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what's the meaning of {} in es6 when declaring variables? ie const { contacts, projects } = this.props.
it's destructuring
const contacts = this.props.contacts, projects = this.props.projects;
I like it
@ssube whenever I look on your avatar on phone I think its broccoli
Even though I've seen it plenty of times
Am I sick?
I don't know if it looks like broccoli, it's a little too bright for that imo.
over boil the broccoli and it goes that colour
In my defense, it kinda outlines as one
Btw, any blues or jazz or hip hop fans around?
Quick question. If I learn Python and later go back to JS, will I end up confusing the syntax?
@SirCumference nah, I write both most days
@ssube cool, thanks
can someone read this comment and explain to me what he means: github.com/JedWatson/react-select/issues/…
by this: Notice the ref attribute is a function that stores the component into this.selector variable
would that just be a function that returns document.getElementById etc?
no, he is just referring to: ref={ s => this.selector = s}
yeah but what is this.selector?
react calls ref(theElement) and he's storing it in this.selector
just a variable he added to the class
ah ok
@Tavo I thought that Morn thing was not going to be a problem. However, it's freaking me out.
@littlepootis do you have a github account
Of course
can you help me lobby for the pattern matching proposal
assuming you have some experience with pattern matching
Little to none
is it ok to have a hyphen in a domain name
@William What is the proposal for?
of course
@littlepootis pattern matching github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching
@SalOrozco do you google this
I did got kind of mixed results.
Some say yes. Some say no.
@SalOrozco go to namecheap.com and try to register a name
Using Object as regular expressions seems strange
@Arrow confused that is sort of pattern matching
please elaborate
i guess domains with hyphen seem ok
My question if you can do it. It was is it good practice.
@SalOrozco your choice.
@SalOrozco I would say that, used without reason, it makes your-domain.com harder to remember. However, it can be very important when you have a questionable name already, like the classic expertsexchange vs experts-exchange case.
ok Thanks
I do have a name that is questionable.
a hyphen would make it more readable.
@William why would you want to match any array
@Arrow lol, why
@Arrow the most useful case I hope that make it useful enough for is matching XML/HTML
I get all of my sex changes done by experts
You should provide clear use case
I did! - See this penis? I want it gone.
Anyone have success with upwork
but keep this other one?
@Arrow every morning when I go online, I want to be polite and greet people
@Arrow I doubt it will change their mind
I'll show myself out
@Tavo but no one says it back.
doesn't matter. I was raised that way
well, that's our problem for being sad sacks
i say it, but under my breath and to myself
it's just your name, your avatar, which looks like Luggage's step brother, and "morn"
@Arrow Pattern matching is pretty useful.
@Arrow r you talking to me
My first real encounter with it was when I tried Oz.
@littlepootis are you being a contrarian just so you can.
@Arrow I can change 'morn' for 'good morning lovelies' if that freaks you out less
Uh, no.
@littlepootis how might it be useful?
give a solid example
@Tavo sure, give it try
@Arrow I'll start from tomorrow
see how that goes
@Arrow can I give an example in Mathematica pattern matching syntax?
don't feel the need to change your greeting, it's perfectly pleasant
oh so satisfying
Factorio is literally crack
@ssube I'll try different options and see how things go. If there are no changes or it freaks other people out, I'll go back to 'morn'
@Arrow That's like asking examples to demonstrate usefulness of recusion, haha.
I'd suggest looking into ML-derived languages.
Any where you might be tempted to switch on instanceof, pattern matching is better.
@ssube you believe this would be a worthy addition to javascript?
well, that's a large question. Pattern matching in general would be extremely useful for a lot of stuff I do regularly (anything to do with large amounts of async data, which is almost all I use JS for).
That particular proposal has some syntax that I'm not a huge fan of, most of which is being discussed in the issues already.
@ssube which syntax don't you like
Personally, I'm much more interested in the function binding/pipeline operator (::) proposal, since extension methods which be much more helpful for me.
link to pipeline operator proposal?
I'd have to read through the pattern matching one again, but I know there were a few issues folks had pointed out about ambiguity with existing syntax.
Overcrowding the parser until we end up with a Ruby-esque pile of un-test-ably dynamic poo won't serve anybody.
true that
@ssube then introduce more operators then
@William that's exactly what we don't want to do
true I hate ruby
ever used Scala? It has operators aplenty and suffers for it
personally I don't think they should have introduced the => syntax
just make f(){} shorthand for function(){}
what would you rather have used for bound functions?
f can't be a keyword.
@William That's still ugly in comparison
that would break so much code
omg "=>" this is the best thing since sliced bread
let's add my, the, btn, and $ as keywords while we're at it
really wreck up the place
don't talk shit on fat arrow
I only know one language where lambda functions are ugly
@ssube they wouldn't have to be keywords
is it java?
@KendallFrey python?
@William function is a keyword, the shorthand would have to be as well
Haskell, duh :P
java doesn't really have anonymous functions neither does python
@KendallFrey Python too
@William Really?
@ssube try nesting them
Is Python good with pointfree syntax?
Python may not have a proper lambda, but it sure as shit has anonymous functions.
java has lambda functions now
since java 8
@KendallFrey s/with.*$//, still no
@derp variables have to be declared static though
but i stopped caring since 7 so....meeeh
ya but that's java lol who cares
python no nesting java no non static variables
I don't even see built-in function composition
@William which allows some very interesting pipeline optimizations by the runtime
since everything was static or final and closure is far less dynamic than it might be in, say, JS, the compiler can reorder and lazily evaluate a lot of Java 8's stream operators
@ssube you can get around it though with static arrays which makes it silly and kotlin supports so yeah
lol, kotlin is a joke
the language barely works and the tooling is a disaster
function composition monads and functors Haskell heaven
it compiles to java bytecode how is that barely working
I'm done with half assed jetbrains products, dropped the last of them with my last gig
what's wrong with webstorm?
@William the JS stuff they advertise is awful (the code it emits is really really terrible and sometimes broken)
@derp besides being netbeans-slow?
Perhaps he was talking about MPS.
hasn't been my experience in terms of the speed
@ssube I showed you unlimitjs this works similar to the :: proposal
@derp it's a Java IDE, it's fat and slow
and being able to cmd+click into function is powerful
but to be fair...i probably don't use that many features from it
@William that's just a bad library, it's nothing like the proposal
@derp almost every editor has that
most of the grunt work is in the cmd line/chrome
but hey...keyboard shortcuts die hard
that's why I use vim mode in every editor :P
@derp I use all its features, GitHub, code compare, and that's about it
!!so how to quit vim
@derp That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: to, no
oh yeah the git integration is nice
I used to be a dedicated IDEA user, when I worked as a Java dev, and paid for a personal license.
But once Atom and then VSCode started to actually work well (respond, load large files, etc), I dropped that and the horrible memory bloat super fast. Way less crashes now.
It's slow because it's written in java
Java GUIs will always be slow
i haven't hit that bottleneck yet
as in most of my projects have been little shitty webapps
You can have a quantum computer with a fiber connection to the screen and it will still take 5s to respond to a single button press.
Drop downs drawing in as you watch...
It was like 'nam all over again
but yes, webstorm was a natural progression for me from intellij
technically android is java and it isn't that slow IMO
@derp that's because you have not been cramming with plugins. You are doing something wrong.
@William Java isn't slow. Desktop Java GUIs are slow.
hahaha @Arrow don't you mean somethign right?
Android doesn't use the desktop Java's rendering code, mostof that is Oracle proprietary stuff.
@derp webstorm is supposed to be the next step down, with IDEA being the fancy one for real professionals
@derp the memory is always crazy high with web storm. I don't know why
probably the cacheing of everything and anything
damn guess being a JS developer, i'm not a real professional
it's been a problem for as long as most of us have been alive
i wonder if there's still any exisiting prejudice against web developers vs server devs
yes there is
depends where you go. Server languages have been around longer, so there tends to be some more seniority there.
My company almost only hires full stack devs, some of which rival my team in seniority. ;)
ya server guys are d i cks
I know, I am one of them
true...but there's also a lot of seniors that have jumped onto the frontend bandwagon
im about to be a server dev
as in
server and front end are starting to meld
you remote into the server to that's where visual studio is installed and you develop on there
@derp nothing wrong there. Years of experience in applying patterns (if they have it...) is something big that's been missing on the frontend side.
It's starting to pop up and that's why we get robust single-purpose libs, like React and Rx.
There was a lot of composability and some other fairly basic stuff lost with the gold rush that JS became.
i'm just happy that modules are finally in the language
soon there won't be a server or front end just local storage engineer
exactly, that's a huge win
though the main reason i like it is because a JS runtime is installed in pretty much every device that has a screen
and with html/css you can really really quickly make something that a user can interact with
ya the browser is becoming the end all be all of everything
you kjnow...for the warm fuzzy customer using your software feeling
yep...if only websites will stop telling me to install their damn app
if i have to install an app it's probably not worth using
they're probably trying to mine more of your data
do you give this app information about your contacts?
what no? no app for you
ya right there tends to be a skip button. they are are afraid you won't use their app.
plus when do you delete an app anyway
I have apps on my phone I never use
I download apps when I get bored. Because it gives me the thrill of shopping with none of the consequences of making a purchase. And I never use the app it just sits there on the phone.
Anyone know how to pronounce RBAC ?
( role based access control )
ya, it's that noise your mom makes
As someone who's never seen it before, I'd say it arr-back
That's what I was thinking to, but it sounds so harsh
German almost
it's rub-back
have you casted your votes?
I voted to the javascript guys
me too
i upvoted everyone i know and downvoted others
mostly people from SOCVR
why would you down vote, that seems harsh
@Arrow You're the enemy of democracy
for not defending the down vote ?
See the message I replied to
i dont know what the voting is about so I closed the tab
Why am I not in the list?
They should just veto my mod run.
my votes:
andy: up
alexander o'mara: up
tiny giant: up
rob: down
yvette colomb: up
floern: down
cody gray: up
baum mit augen: up
johnny bones: down
travis j: down
vaultah: down
nathanoliver: up
Where's Neal?
@littlepootis he's gone.
what are these votes?
@AK election votes
i downvoted anyone with more upvotes than downvotes
cuz that makes no sense
could be a approve|no preference| disapprove thing
anyone here good at machine learning?
what are you thinking of building?
@user6582640 I have learned the basics. Why ask?
I just want to put a combination of features together for a binary (0 or 1, win or lose) output
for this I'm using Clash Royale, the mobile game
various card decks produce either a win or lose. Want to optimize the best set of cards for a deck
Would that be using a classifier maybe?
internet is too shitty this week to play web based games, so...
!!fo4 or rimworld
@KevinB fo4
screw that
@user6582640 Yes you want to train a classifier.
do you have a bunch of historical data though?
Yeah I do
@Sheepy Are you familiar with the github/npm repos that are suitable for this?
Just remember that you need both winning and losing desks in your data.
jquery, the best world seed
Was hoping for a javascript solution
jQuery lol XDDDD
definitely jQuery
I have a consistent deck that I use, and then I have data on opponent decks
so an opponent deck might have A B C or X Y Z or some combination A Y Z
Anyway. No, I haven't use js for any sort of machine learning. I have seen some frameworks on GitHub but I can't comment on them.
and I want to see which cards have the most significant contribution to winning
Thanks everyone!
@sheepy showed me synaptic.js a whiel back
Thanks @derp!
i have no idea why the site is frozen right now so take it with a grain of salt
I'm not seeing classifier on there? I'm looking at conv NN or something
that's the one I'm familiar with. It really would be useful if someone made a ML interface on codepen or something for this sort of application
can't you use a NN to be a classifier?
yeah I think that's how it works @derp
You can.
@user6582640 Personally I am skeptical of js's multi-thread performance, which is quite important to AI. But if js is your best language, go ahead.
I'm familiar with number inputs rather than text features
@sheepy, most ML libraries are in python arent' they?
I excel in Java. Python has a strong present but my experience is limited to Sikuli and Ren'py scripts.
github.com/arielf/weight-loss This is exactly what I need, but it's Python
the only python I know was from taking a class on ML lol
The only new language I learned on ML course is Prolog. Don't laugh; it's 21st century.
prolog is awesome
it taught me recursion...like properly
I like lisp more XDDD
more like "I like lisp more X)))))"
try mathematica its lisp with out the terrible syntax
Try Ocaml or Oz.
that....doesn't sound right
Oz taught me threads.
but i don't know about enough mathematica or lisp to disprove otherwise
Sorry to interrupt, is this still classifier ML? github.com/arielf/weight-loss/raw/master/scores.png
that's exactly what I'm trying to replicate
Eh, I'm insomniac and look anorexic.
@user6582640 Not exactly. But I can't remember the name of the system that put a score to something...
it's definitely a neural net
why would you say that?
ahh the makefile
"feature selection" is the term, in case you were wondering @Sheepy
I'm training a real neural network by the way. My family members seem to think I'm training too fast.
I have spent over an hour with this guy stackoverflow.com/questions/45293038/…
Do you still use arch?
that's the worst feeling ever when someone doesnt' get it and they don't care
makes our profession look bad
reading the answer...wait what?
^ yeah its pretty crazy
man consultancies suck
offered to use Team Viewer with the guy see what he says
the attitude seems to be "we don't have enough people...and we don't want to train people"
sounds like he needs some routing in his life
@littlepootis that's the problem he won't post the whole code necessarily
Stackoverflow took my jerb
although i would totally be wary of an internet stranger wanting to remote onto my desktop
I have significant rep though but whatever
eh some people don't really want to be helped
When I let support do I use a dummy account
I think I get most of my rep from bounty. I like bounty, because I won't waste my time on closing them as duplicates and debating why it is or is not a dup.
I haven't gotten any bounty rep I think
bounties irritate me
because i can't vote to close them
My best scored answers are non-bounty, though.
^ yeah that is frustrating
my best scored answer is some random one-liner telling people how to use some random library
Yeah. Frustrating. But I can't beat them. So I join them.
@derp where you joking when you said SO took your job?
Well I do answer seriously. My latest answer starts with a one liner, but then proceed to point out the issues in the original code and how to fix them.
@derp :)
@William i was referring to not wanting to paste the whole code because then SO really would be taking your jerb*
I feel like people accepting answers has gone down
I often accept my own answer
because no one replies and I figure it out on my own ;(
I ask dumb questions though
you're doing god's work taking the time to answer your own questions so that people can google them
yeah, i keep in mind that xkcd comic
showerthought: questions are only dumb when you know more
most people use 0000 000 000 for mobile numbers here
not 000 000 0000
though if you entered that into a phone, it should start dialing after the third zero
and then oh shit you got to run cuz the po po's here
What did you feel about your operating system?
Is this an OS therapy session
I felt insecure
@Arrow what is your OS version?
it ok to speak here it a safe space
you talking about mobile or laptop, I assume no one uses desktops anymore
@Arrow both
windows and Android
I'm comfortable with DESKTOPS :D
How dare you, seriously how dare you
@Arrow you've been around for a while when do you sleep/what time frame are you in?
if you're married is you're wife considered your property?
ofcourse not.
@Arrow lucky I'm on east coast time
a property is a thing..
@derp you're still there?
ya but technically.... you own it right?
you mean your life?

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