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Well I built the DB tables about 10... and then used a new mvc5 project with Entity
I have most of the admin portal going strong
so now I have to think how I am gonna do the microservices part..
then use ASP.NET WebAPI
let me open some links
ASP.NET WebAPI microservices?
big, small, whatever
cool, ty so much
That's MS's api for making REST apis (and other apis)
:( when you spill alcohol on your foot
awesome, and will be less pain for me than going outside of c# I am sure
node.js would be a nightmare for me to learn from scratch probably
if you like c#, there is no reason you need to use anything else. it does most things
you just need JS for web clients
don't get stuck on this "microservices" word.
that is just a pattern
..and will allow scalability/feature rollout
Someone tell me how this works youtube.com/watch?v=l6r8rP8u-hU
is there a second thread on the nut
I can imagine it with a second thread on the bolt but I don't see one
sorry bolt, not nut
oh fuck i have an idea
the tip of the main thread might be some kind of hidden thread
but in a way that's really hard to see
as in thicker one way than the other
the translucent bolt would help to hide it
Has anyone in here ever been to a boston market
1 hour later…
@Meredith yea
very few times though
maybe like twice?
It used to be called something else forever ago, Boston Chicken I think
I went there when I was younger like once or twice as well
I think it's like a half step above regular fast food? Probably on par with KFC or Popeyes.
3 hours later…
hello! anyone about?
If anyone gets back to this-- I'm having a really hard time finding a restful js client that also supports JWT and/or header modification with CORS
any pointers would be great
@rlemon the current leMEME is also hardly component based, if not maybe for the top list and reusing the input format. IMO it's still too shallow/varied to justify using react
@KendallFrey it has a different thread. The top nut rolls (not sure if the right verb) more slowly than the bottom one when rotating them
"@mwkrimson here is the perfect answer to your very well-formed question"
eh, please be aware that the regulars here (like me) are mostly at work when being here
what have you tried? Do you think you've exhausted all reasonable possibilities?
Hi there! Need some guidance... I use angular2. I have a route, lets say /admin/user/:id used to manage users. This route leads to a form where I can fill user login, password, name, and whatever else. What I'd like to do (idk if its a good idea or not tbh) is to check if ":id" is set, if so then I come on the form that should be pre-filled with corresponding user data, if not, I come on a new empty form
Empty form is working. But I'd like to know the best way to prefill the form from an API call...
a cheap solution is to append a script in the html that sets the variables you need, through express (if you're using express)
alternatively, you can check the window.location and do the checking on the client
I noticed that it was possible to call the form like this : "this.myform.value" (I'm using angular2 forms module)
So, when I got the api response ({"id":"...","login":"...","name":"...", ... whatever}. Do I have to take each formControl seperately and "setValue"? Or is there another better way to automatically fill the form?
@KarelG - if directed at me; all I'm asking for is some input on a decent client side restful api lib
@towc - if directed at me; I have looked through a few solutions: jquery.rest; restful.js; amygdala (which seems to be the most versatile but least updated); and a couple others which don't seem to come to mind
major problem is appending or editing the header and also auth with JWT; JWT can be two-step if you can at least modify headers.
looking for a way to make it so, if 2 divs (both abs positioned) end up overlapping, then the later one in the dom gets "nudged" over
@Julo0sS You can use patchValue fn, of the form
@ankitjain11 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thanks @ankitjain11 but, when using patchvalue, then the "model" I use in javascript has to be exactly the same as the model used server-side, right?
@ndugger Yeah
That'd be nice, thanks
this article has surprised me in many ways
1) the competency of that bank
2) "located" law aid support
3) you can lookup a court case online even if you're not one of the defendants ??
@KarelG 1) no doubt 2) what do you mean? 3) he did, for all the good that did him...
@KarelG Lots of counties have different laws, which require you to practice that certain counties law
he calls for legal aid, gets redirected to another aid firm, then got redirected to another association, again redirected, ect
I would understand that you need to contact a different association if it's in a different state, but the victim is in same state ...
Ooh, I love new vscode updates. The new theming options are nice. code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_11
is there an easy way using momentjs to exclude NOT WORKING DAYS in this example
moment('2017-03-31').diff(moment('2017-04-04'), 'days'); //erg dif = 4
01 & 02. in april are Weekend
what i´d need erg dif = 2
If only searching was a thing.
Q: How to exclude weekends between two dates using Moment.js

tman16I am trying to exclude weekends in my JavaScript code. I use moment.js and having difficulty choosing the right variable for 'days'. So far I have thought that I need to exclude day 6 (saturday) and day 0 (sunday) by changing the weekday variable to count from day 1 to day 5 only. But not sure h...

why didn´t i got this
is there not a simple quote ' at spanian keyboard layouts ? ( just curious )
i´m not from spain
@KarelG It's in the same place?
* looks at my keyboard * not at mine :P
@ symbol on UK qwerty
Hi everyone. Please I need an urgent solution to the following question: stackoverflow.com/q/43251204/4700997
github.com/atharvajava/ng4Portfolio this is not deploying can anyone help ngh options says successfully published
\o/ hello
I changed my button to type submit in react, and although my required fields have values the button stays disabled. Have I missed something?
this is a gist:
@towc I think your confused on when to use react.
Rather, what you think is a wrong use isn't
Lemon meme is a spa, and fits well into what react solves
Feel free to not contribute as well if you don't like it
@rlemon gtfo I woke up at 5:30 today stop
@SterlingArcher hu?
You always beat me online, and I got here 40 minutes ago lol
I go to bed late and wake up early
I went to get at 9pm last night, during the Caps game for the presidents cup clincher..
I missed a good win to wake up early af for my demo today
I'm up at 6 errsay
@SterlingArcher that was my sleep time this morning
I'm up at 6 errday
and woke up at 6.35 because I had to go to work
on the bright side, I can vape and blast metal in my office for about another 40 minutes
I get up at 8:30 lol
just drank 2 nice cups of coffee to not fall asleep
but that's not healthy... lack of sleep too
I get a good six hours now. In my old age I find I can't do the 3 hours a night anymore
Please someone should help me out with this: stackoverflow.com/q/43251204/4700997
I typically go to bed around 2-4am
I average 4 hours of sleep a night
Yea, being in your twenties has advantages
I aim to have 7 hours sleep as average
Like, I can do it still. But I'm not as chipper the next day like I was a few years ago
but ... keh
night live
Bed around 12-1230. Up at 6
that's same at me on normal day
only I wake up at 6.30 :p
I hit snooze sometimes ;)
But only ten minutes
I cannot use that. ( I cannot hear the alarm :P)
@SterlingArcher That doesn't sound healthy
@BenFortune most things you do @24 are unhealthy
Most mornings for me is like "Alexa, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
I thought this room can be where one can get help with javascript related issues. Apparently, I'm wrong
I hear some people having issues going to sleep after they've used their PC / console to play a game (blue light from screens)
!!welcome Kacey
@Kacey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
He already posted his q. Even said it was urgent
I do not experience that.
@rlemon Seent it, just reminding him that we don't have to help
@CapricaSix I already did. Twice!
idk what select2 thing is. never heard of that plugin. so how can I help ?
I'm on the can
Also a good example of why mixing jQuery plugins with Angular isn't usually a good idea
@BenFortune Well I was fine with it, until I placed one in a table, that's when I got the issue
@KarelG a select control that allows you to search for items with an embedded autocomplete input text control
@rlemon i.imgur.com/1K7Yb29.mp4 classic Al Bundy
I like "well I'd say it behind your back, but my car doesn't have enough gas"
@SterlingArcher i've experienced that (but on different time, it was slightly after midnight) that ruined a project branch. I know your feels
* that before
I reverted the commits
Jordan saves the day again
@rlemon gmail. gmail. gmail!
wth, a timeout of 2 miliseconds ?
you must be insane
Here without timeout how can execute the code after 25
!!afk lunch
with out time out i can't get the value for $scope.useremail
if need to use time out for having the value of $scope.useremail following lines
please advice
Sounds like you should be looking for a callback or using promises if you're trying to get around async setting with a timeout
How can i use it @rlemon
no clue, I'm not really willing to get into details about how to implement it in your code
but it sounds like the solution fo sho
Basically, there's only a few situations that legitimately require a timeout
and waiting for a variable to be assigned is not one of them
Oh so i need to use the timeout right?
@dinesh no, use a promise. You will get a more correct code with that. wrap your task in promise and use .then()
already trided for it using then(function(d){}); but got error ".then is not a function
the stewardess is really creepy
@Mosho source?
@tereško pretty sure that's a man
@MadaraUchiha no idea
@Mosho you might be right there
Good proxy service?
should the VM not throw an error on this str + + otherstr ?
it doesn't, it only turns the result into strNaN
!!> 'ha' + + 'ha'
@KarelG "haNaN"
no that's correct
'ha' + (+'ha')
that's unexpected
if it's the other way around, it sure throws an error
unary plus operator yo
TIL then (just saw the specs)
neat shortcut to convert to number
morning everyone
guys how do i delay the execution of the .Each() calls?
you don't
what are you trying to achieve
Isn't there any Visual Code plugins to introduce live code result on visual code editor? I found Quokka.js but it needs node.js configured in my system?
@Slashy use a promise or a timeout?
Are you trying to stagger the animation? If so, you can probably map a list of animations with a delay property
@corvid why not a tweening library?
@rlemon to dealy the appearnace of each div...a little bit slower
@corvid how to use a timout here?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent true, might be overkill if it's only used once though
elements.forEach((el, index) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    // what you want to do here
  }, <time in ms here>);
I have a terrible solution that isn't working for some stupid reason jsfiddle.net/G4pxq/243
if I had to stick with the current code.. I'd just use a timeout.
but not on the entire each block.
that's unneeded
@rlemon awesome! thanks
@rlemon what's the _ tab on the settimout() call?
an argument
look up 'arrow functions' on mdn
alright thanks!
I feel like I am doing some very basic math wrong... I am making a custom track on a video. This is a click handler for it:
  onClickTrack = ({ pageX }) => {
    const { duration } = this.props;
    const { left, width } = this.track.getBoundingClientRect();
    const percent = (pageX - left) / width;
    const newPosition = Math.ceil(duration * percent);

what would be easiest way to check if string is array without trying to parse it
const potentiallyArray = "[1, 2, 3]"
buncha ways probably. those two are logical tho I think
@rlemon Array.isArray("[1, 2, 3]") will return false
because that's a string
yes, and im looking for solution is there anything built in, or coming from lodash to check is string potentially array
a string can't be an array tho
you can have string contents that could be converted to a valid array, and the easiest way to check that is to convert it
!!> JSON.parse("[1,2,3]");
@corvid [1,2,3]
wrap it in a try/catch
i know it can't, im trying to check that wihout converting as mentioned above
hmm do mutation observers detect text changes?
@SuperUberDuper should
@Srle converting it is the best way to check
not with let config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true }
everything else will be guess work
@MadaraUchiha I have a screenshot at home that breaks it down a bit, but monthly cost was about $35 for an instance of postgres, an instance of redis, and an instance of node running in their app engine. Low traffic, so it seems a bit pricey. There's probably some caching/optimization I can do to help with this, but yeah, AWS is definitely cheaper
no luck let config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true,subTree:true }
@SuperUberDuper next time don't trust me and MDN for subtree.
the 't' isn't supposed to be upper case
my bad
rip in peace
@ndugger you can throw all of those on 1 vm for cheap, if that's your goal
if this is a work thing, then nevermind
@Luggage I have no idea what I'm doing. That is absolutely probably what I want, but I have honestly never deployed anything since my PHP days, where it was just dragging files into an FTP client... lol
I still don't quite understand what docker is
@ndugger $35/mo is just cheap anyway... I wouldn't bother...
or what a container is
You can just get a smallish VM in the linux distro of your choice on any cloud provider and to anythign you want with that.
@FlorianMargaine Well yeah, cheap for now, but that's with little to no traffic. If I get more traffic, that price will go up significantly
scaling to multiple servers or hosted services should be simple if it's jsut a config change like it shoudl be.
I just implemented caching on my API requests, though, so that might help. We'll see in a month
would a request from redis cost less than a transaction from postgres with a few queries in it?
I certainly hope so
i run them all on my own vms, so i have no idea about cost per transaction
But that's for work, where they don't really use a cloud.
@ndugger you know, we have tools to help you figure this out.
"JMeter" is a famous one.
I know nothing
I know little
I know Frank
He's a bastard
His hot sauce is meh
that picture always reminds me of that Zach Galifinakis joke, something like "sometimes I go to a shitty movie in its 6th week in theatres and sit next to the only person there", don't remember the whole joke, something something Keanu Reeves
L something something L
.then(punchline => {
    console.log(punchline); // why won't this fire?
aww, now vscode has a generic "source control" icon instead of the git logo.
damn political correctness.
@Mosho @Zirak @MadaraUchiha 20:30 Tel Aviv area
bring cash
@Luggage the new icon somewhat looks like an anatomical drawing from a text book of something
@BenjaminGruenbaum is this how you coordinate your flashmobs?
@corvid like an art-deco representation on the reproductive system?
No a shark brain
a system-diagram of testicles
@rlemon my beers
do you like.. drink them to a musical number or something?
he makes his employees buy him beer
synchronised drinking.
is it just me, or is jwplayer not really that good? What is its benefit over the native HTML5 video tag? I like the native video tag actually
maybe on other browsers? (I have no idea)
@rlemon I tried observing the dom with
    let config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subTree: true }
and when deep down in its tree an element was added I get a mutation event fired!  However the MutationRecord gives me no info on what actually changed. Any ideas?
29 mins ago, by rlemon
@SuperUberDuper next time don't trust me and MDN for subtree.
29 mins ago, by rlemon
the 't' isn't supposed to be upper case
28 mins ago, by rlemon
https://jsfiddle.net/rlemon/smrhqw9v/ works like a champ
ah lol
What libraries do you guys use for debouncing/throttling functions? lodash.debounce?
I write my own
a little lodash, a little knockout computed helpers in my case
@MadaraUchiha is it jsut me of is bluebird and typescript together a problem.
@Luggage How so?
w/out @types/bluebird all async functions have a return type of "any"
with it, then async functions complaint that they are not returning the global promise
(this is if bluebird is imported into the current module)
i'll do some more reading if it's not something you have personally encountered.
@Luggage uh, do they? Mine return the right Promise<T> types.
I see. It's because I target es2015+
The problem with returning bluebird promises it that the bluebird typedef is missing a symbol member.
Either bluebird is incomplete or the types are just wrong.
well, what do you target? also are you importing * as Promise from 'bluebird';?
cc @BenjaminGruenbaum ^

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