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The source we are retrieving from has the array of objects with properties ID and Name. For the dropdown we need these mutated to Value and Text, respectively.
also, a .map will not help. maps output the same number of items as the input, by definition
then you can filter, then map
That's what I meant.
Or filter-map
Thanks lol
Stop doing that
She's on a time-delay from venus.
filter-map is in a lot of libraries
I'll stop if you do. Luggage gives me a perfectly fine answer and you answer with the same thing he did less than 20 seconds later
it's a different function
I couldn't find it on MDN
Maybe I searched the wrong way?
it's in 3rd party libraries, but you don't need it. just filter then map. it's more clear (in my opinion)
Ok sounds good.
It's nice when your filter is pretty simple
name !== null is pretty simple
Like filter_map(array, exists, (item) => whatever)
When it'd just kinda be a waste to add another line
output = input
    .filter(x => x.name !== null)
    .map(x => ({ value: x.id, text: x.name }));
I ended up checking both name and Id for truthiness rather than !== null
Are there any problems with that? Assuming I know that I'll always get either empty strings or populated strings from that data source?
if you get empty strings, then definitely don't compare to null
        const programOptions = data.filter((vendor) => {
            return (vendor.Id && vendor.Name);
        }).map((vendor) => {
            return {
                Value: vendor.Id,
                Text: vendor.Name
you specifically said null earlier, so..
@Luggage my bad
pretty sure empty string is falsey, yea..
@jhawins i did that political graph thingy earlier and it said i was ghandi, i don't know that it is the most accurate thing lol
It's perceived accuracy is directly proportional to how much you agree with the result.
lol that had me cracking up when I saw it. I like the moscow mule in the bottom right just to drive the point home
now i want a moscow mule
Me too.
Wow it's kind of simple
Might make it myself
i don't have the ginger beer
or the lime
but I could use real beer and and pickled ginger. that'll be the same.
But what of the lime?
my bottle of vodka is close to 10 years old.
I don't know what that means for our lime, but I guess that makes the vodka stronger?
i really doubt it.
if anything weaker, if it had a chance to evaporate (it's been opened)
Wait.... You have pickled ginger but no limes?
Why don't you drink the vodka, drink the beer, and throw out the pickled ginger?
I eat the pickled ginger
Jeez. Good thing you have the vodka to wash it down
it's good. it's the type of ginger that comes with sushi
Oooh! I had a question about that.
What's the difference between the white sushi and the pink sushi?
the type of fish?
Why did my ginger taste almost completely like soap maybe once or twice?
ohh, you mean ginger?
I meant ginger
lol yeah
supposedly the right rice vineger makes it go pink, but in reality it's often just dye.
Ah so it's naturally white
Most likely dye is what u ate
Its pink when its really Young too
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've had soapy ginger that was white, and pink. I do not like soapy ginger. Where was this coming from?
No idea. Soap is not a normal ingredient.
Was it bad ginger, particularly good ginger I wasn't used to? Old ginger? Too young
I'll google that one
I guess bad
Never had one that tasted soap
yo anyone here? I have a quick question. I have a command "npm run start" running in the console. It's a server so it doesn't prompt me for input. Is there a way I can execute another command without interrupting the first one?
open another terminal.
I guess it was because when I was younger I had a sensitivity to a chemical or protein present in cilantro and ginger that made me taste soap
besides opening another terminal @Luggage
I guess I overcame it or don't have that anymore.
I was just wondering if that's possible.
@Thaenor why not another terminal?
not sure if your shell has a way to put a running task in background
@Vap0r sure that works, I was just curious if there was an alternative.
or even know what shell you use
I think there's a way to send the command execution to the background, but I'd loose the looging in the console. Also I don't know how I'd close the proccess afterwards without looking toom uch
I'm using iTerm in mac OS
@Thaenor not really a good alternative. There are multiple ways to thread or background run a task in console. But most of the ones I have seen have limitations in input, output, or scope
iterm is a terminal emulator, not a shell
you are likely using bash if on osx
@Vap0r yeah, I guess using another tab is the best solution.
yes, you're right @Luggage
@Thaenor yup was about to say: nateeagle.com/2013/03/08/…
I know it's not what you want, but trust me this will give you less headaches
Just out of curiosity, why do you use iTerm? Terminal.app does everythign I need and more
hey that's a very nice thing! Awesome, kudos @Vap0r
that is built into Terminal.app. just hit command-T and it'll open another tab in the current directory.
@Thaenor consider listening to @Luggage he has a tendency to offer good advice
well, iTerm vs Terminal.app is just a preference. Use what you want
Hmmm weird. It doesnt seem like a loader problem and seems like it at the same time.
I was curious because everyone I ever hear of using iTerm thinks it does all these things that Terminal.app doesn't do and they can never name one.
@Luggage imagine that
iTerm is prettier. Or has the potential of being pretty. I think it's just for flavour.
I do user Terminal.app in my home mac.
well, yea. i immediately changed the font and colors.
But on the work mac I started playing with oh my zsh and pimped it up.
the defaults are ugly.
I don't even know why it's better, but awal uses it
and I've been using it since
I'm using this theme.
It's pretty but I think Terminal.app doesn't support those icons.
It does, just have to install a font.
I mean.. it's just the font. not the terminal.
I use powerline (in vim, not the shell)
so how does iTerm recognize the font icons?
but anywho.. carry on with iTerm. Just curious.
What do you mean?
it's just a font. Just like the font describes how to draw "A" it can draw the character that powerline uses for it's symbols.
are you referring the the arrows or the emoticons?
@Thaenor the same way you can have special language-specific characters in a font
or any symbols, really
they are called glyphs if im not wrong
No I mean, I should have the font natively installed, it should be available for all the apps in the mac.
Anybody knows if that is a correct ES syntax? Webpack says its not, auth0 says it is.

import auth0 from 'auth0-js';

export default class Auth {
auth0 = new auth0.WebAuth
I need at least a point to start googling with, as the error googling brought no results
what is the error and where in that code?
and what is your babel config?
                test: /.jsx?$/,
                loader: 'babel-loader',
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                query: {
                    presets: ['es2016', 'react']
tried with both 2015 and 2016 es presets
i'm not sure class properties are in es2016 and you are using them
the error is at = sign - unexpected error
Also, I suggest you put babel config in .babelrc, not webpack
them all tools can use it
linters, your editor, webpack, etc.
yea, class-properties.
Yeap Just found that, Thanks. I wish They had specified it was required, as a noob like me could not have known that
it's still a proposal, not in the spec
so it won't be in es2016
As in, specified on auth0 page
No, as in specified in the es spec
continuing from above: ...That the code They provide requires class prop transform
ohh, gotcha.
Sorry, i have a strong tendency to multiline my thoughts
Always messes me up in chat
oh man. my dad. his new windows 10 laptop signs him into skype without a password prompt. he doesnt like that. people could use his skype credit.
then. THEN he asks me to disable needing a password to log in/unlock
tell him to use linux
yeah no
don't install a WM
he was good with his old DOS system in the 80s
put that back in
I tried to get him onto linux a while back
there's little point. his job is all windows/office so he knows it.
hmmm make him change job?
either change skype to not do that or or put a password on the workstation
i didnt see the option to stop skype doing it
why does he let strangers use his laptops anyway?
he doesnt
this is the point, only he uses it. so he doesnt see the need to lock the laptop. BUT for some reason he is concerned with Skype. Only Skype.
that's the opposite of what he should do :)
lol i know
it's like leaving the door to your house unlocked, then worrying that the bedroom isn't locked.
that was exactly my metaphor!
the filing cabinet with all the sensitive info is unlocked, but god damn they can't get into the bedroom.
1. install key logger onto unlocked pc
2. get all the passwords (including skype)
i dont think i want to know what weird shit he googles
@hsimah ts playground
i just googled that at work
thanks :P
You're welcome
I originally looked for TypeScript playground
Which is what it's actually called
But I'm guessing ts has a more popular meaning in that particular context :P
Hah, I've done that before.
@MadaraUchiha steve harvey penis
just digging through the angular codebase, and I've come accross this construct:
allowPrivateServices ? elDef.element !.allProviders : elDef.element !.publicProviders
Anyone have any idea what it does?
That !. is the bit I mean
It seems to just vanish when it compiles (it's TS)
! says "this is not null even though the type says it is"
e.g. canvas.getContext('webgl') can return null or a webgl context
canvas.getContext('webgl')! says that you expect it to not be null
We don't use --strictNullChecks so I was like wat
Only useful with some of the more strict checks, like --strictNullChecks i think
Does an XMLHttpRequest require a body for a GET?
No. In fact a body in a get is abnormal
It might be out of spec to have a body in a get, i'm not sure, but it works.
That's what I thought, but I'm getting an Unable to get property of undefined when I call my request method. Not sure what happened.
Is there a way to test if a key is down (in browser) or do I need to handle a keydown event and keep track of which ones get pressed/unpressed in order to query that?
Also, if I can vamp, I'll accept anyone's simple game loops..
i mean it's great and all that we're learning more
but so much of what i 'know' is no longer true
and you just dont know that you dont know
I don't know what you are trying to say.
well, the last time i was learning about chemistry/physics on a regular basis was high school. i went into it/engineering at uni. but the researchers continue to learn more things and some of the facts I learned are no longer true. An obvious example is the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet.
but with the less publicised changes to our factual knowledge I never find out that things I was taught as fact are no longer entirely true.
@Luggage All works now ^^ Danke mucho!
What is your point? That we should stop learning?
definitely not
just, ya know, keep me in the loop
but in a way that requires no more effort on my part, because I am a busy man
Not if I get this speech about how everything changes when I try. :)
I posted a youtube video. You can't get more low-effort than that.
lol it was just a joke
Sure it was. :)
there's a youtube channel called numberphile
It's related to the channel I posted.
I was never much interested in maths as a subject, it was more of a tool
or.. i am thinking of computerphile, actually
but they explain some cool shiz
what I mean is doing physics and calculating the mass of planets or the force required to do X was cool. just doing derivatives and quadratic equations in class was boring. there seemed to be no purpose to it.
@towc be civil
but thats more a failing in the curriculum of highschool mathematics than a failing of maths itself
@towc: watch your language. that kind of behavior is not tolerated
I htink he was having a joke
I know he was having a joke, but he went too far.
He'll be back.
ah, didn't see the context
@towc bitch
@towc You may like what's building on my 3D printer atm...
is is SFW?
wait and see
a friend?
@towc i have a rainbow unicorn tattoo
pics or it didn't happen
@ThiefMaster longest minute of my life
30 messages moved to Trash can
seriously. if you're bored go play some video games or something
@Mosho I'm the one who kicked you
@towc trying to push the limit after you have been warned does. the only reason you weren't just kicked is because Lemon removed the messages and it gave me an error.
sorry, I am actually not feeling too well, and shouldn't get that to weigh on others
@towc physically?
or something else going on?
the whole exam/slovakia thing
ah :/
point was, I acknowledge my mistakes
I still highly recommend video games
1 message moved to Trash can
@Mosho no free passes.
we're setting a higher standard right now
yeah, it really shows on the starred messages
stop living in the past
old man
it's all I have
@rlemon Everyone lives in the past. It's not a choice.
By roughly half a second
not The Doctor
or Q
they live outside of your 'time'
They don't live
they're just pixels
you don't know that. do you know everyone?
Weren't expecting that, were you
@KendallFrey @rlemon why is so hot
@Mosho Ontario
it's hotter than the middle east by a full 8 degrees
-30C in the winter, +30C in the summer
enjoy the best of both worlds
@Mosho idk but it's definitely not all the CO2
the heat is making my strawberries delicious
everything else is hating it
but the strawberries.. 😍
I hope that's not a euphemism.
its cold here :(
no, legit.
!!s/strawberries/armpits/ 37588169
@KendallFrey the heat is making my armpits delicious (source)
I text my mom a picture of my hydroponics setup (removed the fish.. so I guess it's that now) said it's smaller scale, I plan on upgrading. "is that a euphemism for weed?"
no mom, I just like fresh veggies :D
my friend turned his in ground hot tub into a fish pond/hydroponics set up
it was pretty sweet until the flood ruined the whole thing
@rlemon fresh weed?
lol. dank
@hsimah Was his name Noah
weed is a vegetable, technically
@KendallFrey my nephews name is noah
hmm 1.3mil for a 1015 sqft condo in downtown TO
seems excessive
@rlemon No-ay
...I'll show myself out
pretty sad
I'm considering changing my name to "master sleep"
I thought you already bought a house.
I did, I have some money left and thought about an investment too
Did it not have enough kitchens?
it only has 2 kitchens
hey more games added to gog connect
I just got 18 free ones
@Loktar from what I read, you already bought them, no?
"free" on Gog though now for me since I bought them on Steam already
DRM free which is nice
getting oh so close to the 500 game mark on gog lol
they need more games for gog
over 1k on there
yeah, but not enough of my faves
thats not true, i own dozens of gog games
2012 games actually
just not like 4 that i want
which ones?
probably newer AAA ones?
older ones
I cant think of the ones that would end up there
right now I want to play C&C Red Alert (available on Origin for lots of $$)
and Midtown Madness 2, which is a Microsoft game
ah that was one of their free games for a bit (on Origin)
C&C red alert
you have to buy EVERY C&C game to get it now
I own all the originals fortunately
was Red Alert 2 I guess that was on the house
still a good game
there are some old ones I wish they'd add as well but can't due to licensing :/
like Black and White, and Black and White 2
oh man B&W would be awesome
Pirates of the Caribbean (2003 aka Sea Dogs 2)
couldnt play it on my computer, it kept turning black after a while
yeah it has some crazy texture issues with newer video cards
well.. newer as in like geforce 5200 lol
that was at the time ;)
@hsimah I have like 30 retro machines, newest one is an AMD k6-2+ 550 with a voodoo 3 3000 :p
I love this kind of stuff
I threw all my old machines away
retro pc games are one of my fav things
what's crazy is they are starting to get pretty valuable man
I wish I hadnt because Windows 10 has poor backwards compatibility with old, old games
old 3dfx cards are starting to go for some stupid prices man
that's why I build them for the most part, for my game collection
and I cant seem to get decent framerate when virtualising XP
most of my PC games
@Loktar nerd
one of the houses I went to see, the guy had lots of manga and PS games laying around
^ thats why I'm a nerd though tbh :p
as well as candy, coke
and a katana
in the basement
^ most of my PC games
when people used to come to our house (when we were selling it) they'd all stare at my computer
I had multiple cameras in the house hooked up
because I was worried people would mess with my stuff
is that why they "used" to come over
lmao yeah didnt realize I didn't clarify
so that seemed super weird
I was so nervous people were going to steal something
@Loktar and then it all changed, lol remember when he died?
spicy food and coke is life
(coca cola, not cocaine)
cocaine or cola
cocaine is pretty good too
it's coca-cola circa 1900
FULL of cocaine

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