would suffer from 30kb image loading for nothing
so when people say "I want AJAX, i'll use jQuery" i cringe because there are like 10 just as easy to use, just as compat libs out there which are all like 1-3kb
except the host
the wrong assumption is to assume jQuery is included via some CDN from some other page loading it
CDN does not mean "pre installed"
it doesn't even matter if it's loaded every time (it isn't)
@Esailija dude, your arguing whether or not to include 30kb of code you will never ever use when there is an alternative around the corner which is just as easy to use and doesn't come with the 30kb of additional weight.
hi all!
I thought it was assumed it would be used
no thats what irked me
Is there a way to make a handler for all page outgoing http requests (get/post/etc)?
I dunno what's the point of doing ajax if you are also not gonna use events and dom
and there you go 75% of jQuery is used already
the OP stated "I have written this API, and currently i'm including jQuery because i use the AJAX functions and one or two transitions.. should I write these myself or make the users take the jQuery library (then does mention he is concerned about the added weight)
so I said, no dont' use jQuery -- use a AJAX library instead and you have all the AJAX without any other mess.
then someone crept in and said "well jQuery is only 33kb, and is included in everyones browser via a CDN likely so there is no downside to using it"
well that statement is not only wrong, it's just arrogant to think so.
you can't win anymore... it seems the only acceptable answer is
I don't get it, how is he using ajax without also using dom and events and pretty much all of jquery
@Esailija hey man, given the criteria that is what i told him :P and even then, if jQuery is just for selectors + ajax why not use Sizzle + AJAX lib?
because dom is not just querySelectorAll
the only DOM manipulation stuff I see jQuery saves you enough hassle with to make it worth it is events and animations.
Q: My JSON object is not upaded

gowriI am trying to dynamically add and remove JSON elements from json object. But its not updating in JSON.stringify output. { "selected_stores": [ { "row_0": "3366::1148", "row_1": "3366" } ] } I am trying to add more elements in it . like row_2 an...

events, are well, just a pain in the ass.
and animations, I'm too lazy to do without a library.
animations are worthless imo, I use transitions so people with shitty browsers don't see the animation that will surely lag because they are using bad browser
DOM traversal is just very poorly understood using the DOM API
people just use their getElement(s)By<Tag|ClassName|Id>
and call it a day.
the other part of the equation is to do something with those now selected elements
yea and generally, with the exception of the stuff i mentioned above. I find DOM manipulation easier without jQuery.
though I suppose if some shithead wants animations to work in ie7, I would use them
and cry for the user because the animations will lag
i avoid animations / transitions anyways.. :P
if I want something flashy and motions and shit i'll make a youtube video.
I don't see how $(elems).addClass("class") can get any easier, I have seriously thought about it
but I also don't often write designer sites, or photography sites, or any of those other sites that use that kinda overloaded crap.
the next level of abstraction from that is for the computer to read your mind and write that code
@Esailija this is the part of jQuery that is a personal opinion... I don't find the DOM methods much harder to write / read.. and for the most part I have them already written in a utils file somewhere I can pull them from. so to reduce my overall footprint by 30kb and add 2 days dev time is logical.
using jQuery does not instantly increase productivity either.
look at how many people don't understand the API and don't read the docs / assume it will function like it's ES5 parter and when it does not spend 2 days debugging their code.
btw update some ruby gem and you'll appreciate backwards compat :D
so it's (and always has been) a give and take.
I can see how it can be bad for new people but I don't really evaluate it from that point of view
I don't look down on you for using jQuery - I do think people who think that it should be included everywhere for every thing because "hey, all the other sites are using it" is just frigging retarded.
"all the other site are using it" also includes people who think "well it's not that big, so why not"
how can 33kb be frigging huge unless we are talking some embedded device from 1970's
33KB is huge when your average site that uses jQuery (not your 40 plugin heavy wordpress crap) is not saving more code than they are including.
they included it for development ease and time. which is understandable.
you'd have to include your own fixes + the verbosity of dom code will most likely end up taking more kb
^ all i'm trying to say
But always make sure to include at least 3 different versions
don't include it everywhere... consideration needs to be taken. like anything else.
also, always hard bundle an outdated jQuery version with your library
fucking wordpress is shipped with jQuery installed, enabled, included, but not used! WTF?!?!?!?!
and by hard bundle I mean, put it directly into your main lib file
Then, do this for 4 of your in corp libs...
why does one need 3 versions of jQuery?
and then make use of all of them in your products
now you got 120kb of jquery lying around, without any usage besides a document.ready and a few $()
ok, enough rant about code from the US guys :D
maybe if you were using some internals I guess
but the public api has always been backwards compatible
who'S going to use internals? Those people will rather build the stuff on their own, not because they like to re-invent the wheel (can you call jQuery a wheel?) but because it's more fun
Reality is: 90% of the time jQuery is included for $, document.ready, and a .hide() / .show()
in the other 90% it's not used at all
I mean since the public api is backwards compatible, you don't need to keep multiple versions around unless you were relying on some internals that changed in a newer version
Bah... so tired.. shouldn't have played Diablo III until 6am..
@IvoWetzel DUDE ADD ME
lvl 49 barb
whats your handle
@rlemon BonsaiDen#2451
whats your lvl / class?
i'm in ACT III nightmare btw
none of my other friends are as far as me... bro is lvl 35 WD
Level 43 Wizard, but Europe server
End of ACT II nm
Level 28 Wizard, beginning of Act IV (also European server)
first play through, just started friday
I'm already happy that it plays perfectly fine under WINE
friends complaining about slowdowns on their highend windows machines, lol
@IvoWetzel: They probably set their settings to high instead of leaving it to the optimal.
Also nice to hear that WINE runs it fine...
yay > 1000 int
oh... should stop playing..
must... resist
@IvoWetzel lol never stop (i'm on Americans server :S)
@TomShreds you making any progress?
@rlemon progress? oh on d3?
@TomWijsman not if you're running a 64bit distro
@rlemon wrong Tom uh? :P
@TomShreds on D3 you are Shreds no?
I just so happen to be talking to two Toms
Hey I have a question
I have a hidden div that is called when someone clicks on a button and stays visible till what they clicked is done. The problem is when they click the button the loading div is behind the text on the page, How do I correct that?
just one more level....
If I put the div at the bottom of the HTML will that fix it?
@Manvaril z-index
set it to -1 right??
look at that example.
understand it?
mmk z-index FTW thanks
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/YTf2y/1 now look see what I did here
yea z-index -1 wouldn't show my loading but z-index 1 did
and pulled it forward
with no native forking (IE 6), it's slower
Hi guys, someone can tell me what kind of source I can use with
I mean, what's the best way to use SQL data with JS ? Is it JSON ?
@MattMcDonald god IE8 is friggin slow.
running the test in IE 8 (just running it ) is like 5 times slower than chrome
stupid java
closures have made the code blazing fast
the select module is quicker than $ too
look at those IE8 results!
they don't even register on the graph
switch it to table
I've still got about 10 browsers to run tests in
IE8 you are 20% slower (single) 80% (multiple)
however $ only pushes like 1.5k ops
$ uses RegExps for class tokens
how do people use this browser!
multiples for $ is basically split and join
multiples for me is far more work
because I follow the HTML 5 spec algorithm
y u no use regexp
writing c code in js never performs well
which means every character gets checked
I'm a few adjustments from full IE 5 compatibility
IE 5 (1999) can run my tests, but Opera 6 (2001) cannot.
ie8 sucks my balls.
try comparing gEBTN
Windows XP (SP1) running in a VM on Ubuntu 12.04
Left browser is chrome 19 right is IE8
exact same test
yesterday, by Matt McDonald
user image
that one still puzzles me
again... how in the hell did people ever use this browser?!
my only conclusion is: closures = fast
not only is the difference seen in the tests, it's felt using the browser
(i haven't used IE in years... now I remember why)
there's a stigma around "other operating systems" for laypeople
"oh, what I have (XP) is good enough"
"yeah, but Debian—fine you win"
though with Debian you're essentially eschewing old IE for old FF
I install my OS and instantly install the latest chrome and remove all others... then eventually install FF again because it sounds cool. "Fire Fox"
surprisingly the only OS I have not run is Chromium OS
but that is also a debian base iirc?
anyways, I should be able to release this within two weeks or so
I need to write a doc script first
then 4 SP's
then a new version... then after you realize the new version was a bust try for three more
then when they all bust make one called DOM Utils-ista
then re-write that horrible turd to be the previous stable version + the new wrapper + some new annoying security features ... and add a 7 (which makes no sense because your previous versions were denoted with the year, then some letters... not incremented)
^ works for Microsoft, why not you?
@MattMcDonald Weird. Do you cache anything in your Utils ?
in PHP, 39 secs ago, by Greg
Does anyone keep to the 80 character limit anymore? https://plus.google.com/102166658324404686982/posts/4SKo4zXdkhM
After all that business with transitioning table rows the other day, I decided to address the www-style mailing list with the problem - lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/1054.html
Does anyone know how this chat notifies clients when there is a new message? Does it constantly maintain a steam of AJAX calls or something?
AJAX is so 2000.. websockets bro
Ah, that explains a lot.
Actually I think they also fall back to ajax long polling
meh, iframe and meta-refresh is where it's at!
who needs ajax or websockets
hey, guys, I want to know your opinion
I’m having kind of an argument with another SO user right now
he's pissing me off, and somewhat making me act like a troll
it’s about a javascript question
And you're winning ?
ahah, not really
So you want our opinion on ?
What do you guys think of the answers on this question : stackoverflow.com/questions/10642587/…
I think I'm getting a bit too suspicious by telling the guy have other accounts, but I don't get how he could get so much upvotes
well first off el.style.position === "absolute"
y u == when you mean ===
this is not the worst
for the offsetPArent thing, i would have done a recursive function instead of using a while
yeah, this can be another way to proceed
I was jut too lazy to recode it knowing someone already did :)
@Denis just move on. I left him some notes pointing out some crappy mistakes he made... nit picking at his code if he wants to nit pick.
@rlemon yep, this is what I'm going to do
I'd also have checked the visibility of the anchor.
You can have hidden panel ( size 0, display none etc... ) that contains anchors.
@DieVarDump I’ve thought of that, but what if the closest anchor is not visible ?
ah, right
I thouht yout meant "in the viewport" by "visible"
Often if FAQ you have:
ANSWER (hidden panel that open when you click on question)
If there is anchors in answer, the window won't move like it should
that's right
I could do : NodeList.prototype.filter = Array.prototype.filter
And then : elementsWithAnchor.filter( isVisible )
I'm not sure if you have to go threw all parents to see their visibility or if you can, on the anchor, check the ComputedStyle and see if it's visible or its size
it can have a size and not be visible
if the parent is not visible, i'm not sure the offsetHeight is more than 0
you’re right
checking for the visibility of every parent could be really slow
it could be interesting to see how jQuery does it
black magic
and unicorns.
JR's first three kids are spoken for.
Ahhh! I love visiting the webpages people have listed in their profiles...
especially the really noobish questions and their link is to a 'web design' company
or you stumble upon pages like this : blanktext.myftp.org
jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
		var width = elem.offsetWidth,
			height = elem.offsetHeight;

		return ( width === 0 && height === 0 ) || || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
there is other checks but it seems to rely on it too
So according to this, Sizzle checks offsets or display style
@rlemon the page you linked to actually exists :D
@DieVarDump that's nice !
that's basically what you were saying
Oh, I could have coded Sizzle
(sorry ^^)
I just signed a contract to work for a company that use ExtJS, Im afraid to miss jQuery (that i don't really like) in a few times
@rlemon did you really find a profile with a link to this page or did you make the adress up ?
Q: In need of a html/css WYSIWYG editor

Red CoderI'm not trying to stroke a debate but i just have a simple question as to which HTML/CSS/Javascript WYSIWYG web builders/editors you use. Just simple Q n A format. Just state what you use and why it is better than others. At the moment I use WYSIWYG web builder 8 and i have used the latest dream...

the site seems to be some kind of joke
I have to go, thanks for the tips
What do you think about Coffee-script?
I would rather swim naked across the Ganges with a paper cut on my nipple.
than think about coffee script
iirc correctly... i already voiced my opinions on coffeescript :P
Apr 19 at 20:38, by rlemon
I thought about CoffeeScript the other day... then I decided I had a better idea and stapled my nuts to the ceiling fan.
now Coffee... that stuff is fucking golden! We all need to be drinking it!
hi everyone
Hi everybody!
Hi Dr. Nick!!
Q: Frustum Culling/Only rendering what's viewed by the Camera in HTML5 Canvas?

MaxxxxI coded up a simple 2D Camera for my HTML5 Canvas-Based Game Engine but I noticed the performance wasn't very good. So a lot of people suggested only rendering things that are shown by the camera but I haven't found anything that helps how to implement this. I'm thinking about iterating over thr...

Q: Ruby on Rails Coffee Script Wrapper Function for All files together

myxospsmMy Coffee Script code is ~6,000 lines of code. For my sanity, I want to separate it to several files. CoffeScript adds a wrapper for every file: (function() { something = [1,2,3] }).call(this); But instead, I want it to wrap all the files in the manifest together. How do I configure this ...

I DO NOT want to be the guy maintaining this....
@rlemon you know Crockford said the ECMAScript commity is thinking on how to add some CoffeeScript stuff into futur Ecma spec ?
This is why I call Crockford a Crock
sure he's smart... but he's just another subjective programmer.
do you mean subjective
what is a subjective programmer ?
brain dead. effing rsync over ssh from ubuntu to (suse, and windows)
incapable of thinking objectively
been two days trying to get these crons working well.
you can see he usually doesn't weigh the possible negative sides in his approaches
like the article about "private" variables
completely ignores the memory rape it will cause
or the suggestion that DOM API should try to be more like jQuery API :P
DOM API needs to change... but the jQuery API is no better. they both suck each in their own respects.
I don't think the DOM API needs to be so high level
sometimes you need more control and you go low level, what can you do when the native apis are high level to begin with?
I'm curious about how many of Crock's DOM-related opinions were influenced by his employer
I try to generate 5 digit number from email address. Using crypto library of node.js. is it possible
he sure loved to plug YUI
but he's no longer with them, so I'd be interested in hearing his current opinion
granted he is amazingly smart programmer... but that does not make the world of the Crock the law.
so many people are all Crock Fanboys and "OMG Crockford said this!"
read his books, watch his lectures... learn some stuff... grow a brain... use it... try unique thought... it's kinda fun.
@rlemon I told you he said " the ECMAScript commity is thinking of adding some stuff from CoffeeScript to ECMAScript", not " We have to love CoffeeScript because Crockford said it has some good stuff"
I don't have a deep knowledge of CoffeeScript so i don't know if it's could be good or not to do that, it was just an information, cause if the commity is thinking of doing that, we surely will have some CoffeeScript syntax into JavaScript in some years.
it's not good
it's ideas stolen from Ruby and Python
And ? What's the point ?
ECMAScript has already borrowed from Python
my Ruby knowledge = 0, so I can't qualify if Ruby's had some ideas taken
Well, borrow/copy syntax and 'way to do' from other languages, when these are good ways, is just improving you own
CS gets all the credit for what Python and Ruby have already done
that's what annoys me
yesterday someone posted a "CoffeeScript CSS" repo on HN
it's Ruby flavoured JS that compiles down to pure JS
what is the point? it's like "Hey hipsters! I Herd you like Ruby so I made a JS compiler to compile a new language which is JS in ruby syntax down to pure JS"
you still have to learn the fundamentals of Javascript to use it... you just get to write the bulk of your code Ruby style.
I see it as someone trying to implement a BASIC version of JS
if CoffeeScript has goto's that will secure it :P
03:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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