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@Abhishek ; should be required in javascript
explain ?
ASI is for hipsters and Ray Kurzwiel (explination: ASI acronym always makes me think of ASM or Age of Spiritual Machines, which was his second book)
@Abhishek it doenst bother me
I dont think it bothers @MattMcDonald either, I just didn't understand what he meant
excessive pinging is dumb
I just use it to change the topic or to draw attention to an old post
Its okay bro , and i realized that i ping excessively so just neutralizing it
guys. why jQuery sucks. definitive article. need to enlighten a friend. :)
tbh I ping because it allows me to autocomplete the name
Im so used to doing that in irc
I've got a favorite on Twitter
one moment
loktar kind off same reason i ping
@ThomasShields gist.github.com/1417030
Loktar \o
@ThomasShields jQuery sucks in the hands of the sucky. if your friend doesn't know JS then your friend sucks at writing anything relating to JS period.
who else better then raynos to explain that right ? lol
jQuery in the hands of the competent is just a hot topic for debate but really, there is not much wrong with using a lib.
awesome thanks guys.
@rlemon bingo, and i'm not sure how good he is so this should be interesting.
.prop() is fucking retarded though. anyone who uses it should have their .prop('dick', 'removed');
I'm spending most of my time now on ancestral traversal
(building a linked list of parent nodes and traversing it)
@rlemon this java script gonna kill me :L
@Loktar yo dawg, I herd you like CANVAS.....
wanna help me :P
ali wait what ?
if I can even

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:///C:/Users/r/Desktop/Free%20Hosting%20Market/free-hosting-aboutus.html from frame with URL http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-0196774743214404&output=html&h=250&slotname=6870774541&w=300&lmt=1336586116&flash=11.2.202&url=file%3A%2F%2F%2FC%3A%2FUsers%2Fr%2FDesktop%2FFree%2520Hosting%2520Market%2Ffree-hosting-aboutus.html&dt=1336589686352&bpp=5&shv=r20120502&jsv=r20110914&prev_slotnames=4193382936&correlator=1336589686405&frm=20&adk=458042331&ga_vid=575299780.1336589686&ga_sid=1336589686&ga_hid=565137
@Loktar is there a way to calculate the height of a string in canvas prior to rendering it?
can i triple facepalm ? over here
i copied a template
and made website on it
		var font_offset = font_size.val()*.95;
		canvas.height = img.height;
		canvas.width = img.width;
		ctx.font = "bold " + font_size.val() + "px " + active_font;
		ctx.textAlign = "center";
		ctx.fillStyle = color1.val();
		ctx.strokeStyle = color2.val();
		ctx.lineWidth = Math.floor(font_size.val()/20);
		ctx.clearRect(0, 0, img.height, img.width);
		ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
		ctx.fillText(top_input.val(), img.width / 2, font_offset, img.width);
		ctx.strokeText(top_input.val(), img.width / 2, font_offset, img.width);
and now its giving me errors and low page rank
remove the adsense code sir
Chrome throws security errors for local files
or atleast put that on a server
you have to fiddle with the settings
this is my shitty attempt to dynamically adjust the padding of the text.
as matt said
@rlemon Ive never done that.. I use fuzzy maths
fiddle ?
chrome will throw security exceptions with a lot of things when they are executed from local
or realize that Chrome isn't the be-all end-all of browsers and use Opera
how can i fiddle them
im like ok 20px font, this many chars.. should be about x long
(which doesn't neuter the local sandbox and doesn't neuter the javascript pseudo-protocol like Firefox)
@Loktar yea i'm thinking moreso height.
Cheers , so this is nothing serious ? :D
its just chrome
yes; it's nothing serious
line wrapping i've decided i'm not going to auto do. i'll give you a multi line input and let you decide.
for height id just assume whatever the font size is set to
12px font, should be about 12px high
@Ali what is serious is that you didn't know about jsFiddle.net
maybe 13 or 14 to be safe
@Loktar man if only that were true for all of these custom fonts.
ohh well i'll continue tweaking.
yeah sorry, I dont do font stuff much
@rlemon i did used it before, i was just bit confused
what the heck does =! do in JS?
var foo =! bar;
foo = NOT(bar)
=! is not a valid operator afaik
!= is not equal
right i know
so =! would be evaluated as (foo) = (!bar)
methinks you're looking at a typo maybe?
yeah but he swears the code works.
coincidence ?
then tell them their mystery operator is not doing what they think it is.
oh, it was a typo but ALSO was in an if
so he had if(x=!y)
that's why it worked
I don't link to MDN unless there's next to nothing documented on the topic
hi people! can someone help me out with this please :(
bgInterval is not global so you are not clearing anything when you clearInterval
just saying
ohh nvm
you have var bgInterval then on the next line window.bgInterval
should i make that just window.bgInterval?
I have to giggle at vIM's JS syntax highlighting
it highlights parent because it's a property of the window object
@LeandroZhuzhi hrm.. you look like you're actually trying to learn so hold on one second and i'll show you how I would do this.
GitHub's new icons are repulsive
oh dear goodness yes they are. gag
well, at least those ugly purple and green ones are
some of the others are nice
rlemon yes im not very good at this. i did it as i was learning
4210 lines of code that pass JSLint
oh hallowed day
if I add "use strict"; to every module, I only require the "sloppy whitespace" option
but strict mode is a bit dumb anyways
I have a PHP variable that I need in javascript. Now before I hand it over to javascript, I need to do a switch statement. Is it better to do that in javascript, or in PHP? Does it make any difference (performance, security, ...) ?
imo find the value in php and pass it to js
what the.
security wise it's better if u determine the value in php. but doing it in js could mean (a tiny bit) less work for your server
ideally, you want to write as little JS as possible
because the web client is shaky
@rlemon are u still here? :)
@MattMcDonald dude he doesnt care what you have to say :P
but I'm a crackpot theorist with neither validity nor credibility so ignore me
oh ok just making sure :P
@LeandroZhuzhi Thanks. that's what I thought. (and thanks matt)
"hey this is how you do it", "oh cool, anyway is blahblah around id rather ask him!"
@LeandroZhuzhi i got side tracked.
"hey, this is a position I've reached from years of research and testing"
oh. can u point me to some resource?
"yeah, well buzzword buzzword buzzword!"
@MattMcDonald don't forget "hot new applications of buzzword!!"
yeah but you need to setup the buzzword architecture first, because it is asynchronously superior inter processing-ability, html5.
@rlemon are you still looking on that or?
switching "node" to "node-like object" in 4000+ lines of code & documentation is sure fun
kids and adults, this is how not to write code 101:
@LeandroZhuzhi sorry for the delay
i'm a busy man today apparently
that's fine you can take your time :D i was just wondering if u got too busy to help :)
@LeandroZhuzhi look at the fiddle i posted.
you're not keeping the pictures to the right spect ratio :|
@sg3s no it's an example
I don't give a shit about that
he can muck around with that
i am looking at it. from what i gather, this preloads all the images first?
wasn't thinking when I put that current++
kinda. preloads the next image before It even attempts to start fading it in.
mhm. cause the way i have it is that there is a list of thumbnails for example, and the user clicks one image, and it fades it in
@LeandroZhuzhi hopefuly the code is self explanatory and you can at least take away a few things from it. not sure if it solves your issues.
i suppose i could still use your code while preloading one image? cause tehre will be a lot of images
@LeandroZhuzhi yea you can adapt this technique to any number of applications.
that's great =)
thanks a lot
they key is that images have an onload event.
use it :P
well. i was kinda using the onload of the image object
maybe that's not the right way to do it?
like this
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function()
img.src = ...;
and keeping in order.. you want to
1) two images layered over eachother, the top most image is transparent
2) set the src of the topmost image to the 'next' image in the queue
3) slowly increment the opacity of the top image until it is 1
4) replace the bottom image src with the top image
5) ???
6) profit
@LeandroZhuzhi then you have to insert a new element into the DOM... then remove it when your finished. too much work.
5 = make top image transparent again ;D
1) takes care of that
function swapImage() {
    current = ++current < images.length ? current : 0;
    bgNext.style.opacity = 0;
    bgNext.src = images[current];
    bgNext.onload = function() {
you always set the top image opacity to 0 before you change it's src.
ah :) great
better tip:
so the new image is not seen and the background (which is a copy of the top image from the last cycle) is visible.
use style.visibility = "hidden";
way more support
@MattMcDonald for the fade you still need opacity to be set
oh right; forgot about magic animation lib X
so opacity support is a must in this case. fallbacks don't matter.
@MattMcDonald no libs here... most people just dont' care about ie6 and less and less about IE7
@LeandroZhuzhi but now I feel I must note: opacity is only supported by Firefox 0.9+, Safari 2+, Chrome any, Opera 9+, IE 9+
@rlemon sorry to ping this time but listen to this ..
pre IE9 to be 100% you need to use filter: alpha(opacity=100);
isnt there a workaround for ie?
1. my ubuntu was being pain
2. I was dipressed , and have an iPhone coming
3. I installed node.js on my Android (x
and that is doing pretty well now lol
i can use
both opacity and filter can't i?
so that shouldnt be a problem
the worst thing ,, i lost sound on my android for idk what reason :/ during my insane root treatment
element.style.opacity = opacity;
element.style.filter = 'alpha(' + opacity*10 + ')';
Mods or anyone with 10K+ rep here? Please approve this edit. I've asked the answerer to do so, but she didn't. But maybe she will. So as to make things transparent, I would like someone to approve the edit I made.
@rlemon you wouldn't believe how often I argue this with people
Trust me, this is important
Matt what ?
@MattMcDonald I know how often you argue over supporting archaic browsers that have no place in the world of 201x
supporting all browsers instead of a limited subset
@MattMcDonald you are just plain wrong there
a straw man is set up in which I'm perceived to spend an infinite amount of effort on every browser
and then it continues until I give up
@rlemon you have an android ICS 4.0 nexus right ?
what actually happens:
write defensive script, CSS and HTML
test afterwards
@MattMcDonald I know what you're doing... and if you see valid cases for it go right ahead. @LeandroZhuzhi the real world cares about IE7+ (most IE8+) and current+previous versions of all other browsers
we shall benchmark our phones head to head
just to make sure you didn't miss that
the real world cares about IE7+ (most IE8+) and current+previous versions of all other browsers
iOS iPhone 4s vs And 4.0.2 Nexus
anything else is a waste of time unless the client requests it.
i care too :). in ie this site has massive problems but i'll get to those once i get this fade thing right
@Abhishek lol
just one question i know i am kinda noob in this but i can't really understand the syntax of your images array
that will actually be fun !
cause i dont believe on the tech videos ,,

Microsoft shows a video compares iphone 4 @ iOS 4, to WP latest and Android 4.0.0
look good?
Some other video on youtube shows iOS doing 2x of WP Phone and Android , i just dont believe so .. we shall do it head ot head :D
@rlemon is the first element of images an array of its own? it seems so
good night :-)
var images = [
O christ!
so what does it mean when u have [] ? u can point me to some resource if u are too lazy to explain :)
shortcut to create an array
but i asked if it was an array and he said no
[] === new Array();
how about that?
no you asked if the first element was.
the entire thing is.
> is the first element of images an array of its own?
images is an array, the first element of images images[0] is a string.
ahh. i think i get it now. you use only one "var" and put commas to differentiate between the variables?
thats the best way
@AahanKrish You shouldn't make that much changes with an edit... that actually changes the answer somewhat, post it as its own answer if you're confident that should actually solve the original problem.
ok then. well guys thank you very much for your help. i think i'll go and try to make it work now. again thank you =)
take care
i'm just glad to see a newbie not jumping on the $.train()
tough crowd
rlemon meant to say the PAIN.train()
@AahanKrish and if you do post it as a solution, ou should accept it too since it is the correct answer for the problem.
hey i know this is the wrong area, but there's no one on the CSS room. was just wondering if anyone can inform me. I have a project where I need to learn CSS asap to make a Chrome extension. How long would it take to learn the basics?
(i figured this is the most relevant other room)
@danutenshu how competent are you?
1 to 100 weeks is my estimate.


Questions and discussions about Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) a...
yeah i alreayd posted in that room
oh sorry. I've covered C++ and Java, and worked on webcrawlers in Python
okay thanks
now I really wish I could move messages
found out that there is no CouchDB client library for Android, started to prototype something in plain Java without any IDE, realized what a pain Java really is, puked and deleted the entire project again
@rlemon lolo
1-100 weeks, thats a perfect estimate
covers all the bases
learning CSS is an ongoing process
the estimate is guaranteed to be wrong
One can never know css
only bend to its will
If I ever meet a consultant that tries to tell me how amazing Java is I'll kick him in his face. No warning, just my boot to his face.
java? really?
You have beef with said language?
Q: use onclick method twice

William Kinaanhi i have a button and when i click it i want to do something on javascript , but onclick it i want to scream to go to a specific place i can do it if i use <a></a> like this <a href="#cell">click</a> <a name="cell"></a> but i want to do that when using but...

"I have a button and when i click it i want to do something on javascript , but onclick it i want to scream to go to a specific place"
@danutenshu I had a problem do I decided to use Java.... now I have a ProblemFactory
cracked me up
yeah dude my JS screams before switching pages its amazing
@rlemon that's a common mistake on novice CVs/resumes/portfolios
"yeah I know all of this and I'm an A+ designer"
how many of you dare say that you actually "know" a language
All you can do when you read such a resume is this.
I know 3 languages.
One is Russian, the other is bad Russian and a very bad Russian.
I can't say I know English or Java(Script).
That is a stunning collection of languages Oleg.
Russian isn't a language... it's just a buncha drunk pissed off people making sounds until they get more vodka.
Thank you, Octavian.
@Loktar check out the meme generator now... switch around the fonts and font size... see how the offset at the top is not consistent? any ideas how i would solve this without hard coding a value/modifier for each font face
whats the link again?
are any of you actually doing any work/project as of now
ill bookmark it this time
actually, how many of you are actually at work
@danutenshu always dude always
@danutenshu That is all relative mate.
@danutenshu I work from home and work... and from my celly at the laundry matt.. so i'm always at work.
We are all at work... typing away in chat.stackoverflow.com
@rlemon no clue man.. I suck at font stuff
That reminds me... I'm at work and it's 22:52. FML
it looks ok to me though
however it's 4:55 so i'm ||this close to being able to have beer while I work.
I mean I'm working hard to waste time and I'm incredibly effective at it. You could define that as work.
its about time for me to leave I believe
...I'm going to leave before the internet gets me
Octavian, which framework would you recommend to waste time as efficiently as you?
@Oleg As always jQuery with the wasteTime plugin.
Thank you, I'll fork it on github.
     doing: $(your).parents('mom'),
     complete: function(e) {
           if( !e.target.finished ) {
^ fork that!
mom jokes in JS does it get any better?
yup, mom jokes in JS using jQuery
home time
Meh, I should go do something constructive instead like taking a dump or something like that ...
o/ bye yall
Q: Javascript function and global variables

ChrisI have a getValue function which just grabs some numbers from an HTML page – How can I access those variables in later functions without passing them down the entire chain of functions? As they sit within a function they are not global? When I call the addition function, it will need to access th...

@oleg salut
Opinions on Jquery UI?
though, it works
why is it trash?
'cause it's jQuery something
ok........my only question is do you know if its cross browser (jQuery UI) because it has a really nice datepicker unless you have other suggestions
it is a lot of abstraction, mostly for normalization between different browsers/apis which aren't all that relevant anymore in modern browsers. A lot of overhead is generated, and people not knowing exactly how it actually works behind the screens make it worse by introducing trash plugins which are then used by everyone and their dog. Any proper js engineer will cry himself to sleep after having to fix one of those royal fuckups.
Well I guess that if you want to use the datepicker then by all means look a bit further than the first link you find on google.
jQuery [UI] isn't bad in an on itself, not immediately, people not knowing how to use it make it an atrocious library instantly. jQuery protect programmers too much at times by making everything dummy proof. Just because people don't know how to loop through things doesn't mean you need to write a function that makes the whole process too easy while at the same time making a performance penalty which immediately doesn't justify the implementation anymore.
Yeah I get you, I wasn't really looking for a datepicker but I was on the jQuery site reading and it took me to the jQuery UI site and I didn't realize it, saw datepicker and was like wow, jQuery had that and I didn't know? Then looked up and realized it was jQuery UI
Was originally hoping I didn't need more plugins just to do something like that, and I know technically you don't,it's just haven't seen good JS tuts on making a date picker using raw JS that isn't crap
it's not raw js
you'll need proper html/css skills for that too
or mostly really
Well yeah I know that
but I mean the meat of it is mostly JS
the show/hide nav between months and an initialization from a template is js
It really isn't js... the hardest part is making it look good... sure js is a part of that but it isn't going to be what makes it look nice
No I know that, but my issue is generating the table per month change etc, not sure how to go about it, haven't read anything about it besides static calendar stuff
read up on how to calculate dates and calculate with dates... how can you dynamically make up all months in a specific year for instance
and all days in a specific month... those are JS functions mostly, learn the ins and outs... and if you can do the other things needed to make a calender popup you can do it while you're developing it... else just go with a simple print month x from year y etc
anyway, bedtime, gl :p

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