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They did those tests where a tester was put into a room and told to inflict pain on another if they answered incorrectly
Of course the other receiving the pain was just an actor, but they didn't know that
Most obeyed even when the other clearly stated that they had a heart condition and needed to stop
@KarelG That actually applies to several games. Well, all games that have such symbols in them :D
i'm now curious why cap said that
Because @Neil said "stop"
what if i said stop? Or halt?
the STOP function is weird (just checked the script)
my latin isn't good, but that probably means hammer(not sure) + time
hello i have xml like this <string xmlns=​"http:​/​/​tempuri.org/​">​"/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEAYABgAAD/4RAA"</string>
how i can get only result
Strip off the tags
And the quotes
Seems like a perfect job for regex!
Not sure if you're aware that you're in js room, but if you look for a js solution, you can use DOMParser
@OliverSalzburg and now you have two problems. ;)
No ragrex
@KarelG : i am using foreach , i am having trouble to access this part .
das vamp
 shoes: [
      {name: 'tasselled black low-top lace-up', price: 1000},
      {name: 'tasselled green low-top lace-up', price: 1100},
      {name: 'plain beige suede moccasin', price: 950},
      {name: 'plain olive suede moccasin', price: 1050}
Generate a random price between 10 and 11?
@BenFortune Some vamps are worth to get my attention.
vamps is also used to denote a femme fatale
@amarghodke well. it's an array? Another for loop ?
@KarelG : hmm. let me check.
// pseudo code
1. construct array arr
2. loop through brands
  2.a. store brand name as b
  2.b. loop through shoes
    2.b.1 put in arr: b + shoe name + price
3. return arr
See! Like i said, something done less than 10 minutes if you keep it simple. Now you're still trying to solve that problem for ... 2+ hours
3 hours ago, by amar ghodke
var currentInventory = [
    name: 'Brunello Cucinelli',
    shoes: [
      {name: 'tasselled black low-top lace-up', price: 1000},
      {name: 'tasselled green low-top lace-up', price: 1100},
      {name: 'plain beige suede moccasin', price: 950},
      {name: 'plain olive suede moccasin', price: 1050}
    name: 'Gucci',
    shoes: [
      {name: 'red leather laced sneakers', price: 800},
      {name: 'black leather laced sneakers', price: 900}
function renderInventory(inventory) {
it's 3 hours already...
lots of money lost there
No Gucci bags for you
@KarelG : i have just started learning also i never deal with such nested array of object before ..
Considering the node.js chat is rather quiet right now, am I supposed to ask node.js questions here?
@Lesleyvdp you can.
is package.json obligatory if I use npm packages?
I didn't want to create one for my frontend site, but maybe not a big deal, just a minor thought
I was wondering if there were any modules on npm which are generally used to build login functionalities with?
@ZoltánSchmidt depends on whether you want to actually track dependencies and/or run scripts
@ZoltánSchmidt how can you pack if you don't know how to build (dependencies and/or scripts) it 😉
I saw passport js which seemed like a good one
@Lesleyvdp That is the solution
@KarelG lol true, sorry
@Lesleyvdp passportjs is godlike AFAIK
Perfect! Time to look into passportjs
Passport can be a bitch to configure, but once it is set up, you won't touch it ever again
Unless, you know, to fix your faulty config
The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.","hint":"Check the password parameter"
i've checked that passport.js once
As long as it is the preferred method, I'll take it
reminds me as an embed-like pseudo middleware
it's well designed IMHO
response from laravel passport .. anyone?
@Hisham What?
@KarelG I wouldn't go that far :P
If you compare it to another "library" you see around?
any one using laravel passport with react front end ?
@KarelG They cover the simplest use case easily. Once you go more advanced, which you will with a growing application, you will hit road blocks. You will overcome these road blocks, but it will feel like Passport was not designed for it
Like allowing multiple authentication providers on a single route, where any may succeed for the request to be treated as authenticated
But I experience the identical pattern with pretty much any library I use, that is correct
that's why I didn't gave it a green light on my analysis report
That looks beary unsafe
Get out
i thought that it was a bear costume
how will caching work once we have es6 modules in the browser?
if you have a framework that has 500 modules, I don't want them downloaded each time
I guess that's where the manifest file and offline applications come in handy @SuperUberDuper
can you expand?
okay, using react dev tools, how do you access the state of a react app?
maybe I'm looking at things from a bad perspective? With web assembly will now have to learn C/C++ because in the future all code will be written in this and them compiled to wasm using emcc ?
Or I think it will be used mostly for computational tasks ... maybe emulation and whatnot
I'm fairly sure there will be compilers for other languages as well
afaik Rust is supported for example
Also, you can convert a lot of languages.
I myself will not get into C/C++ again for sure. I simply can't bring myself to like it
@GNi33 What, you don't enjoy segfaults?
I've enjoyed my time with C, really
in this time and age, I'd definitely rather learn Rust than go back to C
@SomeGuy Explain the difference between int* const and int const*
Actually, don't
@OliverSalzburg Haha I'm not saying it's a great language. Rust is likely significantly better. But I enjoyed learning it regardless
So did I :)
it's been way too long since learning it for me
@OliverSalzburg let me try.... constant pointer to modifyable int vs pointer to constant int?
I'm not sure :(
Use the spiral rule, Luke
the hell is a spiral rule?
@GNi33 That's what I think as well. If it is correct, I don't remember :D
Oh, what you said was correct (AFAIK), I was just saying that the spiral rule makes it easier
ah, I see
I was "kinda" using that
@SomeGuy Neat
I actually don't understand how you like Javascript but not C
Hi, @jAndy
I didn't lose for quite a long time, prolly a new record
@OliverSalzburg heh ... you can get confused. But the attribute that has const is being unmodifiable
@jAndy how so?
just because the look and feel of its syntax which strongly was adapted from C. I came from C to Javascript and I instantly liked it just because of that :p
okay...redux gurus, does an action immediately run the reducer logic, or is it async?
After 40 years, the mysterious #Wowsignal has been finally solved. Link to the Center for Planetary Science:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/871315629101527041
Just to make sure I understand correctly - babel-loader has a dependency in the babel itself, which is a compiler?
okay, I have an es6 issue with this code: `(state, {payload: {name, value, in, type, path, method}} ) => {'
getting error because of keyword in - supposed to be a reserved word...
what is my alternative?
@deostroll the question why u using reserved keyword??
the underlying object has a property with the same name...
Just name it deepInsideOfMe
wee in deep...
Use some weird Unicode symbol in there
That usually takes care of that error
I do that will all my variable names. Just to be safe
Call it notOut
I have some piece of coffeescript code - class A, class B extends A; there is a method foo in B, which is wrapped around bluebird coroutine. Now, when I want to call super in this foo, I get 'cannot call super outside of an instance method'. Any ideas?
foo is a class method, what I want to do is to access A.foo inside of B.foo
What are the opposites of these 6 words? Always- Coming - From - Take - Me - Down
don't fall for it...
@cafe_ Can you use super.foo?
@Neil I stopped after coming
As always
> Add a button with type button instead: <button type="button" .... src
  @get: C (id) ->
    USERS[id] ? @_getCached(yield super.get(id))
not really, I still get the same error, ' error: cannot call super outside of an instance method.'
Works best if you get them to say it aloud
@cafe_ Is that code?
That looks like decompiled ActionScript
it's coffee
@Neil seldom approach via place others ascend?
@rlemon the troller has become the trolled
@rlemon Got oauth working in the extension, easier than I thought
good, now put it on github so I can steal it
It's literally calling chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow, and if the service only accepts proper callback URLs, you can use chrome.identity.getRedirectURL, which returns something like https://ckfomdbnklgldhalgnagppdiinendlki.chromiumapp.org/
If I reference my form, is it considered FormData? Or do I have to create a new instance of FormData() and fill it with my values?
<form> is a HTMLElement
FormData is an interface
different entities. To get a FormData instance of your form, you have to create it by constructing it ( new FormData(yourFormElement) ) yes.
@rlemon I can take a blind guess why my imports werent working yesterday. I was transpiling with jsx-loader and not babel-loader. Will check on that today.
im having issue with <ul class="vieworder nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
@rb4bhushan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm trying to use requestAnimationFrame (began using canvas yesterday), but I don't see what I'm doing wrong: s.codepen.io/wostensen/debug/bRdXeZ/LDAmdVnVazQr
As I've understood it, requestAnimationFrame requires a callback and having the callback recursively call it, and I've done that but no error and nothing shows up
@gloriousCatnip don't use document.onload
it's not going to fire
context.fillStyle isn't a function
morning everyone
117 questions left until 14 million
!!giphy nobody cares
I care
and you are?
That's supposed to say "Imagination"
so I should not use document.onload()? @rlemon
That's supposed to say "MobX"
I'm the one who can't be named listened to
3 mins ago, by rlemon
@gloriousCatnip don't use document.onload
@SterlingArcher uhm wut?
@SterlingArcher what do you mean
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@KarelG you are on a question/answer site. read it in that context
got it
> 13,999,931 questions
> 13,999,937
Sterling's match may be a bit off
Challenge: use close votes to make 14 million happen at exactly noon
challenge: go home at noon
challenge: go
challenge: get rich without any effort at all
so, drugs?
challenge: eat without teeth
drugs make you rich in experiences, but poor in finances and health.
I wasn't talking about buying them
@Luggage Not if it's blue
Breaking Lemon
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Soup.
Lots and lots of soup.
Italian cold cut soup
@ZhengquanBai hello, dot
I could start selling "artisan weed". it's basically regular weed but $80/gram
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Premastication
@rlemon make your customer bring their own bag. For the environemnt
If it doesn't show on exactly 14m, i'm going to be pissed off
5cents a bag
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I know a friend of my grandfather that has only one tooth left ... He still eats, but not solid food
I like that
mostly mixed things
and sell re-usable weed shopping bags
i can't see deleted questions.
git gud
I am but a lowly pleb in the world of SO.
@Luggage git rep
Good morning guys
and gals
How much rep do I need to see deleted stuffs?
$ git rep
git: 'rep' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
Why do you need 10k rep to view deleted questions?
Dang dude how do you guys do it?
^ @SterlingArcher
@littlepootis because they are deleted
rep farm
@BenFortune mine hasn't updated :(
Q: Sitecore: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: uri

SquishException: System.ArgumentNullException Message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: uri Source: Sitecore.Kernel I was editing a placeholder item in a local Sitecore 8.1 (rev. 151207) instance when I got this error. Now I can't edit, delete, or reset it (or its parent folders). I also can't ...

and 14,000,006
let us content!
>nobody cares
I have 1,420 rep
@littlepootis Deleted quetions would just mislead noobs. Only those with high rep can undelete (or can they eve? maybe you need a mod?)
@SterlingArcher You can touch yourself now
@Luggage they can vote to undelete
@Luggage 5?10? undeletes
bascially, you have no business with deleted questions unless you know SO well
it's a 10K vote
@Luggage Unless a mod deleted, 10k mortals can vote to undelete
Takes 3 votes to undelete a post.
only 3?
damn, I thought it was much more
So what do I do? Answer questions?
Make witty comments?
And Math.max(3, Math.min(10, magicAlgo(question.rep))) to delete
get good at jQuery
That's how I did it.
answer a bunch of easy jQuery questions
10K in like 5 weeks
@Vap0r Have you heard of the canonical program I'm holding?
answer questions. witty comments are not even really wanted
A: How do I select an element with its name attribute in jQuery?

Madara Uchiha$('[name="ElementNameHere"]').doStuff(); jQuery supports CSS3 style selectors, plus some more. See more jQuery - Selectors jQuery - [attribute=""] selector

All my most popular answers are about jQuery, or simple stupid CSS shit, or "How to run SQL on an excel table"
you have to answer a question before it's closed as dup :)
that 4k rep there
(joking, but not. There seems to be less good JS questions)
@KarelG 4.5, yeah
*that is
A: bodyParser is deprecated express 4

Ben FortuneIt means that using the bodyParser() constructor has been deprecated, as of 2014-06-19. app.use(bodyParser()); //Now deprecated You now need to call the methods separately app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded()); app.use(bodyParser.json()); And so on. If you're still getting a warning with urle...

Ugh this sounds like work. Like you have to run around being an insufferably helpful nit?
This answer is like 85% of my total rep
People who ask questions are subhuman
> are subhuman
People who ask answers are _______
Slow down there Hitler I haven't had my coffee yet.
Obviously photoshopped
says thomas the dank engine
I can confirm that screenshot (I have nick's account hacked)
@ndugger You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1408759/ndugger) have 2513 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 18 questions, gave 62 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:31.
avg. rep/post: 31.41. Badges: 1g 15s 37b
Cap is a liar
@KarelG You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/2412895/karelg) have 2699 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 19 questions, gave 140 answers, for a q:a ratio of 19:140.
avg. rep/post: 16.97. Badges: 2g 17s 34b
@Luggage You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/956900/luggage) have 711 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 3 questions, gave 12 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:4.
avg. rep/post: 47.4. Badges: 0g 11s 17b
@littlepootis You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1947276/little-pootis) have 699 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 2 questions, gave 7 answers, for a q:a ratio of 2:7.
avg. rep/post: 77.66. Badges: 1g 8s 23b
!!stat Zirak
@rlemon User Elusio proved elusive.
my answer to rep ratio is just bad
I was hoping for that dude sucks
Zirak's 200 answers + 15 questions
@SterlingArcher You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/774078/sterling-archer) have 14388 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 100 questions, gave 559 answers, for a q:a ratio of 100:559.
avg. rep/post: 21.83. Badges: 10g 47s 79b
I got a few upvotes yesterday around the time that random guy came in and screamed thankyou at me for something I don't remember. I wonder if it was him/her.
@BenFortune That dude sucks
You what
@BenFortune You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/2615209/ben-fortune) have 16608 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 13 questions, gave 396 answers, for a q:a ratio of 13:396.
avg. rep/post: 40.6. Badges: 4g 38s 59b
there is like a 1% chance of hitting that message
I'm blessed
@KamilSolecki no what are you doing here? go where you belong
Get your !!stat s out of the way anyone that wants it, so we can stop spamming.
The ratio should be a decimal instead.
is editing tags on an older question ok?
(e.g. remove jQuery from a question that has 0 jQuery in it)
@Vap0r You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/763509/vap0r) have 1420 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 35 questions, gave 68 answers, for a q:a ratio of 35:68.
avg. rep/post: 13.78. Badges: 1g 13s 27b
peer reviewed? bah. not even worth someone's time
Did you guys know pimps wear lots of jewelry because cash is confiscated upon arrest but jewelry isn't? They're wearing bail money
@SterlingArcher wear*

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