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wait a minute... @david - you don't work for commoncode do you?
because... there's a david that works there, they use react and they have a few heads in NZ
they're based in Sydney I think
if so... I fucking know you
heh... maybe
this is gonna drive me nuts
Probably should remove that
fair point
Probably fine, but you never know ^_^
yeah, agreed
on both counts
@david - cmon man, put me out of my misery here
I feel like this woman fell in love with agile
I think there's something else she's onto, aside from agile
it's about organized repetittion
Yeah the las from the video
yeah, the thing that stands out to me is the idea of staying just inside the comfortable range and expanding it through pushing straight into the subconcious
I'm liking the video so far
it's about muscle memory... transitioning a class of task from the mildly taxing to the automatic, in order to climb the hierarchy
checkin yo self before you wreck yo self
It's very true
I've played like 8k hours of dota2 and these days when i play games now a days I'm still a good player and I most of it is down to muscle memory
you've heard of "deliberate practice", right?
hold on, one sec
good book on the subject
Could you throw me the part of the url with the book
I don't have an account on aduible
is loosely related
k, one sec
Book 1: Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else
Book 2: Flow: Living at the Peak of Your Abilities
first book is all about deliberate practice
book two is all about the balance between ability to make progress and challange
Awesome I'm gunna check these out after I've finished this video
deliberate practice is essentially isolating areas of difficulty and deliberately isolating and practicing in those areas
got a problem with linked lists? Do 50 of them
kind of thing
yeah, I do a lot of this as I'm dyslexic and I have a hard time just picking things up
when you're done... never struggle with it again, time not wasted
right yeah
I heard something amazing on dyslexia the other day... what was it
though I find that I'm often better than my peers once I get it
my son's lvl 5 cerebral palsey so I hear a lot about mind
I think we've talked about this before...
Yeah I think so :)
there's a doctor who... said something about reading upside down?
hmm... trying to remember her name, but it was a simple therapy that had amazing effects
damn! can't remember her name!
I mean it forces you to really think about the words
next time I'm in here and I see you, I'll have it
Sure :D
but it's had surprising results for how simple the therapy was (this is not magnets and crystals kind of shit either)
I have no tolerance for that
What's more depressing is I found I'm much better with neuroscience than coding in terms of learning
Yeah I'm with you there
riiight... remembering our conversation now
@Shane Sorry different david, this is a NZ company
although we do have some devs in melbourne
you're graduatiing, recently graduated?
@david - right ok
I'm writing my dissertation at the momment
yeah, I remember that now
we spoke about BCI
openbci.com this specifically
Did we? I remember talking about sleep science stuff
that too
it was a little frenetic / excited
Ahh yeah I remember now yeah we did
that's how I roll
frenetic and excited
haha, I like having excited conversations about science and other stuff keeps everyone on a high and motivated
how's the dissertation coming? (and what was it on again?)
Research paper on sleep disorders
right ok... hence the sleep part of our discussion
my sister works in that
mostly cpap related prescription / testing
ahh so sleep study and resonance stuff?
she's a bit smart for the job, but she's good at it and it pays well enough
I've always had this thing where I wake up at 3:00am (specifically) with a nervous feeling and can't sleep until 7:00am
very specific on the times
sister and dad have it too
is there a category for that?
Oh really hereditary that's intresting
I mean it could be a lot of different things
sure, usually the case
You'd probably need a sleep study taken
Whats the freq?
thought the hereditary aspect might narrow it down
no idea, never asked her... my awareness of it is purely experiential
and my dad describes it the same way I do
It's likely it's a hereditary gene deficiency relating to stress
I thought it was thyroid related, but my levels are well within the norms (the recent adjusted norms, not the old, busted ones that still persist)
Could be other things as well
There's still so much we don't know about hereditary sleep disorders
got a list? curious
The most common being insomnia
my wife wrote this: amazon.com/Steps-Reverse-Your-PCOS-Metabolism/dp/1626343012 so we know a thing or two about hormones
insomnia as an extension of what?
Just insomnia, there's a few case studies where the whole family and decendants have insomnia
interesting... have they narrowed it down to any "snips" yet?
I could do a 23 and me if it would help
usually genetic testing is only a small part of it though
I haven't done that much reading into overall and I didn't do insomnia specfically
right ok
I think it's autoimmune / allergy related
which typically starts in the gut
Does it happen at the same time?
at night... in streaks
Early or late night?
What time did you sleep at?
between 2:30 and 3:15... it's pretty specific
strangely doesn't matter
Start your slepe that is
Oh really?
if I go to bed at 1:00 or 10:00
yeah, it's weird
That is very odd
same with my dad and sister
yeah, agreed
I could be wrong about that, but I'm ... 70% sure or so?
more sure than not
Have you tried sleeping after 3?
if I wake up like that, it's over
till 7:00
no sleeping, no point trying
and then I get extremely sleepy
Have you tried starting the process at 3?
no, have not
next time I'm in one of those cycles I might though
I'm not right now, haven't been for several months
Yeah this sounds like allegies
lasts about a week
+- a week
What time of year can you recall?
hmm, no idea actually
I'll jot that down next time it starts up.. good point
pollen count is really high right now
The nervousness is probably caused by breaking deeper cycles
my wife's got me on a really aggressive anti-histamine protocol right now though
so it could be why that's not happening
Does it feel sudden?
Yeah my best guess would be allergy driven
that jives with my impression...
and breaking a deep cycle causes adrenaline because of your bodys fight flight mechs
hmm... k
Though as I'm sure you won't don't take my pov as a case :-D
sounds like a good probiotic / antihistamine then
haha, well opinions aren't bad
food for thought can be a good thing
yeah a good shout, I would keep a journal when it occurs
noted, I think I will
on that note... I think I should go make a journal entry :D
cheers mate, thanks!
A specialist will really thank you for the stuff
yeah... it's a good idea
Plus you never know you may figure it out by yourself, but as always if it's worrying see someone :p
Should this be particularly slow, or should I look for the problem somewhere else?
yeah, more time constraints than anything for now... but if it gets back to where it was a couple years ago, I will
No worries, I really enjoy talking about sleep
nite man, thanks again... always a pleasure!
gn gn :-)
Has anyone ever successfully set up audio streaming with nodejs before (that actually works with ios/safari)? I'm trying to figure this out...seems....problematic.
2 hours later…
Hello Coders!
@Ketan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have one requirement of making embeded code of javascript which will display result from php server side. Say for example I have url:
example.com/users/1 , which will display user info having id:1
now what I want is , this result should be displayed using javascript code. So any website can put such embeded code with their user id attached and they can see the respective user info on their site. How to achieve this? this is somewhat similar to social widget like facebook likebox, where we can put our url, set height, width, color,etc..
Such scripts are a combination of injecting stuff into the dom, loading css, and, JSONP...
so simply we need to just put jquery and call ajax call to get records?
telnet mapscii.me
(ideally on xterm compatible terminals)
not quite
@towc i've a css question
jsbin has a similar feature...
I want to allow users to create embeded code for their ids and then they can inject it to any site to display their records
@Loktar maybe something to add to your collection: bundlestars.com/en/bundle/killer-bundle-9
also tropico 5 at -87%
@KarelG you might also have the answers if you asked the question :)
true, but it depends if you have time :P
@Ketan I don't know anything simpler than jsbin...but a better bet is go right ahead and design/code on your own...
I have to style something according to the design that the design team has proposed. Here is an example : jsfiddle.net/mayvxn1x
!!welcome KarelG
@KarelG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
There is also plunker...
the "text" is a bad example... correcting
they want to see some space at the 2nd and 3th box
(between net and mass). I thought to use nth child + padding... but then it would be difficult to maintain the 25% result
fortunately calc is pretty supported on almost all browsers. But I was thinking if there may be a better approach
@deostroll : thanks for the suggestions. I found exactly what I want, below is link for others reference:


perfect article
@Ketan be careful when you want to c/p his work ...
you can use it as inspiration (recommended)
obviously, I just want to know the concept only and the explanation of the logic only
I'm looking for someone to talk about react router with.
I'd like to get a feel for what's happening under the hood.
Could someone explain this to me please
I know what this statement doing, extending defaults var... but when I try to use without extend... it says it didn't existed
@Mathematics What?
ofc it doesn't exist if you don't extend it
let me create a fiddle, I had some problem accessing properties in object literals, let me find the exact scenario :)
Anytime I call history.pushState, the newly pushed state is always going to be the top most state in the state stack. As a result, the forward button may gray out, depending on where do I push that state.
do you want to prevent that ?
not sure if .replaceState does the job
@KarelG what's the problem here
var myModule = myModule || {};
myModule.someClass = {
  me: "test100",
  init: function(options) {
    console.log(me);  //this throws an error

hi I am assigned this task
1) Take scaffolding code of Wordpress Plugin
2) In Backend Panel, create a form. This form will have two input boxes to enter a name and an email address, created using AngularJs.
3) After a user clicks on submit button, save the details in MySQL
4) Below the form, show list of all the entries submitted till now. - You have to fetch data from a database and display on the screen.
5) The list should be created based on Angular array and it should auto update based when new elements are added to Angular Array.
please help me explain it
@OliverSalzburg In first example you can see they can use defaults variable defined in same object literal... but in the example I added above I can't use it
@JoanMariaTalarnEspelta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what is meant by scaffolding plugin ??
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@JoanMariaTalarnEspelta Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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@JoanMariaTalarnEspelta Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@JoanMariaTalarnEspelta but if you see the first example, it's not using "this...."
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@JoanMariaTalarnEspelta Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@KarelG Thx. I was being explicit about that. I wasn't very aware of that previously.
@Mathematics you're confusing objects with functions ...
(eh literal objects)
@ChickenFeet Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KarelG there is definitely some confusion, but I am not able to see difference between both scenarios I presented though
yeah I'm hangover af
"default" is an object, so is "me", calling them both in a function and they are part of same object
@towc Congrats
I myself am energetic and rested af
Is there any history api that I can use to determine whether or not the back or forward button is clickable? That's to say, can I know what the current page state the user is in is?
hola, in JQuery does $(this) automatically reference the html element that called the function?
@OliverSalzburg but I didn't drink
@towc Ugh, how come then?
@ChickenFeet It references whatever this is bound to :P
is it bound to anything by default? I thought this was the case, similar to how python passes itself into the self object.
based on this...
Q: Access JavaScript Object Literal value in same object

Adrian Florescu Possible Duplicate: Self-references in object literal declarations Is there any way access the value of a property name in the same object literal? Something like this: myFunction.init({ varOne: 'something', varTwo: this.varOne + 'something else' })

how is that possible in toaster library ?
how can he access default variable in getOptions method ?
@KendallFrey Nice!
thanks @Math
chickenfeet: providing you didn't use .bind or an arrow function, the default bound value for this in a jquery callback is event.currentTarget
@chee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
that is, the element the listener was attached to. rather than the element the event was fired by, which is available at event.target
okay great
I think I am going to use onclick="toggle(this)"
@ChickenFeet jQuery itself likes to bind this to certain HTML elements, but that largely depends on context
hi, i am trying to create a page loader.. i want the html page to display only after all the dynamic fields inside the page is finish executing..
@Srinivas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey @Loktar @rlemon tut-tut-tut-tut
@ChickenFeet this is always this and by passing it to a jQuery constructor, it doesn't change
solved with onclick="toggleValue(this)", then function toggleValue(element){ console.log($(element).val()); }
oh snap work is over haha :) 5:10pm
@Mathematics what the toaster(?) author did was extending an existing object, which is an instance of a function (jquery in this situation). Not a literal object
keh "instance" isn't the right term, but should be self-explanatory
Anyone else getting this shit with yarn?
Or got it and fixed it? :D
how does changing the size of the window affect the output?
@ChickenFeet Looks just as shitty at a different size :D
IIRC the progress bars worked fine previously
@OliverSalzburg What version?
@BenFortune 0.23.4 is it?
Updated yesterday
I'm on 0.23.2, I'll check out the new one
Already happened before the last update though
You using cmder?
Could just as well be a recent ConEmu update though. But yarn is the only application where I'm seeing this
@BenFortune ConEmu
160724 actually
I've definitely had that problem in the past, but it was with NPM
I think I'm on stable at work and on beta at home
And I have the problem on both machines
Might be a conemu problem, since I think it affected apt-get too
Ugly stuff. Very dizzying effect
The overwriting of my local project working copies is a bit more dizzying though :P
Not really sure how to work around that one for the time being. When I add/upgrade packages, yarn will grab packages from the cache and unpack them to what it thinks is a sweet target location. But that location is my local project directory, which I symlinked with yarn link
So yarn keeps overwriting my local projects with cached package contents
Hey guys I have a question
There's a new one
Hi guys, need some help. How can I call a popup through a function without click event? The problem is, that i have (jstree + contextmenu). So I am right clicking on a folder and choose change property and then I want to open the popup. How i can achieve this? fiddle: jsfiddle.net/sx8wgfzt
@manuzi1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
whats the diff between 'this' and '$(this)'?
the latter is a jQuery object that wraps this
@ILikeToMoveItMoveIt Check this out: stackoverflow.com/questions/3633270/…
Assume that this = <div id="foo">...</div> then $(this) === $(#foo)
@manuzi1 What popup?
@manuzi1 Wow Thank you. That was my exact question answered
@BenFortune A normal one, couldn't insert the code, because I didn't have it. Like in this picture: cdn1.freshdesignweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/…
So not a new tab/site. :)
@manuzi1 Just call the code that opens the popup in your properties function
Can't help you any further since you haven't given us anything to work with in regards to the popup
Hey Guys I have another question
@ILikeToMoveItMoveIt Just ask
there is element.innertext and element.textcontent
@BenFortune Well, thats the question, what is the best way to call "popup1" without the click event?
Q: Difference between text content vs inner text

J KWhat is the difference between textContent innerText in javascript? Can I use textContent as follows: var logo$ = document.getElementsByClassName('logo')[0]; logo$.textContent = "Example";

Will try to insert a popup and update jsfiddle
Is there any way to find which one is more efficient?
@ILikeToMoveItMoveIt Testing
@manuzi1 I don't get you, you need some sort of interaction to call it
@BenFortune Yes and I don't know that interaction. Hmmm... New Try: How can I open a popup (div tag) from a javascript function without using the click event?
@manuzi1 Use any other event
@manuzi1 You said you want to click a folder, which opens a popup, without a click event. Which makes no sense
@KarelG I am sorry but I am confused :S
@BenFortune I am rightclicking on a folder, then a menue appears (watch jsfiddle) where you can choose, create, .. and "change property". The contextmenu plugin from jsfiddle has an action attribute, where I can call something to open the popup. My solution is that I call another function to open the popup, but something like ('#popup1').open(); or ('#popup1').call(); doesnt'work because it is obv no function in jQuery. And I am searching for one. ;)
Is there a builtin way to stringify an object which contains self-references? Loss of some details would be acceptable. I want to dump an error object of unknown structure. A sort of catch-all-log-then-exit handler
I'd love to keep it simple if possible :P
Anyone have experience with unobtrusive validation & mvc?
@Kieran Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In Node, util.format("%j",obj) could work
@OliverSalzburg is that not related to what I was asking ?
@Mathematics No, that was my own personal question to the fine folks in this room
@OliverSalzburg JSON.stringify(obj, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj));
Okay, util.format is shit. It prints only [Circular] if there are any circulars :P
@BenFortune Nice
Wow. That worked excellently!!
Haha oops
I have no idea what is crashing this application. Looks like throw {} ;D
CSS question. If you check this fiddle, you see CSS flexbox with four elements. Is there a way to align the content of <section> with the green background to right ? (so that it would hit the right border)
tried justify-content: flex-end
Oh, wait, I'm an idiot
@OliverSalzburg haha what was it?
@BenFortune Well, I'm using what you suggested on my top-level object. So I only get the 2 top-level properties in the output :D
Oh haha, forgot about nesting
This is fine for what I want, I just need to move it down one level
hmm used text-align + override it again in label ...
@KarelG just the text in the section to the right?
the "hmm" link is the desired result
not so clean but keh
think it is easier to put it into the two <section align="right">

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