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@ggderas permissions from who?
captain kirk
@William any reason to not just write a transpiler?
donaldo trump
I just sent a job application and on the form there was a "Do you have permission to work on the location mentioned?" field
Probably asking if you have a work permit to work on-site.
@littlepootis Yes, exactly. What does that mean?
I mean, it's a remote job
@phenomnomnominal hmm don't know how to do that
also wouldn't the code be really ugly?
link to explain?
@William are there any mathematica parsers?
@phenomnomnominal one called mathics written in python but it isn't compleet
cause you'd just parse it to a mathematica AST, convert that to a JS AST, then use something like escodegen to get JS
yeah have no idea how to do that
mathematica's FullForm is basically already a AST
except it ignores formatting which is a positive IMO
also doubt what you are talking about is shorter then what I wrote
all decent languages ignore whitespace
not the AST though well the ones I uesd unless I'm mistaken
unless the language is indented with whitespace then it should ignore it
man, chrome's remote debugger really does not like this 10mb source map data url
and if you already have the AST, then you just need to transform it to a SpiderMonkey compliant JS AST: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/…
maybe it was comments that was the issue then and not whitespace
then escodegen will do the rest
see it has linebreaks and how do I typo: pattern match in such language?
sorry I don't know what you mean?
@phenomnomnominal pattern matching is the lazy way of replacing values based on syntax
lazy and brittle
its in proposals for JavaScritp right now
oh sorry you mean actual pattern matching
nope its not brittle which is why people use it
sorry, i thought you meant RegEx
my point is, you must have Mathematica code you know you want to convert to JS. And if you have the equivalent JS that you want to get to. The easiest and most robust way between them is as an AST
@phenomnomnominal you must have not messed with Matematica before because the AST is built into the language called FullForm
unless I misunderstand you here is a link
You're right, I haven't used mathematica
I wish more languages copied it but that is just my opinion
it has AST built in and it basically lisp on steroids
it supports macros like lisp although they are called something different
Could you point me to an example of the AST? I don't see anything that is particularly tree like
It ignores comments and whitespace
but basically 2*3 is really Times[2,3] in it simplest form
func calling uses brackets so func() is func[]
I love talking about mathematica so ask me anything when you are free
which is equivalent to a binary expression in JS
interface BinaryExpression <: Expression {
    type: "BinaryExpression";
    operator: BinaryOperator;
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
you might not even need a transpiler, if everything is sugar for a function call
yes but the AST tree in javascript can't really be modified that easily in my experience
^ exactly ssube
@William it can be very easily
I'm not really a very "good" programmer so in my tests it wasn't easy
Why would it be a BinaryOperator operator curious?
But see in mathematica 2*3*4 would be Times[2,3,4]
and to replace it to addition you would simply do 2*3*4 /. Times[x___] -> Plus[x]
does mathematica have a compiler service or anything?
which in JS would be a BinaryExpression with the left token also being a BinaryExpression
@ssube not sure what you mean. But there is mathics.net for running code in the browser although it isn't a full implementation and tio.run although it doesn't work well. If you mean export Mathematica yes you can export it to C.
JSON.stringify(require('esprima').parse('2*3*4'), null, 4)
install esprima and run that with node
Interesting I will mess with it. I'm used to pattern matching now so it would be really hard to try to modify that after getting used to Mathematica probably
One of my favorite things about mathematica is that the AST is basically just simple 1 maybe 2 letter words.
anyone around?
  foo: 'foo',
  bar: 'bar',
  baz: 'baz',
}[key] || 'blerg'
I'm not sure how I feel about this pattern...
I mean, use a switch?
I mean that's just a yuck way of writing it
posted on August 10, 2017

With the addition of Object.freeze and Object.seal in ECMAScript 2015, there’s now a way for developers to prevent various kinds of mutations to objects. For example, Object.freeze can be used to make an object essentially immutable: "use strict"; const obj = {a:"Hello", b:"World"}; Object.freeze(obj); obj.a = "Hallo"; // Throws a TypeError obj.c = "!"; // Also throws a TypeError So

pick switch lol
shouldn't that just be key || 'blerg';?
^ was my thought too but it could be that the key is diff than value (thus just an example there)
yeah sure
I would prefer:
const OPTIONS = {
    key: 'val',
    key2: 'val2'
const DEFAULT_OPTION = 'val3';

@phenomnomnominal Would you believe, the context I rediscovered this in was a conditional render within the render method of a react component.
    foo: <Foo />,
    bar: <Bar />
  }[key] || <Baz />
@SterlingArcher sorry for nitpick, but it's your* instead of "you're attitude" here (last paragraph)
/kick KarelG
@KarelG And yet you missed the typo on the sentence before the first paragraph!
a conditional render within the render method doens't sound...right
the dev may think he's been savy
i'm trying to think of a counter example
both monners and phenom gave a good one
Morning o/
ahh that'll teach me for not scrolling up
@monners which one? o.o
This dev is extremely clever.
maybe its a tradeoff between creating having a slightly bigger component over many many small components?
like an on/off switch
@monners fuck that.
you could have a offComponent and an OnComponent or you could combine the two into a single OnOFFComponent and put the conditional into the render?
You should see the decorator component he made to avoid attaching classNames directly to components
@KarelG Why would anybody response to
Who here likes observables?
@yalaramesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Haven't used observables
I'm a simple being, with simple needs
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) didn't resulted in true while my network tab clearly shows 200 OK
guys i can't make alert working
the success function inside my ajax is all working, it appends option tag but when I use alert on it. It doesnt work and also I tried console.log
no data
code is in here: pastebin.com/ExEeBLbw
but...there's no alert inside the code?
hmmm, so the ajax call is definitely succeeding and no errors in the console?
replaced to console.log
im so sorry guys. I found out that im checking the wrong element (select tag). I'm drowned with my own code. :x
sorry @derp. Even I'm confused with modifying my own code ryt now.
the feeling that im so focused with that element and why it is not working then suddenly, i realized that I'm modifying the wrong element. HAHAHA
please help here, thanks!
but there are already two answers?
@Luggage Resonded
@MadaraUchiha Luggage is afk: 💊🍸💤
Whats is the meaning of this in javascript:

window.moz = !!navigator.mozGetUserMedia;

I do not understand the !! sign here
that question got 4 irrelevant tags of 5... wow
@utdev !! <something exists> = ! (!<something exists>) = !false = true
!! <something not exist> = ! (!<something not exist>) = ! (true) = false
it just ensures if a given thing exists or not.
@BadgerCat are you in Mexico now?
@utdev not-not
!!> var x = true; console.log(x, !x, !!x)
@MadaraUchiha "undefined" Logged: true,false,true
It's a shorthand for converting a value into a boolean
!!> var x = 1; !!x
@MadaraUchiha true
IE supports a lot of HTML5
@BenFortune shhhhh don't ruin the moment.
@BenFortune Really? 😉
seems like I missed some "fun" after going to bed
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol, you didn't miss it
I missed most of it
We should have just let him shitpost on meta :D
That would have been glorious.
Yeah, although to be fair - bad for meta, it would waste peoples' time for no good reason.
can someone explain to me in laymans term the maximum call stack size exceeded?
@Arrow he's been giving that talk for 3 years now, he should focus more on actually pushing it in the TC
@EarvinNillCastillo Recursion with faulty (or no) stopping condition
@EarvinNillCastillo oh, that's a great one!
@EarvinNillCastillo do you know how function calls actually work?
As in - what the call stack is?
why tc?
@BenjaminGruenbaum nu
@EarvinNillCastillo oh, that's interesting - when you call a function, your compiler needs to know where to return to.
So if you call foo() from line 42 of bar() it needs to know that after foo() is over - bar should continue running.
How to hide your important files from people without making Hidden folders

1. Go to Desktop and create a new folder
2. Name the folder Internet Explorer
3. Change the folder icon to Internet Explorer
4. Keep it in a corner of the desktop

Now, no one will open internet explorer :D
@EarvinNillCastillo So it keeps a list of all the function calls so far - they "stack up" on top of each other - when you call a function it is added to the top of the list - when a function ends it is removed from the top of the list. A list where you only always remove or add to the top is called a "stack"
@EarvinNillCastillo this stack keeps references to where to return to - as well as what parameters the function was called with and other data.
Now, this stack (called the "call stack" because it's for function calls) has limited space - let's say - 10000 functions. Now that shouldn't be too problematic since to get there you'd need to be 10000 functions deep.
However, if you have functions calling themselves (called recursion) then you can very easily get there by mistake.
@AbhishekPandey that doesn't work at me because having an IE shortcut on desktop while the person is kinda familiar with the PC is suspicious
!!> function foo() { foo(); }; foo();
@BenjaminGruenbaum "InternalError: too much recursion"
you've luck that caps runs the code in a sandbox
@EarvinNillCastillo here foo() calls itself, the 10000 call space in our stack is exhausted and we get the error.
or she would be dead :o
That error is also called a "stack overflow" - which is what this site is called as a pun - by the way @EarvinNillCastillo :D
@KarelG 😆
And.... I wrote all of that to myself lol - this is why we can't have nice things :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you very much for that explanation. Now I think what my error is.
Oh, cool, you actually read it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum of course.
he's not like Tobiq
Ay, watch it m9
can anyone point me to a in depth resource about flexbox?
I thougt I had a somewhat good grasp on it, but whenever I want to do something a little bit out of the ordinary I get lost
@GNi33 I always use this one
@Tobiq Please don't be offended. It's your reputation that has followed you. You are free to come here and interact with us, but you have to know where the lines are (read the rules). You've crossed them often.
Though it's not really in depth
^-- i use the same link as ben (also had it in my bookmarks)
it's a decent overview of what you can do with flex. Like a cheat box
yeah, that one's fine for the basics
17, the room that never sleeps...
And that spams your mail with notifications xD
Cerbrus, the person that almost got purged from my cache memory
I won't let you forget :P
I'll have to give this a try at some point
what is this, 2012?
"A fun game for all the family"
Is there a good javascript for automating window plz?
@CatBoss There is a possibly.
@CatBoss please try to rephrase that
@room - would you read this if I wrote it? gist.github.com/benjamingr/c0866800f48bacfb5e19b40aa59f8c09
Peer5 has a tech blog and I'm considering writing it
I probably would, even if I wouldn't understand most of it I guess
@MadaraUchiha why did you leave the dumb whatsapp group?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You answered your own question
But yeah, the part about bluebird alone would be fantastic
I'll fill it with voodoo :D
@MadaraUchiha fair enough, I think there is potential for interesting there
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not gonna sift through 99% crap for the 1% nugget
There's @CatBoss for that.
@MadaraUchiha you don't have to sift through the crap, you can just only respond to pings and mute the thing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still get red dots and stuff, too much visual noise on my screen
I wonder which genius figured out Moz://a
@MadaraUchiha After you mute a group you need to go to its settings and disable "show notifications" - it's a separate thing
but maybe Android is different
@BenjaminGruenbaum the answer to the question "is there a potential for interesting?"
@GNi33 Some sort of autohotkey, but in JS.
@CatBoss "is there a possibly for interesting?"
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, there is none for android
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes.
@CatBoss what?
@Hans1984 why are you doing that daily ? :/
im not doing that daily
i was just wondering
because caprica is not reacting to command in another chat
please, if you want to test cap, use the sandbox
she did just fine yesterday
17 is not your caprica playground
@BenjaminGruenbaum Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
commands only working here
@GNi33 I'm not dead! Honest!
^ this one not working either in your room?
no its not@GNi33
whats going on
yesterday she was working fine
!!summon 19132
we have already summoned her there
shes not reacting
yeah, not sure about that, sorry
What are commands?
@Hans1984 but please refer to testing using !!live next time
ok, i will
@MadaraUchiha I'll admit, the Israeli community isn't terrific in terms of knowing their shit as a collective.
its way less intrusive than a gif
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not looking for "knowing their shit" or even "knowing they're shit"
I'll ask Rob when he comes on if he has time to take a look why Cap isn't responding in your room
I'm looking for discussion about code (and some off-topic) and not vice versa
I get plenty of off-topic nonsense here as it is 😀
@MadaraUchiha just that dude who got shot at, that's about it.
I think we should just be less inclusive towards people in general, and more inclusive towards knowledge.
Like, not be nice to everyone but be really helpful to those who want to learn
@MadaraUchiha oh man, sometimes I hope this room would go back to a lot more ontopic than now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Gal asks to join DevHelps
given the quality people that are regulars in this room
@GNi33 It's up to us, really
I don't mind offtopic and can even live with memes, but sometimes it gets a little much
yeah, obviously
Just talk more about on-topic
Instead of Rimworld and other such shite
my problem is that 95% of my office time I'm writing PHP now
and when I get time at home I rather read docs and write code now to actually use it
That is a problem
I know :'(
I'm Pickle Rick!
@Enijar Can you rephrase that as an on-topic JavaScript-related statement?
console.log("I'm Pickle Rick!");
well, hello, I guess
@Enijar Beautiful.
4/5 no fixed width
I'd have a general question regarding something I'm playing around with right now
@GNi33 Fire away
As long as it isn't in your pants
basically a learning project to use Symfony and modern JS
@BenjaminGruenbaum a setting. If you mute a group. and get notification from a non muted whatsapp conversation, in the andorid notification bar, you will see, 2 notifications, one from the relevant conversation, and one from the group. that's because whatsapp on android doesnt give a shit you want to be in a group but dont want to be bothered with it
@Enijar Beth.take.away(syringe.toString());
@MadaraUchiha feel free to ping me in a private comm channel on why I think being in devhelps isn't so bad.
So, I have certain entities, lets call them rooms. Each room for now has 4 directions that can be assigned to another one, something like this
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you can stop the number/dot in the web version of WhatsApp when a muted group gets messages, I'll reconsider.
basically a graph. I want to keep that graph valid to be able to render it on a map like the one I linked. Are there certain concepts that will help me achieve that? Something I can read up on?
Already told you, I hate feeling like the smartest person in the room, and the only reason I didn't feel that way was because yours and Nitzan's name were on the list at the top.
@GNi33 Graphs
@MadaraUchiha In private, if you'd like.
Sounds easy enough not to have to read up on anything to be honest though
You have a Room that has 4 members (north, east, south, west) which point to new Room instances
@BenjaminGruenbaum FB
so what would happen, taking the example image, if I assign "North/South hallway" to the south of "The office" all of a sudden
that's what I'm thinking about
eh, that's actually a pretty easy example
@GNi33 That would create a wormhole I guess :)
yeah, it's the wormholes that I want to avoid
Are you looking for an approach that ensures the graph "makes sense"?
sort of, yes
That is slightly more difficult then :D
I can already build the graph of course, that's fairly simple
I'd probably go with a brute force approach first, then try to think about it more
yeah, that's what I was thinking. But I'll read up on graph theory in general
Like, you could organize the graph nodes onto a grid and keep track of branch lengths. When the graph tries to connect to nodes too far away, throw
it's a very interesting topic nontheless and I might stumble over some good approaches
Maybe someone can suggest a more educated approach. Interesting problem indeed
yeah, sounds interesting. otoh I want to build a graphical editor (directly editing the map by drag & drop or connectors) as well
but I think I'll give your suggestion a shot
just make a path
if it ends in a loop, then you've a wormhole
as loops will be definitely possible... what will I do about the wormhole and how fast will it expand?
@GNi33 For every room to possibly connect, you can calculate an X,Y position on your grid. When you're attempting to make a new connection, you can easily check the neighborhood
Should be easy enough actually
yeah, I was thinking about this as well
problem being, I'm still not 100% sure how it really should react to certain actions
it's basically a tree
so I'll have to give it some more thougt
you start, and for each next room add child nodes. And for each node check if its coordinate does not match with a node that is in the parent (until the root)
then step in that room. Repeat the procedure
any recommendations what I should use to render the map?
to render and edit it. I guess SVG would make sense?
I don't understand your problem well enough to give a real recommendation - soz
basically, ignoring the other part, rendering something like that with the possibility to interact with certain elements in it
seeing that I can make d3 and React work together, I'll probably just give that a try for the learning experience
D3 is imperative, React is declarative
You can make SVG and react work together - or wrap D3 in React components for lifecycle management
yeah, I'd probaby wrap it
let React be the wrapper and handle inputs that I might need around the map and pass all needed data to d3 that it needs to render
at least that's how i picture that in my mind right now
anyone familiar with mongodb querying? I thought this would work to return all records in the collection gte than the timestamp supplied but get 0 results
db.getCollection('app_configuration').find({"key":"MEC_DATES", "Date": {$gte: "2017-08-03T09:35:14.561Z"}}).sort({Date: -1})
and for example the objects in the collection do contain Date values greater than the timestamp:

anyone please help me out?

@NomanAli without knowing firebase... wouldn't you need to use the messaging component to get notifications from the database on changes?
@GNi33 Sir i just want to show user if he is live. No notifications are needed
> It suppose to change when status change in database
somehow the client will need to be notified from the database that something changed, no?
can you point me to the documentation that explains the event - handlers of firebase? can't seem to find it
ah I see, there's a realtime database. let me read up on that real quick
your code actually looks fine at first glance
is it set up correctly? are you seeing any errors in the console?
No, basically everything is working fine. all other variables (realtime db variable) are working fine and values on client side are changing according to changes in DB. But specifically this (changing class) is not working.
It changes class on refreshing the page but not on realtime
so, the handler isn't firing at all, right?
let me check one more thing. just few seconds please
Yes! realtime handler is not firing at all. Once after it has loaded all the values.
@room is there anything planned with JavaScriptRoom.github.io ?
@NomanAli interesting, especially if all the others work fine
best to open an issue on GH so all RO's can see it and discuss it.
I am not one, but I would do that
good idea
it's not a private repo though
I know :P
although i cannot see /moderation/issue/47
This is what i am making. it should change Johny Doez live status to grey. But its not
(removed ? or just strict access )
yeah, moderation is private
@NomanAli and Johny Doez is the user you're reading when doing obj.userid, right?
yes. Basically all users in list are being populated in loop.
you might want to try binding it to users in general to not have to add a listener for every user in the list
change should return the changed userid so you can act accordingly
did you try that?
that is why it's not working. because every user in the does not have it's own listener.
But how i am supposed to do this if list is dynamically being generated.
oh, so you're just not registering it?
well, at some point you'll have a list of users, right?
honestly, I'd just have an endpoint that notifies on any change to the users table
and returns the changed user's id
so you can just get the corresponding element by user id and change it then
if users change live as well, having to register a handler for every user (and detach if the user is removed) sounds a little painful
yes :(
thanks for your time. i have got an idea. Let me try that. Really appreciate :)
no problem, hope you'll be successful with that idea
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm in Germany

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