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brb, updating chrome
@Luggage exactly, and is it really necessary to pass all the scope of the myModule, when all I need is the data, the arg1 and maybe a public timeout id?
Only that which you access matters.
You are ALREADY doing this with the function you pass directly to success:
This is just one more function so that you can move your "150 lines of code" out of the body of that one
Also, this is just normal for JS. You are worried about nothing as far as I can tell.
@Luggage why did the blind man fall into the well?
@Luggage good point, I may be too worried with micro optimization right now, since this is not even a big module
@Luggage thanks :)
@SterlingArcher ...gravity?
Because he couldn't see that well
Poor well safety measures?
Hey All, I've got some Knockout pagination I'm doing, and I'm trying to resolve a side effect of having my click event look like this click: ChangeOrdersPage( OrdersPage() - 2 ) When you load the page all of the click events are evaluated because of the (param). Any ideas to prevent it from automatically going to page 5 every time?
put it in a function.
function nextPage() {
    currentPage(currentPage() + 1);
data-bind="click: nextPage"
@Luggage My goal is to hopefully reduce function count. and we have a first page, back 2, back 1, forward 1, forward 2, last. I'd end up making a function for each right?
That's the simplest. What motivation do you have to reduce function count ?
Are you paying per function? If so, renegotiate your JavaScript contract.
My motivation is that I'm lazy, and it seems like the right thing to do
It's not the right thing to do
in fact, if you reduce your function count by, say, having one funciton to generate all others, you'll be re-making them each time knockout updates bindings and be way less efficient
Uhgg okay fine, you were right last time, so I'll trust you this time
I've got a weird issue where a table I render using webservice GET, renders fine on local in that all rows and header are generated. But when I compile files to dist and host that table doesn't render
any spot if I'm doing something wrong in the above component? ^
function makePageChangeHandler(offset) {
    return function() {
        currentPage(currentPage() + offset);
data-bind="click: makePageChangeHandler(1)"
data-bind="click: makePageChangeHandler(-1)"
data-bind="click: makePageChangeHandler(2)"
JohnPavek This will re-make a NEW handler each time Knockout updates. SAD! :)
But less functions.
Aww okay, you talked me out of it
I gotta get better at talking people into things.
I'm literally in this meeting for moral support
@SterlingArcher bring pom poms
Talk me into a better naming convention than previous1, previous 2.
ok. Don't put a space in "previous 2". Otherwise, I see no problem.
I assume these functions are in the context of a class/object for this one page and they would be clear in that context.
Yeah I suppose
Maybe something to indicate they are actions "navigatePrevious"?
pom looks like porn
@Loktar I hate when people use the word 'unimaginable'
I dunno I'm gonna use PreviousPage1 and PreviousPage2 to indicate direction and amount
It always reminds me of that scene in Star Wars when Han Solo is like "I dunno kid - I can imagine quite a lot"
for trans by trans
I see no reason legacy mainframe code won't make a great browser app.
Here, use these ii They might help you see
that would be a good codegolf question. "can you c without i's?"
write <blah> program in c without using the character i
maybe not as fun as it sounded in my head
I think it's worth the pun being downvoted
Hop to it
@Luggage the reason I wanted to avoid a lot of function, I'm trying to make this code super reusable, and its not easy without making it kinda huge.
You can always make those functions dynamically
like above, but run makePageChangeHandler() ONCE when you create a viewModel, not on every bind
Wait wait wait, elaborate on that
class MySearchPageViewModel {
    this.currentPage = ko.observable(1); // or whataver
    constructor() {
        this.previous1 = makePageChangeHandler(-1);
        this.previous2 = makePageChangeHandler(-2);
    makePageChangeHandler(offset) { return function() { ... } }
separate functions, but with minimal code duplication.
Ya know, I tell all my friends I know JS, but you really change the meaning of that...
return () => {} // to keep 'this' context
I am so confused by your constructor function
Show my how you create your viewModels today.
In a fiddle?
er.. what part are you confused about? the class syntax or what the functions are doing?
Class syntax
Can I make you a small fiddle and we teach me how to make it better?
if it's syntax, then i'll direct you to read about it before i hold your hand
but yes, i can give feedback.
I would super appreciate that. I'm in this stage of not knowing what I don't know
It's hard to read stuff without having that real world application
Greek food for lunch today, even though I feel ill
are gyro's greek?
They're americanized greek, yeah
@GuilhermeIazzetta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does JSfiddle not allow <script> (for ko templates)?
@Luggage jsfiddle.net/Nhawdge/xv191m39/1 This is kinda what I'm trying to do. I tried to shrink it down a bunch, but it's hard. Also It hates the <script> tag
OK. You are already using classes, just using the old syntax (which is valid).
Yeah, the new syntax just hates IE right?
anyone here who has worked with video, is there some event for receiving "part" of a video on jwplayer? i.e., suppose my video is 2 hours long. I must receive data in buffers, right?
This side "should" be IE friendly
I want to suggest newwer syntax, but what browsers do you support and do you use any 'build steps' like babel?
I forget what IE supports, since I just 'compile' my JS to es5 that IE DOES support.
IE 11+ Chrome, Edge, Firefox.
MDN says classes have no support in IE (developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…)
yea, ie11 isn't bad. I suggest you using a tool like babel then* you can use all the latest syntax today in IE11. But that's not needed, just nice.
We're a fairly new startup in the middle of farm land. We don't get enough exposure to good tech ideas
anywho.. your functions like BaseViewModel() are the constructor().
You call them with "new", even, so they are constructors, not just LIKE constructors.
Okay I gotcha
self.PreviousPage2 = makePageHandler(-2); basically.
ChangePage() can either turn into that or go away, most likely. All it does is set a single observable.
It was going to make sure they don't hit negative pages or beyond the max
but otherwise yeah
that's fine. keep it if you have a need for it
so instead of creating a new function, you just create a reference to the existing one and pass the variable?
this.canNavigatePrevious2 = ko.pureComputed(function() { return self.currentPage() > 2; })
data-bind="enable: canNavigatePrevious2, click: previousPage2"
Well, you call a function that returns a function, if you mean something like my makePageChangeHandler() example
everytime somebody posts a question about Pub Nub i automatically read it like somebody is posting about porn hub
Does stef know that you think about pornhub while at work?
What would makePageHandler look like?
like return (page) => { this.Page(page) } ?
@ndugger i tell her everything lol
well, it would probably take an offset to work like your existing functions that go forward/boakcward
Also, I'm not sure () => is supported in IE11. Is it?
Not sure, but I figured shorter the better for chat
Plus it makes me seem smarter than I am
Why do you use a pureComputed? Aren't those computed without subscriptions?
var self = this; //ugh
function makePageHandler(offset) {
    return function() {
        self.ChangePage(self.GalleryPage() + offset);
this.PreviousPage2 = makePageHandler(-2);
They can have subscriptions, but they don't compute unless they have subscriptions
I think I had a lightbulb.
@Luggage You aren't using offsets
and since this is just to enable/disable the UI, we don't care about that value unless a UI is bound
I'm guessing you wanted + offset instead of - 2?
I feel full. Gyro plate w/ rice is a lot of food
In this case a purecomputed is no loss and since I din't want to get into disposing things, maybe better (I don't know how careful you are about disposing computeds)
I'm still learning how to properly use this is var self = this that horrendous?
I love gyros
@JohnPavek it's not needed in modern JS, so in that sense, yes. Horrendous
Opens can of worms Disposing what?
() => 'fixes' it.
Ahhh, I thought it was just a shorthand
Should I be disposing of things?
when you make a computed in knockout, that computed lives forever intil you call it's dispose() function.
const makePageHandler = offset => () => this.ChangePage(this.GalleryPage() + offset);
@MadaraUchiha yea, yea. The smallest code isn't always the most illustrative
@Luggage I'd also make GalleryPage a getter.
this is knockout.
Your point?
it's an observable in a library that started in es3 days.
So. It's a function.
But you're calling it yourself, are you not?
ohh, you want to wrap it in a getter*?
Learning Intensifies
slothmeme.gif but didn't somebody yesterday about transpiling for IE4 (ES3) yesterday?
RIP that guy
class MyModel {
  // bla bla

  get ChangePage() { return blabla; }

  // bla bla
I don't think wrapping every ko obseravble in a getter will get you anything other than a lot more code for a poor imitation of mobx.
@Luggage poo works there too
But I like getters for things like that
They feel more JavaScript idiomatic
so do I, but I feel it's just fighting the KO API
Even moreso
unless you had some decorator to turn KO obseravables into getters/setters for you
class MyModel {
  // bla bla

  get page() { return this.GalleryPage(); }
  set page(newPage) { return this.ChangePage(newPage); }

  // bla bla
would those even work in IE11 without class support?
const makePageHandler = offset => () => this.page = this.page + offset
How's that for readable?
yea, all so that every knockout code example works differently than your code.
@JohnPavek Not without babel.
Okay so more on that
@Luggage Well, if you're at the stage where you copy/paste or take them verbatim into your code
We don't really have anything for Javascript besides testing
Then I wouldn't do fun things like that
But in my personal actual code? Hell yeah.
and by testing, I mean me opening a bunch of browsers
I don't think it's helpful here.
@JohnPavek I'd generally introduce either Babel or TypeScript to the project
Just so you can write modern JavaScript like sane developers in 2017.
What about unit testing for KO?
A style choice that I don't disagree with, but isn't helping to make anything MORE clear.
@JohnPavek I don't know about that.
What about them?
Never done any unit testing on our code cause we're rebels
I was hoping for a suggestion or two
It's like flossing. Everyone lies about doing it.
@JohnPavek I've only used KO in "hello world" examples to get the hang of it
I've never actually done an application in it.
I visit this SO question once every 2 weeks, I have no idea why I don't have it memorized yet. stackoverflow.com/a/2945904/6091685
it's like mobx + a template library that binds it to a DOM
So I don't know how to unit test for KO specifically
We can probably give you general tips about unit testing.
Git is magic
@jake I'm very wary of git stash
I only use it for very short distance "jumps" of changes
it should only be used as short term memory
Right, now I really gtg.
@MadaraUchiha Fairwell, Thanks for the help!
@MadaraUchiha Doing this exact thing has helped me so much. I think someone famous said something about small incremental change once.
Thanks again for the insight Captain @Luggage I'm gonna rewrite a bunch of paging code and come bug you again in another 2 weeks or so
Oh, wait...I linked the wrong question:
A: how to commit changes to new branch

John Brodiegit checkout -b your-new-branch git add <files> git commit -m <message> First, checkout your new branch. Then add all the files you want to commit to staging. Lastly, commit all the files you just added. You might want to do a git push origin your-new-branch afterward so your changes show up...

I never made Captain.
I was wondering why you brought up git stash.
@jake can you edit the spreadsheet? it tells me to check my internet :|
@Mosho Yes
oh wait, you mean now?
let me check
Well you're deserving of a title.
@Mosho ✅ working for me
yeah I saw
works from edge
I did it again
When will I learn???????????????
oops I did it again
I could really do with a hand with some jS. It's Backbone (Wordpress media) and I'm stuck solid.
ask SterlingArcher
If anyone can help me, I'm happy to award a beer or two..
I don't know backbone and wordpress can suck my entire ass so sorry mate, no can do there xD
Fair enough : )
Hey guys, I'm working on a NodeJS application. What would be the best way to go about licensing it?
I'm not worried about code protection. I can leave the code sitting there in a .js file and my target audience wouldn't know what to do with it. But if i just give out simple license keys then they would just get shared around on E-Mail groups in the niche
@AayushAgrawal Require a permanent connection from the application to your licensing server. The application will only work while the connection is active. When someone tries to connection with a license that is already in use, disconnect the first channel
It's an awesome way to piss off your users
Yeah, that's why I'd much rather not do that
Plus, the app needs to work offline
It's a bunch of tools that make it very easy to do field work. I'm afraid that if i make simple keys then they'd be shared around on E-Mail (Not to mention some people would try to re-sell the key they bought)
@AayushAgrawal Ship an encrypted payload. To decrypt it, the user needs to supply a key that is generated from the license key and a unique identifier for their system. They provide that to you once, retrieve the key to decrypt the payload and then they'll be able to use the application
a common model is to generate a "server key" that identifies the server and they have a matching license key for it
If you're not even worried about them reading your code, it'll probably work
Then they keys can't be shared without also copying a server key (at which point it is more obvious you are stealing, so it helps the honest people realize)
@Luggage Less than 1% of people in this niche have a licensed windows, can't get my hopes up about honest people

@OliverSalzburg That's a great idea! I don't even need the encrypted part, a simple activation prompt before initializing is enough
Well, even if it won't be effective, it'll probably be fun to write
@OliverSalzburg Most of my target audience didnt know about copy pasting before we held a seminar, so I'm safe on that front :D
Oh, those people!
It took me a few moments to get this i.imgur.com/wqBmszc.jpg
@ndugger Everybody is different from their neighbor?
@OliverSalzburg No, America includes canada, mexico, etc, but the US has adopted the term "American" to mean a US citizen
Oh, and only the important part is focused
I thought America was the country, and North America was the continent
I couldn't stop thinking about that :D
nw.JS is officially awesome
@JohnPavek U.S.A is the country
but commonly called "america"
no u
I feel like this is a similar discussion to KFC's name
Or Literally
Or Windows NT
Karate Fried Chicken
It's one of those cool things about living languages
@BenFortune Tried both, i couldn't find a way to compile Electron into a single exe file. NW can easily do that though
Although nw.JS does take almost 10 seconds to load :/ Electron was much faster on that front
Not like it's in the docs or anything. 😀
plus Electron is, like, actually maintained
Is nw.js still just the one guy?
Plus it's much more up-to-date, but not nearly as stable (NW.js that is)
NWjs is either ahead of browsers or well, well behind them, but never anywhere useful
Alright Mr @Luggage This maker isn't making like I think it should.
@BenFortune I already tried packaging, it doesn't create a single exe file. It creates an entire folder which is executed by an exe file
1 message moved to Trash can
@JohnPavek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Compared to that, nw.JS just gives you a single easily portable exe file
@AayushAgrawal anything that gives you "a single exe file" is doing the same thing, just with a temp file. :)
there's no real difference, if anything baking resources into the exe is a lousy idea (it's awful for performance)
@ssube If the temp file gets the job done, i don't mind :)
The app is also very low performance. pretty much just a set of calculators
I give up
1 message moved to Trash can
@JohnPavek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
We did it!
"Here's this unsigned .exe file, yeah just run it"
srsly vape store, you put the box of stuff inside an envelope
both flat-rate USPS priority, mind, so they literally just paid twice
@BenFortune My target audience does that all the time. Even government issued soft is unsigned
Something something WannaCry
if ioquake would just start signing their binaries, we could improve government security 500%
And decrease productivity by 500%
they're already playing it, that's why they need to install unsigned stuff ;)
trust me, I'm in ops
any time you hear "we can't implement [security measure] for [vague and contrived reason]," the reason is quake
Eh, in India aadhar card enrolments are done with sensitive demographic and biometric information
And to run the software, you need to run unsigned binaries.. which only work after setting security level low in Java
In India, people poop on the street
@ndugger In {user["ndugger"]["country"]} people poop on stackoverflow chatrooms
@BenFortune That's not even the end of it. All important documents are signed with digital signatures, which again need java settings to be set to 0 to work on most websites. Pretty much every business computer in India is vulnerable
But you use Java.
Of course you're going to be vulnerable.
@AayushAgrawal what are you implying?
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: door
!!learn doom <>https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4342763/morbo-doom.0.0.jpg
@rlemon Command doom learned
oops meant to edit
!!undo ~2
@Loktar I had to do like a half hour update today
creator update?
did relmon just accidentally ping everyone lol
just kvm swapped back cause i swear i heard a ping
@Loktar yeah
@FlorianMargaine It looks really, really good
ah yeah that one is a bit of a large one
@rlemon What a great shot of Great A'Tuin
Needs more elephants.
Room Owners for ALL
only if I get something in return
Do me, do me!
I'll send you $2
go away mike
not that
yeah juan agrees
go away :p
omg how do I get RO
you have to give me a handy
i'm okay with that
grabs lotion
pfff netflix sucks
don't tell SomeKittens that
@SomeKittens netflix sucks
@Mosho nobody is weighing in :(
@Trasiva @rlemon @Vap0r @Mosho @BadgerCat 9 hours left to weigh in!
what does badgercat have to do with it
weighing in is easily rigged anyway
22 hours ago, by rlemon
too bad, you're getting me wed 6am after my poop
@Mosho she said she wanted in
how would that work
she's the judge
but sure
she can't judge herself obvi
@copy is the new judge
and obvi she doesn't half to post a pic like we did
oh good idea
copy loves me
(copy doesn't love me)
what is love?
java script
jquery scripting
@rlemon t00 s00n (source)
triggered af
@Mosho I'll still be the judge
!!define floccinaucinihilipilification
@Zirak floccinaucinihilipilification (often humorous) The act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless.
Seeing "often humorous" paired with such a catchy word...
@BadgerCat but also a contender
Ok, I'll take my pics later today when I go to the gym
@Mosho you coulda been a contender?
@Mosho Will do!
@Shmiddty if you signed up, you are a contender
it has a prize etc.
It's a godfather reference
you geezer
tfw steve is still ro and i'm not
should learn to make better deals
trying too hard
I saw one a couple days ago that had one of the benefits saying "What is this Icon?"
@mikeTheLiar maybe if your pants weren't on fire
@Shmiddty I'm not even wearing pants.
It's Pantsless Tuesday

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