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And here I am, paying 13€ for 2GB of data...
@KamilSolecki Are you guys gonna fuck already?
@BenFortune me and nugget? We are currently at the stage where he sends me photos and I view them.
You seem to have a thing for him
Hi guys
Does httpdelete accept request body or it accept query parameters like httpget?
@BenFortune dont worry tho I have a #nohomo tatoo so its fine
@StuntHacks we got unlimited 4G data + voice + video + text for one year in India. Now the plan is £3 per month for 28GB + unlimited. Luckiest people in earth
@Learning sure it does
Just decided I am going to India
You don't usually do that though
@StuntHacks on a whim?
@Neil So i can pass request body in httpdelete just like post?
@Learning well, I suppose if your backend supported it
I mean, 28GB
But what does the standard says about httpdelete?
It doesn't say anything about that because that is not a thing
@rlemon @Loktar @KendallFrey tut-tut-tut-tuuuuut
@FlorianMargaine do more effort next time you lazy french fool ... please
@KarelG we're open about our addiction
@StuntHacks why would you want to do that?
Mobile data
The only reason tbh
from Austria to India because of mobile data... hm
I'll stay here :)
If you came here for mobile data, you will hate internet. I just reduced using mobile data. 2TB hard disk full. 32GB + 16GB mobile full.
I have 1 GB 4G + post unlimited @128 Kbps per day. But use only 100-200 MB. Waste the rest
@GNi33 I'm too if I think about it. But some mobile contracts are expensife af here...
petrol and diesel are expensive here
good housing too
I honestly don't care too much. Heavy lifting is done at home over wifi
or better yet, heavy lifting is not done on my phone
Yeah of course but it would still be convenient. I don't say that I need more data but I wouldn't mind it either
I'd need more too, I'm on 1GB and it usually is gone after 10 days
at this point I just don't really give a damn anymore
I'm on 20G for 10E/mo (+ unlimited calls/texts)
a nice subscription you've found
it's pretty common in France
there's even an unlimited everything for 20E/mo now
Here we have to pay at leat 10-15€ for 2GB max.
@FlorianMargaine for 7E , we got 56G + Unlimited for month
@SagarV but your internet sucks
@FlorianMargaine who told. we got upto 25MbPS speed
Why I am delayed is I am on FB in mobile.
@FlorianMargaine in belgium, max 3GB for 25/month, but unlimited phone/sms calls
I don't live in a third world country like the USA, we have 1000Mbps everywhere
but there are only 2 large telecom providers. So barely any concurrence between both
1000Mbps on mobile?
you can find cheaper subscriptions at some small providers, but they hire a part of the broadband from those 2 large competitors (that owns the whole channel)
the government caused it themselves lol. They only handed out 2 licenses to manage a broadband network. (3rd is on the way)
@SagarV I get over 200mbps. Get on my level, noob.
Which mobile you are using?
@littlepootis pcmobile.ca/…
I didn't know they had this in India
@FlorianMargaine @Loktar @KendallFrey \o/
@littlepootis we are talking about mobile brother.
he's aware of that.
Oddly enough we have also fast mobile connection, but the price just sucks if you compare it to ... * looks to Florian * .. France
or Germany
Hi guys, I'm using Angular 4.
And I want to configure Webpack for my application.
I'm also using Angular-CLI to build my application with ease (which also uses Webpack).
Should I have a separate webpack config for the extra stuff I need? Or should I update the current Webpack (which I cannot find) that comes with Angular-CLI by default.
What my mobile hotspot gave is This i.sstatic.net/WNVp3.png
hello all
I'm doing a chart using the highChart and angularJS. I follow this highChart: highcharts.com/blog/tutorials/… But the chart is not displayed : plnkr.co/edit/AlIq6VssoowU76BGUsz5?p=preview
posted on June 09, 2017

As a slight contribution to the diversity in web development discussion, here are the ratios of female attendees and speakers from the Amsterdam web conferences Krijn and I organised or are close to. I’m not sure what these numbers mean, but someone will surely have a bright idea after staring at them for long enough. function init() { var trs = document.querySelectorAll('#women tbody

If anyone has some time, please consider helping me: stackoverflow.com/questions/44456164/…
Hi guys, am using Angular2
But my javascript file is not getting compiled based on the ".ts" file , any ideas why?
@MohammedJunaid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MohammedJunaid Be more precise please.
My API call returns a string. What's the quickest to see if for example : callback.description contains 'dog'
Hey. 1. feeds flagged(!) 2. can feeds get banned for 30 minutes?:D 3. Caprica's message is missing a space.
Sh.. I flagged the message from Feeds as spam. O.O
Q: How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?

grammUsually I would expect a String.contains() method but there doesn't seem to be one. What is a reasonable way to check for this?

@AndrasDeak don't bother trying to fix 3
@HassanAlthaf I saw that but it seems unneededly compliated?
it was more of a bugreport, I don't mind much :D
@HassanAlthaf.. For example say, I have a variable "test : string = "Hello";" in my ".ts" file , and when i use it as <h1>{{test}}</h1> , it doesnt display anything
@AndrasDeak #wontfix
So i meant, when i update my ".ts" file its not getting compiled in ".js" file
This is my config file
1 message moved to Trash can
@MohammedJunaid Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@CapricaSix Noted..thanks
    "compileOnSave": true,
    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "removeComments": false,
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
        "typeRoots": [
    "exclude": [
@CapricaSix..Is it fine now?
@CapricaSix is a bot lol
Lol. There are lots of bots in chat rooms @MohammedJunaid
Someone could help me to view the chart : plnkr.co/edit/AlIq6VssoowU76BGUsz5?p=preview
@SagarV Haha okay.. I didnt realize that
my bad :P
thanks @MohammedJunaid, I need to display the data on pie chart. Possible to send me an example
@Michel.. You can refer thos fiddle jsfiddle.net/highcharts/gwukyjhj
Hope that helps..bye
Coworker sent an email to the entire company "Test do not reply". I'm so tempted...
@KendallFrey Doooo iiittt
"i'm just testing the 'reply' feature in my mail client"
"do not reply to my reply"
@MaartenWachters how so? indexOf does the thing. And is native js
I will try this thanks @MohammedJunaid
" I would expect a String.contains() method but there doesn't seem to be one" — isn't it called .includes(…) ? @MaartenWachters
I would like to ask a general JS question in the expectation of receiving a general answer...I just trying to figure out HOW it would work, not expecting to see any code or anything....I am interested in creating a jsTree with JSON. I have that part working, but now I want the callback to send information to a jQuery table and save it....HOW do I "save" it?
@CatFox where do you want to "save" it ? on the web page (in-memory) ? to a file? to a database?
If it's saved on the web page, doesnt just a reload take it away?
mm, that's why i asked
so you probably want to send it to a database
like mySQL?
yeah, any DB technology (SQL, NoSQL, etc.)
If saved to a file, how do you retrieve it and display it in an HTML table?
@CatFox I see that you have a website
like if saved as a spreadsheet
@MadaraUchiha The migration of this SO post isn't right. stackoverflow.com/questions/44456892/…
how do you store data there?
@RoelvanUden I have question for ya
Heh...not really a nice website...
@CatFox you mean a file on the web server, or a local file ?
Say we have an img inside a react component, what would be the best way to check if image was cached? A timer?
@Cauterite I mean on the web server
@CatFox it's fine. What you basically want is to store the data on the webserver, in any way you seem fit
@CatFox okay, in that case you'd use a server-side script to parse the file and generate the corresponding HTML
which depends on your usecase. A static file might be fine if you'll only deliver the whole dataset in one JSON-response
if there are a lot of updates to it and if they might be simultaniously, I'd rather use a db though
Ahh, good point @GNi33
you can still store the data in a static file afterwards to parse and render, but updates to data are usually handled a lot better by a db and you don't have to worry about a lot of pretty complicated stuff yourself
someone good with nginx in general and nginx configs?
@VandolphReyes An error occured. Please try again later.
Q: Edit a php value with html

Thesevs EierWell, i have a placeholders.php file were i have stored some info. I want to edit the info in the placeholders.php with a input html tag. I want it in a seperate .php file. Thanks for helping. index.php <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- HTML5 Boilerplate --> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt...

I love people who ask SO to write their code
he's not the first
yup .. meta went at it today.. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/350415/…
@jAndy I'm alright
@BenFortune I just have a few amateur questions I guess. I just compiled nginx 1.12.0 from scratch, because I needed some vod module to compile with it. dude.. what a hustle so setup all the stuff including pcre and whatnot
however, I managed to compile nginx and now it is located at /usr/local/nginx/sbin
@KamilSolecki Why is this relevant?
I'm just wondering now... because my PATH environment doesn't link to that folder, if I just can copy the binary of nginx into like /usr/local/sbin or some other place which is targeted by PATH or should I add that path to the PATH variable?
you can probably symlink it
so I don't need to worry about some strange path/lookup conflicts if I symlink to other places?
Happy Friday @FlorianMargaine @rlemon @KendallFrey
Most of the module loading and stuff is done from your config, as long as those paths are right you should be good
mmmm friday friday
is the friday song the new rickroll?
brings me to the next question, if I load that module I dynamically linked, where can I put that load_module statement?
Hi guys.
Anyone ever used Angular-CLI here?
can I throw that under a server struct to just load it particulary?
@jAndy Not sure about that actually, I just load them all in my main conf file
where exactly?
in the nginx.conf on top level? Or below some section like http?
I'm not sure if you can load it conditionally, probably worth a google
I just find references which say you need to put it in "main {}" but my nginx.conf doesn't even have that struct
Mine's in the http block
Where I include /etc/nginx/modules.d/*.conf;
Then each of those are module specific configs
I don't have that /etc/nginx/modules path either, that is all magic which is created by an apt-get or dpkd installation unfortunately
@RoelvanUden Because I have a loading bar inside my component. I launch the progress on mount, but cached images onLoad fires even before that
Where's your conf file?
also in /usr/local/nginx/conf/
default installation path
You can just create the folders and configs though
@KamilSolecki Oh. You can just attach the events to the image element on render and handle their completions?
@RoelvanUden oh, I was searching for image onloading, but didnt find anything. Guess onRender it is then! thx
@KamilSolecki In your component render, where you put the <img ..., add the onLoad to the img.
@BenFortune can I somehow check if a module has been loaded succesfully by nginx?
If you do nginx -V it should show the loaded modules
that only shows statically linked modules
Does -t show them?
Hey guys
I am trying to send a request which consists of objects
and it is a bit large
I tried it sending it using request module
but receptor (node.js server) throws and error
0|index    |     at readStream (/home/ubuntu/login_server/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:196:17)
0|index    |     at getRawBody (/home/ubuntu/login_server/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:106:12)
0|index    |     at read (/home/ubuntu/login_server/node_modules/body-parser/lib/read.js:76:3)
0|index    |     at jsonParser (/home/ubuntu/login_server/node_modules/body-parser/lib/types/json.js:127:5)
0|index    |     at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/ubuntu/login_server/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
you may have an invalid object for the job
!!>var [{[0]:{x:x=x}=x}] = [[0]]
@Cauterite "SyntaxError: expected property name, got ':'"
[s]interesting, no error on spidermonkey[/s] (edit: markdown ate my underscores)
@KarelG as in?
@Cauterite "undefined"
I have logged the whole request that I am sending
but it is printed properly on console
obviously not
3 years of work experience in front end development.
Comfortable with using JavaScript, CSS to build appealing web apps.
Read up on React documents and proficient in working with React and Redux.
Stay up to date with the trend of cutting-edge methodologies, such as Webpack.
Read the book "JavaScript: The Definite Guide".
Have a decent capability of using English.
@BenFortune was that for me?
is it really happening because of the data
it should tell me right
where the fault
request is just getting crashed
@RoelvanUden I do have onLoad. but it calls after the image has loaded. I am looking for a way to determine when it STARTS loading
Can anyone do a proofreading?
That depends. What is it a proof of?
I'm asking to help me find out if there's any unnatural expression that is not in the usual way English sentences are made.
using this api : yesno.wtf/#
how can I force it to give a yes
@MaartenWachters Read your query parameters really, really carefully and compare them to yesno.wtf/#api
can someone reove those messages drp
It's ok, nothing to be ashamed of
We all make typos and hunt them down for an entire day
Anyone know if Chrome's ExtensionInstallBlacklist is set to *, does that include extensions I have created?
@Kramb Don't know, but if I made Chrome, it would
Can't argue with the *
That sucks...it's a managed policy by our "HQ" and makes no sense at all.
People probably playing games from the webstore -_-
Q: atom package for detecting es6 classes and constants etc (javascript)

deostrollIn a normal javascript file (which has functions, variables, etc) I can navigate to (or jump to function/variable). Normally while writing a javascript project in Atom text editor, I hit CTRL + R for this. However, when editing a jsx file or having es6 class definitions, that key combo doesn't w...

@Kramb add yours to the ExtensionInstallWhitelist
or try something different. You can check chrome's policy here
Morning everyone
Good morning @Vap0r
Kramb have you tried doing a local install of your extension?
Apparently loading of unpacked extensions is disabled entirely
That's about as much work as I'm willing to put into it. It was a dumb extension anyway haha
@Kramb It's not?
Was there a vote for PM, or just parliament?
scotland is a different color than the rest.. nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/08/world/europe/…
SNP, scottish national party.
Go figure :P
Your colors are reversed. We are blue in the cities, red in the country.
blue is good, red is evil here. j/k :)
@Luggage just parliament
may wanted a larger mandate, aka a bigger majority in govt
and the people said "meh"?
no they said no sort of lol
they lost seats instead of gaining and the labour party gained
she lost seats
the brexit vote barely won when it happened and it had the benefit of a major disinformation campaign. This one didn't quite
plus May had a major goofup the other day, where she basically came across as not supporting human rights
so does that possibly change the course of brexit? can it be stopped? is that a serious goal by anyone?
kind of like Karen Handel in Georgia saying she 'doesn't support a livable wage'
@Luggage only the exit terms
@Luggage it's a serious goal and will still be pursued; at this stage, canceling brexit is a little less likely than Trump being impeached
may wanted to basically get everything she wanted and give nothing up in the negotiations. Now that the EU sees the people don't support her, they're going to be less willing to meet those terms
so still pretty likely
Well, if it turns out that parliament is against May, then yeah, it may be likely
but if the Conservatives can get a coalition, then it will be no more than a large bump in the road
@TylerH last I heard they did
It's like independents in US congress caucusing with Democrats to give them a near-50% ownership
@Loktar it's quite possible, I've not been paying super close attention
> Theresa May reaches deal with DUP to form government after shock election result
> There has been no decision as yet on whether there will be a formal coalition between the Tories and the DUP or if they will operate on a “confidence and supply” arrangement – where the Unionists would support a minority government on vital matters in return for some of their policies being enacted.
That sounds shady
I'm trying to make a simple 2D flying ship game, but I think I have the math wrong. I have it mostly working, but when I hi thrust, the ship moves in the opposite direction from where it's facing.
The problem is probably around line 85
@Kramb Nah, it's normal
adjust the thrust @Hypersapien
if you don't have a majority you try to work with a small group to put you over that bar
make it the opposite, or change the angle
@TylerH But then the needs of the people are put on the back-burner to this minority party in fear they will leave if they are not satisfied.
@Kramb that's a specious argument IMO - parties represent constituents, so at worst only the needs of the constituents of the non-coalition parties are not being met
The argument is that such a scenario is not a problem, because the majority of the citizens are being represented by the coalition, so the majority's needs are being met
In political practice this isn't an OK thing to argue though because the notion of minority rights is pretty popular
@TylerH Oh, I figured it was like US politics lmfao
@Kramb There are some similarities but also some fairly large differences :-)
parliamentary sessions seem like shouting matches where nothing gets done, to me
Apparently they get stuff done though?
Anyone here familiar with back-end stuff? specifically Nginx running as a reverse proxy over gunicorn for python WSGI apps?
@Hypersapien Your if(shipThrust) says var rad = ship.dir * Math.PI / 180; But I don't see where you set .dir if the turnLeft and turnRight bools are false.
Therefore, all of your movement equations = 0?
I think I'm reading that right.
@Kramb starting on line 72
Wait, if they're false?
are we not doing the black friday stuff anymore?
3 hours ago, by Loktar
Happy Friday @FlorianMargaine @rlemon @KendallFrey
The .dir doesn't change if the bools are false
nice lol

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