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If I get bored maybe I can try making one that assembles from multiple fiddly little bits
send it to me
I'll paint two of them, send one back to you
pieced it together after I scrolled back up, for a few seconds I thought you were showing off your mentalist skills
life is so much better now that i realized i can dip my biscuit from kfc into the mashed potatoes and gravy
@HatterisMad try it with mashed potatoes and pizza
@Shane i can read your mind, but i have to look up the words you are thinking in a dictionary
har, sounds like a mixed blessing
I think I'd lose my mind after a day of that
@William i ... don't know how to respond to this
codepen.io/wostensen/pen/LLVxaL Can someone tell me why my collision function doesn't work properly? Whenever the ball is to the left of paddle, it starts to vibrate
hi all., is there any chat script for surfers to chat with each other without registration on site ?
@AMB freenode irc
@AMB are you making a cam website.... its ok to admit it
@William i want to be able to monetize it later. so i am looking which i can host on my server. thanks
@HatterisMad lol nope.,
just text chats.,
^ definitely making a porn site
@AMB then why would we help lol
wetandsandy.com I see you've already got a domain
(I have no idea what's behind that btw^)
@William who chats on a porn site?
@rlemon - nice station
@rlemon Don't click it
somthing which uses websockets.
@KendallFrey live chat porn sites. You know interacitev stuff
free or paid doesnt matter.,
@AMB have you tried socket.io
@KendallFrey maybe a good Samaritan trying to guide you to the right video?
@rlemon I'm kidding, it just goes to a GoDaddy registrar.
@William no, looking into it., thanks
hehe, yeah... I remember that one
i wish that actually existed
we had so many cases of people that just needed specifically that whenever i was working at computer repair shops
@KendallFrey Oh god, haha.
I am currently using extract-text-webpack-plugin.
My .css file has an image reference.
What webpack is doing, is its bundling the image into the .css file. Is that what should be happening?
@William socket.io looks good.,
@KendallFrey quality
@KamilSolecki is does what you tell it to. sounds like url-loader.
@Luggage yeah. What i meant in my question was: is that a right approach?
it depends. if i had several small images referenced in css, i might do that
if i just had a few large images i would not.
> he looked like the vampire one with the wolf ones pecks.
@Luggage mine is a fairly large background image. So you say use a file loader instead, right?
I would.
i put a station in orbit monday, then tried to attach a nom module to it (usi) and completely f'd it up. now the whole station is rooted to the bottom, so i can't fix it with kis/kas.
any of you guys have experience with squarespace
I was trying to use the planetary base connectors/docking ports, but they just weren't working well for me so i'm going to go back to mostly stock parts for my station. just ues the planetary base stuff for... planetary bases
@KevinB crash it into the planet
only solution left really.
yeah, that's the plan
going to get the newstation up running in an orbit right infront of it, salvage what i can, then deorbit
de-orbit and lithobrake.
@Luggage quick question about the topic earlier. In the .then() my ajax returns the object that was created. If the object already existed in the database, the ajax returns a new object with the id of 0. This all works fine, except that I want to alert the user their changes were not made. Why does my alert not fire from inside of the .then()?
i'm really short on funds (and still in the hole on science) so i need to salvage all i can
@Kramb lemme see the relevant code again.
i'll be able to keep all the batteries/solars and transfer the supplies
@KevinB you know.. there is a very cheap way to get funds/science
get all the science
if i had mining
i could easily get funds, but dont have funds for upgrading r&d to 550 yet
I'd have to google the specifics, but you can put ore + solar + w/e on a craft on the launch pad, convert it all to materials and then recover vessel.
basically convert ore to something better on the launch pad and then recover everything
Essentially a solar power station
yeah i can't do that yet, but i think by the time i can do that i won't need to
    function() {
        var priv = $("#PrivilegeDDL").val();
        var newPrivilege = {
        IndividualId: individualId,
        IndividualPrivilegeLevelId: priv,
        DateAssigned: moment().format()
    if (priv !== "") {
        quickEditApi.changePrivilege(newPrivilege).then(function (d) {
            if (d.id === 0) {
                alert("Individual already assigned to this level.");
            } else {
once i get 3 stations and 2 surface bases in place i'll be able to easily do tourist missions to them for quick funds
well, I know what mod I'm installing immediately.
@Luggage nvm, it's not the javascript. I'm sorry.
@Kramb when you console.log(d) inside the .then() what do you get? what you expect? Also, show me the quickEditApi.changePrivilege() definition
ok :)
just waiting for scatterer to update
Yea, the object has required fields and I didn't set them. I only created a new instance of the object. Can't return a broken object...
i tried usi mks, didn't like it. just seemed too complicated
navhud apparently works on 1.3, just isn't in ckan for 1.3 yet
i.redd.it/v8ikuxdfo92z.png good lord that quality
is it just me or is youtube sucking today
@rlemon Disturbing lack of atmospheric reddening at the terminator
it wont play anything
@SterlingArcher Just you
@SterlingArcher it wants you to use google music
i.imgur.com/BPlO96H.mp4 And that's why you're single.
@SterlingArcher I g+'d you that hours ago you bastard
never looking at mah memes
@Trasiva why is barney in the end of the frame
@rlemon I dunno, but now that you pointed that out it's hard not to notice it.
listen here fucko. you replied to my meme with your personal problems and I fucking listened.. you could at least have the decency to pretend to lul at my damn meme
:cries in the corner:
that's the most ned flanders swear word i've ever seen
After the infamous el fucko. Troll crusader of Mexico
gotta use his words against him whenever possible.
anyone know anything about Phonegap and jasonette? I want to have an interface that let's me reorder lists that are supported on both iPhone and Android.
@rlemon that's all of them? I gotta step my game up
@SterlingArcher That takes some serious balls.
@Trasiva what to assault someone in traffic like that?
yea, you need balls and no fucking brain
@rlemon No, to steal the car.
Like, in broad daylight, in the middle of fucking traffic.
meh. she clearly doesn't know how to be an adult, why should she get a car.
(I don't advocate car theft)
I like that you had to clarify that. Did your lawyers have to remind you to put that disclaimer?
it is 2017, gotta cover my ass
Aug 26 '16 at 14:42, by Sterling Archer
Joke's on you fuckboy I'm certified now
le sigh
new pit found on MARS south poll
@MerunasGrincalaitis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is that a bot?
cool how did you made it?
with javascript?
Nope. Just Java.
@rlemon Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
source code as well
@rlemon sweet melting sublimation pattern too
Htm is basic for java.
@MerunasGrincalaitis I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Merunas Grincalaitis
@MerunasGrincalaitis That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!tell Merunas sandbox
@Merunas Please go and play in the Sandbox
do you guys need help with something?
cool, a guru badge
While Vox is left-leaning, I think this criticism of news will be agreed to by everyone: youtube.com/watch?v=6fKsBj2M-T8
or are you just here for fun?
regulars are mostly here for fun
fly-by's are for help
believe it or not, not everyone goes to SO to to get help
i'm in stackoverflow to give help if possible
!!afk oh my god the server man is stuck in the ceiling
!!stat MerunasGrincalaitis
@rlemon Merunas Grincalaitis (https://stackoverflow.com/users/8023402/merunas-grincalaitis) has 344 reputation, earned 15 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 39 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:39.
avg. rep/post: 8.6. Badges: 0g 0s 9b
1:39 is good, keep at it
seal it up, use an air freshener. He'll turn into bones eventually.
lmfao mine's 3:8. I should probably make more of an effort to answer more questions.
@SterlingArcher Paintball gun with a high velocity spring. Freeze paintballs, tell him to cover his face, cut him out with said paintball gun.
@Trasiva SterlingArcher is afk: oh my god the server man is stuck in the ceiling
my goal is to get to 1000 reputation points
i'm terrible at asking questions. always ends up being a stupid mistake/typo
Is it normal that publicPath gets handled differently in different places?
for example, my css file gets the image PublicPath starting already in the build folder (one folder deeper than if I import image right into .jsx)
lol me too. The one question I asked
was lack of information
@KevinB recently by the time I get a question written I've answered it
I could do a self-answer, but that's too much work.
the ones i did end up actually posted have been mostly "that's just not possible"
@KamilSolecki using relative paths?
i suspect though a lot of the downvotes i have are revenge downvotes
on my questions
the same few top of the list answers of mine get random upvotes
I assume those are from chat peeps I helped
i have a few answers that get repeat upvotes weekly
like promise throw vs reject
@KevinB my most upvoted question is about using scp on files with colons in the filename
or why jquery animate callback happens multiple times
ajax caching another big one
simple stuff
do you guys actually think that stackoverflow helps to get a fullstack javascript job?
of the employee's i've interviewed in the past 8 years, only 1 of them had a SO account
but i haven't interviewed anyone in the past 2-3 years, so that's probably why.
@Luggage ohh, yeah that would make sense. One file with path is exactly one level deeper. You're a lifesaver dude
You use the word 'stack' as if it's related there. It is not.
what do you mean? fullstack javascript?
I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
do you guys know any good webpack tutorial?
Did you try the 'getting started' from the webpack website, yet?
If so, what did it leave you asking?
I'm trying to implement socket io on my app but I just keep getting this weird error on the client side
@SterlingArcher Thank god he was wearing his brown pants.
ok now it's working. It was the name of the import 'socket.io-client' when I was using 'socket.io'
@MerunasGrincalaitis github.com/RUJodan/Source-React feel free to strip out all my components and leave the structure
webpack, sockets, node, react
that's your project with socket io and react?
You don't need socket.io-client, I just imported it on my main index.html page <script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
damn interwebs keep breaking
if you are using webpack, use socket.io-client
because it can be bundled
then you don't need to serve it
yeah I'm doing just that
does the hover effect look bugged to anyone else in chrome? materializecss.com/helpers.html
@Luggage I mean, it's not a CDN, it's still pulling from node modules iirc
btw do you have to require('webpack') in the webpack.config.js? I think it's not neccesary
same reason I don't use <script> tags for other libraries. I use webpack so I don't have to
that hover effect is bugged
I could use <script src="/react.js"> but I do not. Socket.io is jsut special since it serves for you, but I stick to only having an API, not serving JS from my express backend.
@Luggage I think I was having trouble loading my css files, so I got frustrated and just used CDNs
Also, you can import like a proper module, not just use a global
import io from 'socket.io-client';
I have a question
does it need to be import io or could be named hovewer you want?
you can rename
named export ftw
ok but that's just for export default right? In the normal export you have to use the correct name
it's not a named export
oh wait
import anythingYouWant from 'socket.io-client'; // babel
import * as anythingYouWant from 'socket.io-client'; // typescript
It's an unnamed, non-default export. Old-school module.exports = ...
@MerunasGrincalaitis yes, non-default exports must match the name as it's defined in the module you're importing.
@NathanJones this is not that.
all types of exports* can be renamed in the import statment.
@Luggage true, but he was asking about "normal export", which i assume means non-default
ahh, ok.
at least in the msg i replied to
ok now it's clear to me
@SterlingArcher Can you explain
Wtf just happened
Also dude that "tackle"... Those boys hit solid as fuck.
no way those guys make it to 30.
Did you see the salt bae garnishing at the end?
yeah the video about those drunk people is disgusting
@Luggage I've done literally all of that minus the sauce
THough I'm 25 so there's still 5 years left to kill myself
Idk what it is still
wait, almost 4 ill be 26 next month
And a motorcycle to do it with, in style. :)
@Jhoverit cinnamon challenge obvi
Whats' #2
And what's #3
I knew the first was cinnamon
The ingredients of a cake.
so uh, not gonna lie idk why he was sauced and floured, but that was a solid tackle indeedily
@Jhoverit That wasn't even a good tackle, that was just a bull rush. There's nothing like seeing an awesome textbook tackle when a guy snaps in half and the impact point and you just KNOW he's not getting up.
Are we just going to ignore the snapping turtle shotgun
@SterlingArcher I was hoping he'd lose a finger with that turtle.
That one was cool, as long as he didn't throw the can and hit the turtle.
that turtle is just crazy
@Trasiva I quoted tackle. Now go back, watch where the guys connect. That was a serious hit man. All went to bone
Growing up in the country, I'll never fuck around with snappers. Those things demand respect.
No buckle.
Fair point.
and with flour in his face he couldn't see it coming
It was solid contact, dude's probably gonna have a sore neck from his head whipping around.
Maybe a broken shoulder
At least he's cinnamon fresh
gfycat.com/ShortCleverArawana @Jhoverit oh my god
that could have been so much worse
solid air tho
see the one with the guy getting tossed from the back of the truck?
Well then
I mean he missed the bar
face ground
home thyme
14 more minutes
3.5 hrs :(
@rlemon We had something sort of similar happen at the grocery store. Dude was beat to shit and almost lost his arm because he thought he could stop the jack from rolling off the dock.
then I gotta go to the home despot and see if I can't find myself some lumber
28 more years :(
Lol I know it doesn't look like there's 2,500lb on that pallet jack... But there is...
Yea we had people at Walmart fucking shit up all the time
If you run a pallet of salt into an aisle, the aisle breaks off from the floor and just scoots
People don't realize how much are on those jacks just because they move moderately easy on a jack.
so... given this boilerplate: https://github.com/mobxjs/react-mobx-boilerplate

How would i implement a component that gets displayed instead of the current route when a certain value on the appstate is true?
@Jhoverit We had a guy break the meat counter trying to take the turn too sharp, smashed the pallet into the cooler tearing out the power and shoving it a good seven or eight inches, as well as losing half the dairy products on the pallet.
Needless to say, that guy was told not to come back.
Interesting, when im using an absolute path, webpack doesnt bundle the images anymore.
Do you guys know how to run 'webpack --watch' in the background. Just like in linux with the ampersand
webpack -w?
@MerunasGrincalaitis I suggest you don't. Just keep that window dedicated to that task
Walmart was so weird
otheriwse it's annoying to stop, and you'll get random webpack output in your console while doing other things
ok then i'll keep the window open
We got a free dinner at the end of the week if the meat freezer had been left open less than a cumulative 1.5hours or something like that
Every second it was unlatched incremented a timer
maybe it saves them enough money that it's worth motivating.
Oh yea
Yea, they put timers on the freezer and meat coolers at our store. If they were open more than 30 seconds they'd start buzzing.
Just thought of it because moving pallets into the freezer was always scary haha
People would come in behind you with another pallet blind and crush you
@Jhoverit Were yours a stupid tight fit through the doors too?
what was this free dinner? like a hot meal, or a frozen hot pocket?
Fuck yea lol if one thing came unstacked the whole pallet isn't ging through the door
@Luggage They pulled a shit load of beef straight off the shelves and grilled for us out back
Or when the warehouse would pack it funky, and you'd have to spit on it to get it to fit.
And whoever got selected to grill had the easy job for the day haha
Idk if I ever spit on anything headed for the meat freezer...
lick it.
You've never heard that term when something's a tight fit?
'Just spit on it'
I'm not an RO Luggage, I can't read that. :(
ohh, sorry, was too fast
not funny enough to be worth it, anyway
ah. Root has access to appState through app, which i can then pass down to Core.
ohh, maybe core won't get that prop..

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