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hastebin.com/awicokihiv.js .So I need to check for parentStyleSheet until I get an owner node
Continue to check for parentStyleSheets undefinitely till finally I get a parentNode.
so it would be like sheet.parentStyleSheet.parentStyleSheet.parentStyleSheet.ownerNode after checking 3 times
you can loop or recurse, but you want a variable that hangs onto the current (or last) iteration's target
We are not sure when will finally get ownerNode
then, when you find a child, recurse and pass the current node down as the next iteration's root
@ssube If you have time, please illustrate through an example
I am new to JS
I think if you just find a child, you should call child protective services
CPS can't find your child if it's undefined
@Hemant I do not, unfortunately, but it's a fairly simple algorithm.
how can I load part of an image with gm (am trying to create a progress bar in nodejs)
oh my god guys i can't stop laughing
any reference to solve such issues may help me .
please tell me he throws it at her
god damn it
i wanted it to crash
@Hemant recursive search algorithms aren't language-specific
Hey people..
@ssube Cool I will try to find hopefully. :(
uhm okay xd
so about my question
I can't handle this video
any clue?
this is worse than the brake check spoon gag video
im literally crying right now trying not to make noises
@nonerth uh, just resize the image?
Hey whats up everyone ?
yeh I can do that, but am actually looking for a way to make something like a progress bar, I guess I can resize the image in a loop but I was wondering if there was any more 'elegant' way
@nonerth don't chop up an image in the first place
A: How can I make this progress bar with just CSS?

rlemonCss Tricks has a good article showing how you would achieve this. Example Re: Comment Looks pretty close to me Notice I have changed the widths of the span elements. LAST UPDATE OP wanted it to look more like his example Change the following two lines of CSS in the demo .meter { backgr...

uhm nodejs not css
only nodejs
but really, just mask the image in a container.
@nonerth where will the progress bar be displayed?
not in a place I can use css, welp anyways I just wanted to confirrm if there was any better way than chopping images in loops and I got my answer, so I'll take my leave thanks
chopping images in a loop sounds like the worst approach to be honest
@BatCat did you ask some question we're accidentally ignoring?
@BatCat yes
I was just casually trying to converse.
post a meme
@Sippy fine.. not sure why is it.
memes are good
yes it actually is the worst way, but I couldnt find anything else in my case
Is this seriously the state of chatrooms these days
what is wrong with the world
you're not really raising the bar
I get extra memey now that I'm on my depression medication
@ndugger I totally imagined that in Ralph Wiggum's voice
@ndugger extra memey
It was awesome
that's gold
Too many cats in here
more than Badger is too many
so html-plugin-webpack with webpack 2 and webpack dev server, how do they combine
in real life, more than 0
@CatBoss the html plugin makes a file that the dev server loads, I'd imagine
@ndugger in the intranet nobody knows ur a cat
servers often load files
1 hour ago, by ndugger
cats are stupid
1 hour ago, by Sippy
cats are not stupid m8
@ssube doesnt automatically recognize it
sippy pls
nik pls
crabs are stupid
@CatBoss why would it?
fuck you yeah
@ssube which leads to the question
@CatBoss html-plugin-webpack outputs an index.html with the <script> tag that refers to webpack output.
@Luggage webpack dev server doesnt see it
it works with webpack-dev-server. lemme see some config
have you configured the dev server to point at it?
he sounds like such a goon
@CatBoss Show me your webpack.config and I'll show you mine
@Luggage Oooo freakyy
@Luggage I am actually following documentation and making progress
My webpack config is fucking huge
@CatBoss that's hot
@Sippy hot... reloaded
compile me
That's great you are following docs, but next time you have a question, seeing the config can help us
otherwise it's just complaining
@Luggage absolutely.
java script is dead, shave your head
No it's not and I already did.
hello guys
I still can't find a dashcam that I wanna buy :(
i'm going to miss java script ing
type script ing
Hey can one of you smart people help me get this babel thing working?
quite possibly, but we'll need to see your config and error, at least
Well I finally got bundleconfig.cs working, let me get the error
Ugh, new vaping laws tomorrow
Ahhh pipe. I was missing using react; Okay so how do I pass the transformed file into a bundle?
can I just pass result from var result = babel.Transform("~/Content/plugins/jquery/jquery-3.1.0.min.js"); into bundles.Add()?
.. running jquery core through babel? that seems odd.
Just an easy example
Oh I lied, I got the error again, Unable to resolve type: React.IReactEnvironment
@BenFortune ouch
2ml tank limits, absolutely ridiculous
lol that's redic.
daisy chain tanks :D
Also can't buy liquid in bottles larger than 10ml
> you never said I couldn't just use 10 tanks
I always buy in 100ml, time to start mixing my own I guess
@BenFortune say hello to > 3 for $10
@BenFortune yea I buy in 120ml
they don't even sell 10ml bottles here
when they run out and I have to buy 4 30ml it is annoying
@ssube I've seen 15ml bottles
usually for 'testers' when that shit was still cool
15/30/60 are what we have
most often here you see 30/60/120
In case anyone cares
Don't know if you're into that kind of shit
@OliverSalzburg not sure if German joke or not..
oh man, I got a new flavor the other day, it might be my favorite yet. Mango, peach, and cupcake according to the pictures.
i'll be hanging her e
from now on
as i am working with javascript
Now add goldfish
so if i stuck in any bullshit. I'd have the back of pros here :D
oh shit, Kendall You are EVERYWHERE!
@BenFortune lol
there is a fucking squirrel in my ceiling
well 20mg max strength is sane
anyone vaping > 18 is fucked
yeah lol, i'm on 3/6
@Mosho How did you determine that's what it's doing?
For real? Duolingo?
@rlemon only person I've met vaping that high was also smoking meth
I started on 18 because I was a pack a day smoker
withing a week I was down to 12
@KendallFrey it is making a racket
18mg is okay if it's not sub-ohm
Oh, wow, that conf is actually in Germany
then another week was down to 9, then 3
And I'm not going. I suck
@Mosho Oh good, now it can play tennis.
I was smoking roughly a pack a day and started at 6, iirc
then 3 about 2 months later, then 0
@KendallFrey I didn't think I could think less of you
yea, the guy who told me 'start at 18' was insane
@ssube That's kinda young
I could have easily started at 9 or 12
@rlemon yeah, I feel like 12 is good for heavy smokers
6 made me light headed pretty quick
had to switch down to 3
I started at 18 on sub ohm, first pull almost killed me
if I drip 6 now I feel like I've just shotguned 3 redbull
Looking around for some cheap tanks
get a squonk box
it isn't technically a tank, or a purchase bottle.
bottom feed dripper
I really want to rock a squonker again
if my current mod breaks, I'll probably buy one
can't really justify buying another mod
@rlemon ah memories
all the regulated squonkers that are out there right now either look like cheap plastic toys or have weird/annoying design decisions (remove the bottle and this plastic separator to change the battery? sigh)
I'm so unused to nicotine now, I get a buzz from a cigarello :(
nicotine + redbull is what makes me feel alive in the morning
@MadaraUchiha why the hell would they not just bring it to the web
it's literally just text and audio content like why is it even hard to port to different devices
ndugger :O
@MadaraUchiha duolingo.com/comment/22162372$comment_id=22163003
@Sippy pls ask greg why he's so mad
Some people refuse to see that companies prefer JS over almost everything now
because it's easy
It's not though
easy == cheaper
because it got fast
yes it is
And it's definitely not cheaper l0l
Not development costs
Have you seen your salary
your mum is easier and cheaper
Hey! A quick question about ethics.
I did a software for my wife's office, about 18 months ago and "unofficially" I told them that I will guarantee the software for 6 months.
1 year and 6 months later they found a small bug. Nothing critical, but I'm debating with my wife if I should fix it or not.
What do you think?
@GeorgeI. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
have them pay you a contractor rate to fix it
@GeorgeI. this entirely depends on you and how you wish to be perceived.
Legally you don't have to do jack shit because they never signed anything.
You can help them for free, and look like someone that can be taken advantage of
I'd just send them a quote.
don't even mention it like "well now I have to charge you". just send the quote.
Is it possible to access $(window)[0].innerHeight from css?
I agree with @KevinB
Is not really about being a nice guy. They will feel justified to ask fixes anytime.

I don't think that is a bug which they actually need it fixed.
Thanks guys!
@TylerDahle $(window)[0] is the most redundant thing I have ever seen
@ndugger $(this).prop('id')
I challenge you
[ window ][ 0 ][ 'innerHeight' ]
Great, it still lets you access .innerHeight. I have an element added to the DOM on certain actions by a library, I am adding css to it already, but because it isn't actually there until the user does a specific action... it would be awesome to just access .innerHeight in css to set its height instead of through javascript
in css? wat
@TylerDahle vh
for me, it depends on who I'm helping. Most of the moonlighting I do around here are for mom & pop stores and churches, I don't mind helping them out every now and then, but if I feel i'm beign taken advantage of I start charging. but they typically pay regardless, often more than I'd ask for anyway.
he wants to read the css property associated with the selector
A: How to get a style attribute from a CSS class by javascript/jQuery?

rlemonI wrote a small function that traverses the stylesheets on the document looking for the matched selector, then style. There is one caveat, this will only work for style sheets defined with a style tag, or external sheets from the same domain. If the sheet is known you can pass it in and save y...

I think he wants the vh unit
I think what rlemon posted was more along the lines of what I need. I have the class the element 'becomes' (I guess) defined with styling in my style sheet. So I am kinda looking for a way to access that instead of the element itself to add a height to it (if it can't be done just in css)
ohh so you want to add to the css property?
Do I need anything more than React.Core NuGet package to get babel working?
StyleSheet objects are read only iirc. so you'll have to just to sheet.textContent += `.foo { height: newHeight; }`
@JohnPavek wat
using nuget? why the hell?
I don't know. I am trying to get my js files to be run through babel before being bundled
Yeah, I want to add (or change) its height to the window innerHeight - 191 haha. But without having access to the element itself.
We don't use npm
Ooh ok, so append the class styling to the stylesheet?
@TylerDahle use vh... height: calc(100vh - 191px)
@JohnPavek well you should use a JS package manager for JS... using nuget for that is just asking for a headache
@ndugger oh nice. Forgot about vh, that may be just what I ned
I said it like 3 times
.foo {
  color: red;

// you append
.foo {
  height: 10vh;
both height and color properties will then apply to .foo elements
(if you need to take that approach)
@ndugger Oh tell me about it. I'm just gonna come back to it when I've got more time
Sorry missed that lol. But thanks ndugger and rlemon. Those suggestions will sort out my issue :)
How to access a function inside an object like this  var obj = {
a : function(){
obj.a() ;
I want to access a() inside of a itself
or var obj = {}; obj.a = function () { ... obj.a(); }
either way should leave you deep, deep in an infinite loop of alerts :D
that would work too
but like. enjoy your endless recursive function call
but all those alerts will make vamping harder :)
@ssube you can do that all inline because you don't access obj.a till after it is defined.
@ndugger but this is obj
that's what you asked
get outta town
var obj = {
  a: function() { console.log('fucked'); obj.a(); }
obj.a(); // enjoy
hm. You are right. There's some case where that doesn't work, though.
@ndugger its working for sure .but how this can be used inside a function of an object and refrencing itself
maybe I was just thinking about {a: obj.a} type stuff
there are no cases where that doesn't work
@Anonymous because this.a is the a function inside of this... what are you even asking?
greetings, programs! o/
@Anonymous seriously, start posting examples, stop asking vague questions you haven't tried to solve.
@ssube yea, accessing an object property on initialisation still doesn't work.
@Anonymous obj.a isn't called until later. At that later time, obj has already been defined as having an a property.
const obj = {
  a: 10,
  b: obj.a - 5 // no
yeah, I was definitely mixing things up. I've been doing so many things today.

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