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anyone here ever play the Ys games?
I just started one of them recently, pretty angry at myself for not playing any sooner
really fun if you are into zelda / hacknslash type games
were any of them on SNES?
art looks familiar
SNES was like the only system they didn't release on
ohh nvm. wiki doesn't organise that shit
I know most are on Sony devices and PC
current one I'm playing is a vita exclusive
Ys: Memories of Celceta
but I have Ys origins for PC I need to play next
the combat is cool, you hit a button to switch to a diff party member and you take control of them, then the AI controls the other guys
idk fun regardless if anyone is into those types of games. they are actually incredibly popular I just never tried one, I thought they were like JRPGs or some shit
cbc.ca/news/business/… cc @KendallFrey @Loktar well isn't that just some BS
they go after the small guys
> On June 9, the telecoms got an Anton Piller order, a civil search warrant that gives a plaintiff access to a defendant's home, without notice, to search for and seize relevant evidence before it can be destroyed.
you can find pirated movies and tv on google. but Bell/Rogers would be insane to go after them
eww wtf, Canada allows that?
a civil search warrant, what the eff
@rlemon man that's weird, I wonder if they at least have to be accompanied by law enforcement
normally, yes
I've had one done on my when I was doing satellite stuff (dunno if it was actually that, but no warning, cops and agents came). DirectTV suits and a bunch of cops just showed up and let themselves in
never got any of the computers back
did.. dugger just join, meme, and leave?
drive by memeing?
lol gotta go fast
@rlemon WOW.
it's cool, but it's not that cool
consumers don't use tapes.
btw, I might need your help soon @rlemon
whatcha farmin?
I decided to build a mechanical keyboard. With metal + wood finish, and Imma need help on the wood part ^^
I wanna go all in on this project
you got a jointer, planer, bandsaw or scrollsaw, chisels, and hand planers?
because you'll need all of the above
I have probably more than enough tools
you need very specific tools for fine detail small wood
I don't have them all myself. I tend to get by, but it's obvious
to be precise:
I'd say the chisels and the band/scroll saw would be the most important
Im planning something like a wooden border around the frame
where is @Luggage ?
Start his new job?
actually yeah nm he did
so not like this?
I assume he's getting all setup still, miss you bro.
because if you want tight corners on the inner holes for the keys you need a stupid sharp chisel and some practise
@rlemon no. I was thinking no cover plate on top/between the keys
or wait, you own a CNC right?
and just like a drop - in - screw - in frame around
like a bowl
that's easy enough. easier if you own a CNC :P
doing it with a plunge router means you'll have to build some jig to get it cleanly done
uhm my father might have 2 big ones :D
you could do it with a spoon chisel (if you have like 10 hours to kill) or a plunge router and a jig/steady hand
probably still need a chisel to clean up the corners.
aww man, I made a planter box on the weekend and I forgot to take picture of it
What a shit bot made me mad since the topic was a sad one lol
@Loktar cake > cat
@rlemon LOL what is with this fucking wed frog
nyan cake > all
!!> var b = new Uint8Array(1024 * 128);String.fromCharCode.apply(null, b)
@Luggage hey man, hows the "new" job?
@BenjaminGruenbaum "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000‌​\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0‌​000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000‌​\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0‌​000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0 (snip)
Interesting, Chrome gets "maximum call stack exceeded" here
1024 works, weird bug
 🐸  because it's wednesday, my doods
> Node.js: 11034
Firefox: 50994
Chrome: 10402
Good. Stupid network junk to deal with in office, but otherwise all good.
Max call stack sizes
From 2014 lol
Where is the recursion hiding though?
Why would the call stack even matter here?
Whew. 4 hours in a hot government building. ugh
@SterlingArcher ISIS?
that's not even a good joke
it's not risky, it's just stupid.
Was it a hostile goverment's building? Were you tortured?
Hello, a fast question, in jquery i can get an element by $('#element') - but if i have two elements with same id, but under different divs how can i specify which one i want? Is something like $('#div1#data') possible?
@user1985273 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
No but I think I was almost strip searched because my knee has metal in it and they didn't quite believe me
Even though I've been there 50 times
@user1985273 "but if i have two elements with same id" no. Ids must be unique
@rlemon it was better than the one you didn't make
@KendallFrey does ISIS have a single governing body? I thought no.
@user1985273 if you have two elements with the same id, you're doing something wrong.
@Vap0r no it wasn't
@BenjaminGruenbaum I understand the question now. And I do not have an answer :)
@rlemon ISIS was't my joke mmkay
@rlemon sure was. And I'm not talking about the terrorists...
@Vap0r ISIS (archer) isn't government either.
ok, so if i have two forms on one page and both have field name then i should use form1_name and form2_name as id?
they're a private spy organisation
Yeah in the same way DynCorp isn't government, pleb.
ISIS literally turns into criminals very short into the series
My mom always used to say if you can't say anything nice, you're a fucking asshole.
past season 1 there isn't really a government aspect to them, other than the government wants to shut them down
@rlemon by that logic so does the FBI and CIA
and... webview crashes
!!> Array.apply(null, new Array(1000000))
@Vap0r ?? WHAT?
@Jhoverit "RangeError: too many arguments provided for a function call"
@Jhoverit now that I'm in Peer5, Chrome feels really buggy
Same issue
@rlemon umm. CIA and FBI becoming criminals?
@rlemon are you feeling more normal?
I thought that was kind of a known thing
@SterlingArcher no
but that could be stress induced
@Jhoverit I don't believe it
Not really. I mean Iran-Contra was criminal. NSA wiretaps were criminal until FISA court made them "legal"
but maybe IDK
I'm trying to solve a JavaScript -> Java problem, basically gist.github.com/benjamingr/c61648e99c58347e84f8e0d95d0f36a3
I don't really know about the criminality of overthrowing dictators, but I guarantee we broke some sovereignty clauses of some international agreements with the Shah of Iran and some of the other un-redacted, proven ex-conspiracy theories
so "ISIS was never a government organisation and later becomes actual criminals" === "basically the FBI and CIA" ....
!!afk vape
I never claimed that equality. You made the argument that they can't possibly be government because it "literally turns into criminals very short into the series". I was just contradicting that
omg people wont stop talking to me, so im literally eating in front of them till they get the hint
> but I guarantee we broke some sovereignty clauses of some international agreements with the Shah of Iran
Yeah I mean them having hostages didn't break any clauses 😋
@Loktar you didn't hear? Hostage taking is 100% legal now
@rlemon Either way, it was a joke, and if you didn't like it you didn't have to get sore. Jokes don't have to resonate, and they don't have to be exactly applicable to the situation, else people get real confused about why the chicken crossed the road jokes
@Vap0r rlemon is afk: vape
I need a hostage, need them to play my backlog of games and give me a synopsis of each one
@Loktar lol I mean there's an entire wikipedia article dedicated to us fucking shit up over there: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Iran
@Vap0r sucks they're so weak
@Loktar I mean, depends if you live in a major metropolitan area or not
If I lived in NYC I'd be pretty happy they aren't all-powerful lol
It's their fault for having oil, honestly
@Loktar Isn't that what kids are for?
nah they have too many chores and their own games to play
@SterlingArcher LOL
@SterlingArcher Cllllassic
Why is Madara's name backwards in the sticky on the right?
He was demodded
it reverses your name to forever shame the account
@KendallFrey if Jesus died for our sins, who died for our cos?
d/dx Jesus, I imagine
you suck
@MadaraUchiha :D
@rlemon I do have some chisels probably, a sander, a cnc, a stationary saw, a router and a drehmel
@KamilSolecki rlemon is afk: vape
@SterlingArcher LOL wow

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