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@SterlingArcher dude
the calories on those is crazy
that's why I stopped drinking them haha
@FlorianMargaine I'm pretty sure I need that to survive
would rather just drink protein
@Loktar it's good for me because when I diet, I don't get enough calories
420 just in that man
ah well whatever works
I just remember being surprised af
huh? did someone summon me?
if it is a meal, ~400 cals is about right i'd say
a 20oz pop has like 220 or so
if it's with a meal, yea..
if you skip breakfast and drink just that, it should be fine
over 50g's of sugars in those bad boys too
yeah sugar is shit
I prefer chemicals
if I do eat breakfast, it is eggs or like a banana
more often just a banana. and even that is sometimes too much work.
My typical "healthy" day is a yogurt or protein shake in the morning (420 calories max), a salad at lunch (grilled chicken, 2 eggs, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, brocoli, and a small but of ranch) (Iunno.. 700-800 calories?), and for dinner it's typically a frozen healthy meal that's about 300-400 calories
Coffee is my breakfast.
ham & eggs or a skyr for me
@rlemon banana === sugar
So I get maybe 1600-1800 calories a day, and since I'm not working out, I should be targetting 1600 for agressive weight loss
@Mosho I don't eat bananas
@Mosho so? I'm not on a diet.
yeah I thought @SterlingArcher said it
^ how I am going about it
I haven't done real cardio in like 7 years
though I have a bike now
I walk in place for like 7 hours a day. that's enough for me
I have good muscles, my goal here is to just.. eat right
Working out makes me so hungry that I abandon my diet after like 3 weeks because I can't eat right
working out while dieting is how you get to keep muscle
I don't think I eat that bad. I cook most of the meals I eat.. and when I don't cook them it's more often an actual restaurant and not just fast food. I seldom drink pop or juice. coffee and water for me (and beer). I don't eat much pasta, or bread anymore.
what do you guys think, im replacing the seat belts in my car, should i just go black seatbelts? Or get a colored pair. The interior is going to be black in a dark red colored car
@rlemon beer is the worst
but hey, I like beer.
fair enough
beer is the only reason I can stand to lose a little weight.
before I found a love for beer I was like 120lbs
I still think it's piss
I'm on the vodka diet right now
and that's cool. it's not for everyone
Except this weekend when I got so drunk on vodka I drank a lot of beers and passed out at the bowling alley
my airbnb landlord told me a gram is $7 here
in israel people pay $35
@HatterisMad black is the safer color
safe style-wise, of course
I don't smoke, but wtf
weed is cheap in Canada
I also went golfing this weekend :D
lots of land, spread out.. easy to grow.
I had some really good shots, but my putting game ruined my score
I had 3 drives over 275 yards 😃 and several 200+yard fairway shots to the green
@rlemon is that what they sell at "farmer's markets"
never been to one
ah talking drinks.. its so hot out hear...
nono, but holy fakk man I'm taking you to the market when it opens.
it's amazing.
it's where the Mennonites go to sell their produce.
(and other local farmers, but lots of Mennonites)
cheap af veg and meat.
if you want me to have fun, take me to a theme park
meat is nice
but I have no means to cook
I got a camping stove you can use (outdoors)
it's small. but like, don't kill yourself.
have you guys tried vodka with power drinks.. they are amazing
I used to drink Vodka Rockstars all the time
Have you ever even been to high school
Vodka red bull is a worldwide standard isn't it?
high & school, yes
^ these before and at the club
I can't drink redbull because one night I drank 15+ red bull vodkas and thought I was dying
thats why i can't drink soco
or, popov (or any cheap vodka for that matter)
I can't drink energy drinks anymore, they gave me an ulcer and I woke up puking blood. wasn't fun.
well, energy drinks + too much coffee.
it was a mix of the two.
on a party night .. power drink mixer is amazing to keep you goinh
i've never tried with Red Bull though... cant stand the sugar
Now when I party it's all beer chugging (shotguns or beer ball) and sipping vodka
it was years ago.. I probably could drink energy drinks again.. but I just don't see a point. they also made my pee florescent
Aderall while drinking is fun
@SterlingArcher Some days I forget you're just a basic white girl.
beer is a winner anytime
even with the most natural expression, melania T looks like a sith lord
I mean more or less
I fucking love that movie
Anything with Terry Crews in it
@rlemon lol
try vodka with xs lemon flavor ... or dragon fruit flavor ... you can keep sipping and sipping
@rlemon I saw that before the edit, lol.
I'm a simple Canadian. I enjoy beer, wine, and maple syrup
@SteveG First one was correct, Jagermeister.
thats the new comb to me..
used to drink that stuff like water
I wanna try to make maple syrup mead.. but everything I've read says it tastes like shit
black licorice water
you know what pisses me off?
but the Canadian in me says idc.
why the fuck does spell check in chrome give me crap, but when i paste the same mispelled word into google
it gives me the correct spelling
god damned google
google uses its dictionaries. chrome autocorrect uses local ones
idc where it comes from, just give me the correct spelling
If it had to pull down from the online dictionaries for every. Single. Word, you'd be saying otherwise regarding your traffic and how slow your browser would work.
> Did you mean 'double fisting'?
I have a question about immutability, many people say it is very good for multithreads. so, is there any real significance to use this in JS. Can't we ignore all the side effects with little caution?
experience has shown that 'little caution' is not so common and best is it go for immutability...
Immutability has value in JS even though we don't deal with threads in the same way as low level languages.
which experience? I have never seen any problem thus so far. May you provide some logical example where side effects caused problem. I am dying to see some example
@Luggage I think in JS we don't deal with threads like high level languages too, please correct me if I am wrong
threads aren't even the only reason.
@Luggage Thanks! Everything is so crystal clear now.
@ankitbug94 one thing I like is test-ability and no side effects, it's nice just to have a brand new state.
like every 2 years I build a completely new PC, instead of replacing parts no worries about older crap breaking. Immutability ftw ;)
@Loktar When I had a desktop, I always formatted and re-imaged my machine once a year. Reinstalled any programs that was missing, ran disk cleanup, defrag, and updated the image.
wth why??
Kill the clutter.
Especially with all the programs and games I'd install and play.
why would you update an image... when it's a fresh install lol?
Because the image was the most up to date snapshot of where I wanted my PC to be recoverable?
wouldn't that just be a new image?
why not just restore from the previous image each year, or do incremental image updates?
lol just seems like a lot of work/headache with no reason to image
Habits mostly.
It's the process we used for the government pcs, and I just never got out of it before my PC died.
We didn't do that in the gov that's for sure
i did that without the image part
lots of wasted man power
though < once per year, these days.
what the fuck
@Luggage yeah that makes more sense minus the imaging
I do it every 2 years because new PC anyway so meh.
Not really, just boot them into the imaging mode, attach them to the lan, and then push the image to two dozen machines at once.
@Trasiva we did that for fresh builds or machines with issues
not randomly once a year though
users would be furious
Yea no, we didn't do that to users.
Like, we'd have scheduled down times. Just the once a year thing was a personal decision.
Though, I wish I could afford to build a new machine every two years.
@Trasiva yeah not sure on my current build might upgrade parts individually... but as I say that I want ryzen
so that will mean a new build lol
glad I got a 6700k over a 7700k though people can't even OC them without issues
Aren't you on NVidia now?
yeah I have a 1080 currently
but I'll switch to Vega as well if that ever releases
supposed to be end of this month/beginning of next
will wait for benchmarks before fully deciding
It just feels like it's always a toss up of which graphics card to go with.
the nice thing is I have 3 kids with machines so hand me downs are easy
yea I mean whatever is the best at the time in your price range is what you should go with imo
Because AMDs are always nice, but they seem to have more issues with certain gaming studio products out the door until some patching happens.
eh that's not entirely true
nvidia has their share of driver problems as well
Well sure.
But it seems like AMD is always the one focused on when the issues start.
the rx480 didn't have any major issues afaik, and especially not the rx580 since it's the 480 refreshed
there are just a ton of fanboys perpetuating rumors and same old tired myths, on both sides however Nvidia has a 70% market share so bound to have more people lol
people have to justify their purchases
To be fair though, the last graphics card I bought was an Nvidia 8800GT in 2009.
like for a while there 1080's were blowing up in peoples machines
So I'm certainly out out of the loop, lol.
I don't remember AMD having an issue with that ever haha
also 970's had the 3.5 gb memory issue
and had to actually pay out users due to a class action lawsuit
Oh yea, I'm not saying Nvidia is perfect by any means.
damn dude that's a while ago!
My PC died in 2011.
The mobo gave out on it.
I mean man you can get such cheap ones now that run games fine
it's kind of crazy how prices/perf is right now
I thought about getting a new one, but I want to upgrade to 64 bit.
Define cheap, because everything I'm looking at for a decent machine is like 800/900
Microsoft really ain't got nothin on Docker when it comes to version number skips. People miss Windows 9? LOL I'm missing Docker 2-16
@Trasiva you could build a machine capable at running modern games at 1080 with moderate settings at decent framerates for $400
@OliverSalzburg No one misses Windows 9, because it was never a thing. Same reason no one misses Windows 4 - 6, because they weren't actual iterations.
@Loktar Keep in mind, I don't need perfs, as I have them already.
@Trasiva Which is why it is a perfect match for the comparison
@Loktar I'll probably talk with you after I get my financial situation back on track. I just had to drop 450 on my car, and another 600 in hospital bills. What little I had in savings is gone, and I still need to pay off what I had to put on my CC.
nice, yeah for sure message me, doing that stuff is fun man
you could build one for $350 probably even
I kind of want to start doing that and have youtube vids showing perf
but man that's a ton of money for little return lol
@rlemon wtf is that
does anyone know what date this is in javascript? 1495630320000
@Loktar I mean, I've built computers, but I'm so far out of the loop.
@JoJo ...you're joking.
@BenFortune "1970-01-18T07:27:10.320Z"
God dammit Ben
I was going to make him go do it in jsfiddle or something.
God Blesses me :)
Because that was just pure laziness.
does not Damn me
Nah, you're just damn lazy.
I can build a modern computer ;)
Love you bai
I feel that'd been worthy of a kick if I wasn't such a fuck up
😎   that's where you're wrong, kiddo
from scratch?
was the clean room expensive?
ssd drives are awesome
@SterlingArcher Does he go down on you alot?
was the expensive room clean?
@KendallFrey Go eat alot of penises
> I imagine them having only one finger on each hand and then their actions seem reasonable
I typed that way for years.
@KendallFrey omg how have I not seen this one, amazing
That ending is precious
@BenFortune oh shit
It's official, it's all been a lie. Stephanie is really Stephan.
okay so question of practice. I have an interface which will toggle between two ways to view the same data. One is grouped by day, one is grouped by author. I don't really want to put this logic in my component. Will I really have to pull out this functionality and put it in the redux store to make it work appropriately?
@BenFortune garden sensors are all programmed.. everything working.. forgot I'd need like 250ft of 18ga
@rlemon Nice, 18ga?
@KendallFrey Dude, c'mon. Put your erection away.
@Trasiva ONE attempt, dude.
If I get my pc built, I'm going to buy this game.
I'm getting an JS error on Windows but I'm on Mac. This may be an easy one. I've created a codepen here codepen.io/anon/pen/QvoLYq
What should happen is you should get a message in the console and in the preview pane
but Windows users are telling me they are getting an actual error
this is the place to ask JS questions, no?
activeX wth
well, this and the main site, yea
the activeX is bc i need an XML parser for on Windows
windows or IE?
I was testing in Windows Edge
the error message is pretty specific
there is two parts. the xml parsing provides an error message and returns it in result but i was getting an JS error I think
Q: namespace error : Namespace prefix bd on keyword is not defined

lightonphiriI have a huge xml file that I would like to split up into individual xml documents; each individual xml file is supposed to have an explicit namespace declaration where applicable as show in the "Desired Output" portion below. However, I keep getting the error "namespace error : Namespace prefix ...

is it working for you?
in chrome, yea, other than the xml parser error
right that XML error is on purpose. but when I test on Windows I'm getting an error somewhere. in the validate XML see the branch for IE?
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'innerHTML' in No errors found
i think it's occurring there. so it's a JS error or typo or it's returning a value to my app that is causing a separate error.
Are private npm modules worth it?
@1.21gigawatts it's a js error
you're trying to search for something in a string
result ends up being , 'no errors found'
thanks. that's a typo i just made in the codepen. i've updated it.
and you're then searching for innerHTML within that using in
define your prefix.
the question/answer I linked shows how.
Thanks but I'm not making explaining this well. The XML has that error on purpose. I'm trying to track down if my code for initializing the XMLDOM is throwing an actual error. If my code is correct then, it should return an error message. I've updated the codepen.
If you reload the page can you check the console? Does it say, "I work in Windows"?
Hmm, I think I found the error.
i mean... it's throwing an error when you validate the xml. it's not going to print anything, because the error happened and you didn't catch it..
unless i'm misunderstanding what you're trying to show
let me start over. :) I have an app that allows you to enter XML. I want to validate that XML is valid and if it's not I want to return an error message. Browsers have built in XML parsers yay! that let you pass an XML string to it and they will tell you if it has any errors. 1/2
you can't return an error message though if you don't catch it.
on Firefox, Opera, Safari etc you can create an instance of a DomParser. Then pass it a string it.
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
var hasErrors = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length > 0;
the parser catches the errors
no try catch needed
DOMParser is in IE11. How far back do you need to support?
Poll regarding our sporadic hangouts gatherings.
ohh, and IE10
wha? it is?
i can test. i have all the browsers
it works fine for me
in 11 and edge
you get the same error "The specified prefix has not been declared."
this is great news. in the console is a string. can you paste that here?
IE11 doesn't show the string
firing up IE10
it just dies on the parsing error
@Trasiva you should add a "that's far too often" option.
if domparser exists i should swap the if else statement. then i can check for domparser first and fall back on activex?
@ssube I can't now that it's made.
ie10 barfs on creating an object. one sec.
The idea when we talked about it in Hangouts was just giving people two chances to join in, with no mandatory participation.
yea. swap or get rid of activex entirely.
Can someone maybe sticky that until Friday COB or something?
That way the regulars can all at least get a chance to look at it.
which one?
The poll
Thanks, the hangouts are always cool, but we've just been awful about doing them, lol.
scheduled things rarely work, should just be like hey lets do a hangouts tonight
My face itches
^ not really
Loktar's opening his house for a kegger!
i voted and i'm not a regular
So I had a job interview over lunch today.
how did it go?
How do you feel about possibly working 60 hours a week when projects are behind schedule?
that question is worded poorly
> I'll tell you after you pay for lunch.
how about not
@KevinB It threw a huge red flag.
is it hourly?
@Loktar cheater.
Especially some of the other questions they asked.
@Luggage :p
the not really even fits still
@Loktar Salary job, that I firmly turned down when they told me what the position paid for the location.
I'd have spit out my whiskey in surprise if they asked me that.
you didn't know a range before an interview??
we're looking for a dev, and they want to pay 10$ an hour
dunno how they expect us to find a dev to work for that
@Loktar Nah, a friend threw my contact info at them because she applied for a job there and saw that they had a dev opening.
@Trasiva yeah but you said you had an interview with them right/
but turned them down when you heard the salary range
@Loktar Yea, we set up the interview because it sounded interested.
regardless I'd get that up front, the range at least
@Loktar Yea, that was a mistake on my part. It's not like I regularly get contacted by recruiters or people looking to hire me.
But 26k a year for Seattle is just...fuck.
well even if the salary was good, the 60 hours is stupid
I'd tell them I could meet them halfway
Oh I agree. Especially when it's a non-profit eco company.
do 30 hours a week.
wait, they seriously offered $10/hour?
I've updated the codepen. I swapped the if else statement. In IE or Edge does "I work in other browsers" show in the console? codepen.io/anon/pen/QvoLYq
that's what they're wanting me to offer a new dev
@Luggage Fun fact to go with the convo - Walmart has a nationwide starting pay of $10 an hour now.
@KevinB I'll have my son get in contact with you guys
@KevinB Did you tell them they'd be better off going with an intern for that price?
he wouldn't mind making that much
he's 13
HR is strongly against interns
for whatever reason
paperwork/redtape likely
@hilli_micha what was it before?
I'm using "if (document.implementation.createDocument)" to check if DomParser exists.
Good luck getting a dev for that rate though.
well, here's the problem. I was hired here at 10$ an hour
@1.21gigawatts snag.gy/mzMZli.jpg IE10
@KevinB In my experience it's generally also that "Oh, well you're also getting experience as well with your pay!"
@KevinB god dang dude
I mean if they are hiring devs with no experience that's fair
What the shit?
@Loktar I don't recall the offical one, but when I started working there in 2010, I started at 7.65 an hour.
like if it's all on the job training
i had no experience at the time
meh, I mean $10 isn't TERRIBLE then
you're being setup to make a lot more
if only thta were the case
it's still not ideal, however you could make $10 at McD's or somewhere else with no meaningful experience to use elsewhere
$10 is still pretty bad though lol
it's been 9 years now, at 51k. but, other than working remotely, it's the only way i'd be able to live here and have this kind of job

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