My typical "healthy" day is a yogurt or protein shake in the morning (420 calories max), a salad at lunch (grilled chicken, 2 eggs, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, brocoli, and a small but of ranch) (Iunno.. 700-800 calories?), and for dinner it's typically a frozen healthy meal that's about 300-400 calories
I don't think I eat that bad. I cook most of the meals I eat.. and when I don't cook them it's more often an actual restaurant and not just fast food. I seldom drink pop or juice. coffee and water for me (and beer). I don't eat much pasta, or bread anymore.
what do you guys think, im replacing the seat belts in my car, should i just go black seatbelts? Or get a colored pair. The interior is going to be black in a dark red colored car
If it had to pull down from the online dictionaries for every. Single. Word, you'd be saying otherwise regarding your traffic and how slow your browser would work.
I have a question about immutability, many people say it is very good for multithreads. so, is there any real significance to use this in JS. Can't we ignore all the side effects with little caution?
which experience? I have never seen any problem thus so far. May you provide some logical example where side effects caused problem. I am dying to see some example
@Luggage I think in JS we don't deal with threads like high level languages too, please correct me if I am wrong
@Loktar When I had a desktop, I always formatted and re-imaged my machine once a year. Reinstalled any programs that was missing, ran disk cleanup, defrag, and updated the image.
the rx480 didn't have any major issues afaik, and especially not the rx580 since it's the 480 refreshed
there are just a ton of fanboys perpetuating rumors and same old tired myths, on both sides however Nvidia has a 70% market share so bound to have more people lol
@OliverSalzburg No one misses Windows 9, because it was never a thing. Same reason no one misses Windows 4 - 6, because they weren't actual iterations.
@Loktar Keep in mind, I don't need perfs, as I have them already.
@Loktar I'll probably talk with you after I get my financial situation back on track. I just had to drop 450 on my car, and another 600 in hospital bills. What little I had in savings is gone, and I still need to pay off what I had to put on my CC.
okay so question of practice. I have an interface which will toggle between two ways to view the same data. One is grouped by day, one is grouped by author. I don't really want to put this logic in my component. Will I really have to pull out this functionality and put it in the redux store to make it work appropriately?
I have a huge xml file that I would like to split up into individual xml documents; each individual xml file is supposed to have an explicit namespace declaration where applicable as show in the "Desired Output" portion below. However, I keep getting the error "namespace error : Namespace prefix ...
Thanks but I'm not making explaining this well. The XML has that error on purpose. I'm trying to track down if my code for initializing the XMLDOM is throwing an actual error. If my code is correct then, it should return an error message. I've updated the codepen.
If you reload the page can you check the console? Does it say, "I work in Windows"?
let me start over. :) I have an app that allows you to enter XML. I want to validate that XML is valid and if it's not I want to return an error message. Browsers have built in XML parsers yay! that let you pass an XML string to it and they will tell you if it has any errors. 1/2
I've updated the codepen. I swapped the if else statement. In IE or Edge does "I work in other browsers" show in the console?