Our solution was to, right before serializing, override Date.prototype.toJSON to include unique delimiters, and replace those with new Date($1) before sending the string back to the client
Our solution was to override Date.prototype.toJSON on the server-side to return unique delimiters around the date, then we replace those delimiters with new Date(' and ').
use the replacer on JSON.stringify to stringify dates as something like { $date: '00-00-0000' } and use the reviver on JSON.parse to recognize that and parse.
yesterday was one of those days. I spent hours trying to figure out why my text input component wasn't triggering change events in the parent, and why it wasn't reflecting the value in the store... turns out, i didn't give the input an onchange event handler, i didn't give the input a value, and in the onchange handler i wasn't actually executing the passed in function.... only referencing it. onchange;
Hey, anyone else have an issue with VSCode where hitting tab to accept an Intellisense suggestion doesn't work in TS files? I can only use the enter key, but I'm used to tab, so it's a bit disruptive.
It works in all other files, just not TS files. TSX files are fine, as are JS files and JSX files.
do the specs on promises say anything that the rejection reason has to be an Error instance? here seems to say it can be of any value tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-promise.reject
@MadaraUchiha Ok, this is interesting. So I disabled TypeScript Hero, and now, when I hit enter, this happens: "warn: command 'extension.emmetMe' not found"
So basically, it thinks that I'm trying to use Emmet.
i had an interview problem, serialize-deserialize n array tree
within 20 minutes
so i sent an angry email to that start up stating that that problem was bs, only people who have seen that problem and solved it or proctored it can really solve it in that time frame
@SterlingArcher @rlemon hey I'm in vegas and didn't realize the timeline for the weight loss challenge. Sorry for not updating you sooner but I've been busy. Thanks guys and good luck
@Mosho hmm... there seems to be some inconsistency in your tabbing in that mobx boilerplate, most of it is at 2 spaces, but routes.tsx and app.ts are 4 space