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nice job, microsoft. A warning that you were about to charge me a recurring charge (xbox subscription) and canceling was pain free.
It's a shame that that was repaid by me cancelling..
Anyone use angular 2 well 4 now
lol I have a max-width: 1200 media query and it works okay and if I change it to 1199 it only works up to 1198
@Mosho what browser and OS
try 1199.5 :P
2 hours later…
A sentence from a passage on the internet:
"Participants were all ages. And they came from all over the world, on two feet or more."

How can people go somewhere on more than two feet?
Ah, they do have more than two feet.
Last evening, I went to the cinema and watched the movie "Wonder Woman".
did yo uenjoy it
most fabulous movie I've ever seen
I dread getting phone calls from potential employers when I'm at work. What can I do?
go answer it in the lobby/toilet?
do not answer the phone in the toilet
that depends on what kinda office building he's in
it does, but you can always tell when someone's on the phone in the loo
there's a pretty specific echo to it lol
It seems we're faced with the same issue despite different countries we're from.
Most people who call you are from HR anyway, they're usually agreeable to re-schedule the call
1 hour later…
Do you quit the current job before you start looking for another one? Or, would you rather than maintain the current job while looking for a better one? In China, the latter is preferable. The reasoning behind it is to avoid losing jobs if you can't find one very soon.
I've never quit before I had a new job to go to
not saying I wouldn't, if the job was too stressful for whatever reason
I have a bunch of dupes, can folks help ?
Q: Describing an array of objects in JsDoc

Per PettersenI've got a function which takes an array of objects. Looks like this. myAwesomeFunction([ { name: 'someName', next: false, test: 'test' }, { name: 'nameTwo', next: true } ]); So far my JSDOC looks like this /** * My description * @para...

Q: How to document an array of objects in JSDOC

materialdreamsI have a function with an array of objects as parameter and would like to describe the parameter (including the properties of the objects in the array) using JSDOC like in this example: /** * @param {Array.<Object>} filter - array of filter objects * @param ... */ function doSomething(filter)...

Q: How do you document an array of objects as a parameter in JSDoc?

Oliver WatkinsI have an array that looks like this: [{ "name": "c917379", "email": "[email protected]" }, { "name": "c917389", "email": "[email protected]" }] It is an array of arbitrary length with a number of repeating fields (I've reduced this to two fields for clarity). This gets passed into a JavaS...

Q: How to specify an array of objects as a parameter or return value in JSDoc?

RayIn JSDoc, the best documentation I can find shows to use the following if you have an array of a specific type (such as an array of strings) as: /** * @param {Array.<string>} myStrings All my awesome strings */ function blah(myStrings){ //stuff here... } How would you replace the belo...

the above, thanks. I've already cast my vote and they're all dupe of the same question.
@William chrome windows
@DanDascalescu there is no good reason for that
well besides the first one
alert("Good Morning");
bah alert
!!tell StuntHacks "good morning"
@KarelG Command "good does not exist. Did you mean: goog (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
lol I need to test that goog command
that's for a lmgtfy link. nice. TIL
i remember when lmgtfy was made
or rather when it made the rounds online
// in package.json nom: "npm install"
alias nom=npm
nom nom express
i worked in tech support for an engineering company and used to send it to staff lol
then they all started using it and it got lame :(
@KarelG: there is no good reason for... what do you mean by "that"? To have dupes? Sure.
to cv it
@hsimah what is lmgtfy?
I got the following code: var lang = null; if (lang=Environment.getLanguage()) ...
PHPStorm states that var lang = null is redundant - is it really?
I mean I cant do if(var lang=...
Your above statement is always going to be true.
if (lang=Environment.getLanguage()) <-- you're assigning instead of comparing
So that doesn't evaluate to false in case Environment.getLanguage() returns false?
(This is the case in PHP for example)
Oh haha
@BenFortune Your wrong
I just tested it..
My wrong what?
Its not alwaqys going to be true
var test = null; if (test=true) { console.log("HOLA"); } => outputs hiola
var test = null; if (test=false) { console.log("HOLA"); } => doesnt output hola
6/10 Good troll
I can use it just fine like this.
You shouldn't though.
Because it's bad practice. It looks like a mistake to anyone else reading your code.
That is absolutely common practice tbh
in tons of languages.
it is not
So what? A common word like "thanks" in one language may mean "penis" in another
I have a question for you all, I have a page with
(i)settimeout(logout, 1000) ()you click to generate a crystal report. but sometimes the report generation is really slow,
@whoami Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
That is not a question
But I can already tell that I don't want to hear it
will the report continue to generate or logout once the report is done
@OliverSalzburg @BenFortune Sounds valid. I'll just go with var lang = Environment.getLanguage() if(lang) den
@KarelG It is a valid practice in other languages. Especially in those Were if(var lang=whatever); defines a variable only for that block.
@whoami No idea what your asking tbh, but you shouldnt use timeouts to organize your async code.
Hey all, does anyone know how to separate typings from the compiled js files with tsconfig.js (task tsc)? So the js files should go into one directory and the .d.ts files into another one..
@Xatenev if you don't reuse the lang attribute, you simply can do if(Environment.getLanguage())
but which language allows a declaration (and initialization) of a variable inside a conditional block of the IF syntax and is accessible in the following block scope?
If anyone has heard of npm scripts as a replacement of Gulp/Grunt. How to restart server after successful run of ESLint and Webpack using only npm scripts?
Right now I am able to run nodemon( with watch) and webpack(with watch) in parallel using npm script. But not able to run nodemon after webpack
Make a script that runs sudo reboot
That should restart the server
@OliverSalzburg I didn't tell you my OS? Please be careful when advising.
@ankitbug94 Please be careful when asking overly generic questions
user image
That JavaScript one hits a little too close to home
@OliverSalzburg What makes you think it is "overly generic"?
Another quick question.
I have a function that takes a callback f.e.: test: function(callback) { callback() };
Is there any way to pass the function with its Parameters as callback into it?
@Xatenev Look into .bind
@Xatenev Function.prototype.bind
when I do func(someFunction(a,b,c,)); it is evaluated and the ret value is passed into the function of course.
/me googles
Alternatively, just wrap the invocation in another function and then pass the wrapper
use func(someFunction.bind({}, a, b, c)); //{} will be used for this reference
That worked great
(the bind thing)
@OliverSalzburg True, I prefer the bind.
Bind is nice.. I think you could manage without, but code would get messy without I think
how can use two fonts from the same family with graphicksmagick?
@Xatenev bind or apply
or call
there are many ways in javascript lol
how can I use bootstrap npm package instead of the link?
@SouravDe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SouravDe npm i bootstrap
@Xatenev what do you mean by "shouldnt use timeouts to organize your async code"? for my question, its like i'm going to report page, but at the same time logout is going on because of the timeout function in main page. If its waiting for localhost to go to report page, it means that i am still inside the main page, and not report page?
it even has wolfenstein
i played too many games of minesweeper before i realised id never win
You can disable troll mode
Or just cheat through DevTools
you can win minesweeper
there is a pattern, but you also need luck
dat desktop
You can usually win most beginner and intermediate games without guessing
The expert level you end up having to guess a few times
I wasn't great at guessing in those cases. ;)
I could play that game a while ago when I had older generations of OS'es on VM's.
what I did was using snapshot and if it was a bomb, I simply reverted
"modern times" cheating
@KarelG It even has Half Life 3 O_O
@BenFortune open that hydra shortcut and keep pressing enter
windows 98 flash back?
@MadaraUchiha Hello
@Xatenev How can I help you?
@OliverSalzburg I wish there was a quantum suicide version, where if you have to guess, you can't guess wrong.
hey guys
a weird issue
heh, yeah, guess wrong and it kills you
how do you prove quantum suicide without killing yourself?
the partition in which I save my mongodb data is full
mongodb service got killed
and now its not starting because of it
what to do
@GandalftheWhite You mean other than resizing the partition?
How safe is it btw to resize the partition
knowing that we cannot take backup
The quantum Zeno effect (also known as the Turing paradox) is a feature of Quantum mechanics systems allowing a particle's time evolution to be arrested by measuring it frequently enough with respect to some chosen measurement setting. Sometimes this is stated as "a system can't change while you are watching it." One can "freeze" the evolution of the system by measuring it frequently enough in its known initial state. The meaning of the term has since expanded, leading to a more technical definition in which time evolution can be suppressed not only by measurement: the quantum Zeno effect is the...
@GandalftheWhite What? Why can't you take a backup?
Also, who cares, you probably already have a backup, right?
Right? Right?
And resizing partitions is easy, as long as you're growing them and as long as you have enough space left on the underlying storage media
You can just take a backup onto a network resource, can't you?
You really don't want to be that guy that does what he's told to
Not in this circumstance.. It could seriously backfire
If I had a penny for every time a boss pretended to not say or do something to get out of responsibility for something, I'd have a lot of pennies
How can a boss get out of a responsibility?
And how is it a benefit to the boss when blame is shifted to an employee?
"Oh, I didn't tell you to repartition the server!"
It's a shitty move to be sure, and it doesn't benefit anyone except the boss really
Yeah, but it's still your server and you're still fucked
By "Your" you mean the boss's or the developers?
Depends what kind of work environment it is. If the higher ups think your boss is a golden boy, you're boned
Oh right. The layer cake
Well in my case, less layer and more marble
thats why always get stuff like that through company mail from whoever tells you to do it
You get 8 bosses, all of them telling you what to do, none of them caring about the work you're doing for the others, and God forbid you include more than one in the to field of an email, because you will never hear from any one of them again on that issue
case closed
@Neil Get yourself one boss and tell the rest to go through them.
Also mainly why I don't work there any longer. ;)
Normally, you just need to speak up.
@Neil That is also a valid solution.
@MadaraUchiha in theory I had a single boss, but he never wanted to be bothered with the management stuff. He really wanted to program
Getting him to delegate responsibility was like pulling teeth
@Neil I would just tell people to go talk to Benji
Also, telling the vice president to go through him would be very intimidating. You're right, but I'm not that brave
Again, marble cake. No wonder the company was suffering
Same guy in my company when, despite being told the importance of testing code prior to release, essentially told us we don't have the resources to perform testing
I tested just the same of course, but in no official capacity
@Neil I had a similar situation where every supervisor in my facility that used my application would contact me with requests. It got to be overwhelming because EVERYONE thought their requests were more important than every other departments.
@Kramb oh yeah. That's the problem with that approach. It's always urgent
I created a contract for the data-owner that stated that I will not communicate with any individual except for them, regardless of their position in the facility. I allowed the facility director to look over it and he approved it and the DO signed it. A few weeks later the director emailed me about a few things, and in short I told them to contact the DO as I do not have a direct communication with them.
It went through quite a shitstorm because he was offended. I reminded him of the agreement and he reluctantly contacted the DO in an attempt to not look like he was wrong. But he contacted my boss and said I was being disrespectful. It was quite hilarious.
@Kramb ya know, I work as team lead QA. The requests goes through me. I wrote an interface where others could submit requests in our internal CRM (which is being managed by us too). When they send a request, it is being queued based on the importance algorithm (which is arbitrary configured by me myself). They get an automated response "Thank you. It's placed on the top. We're on it. Take a nap and a coffee" with two icons below that message
@KarelG That's great. It gives the users a sense of importance while ultimately doing the work at your pace. I love it!
ofc some of them called me about their request (which was submitted in less than a hour). I just look to the table and check the importance. If it's not high, then I respond with "ya know that a human has two hands and not four hands like monkeys. Don't expect us being monkeys"
or another cheesy / sarcasm remarks
My colleagues that are the most closest to my office likes to work there because of my phone calls, that it's sometimes funny
Yea, I'm still waiting for my boss to realize the importance of an analyst but he won't budge. We have 2 full-stack developers, including myself, and we're working on separate projects.
Could anyone please suggest me the best JavaScript technology to go with mobile app development?
@AnsarSamad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What's your end-goal @AnsarSamad?
Nativescript , ionic , react native , these are my choices, among these which is better for mobile app development
i just want to build a mobile application which help the user to find out the live train status
fuuuuck, so i just finished the maths exam
like, the final thing at the end of highschool
I think it was spotless, it's normal stuff
but, there's this new automated scanning system, and we need to number pages in specific boxes
@towc yeah, I'm familiar with the term "exam" thanks ;)
Am from Java background and am new to these scripting technologies, recently I have learned angular2, now am planning to learn mobile app development,
so that the papers can be electronically sent to a central marking unit in brussels
for marking
but I forgot to do that
I'm sure they'll fix it manually, but uuuuuurgh I feel soo bad
@towc I'm sure it happens quite a lot and yours will probably sit in a "special" pile.
right before that I learnt that I may not legally be able to move to slovakia until I'm 18
which is something I had done quite extensive research on beforehand
so that's great
why is your exam being sent to Brussels ?
Why would you not be able to move in the terms of legality?
it's the European Baccalaureate, it's a EU-wide certification
@Kramb I'm underage, and staying in the country for more than 3 months while the reason is not studying is apparently illegal
I'm looking into alternatives, ofc
but uuuuurgh
Also, kudos for getting your bachelor's before 18.
I was a CEH at 16
that sounds more impressive ;)
getting the baccalaureate is just a thing that happens, I didn't have much merit in it
When you say CEH, are you referring to certified ethical hacker?
@Kramb not bachelor's lmao
@littlepootis Oh. I thought that's what Baccalaureate meant
not in britain
I'm a stoopid 'murican so please forgive my lack of knowledge of the rest of the world lmfao
@Kramb Carrot-eating hipster
I should say I'm one of the stoopid ones, not to imply that we are all like that.
They're like SATs without pats on the back.
I um...I didn't do those either hahaha
@Kramb aye
@KendallFrey also
My brother kept talking the SATs until he got a perfect score, the freak
Anybody could get a perfect score if you took the test enough times
I was under the impression that the SATs weren't like other standardized testing in a sense that you were not forced to commit things to memory and just recall it for the test.
Hi, Please let me know about, how to create a dynamic table using Jquery and JSON?
@ManjunathMg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AnsarSamad ionic 2 or 3 will be faster in case of dev then it is based on angular framework .. only potential issue would be if you need some cordova lib not in maintenance.. react-native is more of a library based on reactjs than a framework..that does not use angular though
havent used nativescript to comment on it
@Kramb oh, you may be right there. I wouldn't know. I only took it once. ;)
@ManjunathMg is the table going to be bound to data?
yes. we are taking values from json
@ManjunathMg what does that dynamic table do?
then for each row, create a table row element, followed by a table cell element for each column. Insert your values into those cells and then append each cell to the row. Finally append the row to the table body.
@Kramb do you know any reference example?
Thanks @Kramb
@suraj this is ofc defined for a specific scope, but the confusion of that in js is that this is being (re)defined in many ways
@suraj: is ionic using web view?
@AnsarSamad yes..it does uses html ts and scss
While go through the documentation of nativescript, it mentioned like nativescript won't use web view, they are purely native , so since ionic uses web view will that cause performance issue?
@suraj the scope of this is definitely broad I agree, but properly used it's paired up with the language tag in question. If it's just tagged this the langauge in question needs to be defined and tagged
it is more of a meta tag true.. and burninating it will be a huge effort.. dont think they will go through with it .
@AnsarSamad Also read the reviews of the apps they showcase ;)

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