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I only know the slogan, javascript on steroids
wasn't that prototype or scriptacilous' slogan?
E4X uses it, but that seems like a silly library
I honestly have no clue
Don't worry about it ;)
@jAndy i managed to get it working used bind instead of line and did a unbind
should say jQuery
on his shirt
lol that would be stupidly hilarious
@Yohann: well if that makes sense for you in that occasion, use it without event delegation. Most of the times it makes more sense to delegate events
well no, thats actually not correct, but if you're deadling with multiple nodes .. then it makes more sense most of the time
deadling is also a nice term
zergling -> baneling -> deadling
thats a good teaser... notifying someone and then remove the line
the notify will stay but you're unable to read the line
it was something rude
about everyone posting pics in chat
Yea, you too. <3 :D
I was in another room and saw the message in that preview thing. :D
@mUnk3y: beeing 'rude' is not welcome in this channel, except its about jQuery or some bias
Is there any [online] tool which can check if your js contains any of the known IE7 js errors by any chance?
yeah @sg3s called a browser :P
oh wait you said IE7...
For IE7, it's being very unhelpfull...
/failed attempt at sarcasm.
yeaaaaah.... I am not looking forward to the next half an hour debugging IE7
i know thats why i removed it
o_O serial up-voter!
before you you say anything about it, I wasn't involved in designing this, but it's a nice jQuery + Prototype + scriptaculous + Varien + inline JS, and there are errors in IE7 which weren't there a week ago, there have been about a thousand commits since then D:
yeah that is very unhelpfull your rep will be removed when the system detects serial upvoting @OctavianDamiean
I know.
I don't really understand why someone would do that ...
I got like three new badges and 200 rep right away.
People still use IE7?
yes, they do -.-
@OctavianDamiean hey man. how are you?
@Sam They do.
@Sam they shouldn't
IE7 has 3% of the market share. That's like developing for iOS 2.x. Just tell them to upgrade and move on.
(function (root) {
    root.foo = root.foo || function () {};
How many troubles do you guys see with the above code?
@Sam we got pages with over 35% IE7 - share
it's ridiculous
Q: Jquery modal plugin

tranteIn my web application i have one page call it mypage.html When user clicks some link in mypage a modal window will be opened and he will see some html page. (I do this by Colorbox or Twitter Bootstrap now) But when user clicked a button in modal window, an Ajax request will be sent to my server....

@Esailija JVM??? no thankyou
You can write it in javascript, ruby and two others
java and groovy
it utilises all cores without needing to do forking
never heard of that saw it on a random ad
hm is a tad slow in the example they show
personally i feel html div's would do better for that specific example
Good day, wondering if someone might be able to help me with a forum post I made last night that I can't seem to resolve?
@Loktar \o
@Loktar BOO! when he dies he is supposed to explode into dozens of glowing balls.
like this
yo @Abhishek
wut up ?
nothing just sitting here bored..
somebody should see this one damn!
If I have a JSON array of objects, what would cause a call to myJsonArray.length to return the number of characters instead of the number of objects?
@user1066133 you might have to convert the json into a string (or array) first; counting the number of characters of a json doesn't make much sense
jQuery guys... if I have two elements (already cached to variables) and I want to attach a common event handler to them is this the correct way to do it?
var elm1 = $('#elm1'),
elm2 = $('#elm2');
$(elm1, elm2).on('whatever', handler);
looks fine to me
I don't know if jQuery magic would prefer the $ wrapped elements or the HTMLElement from [0]
$(elm1, elm2).on('whatever', handler);
$(elm1[0], elm[0]).on('whatever', handler);
for performance.
probably doesn't make much of a difference, however it's 3 more characters.
let me test :P
10k ops/sec is enough for me to write the additional 3 characters
$(elm1, elm2) doesn't make any sense
the second argument is for context of seletors
try $([elm1,elm2])
so what you are doing now isn't doing what you think it does
@rlemon wake up before you debug for 3 hours cos you didn't read chat :P
@Esailija cool thanks!
jQuery magic scares me some times.
and i'm struggling to read anything atm. My vision is very bad and for whatever reason today everything is deciding to randomly become blurry for me.
@Sam When I grab a list of orders using a WebMethod via jQuery.Ajax the (data) return comes back as [object Object] and if I show (data.d) it shows me the same object structure, but as many as method provided. I can access each property of the order by doing data.d[0].OrderId and it displays fine. But, data.d[0].Items contains an array of objects in itself. I can access it by data[0].Items[0].OrderId but after the orders are returned, I store them in a hidden table cell.
jsperf.com/wrapped-or-raw ohh wow that makes a big difference in my testing. :P
WebMethod? Are you using .NET?
But the problem is on the client side in javascript.
I store the Items of each order in a cell in a table row. The column containing each orders items ishidden.
nvm I read wrong
post what you are trying to achieve here; I'm sure one of these fine gentlemen will be able to assist you with your JS need
But when I grab the text of the cell and pass it as (data) into another function, I can't iterate over it like I could in the original ajax function that called the orders.
Ok, sec.
btw you need to use raw
@Esailija basically I was unsure if the HTMLElement being passed into the heap was faster or passing a $-wrapped element.
@rlemon alert again, you need to use [0]
@Esailija why?
if you pass elm1 and elm2 the new jquery object will wrap jquery objects
it won't flatten them to dom elements
are you sure? I thought it did.
$( [$("#main"), $("#chat")] )
$( [$("#main"), $("#chat")] ) can i puke ?
$( [$("#main")[0], $("#chat")[0]] )
<div id=​"main">​…​</div>​
<div id=​"chat" style=​"display:​ block;​ ">​…​</div>​
well that doesn't seem very intuitive now does it
@DieVarDump this example makes it look like a dumb move to do... but I have a valid use case.
I guess not, it comes as a surprise cos jQuery map does extra flattening
It was just to troll a little. Sorry about that
I guess most clean is $(elm1).add(elm2)
it will properly flatten
@Esailija it's a single case really. I have two inputs that are cached because i'm reading and writing to them periodically. however they both share a single event handler for onkeyup so I wanted to just bind them both in a single statement.
function displayOrders(data) {
$('#gdvOrders tbody').empty();
for (var key in data.d) {
$('#gdvOrders tbody').append($('<tr ' + altRow + '><td>' + data.d[key].OrderId + '</td>' +
'<td>' + orderDate + '</td>' +
'<td>' + data.d[key].EmployeeName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + data.d[key].Items + '</td>' +
'<td>$' + data.d[key].SubTotal.toFixed(2) + '</td>' +
'<td>$' + data.d[key].TaxTotal.toFixed(2) + '</td>' +
'<td>$' + data.d[key].GrandTotal.toFixed(2) + '</td>' +
'<td>' + orderStatus + '</td></tr>'));

This function is called and passed (data) from the (data) returned on the success of a jQuery.Ajax
$([elm1[0],elm2[0]]) just looks clunky
Hello, I would like to ask two JavaScript / bootstrap related questions -- should I put them into a single question or should they be two separate questions?
@Esailija does this not wrap elm1 back up in $ though?
The column that contains the items is hidden but when a row in the orders table is selected I'm grabbing the text of the cell for Items in that row and passing it to a similar function called displayItems that fills another table.
$(elm1).add(elm2) will work properly, as in flattened to dom elements
cos jquery just returns the jquery object if you pass jquery object to jquery
jquery jquery jquery
I think i'll just take the clunky looking one. I understands it better when reading it
here's your brackets [[[][][]]][]]][]]][]
@Esailija Hats off at that one dude (XD)
So I call displayItems($(this).find('td:nth-child(4)').text()); and the function is like this...

displayItems(data) and if I read out data it shows [object Object], [object Object]. If I read out data[0] I get a [ and data[1] would show me o, etc...
what's the meme
never seen that one before
i call him Hipster Supreme
hai guys
I'm stuck on Windows today, how the hell could I develop Node.js stuff? Any quick idea of how to run node.js/npm on Windows?
Hello, I would like to ask two JavaScript / bootstrap related questions -- should I put them into a single question or should they be two separate questions?
@AahanKrish do them both
@AahanKrish if in the chat. do what ever you like.. if on the main site, two questions.
@rlemon got it, thanks!
@Esailija the source code gurr .
this page mentions the word app 28 times techcrunch.com/2012/05/09/…
i only see 17
@rlemon lol
> 7. This isn't funny. That's not a question. And yes, it is funny.
@rlemon are you really a developper ? you don't have porn tab, it's suspicious !
two days after the MyOpenId apocalypse, I have returned
@DieVarDump pfft amateurs use tabs for porn. I have a porn workspace. CTRL+ALT+DOWN for a good time.
Oh I see!
yup. it's FapTastic
nice lol
> 5+ years of software development experience in a Unix environment
> 6+ years of browser-side client technologies including AJAX, HTML/HTML5, CSS, and object-oriented JavaScript
10+ years of RoR?
I'm pretty amused when companies throw around arbitrary numbers
XHR was added to Opera 7 years ago
and IE 7 got it < 6 years ago
> The term Ajax was coined on 18 February 2005 by Jesse James Garrett in an article entitled "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications", based on techniques used on Google web pages.
so it's barely 7 years old
> I'd like the default option to have an input displayed below the select element
@GNi33 Fine fine thanks. Don't forget to contact me.
@Loktar you around ?
> 10+ years of RoR?
it's a meme
some recruiter contacted the creator of RoR with a job offer
but the position required an impossible amount of years of experience with RoR
now I am @Abhishek
@Loktar can u see the nice flamewar
on fb i am having ? lol
gist: 1285068, 2011-10-13 18:38:13Z
Hi David,
I came across your profile online and wanted to reach out about Development
Opportunities here at Groupon. The company is growing, and we're always
looking for folks with solid skills that can make positive contribution to
our continued success. Any chance you'd be open to a quick conversation
about opportunities, or for any possible networking potential? If so, let me
know when you're free and we can set up a time to chat. Also, if you are
interested, it would be great if you could forward a current resume over
that I can take a look at. I look forward to hearing back from you! Please
let me know if you have any questions.
<Yet Another Clueless Tech Recruiter>
ah no Im at work :?
if u do i am sorry (XD)
haha np
i am against like 5 trolls alone :-| and still standing ;-)
being in this chat helps (XD)
what are they trolling?
well they shared a pic of a woman
called her ugly about 10 times
lets see her
i just said , you know you shouldnt do it , cause u dont even know them {{ she copied it from damnlol }}
i'll be the third party judge
soo there are 5 people trolling on me :3
she is ugly
init :P
she is fucking crazy looking man
but that doesnt gives em the right to keep on
calling her ugly
but yeah.. I mean its not a reason to just troll forever
and spamming my fb wall
ohh yea that isn't cool
so i thought lets do a bit of sense less advocation
but neither is doing ^ that to your face.
like.. I find it hard to figure out whats going on even
I'm not trolling... i'm still in awe. WTF woman?!?!?!?!
her mouth is so HUGE
@Loktar that is additional lip liner to make it look that way
i'm WTFing her because she MADE herself look like that
ah good catch
but still.. you can see like all of her teeth
makeup and tweezer happy
yeah crazy small eyebrows
@Loktar that is just a case of "open wide for the camera sweetheart"
i.e. horrible smile... gotta keep some teeth in
she might not be ugly irl... but that picture makes her look like a clown.
the girl on the left needs to lose the coverup and the clumpy eye makeup and i'd do her.
wish i had rleamon backing me up :3
over there (XD)
@Loktar besides
i also hate the xat and people related to xat team (XD)
who were actually calling em ugly :3
you guys are lucky that I removed my room ownership :)
whys that?
@MattMcDonald ^_^
@Loktar see xat.com
I would have moved the entire discussion
source code :-)
@MattMcDonald i know :P
eventually it will have to be removed :P
note that I didn't ping you
lol MattMcDonald hates the pings
you know what is annoying that @Abhishek does all the time, fucking edit @Abhishek pings
So I shouldn't pingbomb him?
I was referring to the post in which I was replying to you (l0ktar)
thanks to ubuntu i dont have a sound card (XD)
i know what you are doing XD
I just edited that like 15 times!
lmao thank god i just see twice
tbh you haven't done that in a while...:P
rlemon dont worry i wont edit my ping comments now
@MattMcDonald Fed up with the internet?
By the way my english sucks so most of the time i edit to fix my test , please bear with it :-)
I'm not experienced enough with JS to appear like an authority figure
plus I need to spend a ton of time on Utils
specifically, writing docs
What ? I know ';' isnt necessary in javascript but would you kindly explain the meme ?
OOh ok matt I get what you meant now, I thought you were saying that to @Abhishek since he pinged you :P
... way late with that response
Loktar i wont ping nobody
for a week or two to reduce my irritating ping frequency

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