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may I ask something that seems to be an Eclipse IDE related question?
but it regards javascript...
!!welcome @YvesHenri
seeing as how Eclipse is for Java, you may not get an answer
!!welcome @YvesHenri
@@YvesHenri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lol oh no
They have an entire Javascript suite
> Pleasedon't
@Jhoverit we know what you're thinking about
@Loktar lets make a SG Radar app lol
Your leads are due North
They'd buy it
I tried adding my js folder containing some javascript files (obviously) to the Eclipse's "JavaScript Resources", but it wont show the folder files
the heck is going on?
@YvesHenri No one here uses an IDE like that, sorry man. We all just run Sublime or Atom or similar
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you have any sqli "challenge" exercises on the get-go? A friend is interested and surprisingly I can't find any good exercises of steadily increasing difficulty
@Jhoverit I chose it because that project also contains a java back-end api
I'm not knocking it. Just you probably won't get many replies here
@Zirak I have one, but I can't release the copyright, if your friend has the same workplace as you though I can coincidentally arrange that.
I wrote it
rlemon saw it, and even made a PR, but it has copyright issues
btw, I made the ship fire, no one cares jsfiddle.net/6jh8crhv
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lmao what
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sounds weird. Just to make sure we're on the same page: Challenging but not too difficult for those not very technologically-oriented, steadily increasing difficulty, maybe even multiple entry points
@BenjaminGruenbaum wow, you are clearly overqualified to be working on node
@Mosho totes
@Zirak yes, also it works offline, which is neat
I'll share on gh
luv u
lmao let all the things!
and screw you template strings! :p
@Zirak zirak is your gh right?
@Zirak check your GH, let me find the exercises page
@Zirak run with a static http server
It's designed for people who know basic sql, most of the questions aren't too hard - some are somewhat tricky
@Zirak you looking for sql injection challenges?
oh I remember that repo name
@Vap0r It would appear to be so
Also, code is ugly, I built it in a sleep deprived night and we had no electricity and barely any internet. It runs on emscripten'd sqlite for no internet
On that page they have 6 SQLi challenges of increasing difficulty and different types
oh, neat
If you remain interested after that you can go to their realistic challenges where they'll have mock sites. Quite a few of them require SQLi for entry, but SQLi is only a small portion of what you'll need for those
@Vap0r this is pretty cool
I donate to the site yearly because this is what got me into programming
The guy who runs it, psychomarine, is very generous with both his time and resources (wouldn't call him a saint)
who do you steal the money from?
@Zirak sent you the guide, questions, answers, slides etc to your private email.
Lol I don't hack anymore, and even then I did it for challenge not profit because I didn't know how to turn pwned accounts with money into actual money without getting caught
you're retired?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice! thanks a bunch
if you ask me, that means you're not a hacker
good thing nobody asks me
@towc I would have to spin up a lot of shit to unretire, but yeah. I am.
@Zirak also, it's full of lame jokes, konami codes, rebeccablack friday links, pikachu and other memeish stuff - if your friend doesn't like my humor then ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@towc and happy to be. I make good money on the right side of the law :)
you can make money by hacking, legally
it pays a lot more than web dev, in most cases
@towc yeah but it's tough to get a good entry. I'm just not setup good to go do it. I might be making excuses I just don't know enough people who have done it
so you're not a good hacker?
I can't put 3/4 of the stuff on my resume that I hacked.
hacking your own setup toghether is part of the job :P
you don't need a resume
and you just admitted to unlawful breaching right there, that would take you out of the business indefinitely anyway
A lot of times you have to do internships since cybersecurity degrees are few and far between (I believe NYU polytechnic has a respectable one). Or you have to get recognized at a defcon. I was never that good.
within its own interpretation, "frequenting underground hacking groups" is enough to revoke any penetration licence
@Vap0r you don't need either :P
@towc makes sense, if you're that big of a nerd shouldn't be penetrating anything
badum tish
find clients, do your research
you can probably get away with not having a licence and not doing certain stuff in order to still remain within the law
penetration testing is almost like any other freelance job
and pays a lot more than mostly any other freelance job
@Loktar classic you
@towc I don't necessarily want to do that though
@towc it's more often not a freelance job
@ssube but it can be
and it doesn't necessarily pay more, I have a few friends who do pentesting
they make decent developer rates
if you want to not need to have a resume, a degree, or public recognition, freelance is the way to go
it's a fun gig if you're into that sort of thing, but it's pretty average otherwise
@towc yeah I have a stable job developing though
lol, so if you don't know what you're doing
> The average payout to a Certified Ethical Hacker is $71,331 per annum
pentesting sounds like security QA, and boring af.
I mean sounds boring
I guess most CEHs aren't freelance though
I don't want to work in the computer industry for more than 10 years if I can help it. It's draining to me personally, and has killed my passion for development of my own projects
but if that's your thing!
CEH licenses are a joke
@Vap0r aye
we've told him before
so many people have them
like a million times
I thought about getting one for shits and giggles honestly
I know, but most people don't
along with some other comptia ones lol
I only get W3schools certifications
and that's a fun thing
but I'm actually going to start working on my AWS certs soon
I'm a certified internet web developer from CIW :P
eventually get that Devops Professional and make an extra $30k
@towc in fairness they never hurt
2 mins ago, by towc
if you want to not need to have a resume, a degree, or public recognition, freelance is the way to go
certs I mean
Dude this could not be farther from the truth
@Loktar that's not true
I can tell you with no uncertainty as a mediocre (at best & only talking about back then) hacker, that the information gotten from a CEH wouldn't put me at ease that any of my clients were less susceptible to hacks even after they performed services on my network
most of the places I've worked will see a cert like that, laugh, and not call you back
@ssube have an example?
point is, CEH is actually widely recognized as an official credible certification. It doesn't require a lot of skill to obtain, but you gain a lot of credibility just because you have the piece of paper
it's like getting a degree from a bad university
if you're dumb enough to put it on your resume, why bother?
for what type of position I guess would be the next question
except it's the only university
it's like a for profit school
@towc You're dead wrong lol. but it doesn't usually hurt
I mean if you're applying for pentesting and just have that, and it's not jr level I can see that
if you're a dev and you get a bunch of useless certs, you probably know a bunch of buzzwords but not how to use them
but if you have multiple certs and that's included I can't see that being a hindrance, I mean it's the same in the network field a network+ is shit, but if you have that with others it doesn't hurt your chances
again, I'm mainly talking about freelance stuff where you find clients who don't know much about security themselves
the sort of person who just follows the latest hype and doesn't have the depth of knowledge to really contribute
so they don't have a whole branch of people to tell them "CEH is actually not that great"
I agree with towc that if you are to become a white-hat professional hacker that CEH would be better than not having it, but that it's a useless piece of paper as well barring that
@towc so you're intentionally screwing people who don't know better? grandmothers and what not?
@Vap0r in the end, just like a university degree
welcome to the world of the internet though
how many "web devs" do the same thing
@Vap0r it's not here
@ssube not really
@ssube His clients don't even want to see a resume, they're not grammas they're fairy tales
I don't do it, but I did some research and you can make a very profitable legal living with that
@Jhoverit grandmas are a big part of most fairy tales
@ssube really?
@Jhoverit you engage them in a way that they'll be ok with not requiring your resume
and if they do, you don't have to put very impressive things on it
17 secs ago, by towc
@Jhoverit you engage them in a way that they'll be ok with not requiring your resume
No reply lol
Because you know more pentesters than I do so if you say CEH is 100% garbage I'll agree. I always knew it was a joke but thought it was like a CC degree in Computers
idk man I own googleseocertified.com so I know what I'm talking about.
> Hi, I have a business transaction offer for you. In the light of the recent death of my dear Uncle the Sultan of Scams, ...
You must be talking about making $5 on a Friday to resize an image. You're not talking about professional development
@Jhoverit it's what I do for most of my web dev jobs. It will probably change soon, but it's very very far from impossible
Yes exactly. It's what you do lol
@BenFortune didnt you have a 290x?
I interviewed in like 20 places and only two wanted to see my CV
If towc were to give me permission to hack him would it be legal to do so provided I hack his computer only and not any of his accounts?
they are going for close to $300 right now, selling mine on ebay just got an offer for $280 shits nuts.
@Vap0r no, just let us kick him for trolling again
@Vap0r just do a bounty program.
When you decide to get into professional dev, to do real work, you'll need a resume and you won't have some weird misconception that needing a resume is a bad thing. It's only logical to provide past work experience
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm probably not that good. My low-level knowledge is weak
I really don't mean to sound rude @Jhoverit, but can I see your resume?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You have a public CV in the form of talks, posts, contributions, etc.
@Jhoverit oh, it's good to have a resume, I'm just saying it doesn't have to be a piece of paper or a portfolio website - being active online is a good replacement sometimes.
@Jhoverit tell him no
@ssube you just ninja'd me by like 2 seconds :(
Sure. It's outdated
I have a mix of both, but mostly private work
to be fair I've never had any client work I've done freelance ask for a resume
@towc That's not rude
but previous work examples have been asked for
@Loktar wow lol thats about what i bought mine for a year and a half ago
@towc no, not until you update yours to something other than this monstrosity: towc.eu/cv
@HatterisMad ah it was you who had one! and the 9590
@Loktar nah dawg
@Loktar yeah
Haven't had AMD since my 6850
yeah man it's nuts, I have 2 selling one of them
I did 2 public talks, have a nice codepen thing, and quite a few references from past employers, it's not like I got nothing
I paid 379 in 2014, so not bad for that long of use haha
I don't actually link to any talks or community activity there - I did write NodeJS since I wrote it for a position with Node
Mine's got a lot of bloat, was stretching that one job pretty hard. But I have no shame
@Loktar yeah man and they still kick ass
yea they are great cards
I'm using one in a machine for the rift
still works really well
@Jhoverit 3 pages?
That's not the one I sent Loktar, I know I didn't have Python and buzzwords on that one
2 pages.
Your link to your SO careers is broken
haha yeah I didn't even care
it was just for the record really
> This page intentionally left blank.
Good. It's a 3 year old dead doc
I think Google Docs is just formatting it wrong
Anyways, @Zirak and anyone else. If you decide to do any challenges on enigmagroup.org and have any issues message me at my account on there: MKmoderate
someone is going to get dildo's sent to their address
Anyway I got tons of compliments on that format actually
Even tho everyone said entire page of experience was bad lol
@Vap0r I'll be looking forward to your advice, sensei-sama
@HatterisMad Dragon?
Don't send my Dad any dildos
easy to read
@Jhoverit Too late
!!afk dinner
Yea I wanted two pages
@Jhoverit I agree with them, I can tell most of that from the second page it's good enough. Everything on your CV is spelt correctly in technologies which means you're ahead of 95% of CVs that least JQuery or Jquery an not jQuery :D
> Who am I
> What have I done like specifically
@Jhoverit hahaha its your dads address? that would be even funnier, knowing that there is much less of a chance of your siblings seeing it
Idk what I'll do next time
@Jhoverit can't tell if you're planning your CV or having an existential crisis. In my experience the answer is probably "yes"
@Jhoverit I would compact it to one page, focus on technologies you know and write a short paragraph of what you're looking for - should it ever be relevant.
When I interview I just want to see relevant tech and no BS
Absolutely not? I just told you I am extremely pleased with this.
I have been interviewing candidates for 2 years as well.
I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you what I would do.
Haha okay, well cool man. You guys told me that years ago when I made it too
@Jhoverit here's the rude part: I see that and I honestly don't think you have much ground to diss me or call what I do "unprofessional"
I might be wrong. After all you've been doing that full time
@towc You know it's 3 years old :)
And doesn't include my corporate job where I'm responsible for a $400M application with Loktar? Haha
can you send over a more recent one?
I don't have one, haven't needed it. If you're looking to judge my professional experience.... You aren't capable, sorry
!!afk home time
@towc would you say that you are religious?
that's exactly what I'm talking about
Honestly, if I get a CV that's an empty page except contact info and "I know what Function.prototype.apply is, what Array.prototype.reduce is, what variable hoisting is, how DOM events bubble and what createElement does." I'd summon them to an interview.
it's probably time for both of you to drop this
@Vap0r no
@towc did you used to be?
mine isn't much more complicated than a few "I did this one cool thing here" paragraphs
I used to live in italy
Is this a pissing contest? I don't really like those - this is your job and you're both way above average at it.
I was surrounded by very very religious people
@towc is that a bad thing?
I do think I have very high moral standards though
but the bishops were good to you, no?
@Vap0r didn't touch me too often
Priest's robes are really convenient, eh?
@towc Who doesn't?
@KendallFrey me. I'm morally bankrupt
oh, I don't
@BenFortune High five
well ok I stand corrected
@ssube you too bub
Everyone point and laugh at Kendall for being well-adjusted
what a goody two leafs
maple leaves, obviously
@BenjaminGruenbaum not that high :P
@KendallFrey I'd like to say it's different, even knowing that most people would
@towc From your point of view
I'm taking it seriously
for one, I make it a rule to NEVER lie
not even white lies
well, that's a lie
it could be, but it isn't :P
@Vap0r This is something I thought I'd never hear
I do end up breaking it every so often, but I don't feel good about it
@KendallFrey hahaha you're welcome
I'm the least well-adjusted person I know
You should reply tracing mour yorals
@KendallFrey really?
!!define adjusted
@towc adjusted Which has been compensated in order to avoid bias.
That's an interesting definition
you're the most biased person you know?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Possibly an exaggeration, but I was always very awkward, "sheltered" as it were.
@KendallFrey but the least? Don't you know any crazies?
@Zirak very
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't know anyone who is persistently crazy
Some people with crazy ideas, sure
As I said, "sheltered"
Not a fun sight and not fun people to hang with for more than a few times.
You should really go out and make some crackhead friends
I had a crazy friend, cut ties
don't you live way out in the country or something too, @KendallFrey?
@BenjaminGruenbaum geesh I said I was sorry
they have more crazy cows than people (of all kinds) out there
@Zirak lol
!!afk trying to finish some work
@Vap0r we don't like being called "crackheads" anymore, its "crack enthusiasts" now
Crack connoisseur
no more crack houses for me
crack abodes
Hey @towc I didn't realize how I was coming a cross. I see you as me 3 years ago, I've just been doing it a little longer. What I mean is things are gonna change for you like they did for me. I want you to do well. No hard feelings
I was the one getting ragged on by them lol. Now that I'm them I have to do my part :P
I have this call <%= result.steps[i].step1.fields[j].fields %> that shows me 5 Object object; however if I try to access it length it returns that cannot read property, any hint?
@Tarcisiofl need more details, how are you accessing length?
@Tarcisiofl that's because objects don't have inherent length in JS. Arrays are objects with a length property and objects don't have to have that. You could try using something like this:
That will use Javascripts Object class to return all the keys of the current object you are looking at as an array. Then you can access the length of your key array.
@EzraChu noted
So I'm reading the custom elements spec
And there's this part about upgrading, if a non custom element is registered properly
Why custom elements in the first place?
what extra power to they give
if we use JS to define them, it's not like they'd work with no javascript enabled
@Vap0r I will try your hint
@EzraChu If @Vap0r hint not work, I will give
@CatBoss yeah it seems somewhat silly at the moment right?
@Vap0r it works using Object(result.steps[i].step1.fields[j].fields).length // Thank you
@Jhoverit I realize my chances aren't great, but I would still like you to respect my decisions. It's all good
I hear the suggestions and I do take them into account
most importantly maybe, I apreciate that people are telling me how they think my life is going to go wrong
or at least, not as good as I expect it to be
so thank you
oh wow
did you ever have to check if a number was positive or negative zero in JS?
maybe for some sort of obfuscation
Wasn't a Math.sign function proposed at some point? I don't remember seeing it
!!> Math.sign(-0)
@Zirak 0
!!> [Math.sign(0), Math.sign(-0)]
@Zirak [0,0]
welp can't argue with that
@ndugger dude that's dope
hey y'all
does anybody know of a lib for doing splittable panels something like in atom or unity for example?
@SterlingArcher what bike did you buy
@SterlingArcher hopefully that gives you enough of an idea to implement your own
Math.sign is pretty old actually
just had a fun idea, hold on to your belts
I cant find anyway to solve this.
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@AbrarAhmed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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@AbrarAhmed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
var request = require('request');
function getData(Message) {
method: 'GET',
url: `ipinfo.io`
}, function (error, response) {
return response.body+Message
console.log(getData('Hello Again!'))
On NodeJS It gives me undefined.

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