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anyone knows if exists code I could use that implements a map where I can mark a square and get longitude/latitude?
@KendallFrey @Loktar @FlorianMargaine I got this, you got this
Are there no daily deals on Steam this year?
@Mosho there's almost definitely a leaflet plugin
I am trying to detect the input radio button in google form to send its value from my custom form please tell me what to do
google form link : docs.google.com/forms/d/e/…
with leaflet you can mark squares. It's still up to you to do pixel to lon/lat conversion magic
1 message moved to Trash can
@WaelAssaf Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
or actually there's already conversion magic :P
map.on('click', function(e) {
    alert("Lat, Lon : " + e.latlng.lat + ", " + e.latlng.lng)
Ok got it.
haven't used it, found online
but please anyone help me with this i need to get it done.
so you can click on a point and it will give you those coords, then you can do whatever
@towc Can you please help me with my issue?
@WaelAssaf I can
post the code, formatted, plz
how can i do that?
do you want a pastebin link it's short
@WaelAssaf You need it done? Hire a dev.
@BenFortune Well i've been hired already for this.
The code i've written
                        Male / Female:
                        <div class="radio">
                            <label><input type="radio" name="entry.631574757" >Female</label>
                        <div class="radio">
                            <label><input type="radio" name="entry.631574757"  >Male</label>
Can't do it formatted
and this is the google form link : docs.google.com/forms/d/e/…
What i need to do is to edit the name and the value of each input now to match the google form so i can send the data from my custom form
@towc the name is fine but i can't know what method google follows to detect which radio button is selected
Please i need help with this any hint, recommendation or suggestion will be appreciated
why should we do your job?
I'm happy to be paid
but if you're getting paid because I worked, that's not ok
Because it's just a hint for fuck sake, thank you for your time
well, that's not going to give you any hints 😛 I was looking for stuff
@WaelAssaf jesus.
delete that.
it's actually quite funny
@WaelAssaf That's not very nice
@WaelAssaf are you really from syria
Lets keep the language clean please.
Tell em soulja boy
!!urban soulja
I would also like to use this opportunity to address the importance of clean genitalia
@towc [soulja](http://soulja.urbanup.com/1808148) Soulja or Souljah
Not to be (stereotypically)confused with Jesus freaks or aimless gang members, A Soulja, is anyone who has gone through hard times and fought against adversity. A Soulja's strength comes from within, strength of mind, body, soul, and character. A true Soulja would have learned from his/her mistakes, taken responsibility for his/her actions and gained strength to never back down. Someo(snip)
doesn't sound very urban-y :/
Google, in one of its more temperamental moods, has been refusing to spit out an answer to this question. I have a constructor function for an object. In one of the methods I define in this constructor, I want to make yet another instance of the same object I am busy constructing (yes, this is recursive). Naturally this creates a looping dependency. Any idea on a strategy to avoid this? I already tried new this(args), but it wasn't impressed. Worth a shot though.
function A (arg) {
	this.makeMoreA = function () {
	     return new A(arg);
P.S. I will be deeply saddened if I have to take the definition of that function out of the constructor. It will cause more than a few scope headaches.
that should work
what is failing?
in fact, it works just fine
It does, but he wanted to avoid the circular reference
that is not recursive
nor is it a "circular reference"
@BenFortune I don't see circles
@BenFortune what circular reference? the new A is not a property of the old A
I'm just talking shit, don't listen to me
I won
woop woop :D
@BenFortune probably mouth wash after you're finished
@Mosho Said the guy with the silver undies he allegedly never washes?
that's how I know
I wrote this amazing app
but I'm afraid to share it because it's illegal
@towc Weird, its not working fine for me.
define 'not working'
Show us how you use this code
Roughly like in the example, but with more stuff.
!!> function A(x){ this.x = x; this.more = function(){ return new A(x) } }; (new A(1)).more().x
I can dump all the source code at you if you want.
That example defines the constructor, but you never show us how you call it
@GiantCowFilms bring it down to the minimal case in which it doesn't work
Just figured my mistake.
@towc I should have tested my case to make sure it didn't work
I forgot an important aspect.
you really should have, yup :)
Always test your cases to make sure they fail.
are you talking to yourself
make sure you always fail
Anyway, it helps if you rember that your class is a method of another class. I cannot believe I forgot that.
@GiantCowFilms u wat
truly unacceptable
Imagine if I succeeded. That would be bad.
I used to be a cow
@Zirak Well I am a cow
I used to beat a cow
@KendallFrey's mom was into some weird stuff
i used to milk a cow
I'm half horse half human half lemon
@rlemon When life gives you a humanoid horse-lemon . . . NOPE.
he's 150%
> Model dies after whipped cream explosion
nice going @Mosho
not like a regular can, one of those fancy ones
That's what you get for getting high
Whipped cream my ass
well, sure.. but you gotta pay for my plane ticket
or come here
@OliverSalzburg We're not there yet
@Zirak I can wait
I cannot stress enough how important it is you watch this gorilla bathe-dancing to maniac. By @bobhagh https://t.co/e15f9NPO7j
guys :\ I am bad at async stuff still
@corvid then(cry)
@SterlingArcher @Loktar
get amped
This was my hype song this morning
nice. jsfiddle now has react in the frameworks/extensions dropdown and babel + jsx in the language.
this is fairly recent yea?
@rlemon nah, 15 is latest major release
@corvid go back to bed
i think jsfiddle had react 14 for a while
I always avoided it because it was out of date (not that it likely mattered)
when did they add React in general. I am late on that party I guess
not sure when
today I'm diving into mobx
I've struggled to understand it from just the code on your repo. 😛 failed
yea, it's barely used and not 100% correctly.
Can't get amped, too hungover
@Luggage I was on the react docs and read that context shouldn't really be updated, and I was storing the user session data in the context
decided I should suck it up and figure out this state management business
I might be able to help out later today, but I am trying to finish a last minute change for a client at the moment
and logging to localStorage
can actually have performance impact :| (I was doing both a few thousand times)
@Shrek I/O is heavy
@rlemon woohoo happy Friday man cc @FlorianMargaine @KendallFrey @BrettWidmeier @DenizR.
@rlemon hah nice going to check out these vids myself curious how they set it up
mobx is pretty badass
wait I've already watched these I guess lol
@Loktar lol, so? any good?
back in November it looks like, looks like they keep them updated though
I'm on like video 4
so far it's understandable.. I have no idea if it is correct
@rlemon probably I mean I chose mobx over redux
yea not about mobx 😛 about the tuts
yeah they were alright iirc
work pays for us 3 devs to have egghead
I think I'm the only one who uses it
$200/year isn't that bad
yeah they add a lot of good stuff too
iirc Front end masters was more expensive and has way less content
oh wut? const doesn't allow for incrementation? :/
!!> const x = 1; ++x
@towc "TypeError: invalid assignment to const x'"`
lol obviously
I thought the point of const was for it to be not reassigned, but no issue with modified
well, works for objects :P
@towc What's the difference with a primitve?
!!> const x = { y: 1 }; ++x.y
@towc incrementing isn't modifying, it's reassigning
is there a way to increment a number without somehow reassigning?
you can't modify a primitive, they're all immutable
you can't change the number 1. If you want 2, you have to give it a new number
ah well
I have this call <%= result.steps[i].step1.fields[j].value %> which returns me checkd.localhost/home/[/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/CheckD/…
it may be the first time I've actually used let in semi-production
How can I split it based on position?
@Tarcisiofl can you give an example of what you want to end up with?
@Loktar Lol yeahhhh I just can't do the video format man
I prefer the video format with source code available
@ssube I need that this path http://checkd.localhost/home/[pmid,%20/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/CheckD/Signa‌​ture_1497965944328.jpg] become checkd.localhost/home/pmid and http://checkd.localhost/home/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/CheckD/Signature_14979‌​65944328.jpg
@Tarcisiofl are those the only [] that will be in the path?
cause if so, you can just do /^([^[]+)\[(.+)\]$/
@ssube yes, I will try it
$1 will be the origin and $2 will be the pmid,%20/ part, which you'll need to clean up a bit
but then you can split that on the first comma, I imagine
I'm tired of writing this function: const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
it's a shame there's no way to reuse code
yea, i keep wearing out the ctrl, c and v keys on my keyboard :(
Home Depot is being sued in a class action lawsuit for actual -> true size labels.
I hope the research guys (and girls) at intel get this solved.
i.e. 2*4 isn't actually 2*4 by the time its planed and you buy it
@Luggage actually at my last job, command was worn down until there was no paint left on the key, and c and v were slightly worn down
Anyone competent with udev rules?
You realize I was joking and making fun of you when I said that, right?
everyone's always making fun of corvid ;(
the way to reuse code is functions
the irony was that you mentioned those in your complaint
yea, like just type "export" at the right spot there and the problem is solved.
yeah I just mean in every project I have to put that somewhere, like utils/async.js or something, or use promisify from node utils
you could publish your helpers on npm
node 8 has a promisify built in, btw
also that
I know, from the utils library, said that
problem is not everyone is up to node 8 yet :\
mock them until they are
mock me baby one more time
nvm, got it :D
hrm.. @Loktar as I'm watching these I'm browsing the other lessons they offer.. really nice set of tuts if you're in front end dev
colour me impressed
#rlemon {
    color: impressed;
I feel like people would be elements..
not <person id="rlemon" />
but you have identity
you would need 7 billion elements
I didn't want to color all .canadian s
<rlemon identity="self deprecating" />
@ssube and just like in real life I can safely ignore 99% of them
that's true, but what if you have to import two with the same name?
would have the same issue with identity
you nerds
some people don't take kindly to be called nerds
if it isn't in the namespace it can't be true
What are you gonna do about it, nerd?
delete american.programmer.unknownheight.likesfishofillet.luggage
@Neal ended up dumping them straight to memory in a circular buffer
and only writing to disk if reallllllly needed
@Shrek heh, I have a circular buffer backed logger too
for the same reason and for unit tests
you forgot .isthumb
@ssube what I wonder is why don't browsers and other people implement it this way :?
it usually doesn't matter
I missed you guys sooo much good morning!
(\/) (°,,,°) (\/)
Mine was goomba
oooo got a pic
I can turn you into a goomba
Plz do
need pic
Unless that's a sexual reference, in which case... maybe?
pref noods
no, GIMP is already loaded
I don't have any pics that aren't of my penis :/
@ssube ooh boy are you in for a treat then
not me, lemon
I'm a terrible gimper
:quickly changes SO name to PM_ME_NUDES:
rlemon: :receives bunch of overweight programmer, dicks
How do I write that the programmers are overweight, and not their dicks?
> overweight programmer's dicks
@rlemon on egghead?
@Loktar yea
ah yeah man
they are pretty decent
@ssube thanks dude I learned english today
nice async tuts and stuff too
turn me into a meme
haven't obviously watched any but this one, but the selection seems quite nice
organized a lot better than pluralsight
@ndugger you are nyan-cat, sorry
yeah and they get decent people from the industry as well
@Vap0r np. I think the corollary is "overweight programmer-dicks."
well, I know my new goto
@ssube yeah I didn't think of pluralizing programmer.
user image
@Vap0r that's a possessive bruh
@ndugger !!undo
@ssube did you just assume my ownership?
f it I suck
did you just miuse a tag?
that got me so triggered I went meta on it
@ndugger flag
is there a flag for 'creepy'?
I think NPM is caching my github repo package :|
@ndugger lmao I love that
it's so fucking weird

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