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Yeah use const
@Vap0r That's generally true, yes.
Promise in a loop seems bad
react is all about updating the view with new html. putting all your business logic inside react compoennts is not really advised (but common)
@lix OK, what version of Node are you trying this on?
sec I'll ask npm
@tymeJV well hello there!
@lix No, node --version
If articles is just an array, use a regular for loop, not a for..in - for..in is for iterating properties of an object
and hello!
@Luggage what I've been doing for things like this is getting it all together in one component and then abstracting it out after the component works.
Yeah :-
Oh my, my laptop is running 6.4
So this will be something like HeaderContainer(gets data)->Header
I'm behind
Every time you use let, you have to cut yourself on your thigh
So make it worth it
@Vap0r that' fine. I'm not pushing too hard for you to change, just pointing out that, at some level, I'm showing you bad habits. At some level..
Meh, I use let, mostly..
I just am not thinking like a react developer yet so I'm afraid of making mistakes if I start doing changing my entire design process.
You aren't wrong about preferring const.. I have no argument.
baby steps lol
See a therapist if youre cutting yourself that much
I use const till I can't. but that's somewhat often enough that I have no problem with let
@lix Here's what I think you should do: You should separate things into separate functions, avoid this. as much as possible.
@tymeJV not sure if it makes a difference but it's a Map()
Words from a wise Lemon: Use const until you can't.
tymeJV for...of
For that specific piece of code, you should have exactly two times of using this: One for getting the initial data you need (if you have any at all), and one at the end for writing the result.
Everything else should be with local variables.
@MadaraUchiha so I use let and const, most of the time, what do I use the other times? What are the implications other than more legible code? Does JS treat let and const variables differently?
@MadaraUchiha I'm not sure I follow here
Never use var
@Vap0r I haven't had a var in actual code in over a year
Use let only when it's an optimization
let and const are the same in scope, but you aren't allowed to re-assign consts.
The only place I use vars is in the REPL
I just refresh the repl
@MadaraUchiha so you said most of the time to hedge your bets, but it should be more like all of the time
@Vap0r If anyone tells you "you should always do X" they're always wrong.
Radical code extremists
Same goes with "never"
Alright makes sense
"You should never use var" is wrong
totally radical
never use jquery
Hell, "You should never use document.write() is wrong.
You should never use var
@MadaraUchiha idk. "never eat the yellow snow" is pretty solid advice.
Like just don't use it
@MadaraUchiha what is actually a good case to use var?
you should never follow advice from someone who always tells you to do something
You should always use spaces instead of tabs?
solid :)
well, except on the REPL, you never need to use var.
Idc what madara says
Don't use it
@rlemon Unless a lemon popsicle truck crashed nearby.
if const and let is supported I can't see every using var
@MadaraUchiha name a case where var is the correct choice
I asked this before in the chat though
@MadaraUchiha better safe than sorry
@ssube REPL
that's the easy choice
not the correct one
Never debug your code
Always wipe
@SterlingArcher bidet
Crowdsource your debugging to your customers
@MadaraUchiha Why would you use var in the repl?
let foo = 'Hello World';
// oops forgot the !
// up arrow
let foo = 'Hello World!'; // error, foo already defined
Use let or const or use nothing
repl isn't real life.
function foo() {
    if (1 === 1) {
        let x = 42;
    x = 45; //oops, just made a global (unless in strict mode)
and you could always refresh it
!!afk shopping for a bidet
@rlemon REPL is my go to calculator/quick string manipulation tool
you're just being lazy (which I'm not against in general)
@MadaraUchiha sounds like a shitty tool if you can't use const/let :p
@rlemon Why would I if I could save the trouble by using var (or alternatively, not declaring at all and letting it go global)
umm, i don't use let, const or var in the REPL, most of the time
@Loktar You can, it's more cumbersome, (which is a good thing, because in the rest of the 99% of the cases, redefining a variable is either a bug or just silly)
@HatterisMad Niice
@Luggage I'm just used to not having implicit globals
It's all
Is nesting promises a bad idea?
Globals are fine in a repl
It's a repl
@MadaraUchiha because then you get commited code with 'var' sprinkled all over the place like @BenjaminGruenbaum did
@lix In most cases, yes.
ohh, var foo = 42; in the repl isn't global?
it is in a browser console, right?
@rlemon Well, that's true because Benji is a C# dev, and var is very common there.
his excuse was exactly the one you're saying now
even the same example :P
you can't sneak that past me
@Luggage why would you not have strict mode?
What are the performance implications of var vs let vs const?
@Vap0r None.
@Vap0r moot
I am always in strict mode, but I speak for other's
Also, I am not prone to that type of error I contrived for that example.
The performance implication of var is that shitty coders write shitty code
It's purely a code readability and variable management thing.
And shitty coders use var
JK terrible argument
choosy moms choose jif
Also, developer cycles cost wayy more than CPU cycles.
@Loktar picky people pick peter pan peanut butter, it's the peanut butter picky people pick.
@Vap0r const is potentially faster than let, var is probably faster because of TDZ - in practice JITs do escape analysis and cost analysts that makes them all as fast.
In Chrome*
What the hell is starred
You guys are weird as fuck when I'm not here
I didn't write any of that it was my alter-ego, TRP
Use, in this order: const, let, var. You'll find that var is rarely, if ever, needed.
const until you can't
words to live by
@BenFortune An open source library I'm writing, a talk @phenomnomnominal gave I'm going to watch this weekend, and a cool thing @BadgerCat built. Seems super legit to me.
var is never needed
@MadaraUchiha in all modern browsers.
Technically let is never needed
I use var sometimes.
@Meredith how so?
Technically, none of them are needed.
But it's faster and/or easier to read sometimes
@BenjaminGruenbaum global all things
You can do block scoping and variables just fine without var let or const, use throw.
Yeah none of them are needed
how can you get away with a value you have to modify w/o let?
I would never re-write code to avoid let..
yeah same
You don't have to modify values
lets fine by me
Plenty of languages don't have assignment
unless the real problem was me mutating values that shouldn't ever be mutated.
Nono, instead of doing const x = 5 do try { throw 5 } catch (x) { /* block scope *} - this is functional reactive pure isomorphic cloud programming
and js isn't one of them
@Meredith like, 3
@BenjaminGruenbaum Was talking about the butt stuff 😛 Libraries looking great btw.
well now you're just getting into some weird state lol
@BenFortune make a PR
@BenFortune we had a nice discussion on proper hygiene for your sphincter
Alright guys you convinced me, I'm using var
well your name is mostly var anyway
@BenFortune yea, make a PR. There is only the rest of bluebird to re-write.
@Loktar yep that was the deciding factor.
whats the point of bluebird since native promises are a thing?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I haven't been paying special attention to performance but just writing the most clear code I can, using all the latest toys. I assume that's what you want to compare to.
Well.... that and the idea that just by using var I become a crappy coder. Whoda thunk it was that easy?
Bluebird has more methods doesn't it?
why do you need more?
@Luggage yup, me too. We'll optimize later once we get the benchmark running.
Idk what native promises are missing tbh
technically you don't need anymore than what's native ;)
What is the goal?
ugh this is really frustrating, I have no idea how I'm going to get the last inserted id and also make the object with it :/
hey guys
Is the performance test the goal, or making a bluebird compatible api off of native promises the goal and the performance test a step in that?
@Luggage put bb out of business :)
@lix Like the last id inserted into a database?
ok, so the second one.
@Meredith the exact same :/
Don't do that
@Luggage the former and then the latter
What are you trying to do
I just can't get both the object creation and the last inserted ID in scope
well I query a news api and then get the results as json, I'm inserting the results and then taking the last inserted ID to add them to a map of articles
@Luggage first, the first one
According to this chart i wonder how xml data from server returns back to callback function? How the response finds its way? Anybody guide me where to look about this
to decide if it's worth it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess you want anything that's missing, things like filter, race, any, some, etc
@Luggage currently my componentDidMount is async and has the line let userChecker = await User.getFullName(). Should my getFullName function be returning a promise in this instance?
@lix So you really need your article map to stay up to date with the database
@BenFortune Yup. there are issues for many, but not all of those.
Because it is lol
@BenFortune I already did some of those, I did map - filter is already assigned, if you want to take a stab at some, any etc I'd love that.
@Meredith that's correct :/
@Vap0r it has to
Many are just a few lines of code.
Don't do that
Yes, I did like 10 yesterday.
Every time you query the map, query the database
@Vap0r why are you awaiting User.getFullName to begin with?
Unless you query the map, like, all the time
I did 1. and it took me into today.
@BenjaminGruenbaum because I need it and it uses fetch?
fetching user might be async, but I can't imagine why user.getFullName() would be.
I am assuming you have a user populated with data, though..
@Meredith It inserts just fine but it doesn't call the attached promise to create the object and add it to the map unfortunately
@Luggage no I don't, fullname is pretty much all I need from user
Yeah don't update the map every time you insert
Update the map when you read from the map
Cache as necessary
But how will I know what ID it was inserted at?
So am I doing this wrong?
@lix keeping a separate counter and not relying on the data itself as the source of truth is a smell
Also don't assume that your users have a full name
@Meredith they do though
There's an ID on auto increment in the database that is created when I insert, I want that id to come back out so it can be assigned to the article object
What if they're like Prince or something
Then their "full name" will be "Prince"
@ssube I would keep a counter if this was sync, but what happens if I make 70 queries, how will I keep a track of what was inserted at what number?
Or I guess "the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as prince"
they don't have his name in the unicode table
@lix is that ID in the response body?
his problem, not yours.
typically that's how you do it
It is not no
@Vap0r you mean "the former artist formerly known as prince"
@lix You're trying to return a result from a callback function? gist.github.com/LiamDotPro/…
can you attach the id to the response somehow?
@Luggage much better. English is only my first language, so bear with me
@BenFortune yeah I think so
You can't do that, unless it's a promise.
ahh so that's what's causing it not to fire?
And since you're in a loop, you're going to want some utility functions, Promise.all etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you had asked why I was doing what I'm doing. My code is here:
Basically the gist of it (heh) is that I'm trying to get the full name from localStorage, if it's not there, I grab it from AD, so it then becomes an async request. I'm just trying to accomodate that with my basic knowledge
@BenFortune thanks, I'll do some more reading. I think 14 hours is stretching the amount I'm able to reasonably focus :/
do you support IE?
@Vap0r then it needs to be async, but I'd just pass its value as the props of the component and render twice
Also, I wouldn't fetch stuff in componentDidMount, fetching stuff based on a component mounting to the DOM is really backwards
Do you guys ever drink at work
all the time.
fetch in componentWillMount
got a bottle of water and a coffee in front of me right now
But really though lemon boy
I work at work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so componentWillMount?
I have had a beer at lunch every once in a while.
Like @ndugger recommended
and reddit
@Vap0r Difference is negligible.
no, don't pull me into this
@Luggage same, but not at work. like if we go out for lunch I might get a pint
I was only being sarcastic
FDOT allows employees a drink at lunch
@Vap0r not in a component at all - components should not be in charge of managing your model layer in your code
@Vap0r You work for the fdot?
@Meredith yep
Well technically I'm a consultant because they're not allowed to pay programmers as employees
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're vaguely hinting at a fallacy
In mv* it would be your model layer, in flux it would be handled by a fetch action that would make the fetch and then dispatch a fetchSuccess action when the data is there. With mobx it's simpler.
@Jhawins ?
@SterlingArcher It's actually more substantial than I though it would be
@MadaraUchiha SterlingArcher is afk: shopping for a bidet
In the end a component's data fetch method is inherently tied to the component being used.
I'm impressed.
Give him real suggestions, not empty words
No I think I get what Benj is saying
@Jhawins If it's in response to an event, pass an event handler from outside
I'm surprised, but that's good then
It's what I said earlier.
Outside being a controller of some sort that handles those things.
@MadaraUchiha SPAs bruh. Pages as components. Etc.
@Jhawins that is a real suggestion and the component should not care about the data or whether or not it's being used.
@Jhawins In Redux's case, for example, a "smart component" is your poor-man's controller
exactly @Luggage, I just didn't understand that the answer to all my questions here was really just to abstract it like we were talking earlier.
And your "dumb component" is your view.
Like I said, not really thinking like a react developer yet
OK brb
@Jhawins The data fetch method, even if it's tied to the component being used - should not be called inside the component.
Using a smart component as a poor-man's controller is OK-ish. to start. not ideal.
@MadaraUchiha Redux, Reflux, MobX, all the same core concept here
@BenFortune Can you show me an example of how I would make the result a callback with bluebird?
@Jhawins Yes.
Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and abstract this out to <Component>Container.jsx and but all data stuff in there.
@lix Do you have control over your node version?
So you are suggesting having a component which interacts with the data layer. While also saying a component may not interact with the data layer lol
A "smart component" which does what you say not to.
Because if so, I recommend upgrading to the latest 7.x which would give you async functions
componentDidMount fetching is because react-router sucks and rapes react lifecycle hooks to do route initialization - it's not tied to anything mounting to the virtual dom at all. Heck, look at their implementation.
I'm mostly picking at words. I know what was being said.
Is a new iphone gonna come out soon? I know nothing about their release cycle, but I'm getting irritated with my android phone having so many issues
@Meredith looking for a job? We need a SharePoint/web developer and I really don't wanna do it lol
@Jhawins A smart component has no UI on it's own
@MadaraUchiha yeah I do, as long as it doesn't stop me deploying later
No I'm employed
Thanks though
Please Meredith. Take the job.
It's a shell filled with logic that wraps around a component which actually renders something
@Jhawins I would not recommend smart components and dumb components unless you have to use react-router.
Which makes it equivalent to a controller
@MadaraUchiha Does that somehow effect whether or not it is a component, and whether it has lifecycle methods etc
I would not recommend react-router.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed lol
But controller is a bad word nowadays, so don't tell anyone I've said that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you used react-router before? If so, how did you handle data fetching before handing off the mounting to the router?
Oh, nevermind
@Jhawins it does, conceptually. It's only a component because you have to write one because the router is making you. If you write a plain function things get better.
I was gonna say, react-router has some issues like that
@BenjaminGruenbaum agreed, but when someone is learning the react lifecycle and doesn't want to add reduxmobx, etc, steering them toward smart/dumb components at least gives some separation.
The previous developer made SharePoint workflows that dump data into a SQL db on list item creation. Then the sharepoint server has a scheduled task that runs powershell scripts to modify this data
@Jhawins I'd expect all the data layer logic (be it in lifecycle methods or not) to only be on these "Controller components"
The best mis-use.
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is wordplay.
@Luggage when someone is learning the react lifecycle, I would not start with react-router at all.
It is a component.
Since I know SharePoint I'm the "interim" guy
@Jhawins words are important. It is conceptually not a component.
Please. Free job for anyone, I'll vouch for you
It is conceptually and factually a component...
In every manner
@Jhawins It is implemented as a component
Conceptually, it is not.
When they think they can play with words and change underlying concepts
Just like React Router is implemented with React components
You guys are sped lol
@Jhawins if you would like - here is a talk I gave about it at Facebook's headquarters here a year and a half ago about Redux and what it does youtube.com/watch?v=VT6_v2lHi0Q
But a Router is not a view component
However you try to spin it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ....Random link to the worst data store framework available?
@Jhawins no, a component corresponds to a vDom component.
Thank you.
@Jhawins random link? This is a youtube talk to a I gave about this exact subject.
A component corresponds to something that extends the Component class, has the lifecycle methods of the component class. And in every possible way is an instantiation of the Component class.
@Jhawins That is an implementation detail.
That's not the concept of a component though.
@Jhawins you realize that the router calls all these hooks manually and not React right? You could use react-router without calling a single ReactDOM.render :D
Is there any agreement at all here other than that jQuery is terrible?
It just uses bad names because it looks like a component - that's it. Just an awful design choice in an awful router.
JSX !== Component
@Vap0r PHP is also terrible
I know.
@Vap0r it's not terrible
just abused.
@Vap0r I disagree with you on that (not being sarcastic)
I didn't call Radct-Router Routes components.
@Vap0r jQuery is great, it does all the things.
I think there are two convsations here. React HLCs and abusing them for loading data and react-router.
I'm scared
@Loktar it's less than perfect. I hate a lot of the api choices.
I said a "smart component" in the way @MadaraUchiha mentions is still just a component. It is instantiated as such, and used as such.
jQuery advanced the web years forward, made web applications a possibility, and brought thousands of people to the industry.
@Jhawins no, when you do component={Component} - Component is not really a component either.
@MadaraUchiha I was being sarcastic
@MadaraUchiha thousands of people that are really bad at writing code
React.Component is of course not a Component.. It is the very class of Component lol
I like jQuery, it served a great and functional role at the time it was introduced
^ ding @ndugger
@ndugger Millions of people are really bad at writing code.
What else is new?
east tennessee state is giving me cancer
This game. This is wonderful.
@Jhawins except it's not instantiated as such. It is instantiated differently by the router and not React.
This is why I come here lol
@Jhawins So called "smart components" are instantiated by the router
@BenjaminGruenbaum See, you're the only one talking about React-Router components...
@MadaraUchiha I got a haircut recently
They are literally your routes
@ndugger I'm a vegan.
(not really)
good, I was concerned.
@jhawins To get annoyed and start pretending like everyone else is stupid?
Meh. Imma do some real work you guys go back to updating Readmes for Babel
Feb 19 '13 at 16:12, by John Resig
bad uses of JavaScript existed long before jQuery ever came out - jQuery being popular doesn't stop bad devs from existing, the only thing that stops bad devs is good education, which is why I've written two books and am working at Khan Academy
4 years old, wow.
@Jhawins do you agree React should play the part of your view layer in your concern-separated code?
The first bad use of javascript
education is for schmucks
He comes here? I should stop talking unsubstantiated trash about him then.
Was the first javascript script
I'm using react-router, which seems to be terrible, and using container-component architecture, which I guess is terrible. Once I get a grasp on all this, what resource would I go to, to find out what the "new" or "right" way of doing all this is?
@Luggage he came here.
having single methods do more than one thing is helping the confusion and bad code imo. it's one of my main complaints about jQuery
@Luggage he came here.
Imagine if we just like
Ohh, so I can continue?
Used python instead
Also Paul Irish, and a bunch of other people.
John Resig is actually a great guy.
@Vap0r This chat is a good resource.
only when the mods aren't threatening to take away my RO
@Vap0r you need to understand your actual problems, I recommend using a simple router like express's router or the routes package.
I cite this chat when I vandalize wikipedia
@MadaraUchiha For butt wiping techniques?
Buddy boy
No threats needed ❤️
madara pls
Anyone got the madara king kunta image
@MadaraUchiha absolutely. That's why I fought tooth-and-nail to get it unblocked a couple of months ago. But there still seems to be a lot of disarray.
it's the internet.
we don't always agree
that's fine tho
@rlemon yes we do
yeah, I always agree with everyone
That hurt, I hope you're happy
@BenFortune you got bt working yet?
I also hope you're happy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why are you asking me such a fundamental question now
@rlemon Haven't turned any of them on yet lol
How does that make sense to ask.. Lol
@BenFortune laaaaame
We both know that.
And I understand that. I shouldn't expect a unanimous answer in this chat, but everything is all over the place. There's not like a "best practices" or something like that? Even parts of the react documentation disagree with some things I've been told in here.
@Vap0r it's new
@Meredith Ahhhh the YouTube comment section
How lovely.
expect that for a while
@MadaraUchiha You owned that dude
eh in the JS world it's older now
@Loktar in terms of documentation...
@Vap0r Get used to it
hell. think about Node 2-3 years ago
4 years?
it was impossible to get a complete doc or tutorial that wasn't out dated
or conflicting a chance in the design.
Vap0r React is not for app state management, but if you are going to abuse it for such, at least keep it in a few smart components. Most components should be worried about the VIEW only.
@Jhawins because I don't think we agree about it? It's fine to claim otherwise, but if you agree React plays the View - then you also agree it should not be concerned directly with the model layer right? At which point we agree that it should not be in charge of updating it as a side effect of mounting to the actual DOM. It's not componentWillBeRequired it's thisComponentWillBeMountedToThePresentation.
or at least, that's how it felt for me
@rlemon yeah react hasn't been like that fortunately
rarely a single breaking change
we've been using it daily for over 2 years now
there's lots of good documentation and best practices out there for sure
for react specifically
fair enough. but 'best practise' seems to be volatile in the blog-side of life.
implementation of other things is over the place since react is just the view part
(coming from someone currently learning react)
those are theoretical best practices
eyyy I got it working!
not ones actually implemented and in use
@Jhawins Even if it was componentWillBeRequired, it's still not the component's concern but whoever called it. Now don't get me wrong, we have actions inside componentDidMount today and I write code - but I would not in a new project and I acknowledge writing the current project the way we did one of many mistakes I've made as a programmer - at least it's common practice. React evolved a lot in the three years I've used it.
best practices are for schmucks
@rlemon I started to get "big" into JS right around the time favor for jQuery was dropping out. People were pointing out native ES implementations that provided for the use cases people provided when defedning jQuery or previous bad practices. There was a lot of consensus at that point about what the right way of doing things were. JsPerf was beginning to be referenced in a lot of answers. I guess that all makes sense in context.
React is new and we haven't had a chance to reach that consensus yet, I guess?
I wrap my code in an eval
I really love saying "schmucks"
@MadaraUchiha @BenFortune thanks chaps ^_^
I didn't do anything 😃
@Loktar which is why I keep shoving my components under @Luggage's nose, and now you and J 😛 -- I wanna make sure I'm doing this in the 'React' way
Me neither, lol
@rlemon yeah if it were 3 years ago I'd jump in more
@Vap0r it's not about consensus, it's just about good code.
I am always busy with work now though
we write react day in and day out for around 3 years now lol
that's why it doesn't feel new to me at all
Oooh @BenjaminGruenbaum I looked into the metadata thingy, it's severely lacking 😬
@MadaraUchiha the docs are really lacking, yes.
Can I post the madara youtube meltdown again
but you did @BenFortune you saying about me returning insertID made me fix my code and @MadaraUchiha you saying simplifying what I had written made me back track over wtf I was doing with the extra then's
Idk why you guys dont think it's the funniest thing
It doesn't try very hard to recognize the type, and Interfaces always emit "Object"
The confusion comes from React being compared side-by-side with the likes of Angular (full frameworks). Also, react is flexible enough to be abused into doing more than it's intended role.
@Loktar I'm thinking I'm going to just have to start paying Luggage to consult me :P
^ bingo @Luggage
@Meredith I don't expect anything less from youtube
because I feel bad I vamp exclusively from him for React. but the things he's telling me and showing me make sense. he gets how I like to learn.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree, but it seems like everyone in here has a different idea of what good code is. (yes this is a generalization)
@MadaraUchiha right, because interfaces don't exist in the compiled code.
yeah that's what I'm getting at (and said up above a bit) React has plenty of best practices it's just all the integration pieces that people get confused about
the problem I see with so many people in here (new people) is they just ask and ask and ask
@rlemon then pay me. that's what I want to do anyway. :)
you need to do, do, do
I'm gonna quit my job and work at mcdonalds
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right, but I was hoping to be able to make a dependency injection container that would be able to select an appropriate implementation to an interface
No such luck, I'm afraid :(
@Meredith Are you also gonna start eating mcdonalds?
@Meredith R&D?
@Vap0r there are just some people who think because Dan Abramov farted they should do X (where X is not what he meant at all). I think people need to use their minds more.
I mostly get React, state management still gets me sometimes though.
@ndugger I love their fries
@Luggage honestly, I'm waiting till I have like 75% done, then I'm going to get my work to pay you to slap me in the right direction. the project has 0 spec, so I don't wanna toss anyone else into it until it is somewhat figured out.
@MadaraUchiha you can't, but you can create an abstract base class that does nothing
it's one giant creeping scope right now.
you can't pass the interface into the DI container at runtime, they get compiled out
@BenFortune because it's kind of new to the web; it makes web dev a lot more like desktop app dev in some ways
so, like, you'd have nothing to reference and key off of
When I go to mcdonalds I just get 2 large fries
before, you just managed state in the dom by setting properties/classes
@BenFortune state management doesn't ""still gets you sometimes"" - it's a hard fundamental problem in programming that'll never go away. Programming is just state management.
now it's entirely different and more involved
@Luggage I agree with what you said about react being used for way more than just view. Is application state management really a job of the view?
@ssube I don't want the interface, I want the name of the interface.
I tried this exact thing and settled for abstract bases, which isn't great, but works well
when I go to mcdonalds, I thank them for letting me use the washroom and leave.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're such a funny guy lol. You always drop names or talk links, or throw in those little tidbits like "React evolved a lot in the three years I've used it." We are talking about a core concept that has NEVER changed since the inception of React. Yet we have to just throw out a lil glam haha. It's gonna look like I'm just ragging on you today but ya know what... That's fine haha somebody needs to sometimes. Good thing I've been in React for 2.2 years tho, that's a big point for this!
@Vap0r No.
@MadaraUchiha if you can get to them before the compiler eliminates them, it might work
@Meredith 😬 I don't even like fries that much... sweet potatoe fries are my life, though
react is a fancy way of templating html (well, it's more and works differently, but think of it liek that)
It's up to the guy configuring the DI container to provide an implementation matching the name.
let me know if you do
@Jhawins I didn't name drop, I linked to my own talk about this exact subject and discussed actual technical aspects of why I think what I think.
@ssube I've looked last night but couldn't find a way to do it :(
Where's my :joy: I need dark theme haha
@ndugger You like kendrick
I am thinking about switching to exclusively name-based DI
Maybe @BenjaminGruenbaum knows more than me
I clicked the wrong message
So when I entered into react, I saw "well you need ES6", "you need router/flux/mobx/redux", "you need webpack", node, etc. It definitely created confusion.
@Jhawins yea, everyone does.
I also couldn't find anything official about it
Just a few blogs here and there
@BenjaminGruenbaum talking about yourself is name dropping, you handsome devil.
state the obvious much?
@Luggage lmao, hardly.
my problem was that I wanted something like .bind(Log, SyslogLoggerLogLogg) and that needs a reference to Log at runtime
sounds like you want .bind(Log.name, ...) at compile time
which is way better
In the small world of JS promises, you are huge. I can't do a google search on the subject without your mug appearing.
@Meredith damn reposting in a matter of 3 minutes!
@Luggage I love how we didn't realize how much logic views need before. It's scary.
Everyone needs to read it and acknowledge it
that's a fresh repost
the freshest
@Loktar so I should expect both on the front page of reddit shortly?
Or I'm gonna post it again
@BenjaminGruenbaum we did, that's why template libs started bragging about how they didn't support logic
@Loktar It's been posted in here at least 2 other days too lmao
Does anybody here knows what was the hack in whatsapp's sent images ?
I think it's the funniest thing
@Meredith well he ain't lying
@ssube which was backwards :D
we knew it was bad, folks were trying to kill it, React offered a way to keep the logic in the right places
@ssube exactly.
!!giphy rlemon
it wasn't backwards, it's good for a template library not to handle logic
Fortunately my embarrassing explosions were not on youtube to be linked, but in real life.
React chose the same route by splitting the elements
@rlemon lmao what?
!!giphy loktar
loading soooo hard.
!!giphy meredith
Wait @Jhawins you thought me using React for 3 years is supposed to be impressive? You know me for 3 years - I was mentioning that in case you might remember my opinions form here about react a few years ago... I linked to my own talk.
I expected the office
!!giphy ndugger
Idk what that is
@BenFortune Thanks man
I'm still interested in continuing the actual discussion if you want to btw, if you don't feel like it that's also fine.
@ndugger watcha doing there with that drill?
How do I teach the bot to post the madara image
!!learn title <>link
@Meredith !!mindjail myself
Are there any resources that keep in mind some of the considerations we mentioned here, but also follow the direction react is heading?
Other than this chat itself?
!!learn madara <>http://i.imgur.com/1iOiW6d.png
@Meredith Command madara learned
@ssube your mom
@Vap0r look at any fairly popular GH projects
@ndugger Accurate
also reddit/r/reactjs
we really don't need it posted ten times
@Loktar yesssss that subreddit is a good source?
it's not SUPER active, but it's not bad
Because I like consuming all my non-SO-chat media in reddit format
reddit is cancer
I read a lot of other peoples github
just like buzzfeed
@rlemon But really though it's like the funniest thing
reddit is cancer for sure
I hate reddit besides my donny boy.
Reddit literally gave me cancer
but once in a while I check other subs
Reddit gave me mono
reddit is closer to heroine. if you use it too much, you can't get away
reddit is a healthy source of discourse :)
Just like SO-chat, right guys?
Heroin is easy to quit
I'd love to see more of Mendix's code using mobx in practice.
I have no comment.
Don't listen to dare officers
@Vap0r eh
I barely ever use SO chats
@Meredith not in my experience.
sure in theory, but when everyone has the same opinion and differing ones are silenced, in practice its shite :p (reddit not here)
@Vap0r Did you have to do the dare song in school?
no comment
buzzfeed gave me zika
@Meredith I won the dare writing contest about how I would never do drugs then wore the shirt they gave me when I did drugs later in high school.
@Vap0r I recommend classics, fowler's stuff, books that cover MVC and MVVM and MVP and then the flux docs, I'd read the Qt docs and probably the Apple docs for iPhone development and Google's for Android so you can explore the different concepts used, I'd learn WPF to see how/why Microsoft tried to solve this and I'd learn as many frameworks and prototype them as I can.
@Vap0r Oh wow
Because I'm edgy guys, in case you didn't pick up on it.
My mom made me stop wearing my dare shirt cuz it was uncool
Youtube gave me buzzfeed
I never did drugs
That's quite a reading list..
@ndugger The thing about buzzfeed
because I'm not an idiot
At least it knows it's cancer

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