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const result = query.tagIds.reduce((obj, tagId) => (obj[tagId] = 0), {})
query.tagIds is an array of ints, expecting to get an object with tagIds as the key, and 0 as the value for every prop
(obj[tagId] = 0) in the reduce function returns 0
any way I can do the assignment and return the modified object to reduce?
trying to avoid object.assign...
@JoshuaBarnett tis a silly place
!!giphy tis a silly place
right on, Cap
!!giphy party on garth
eh that's a png file
however, chrome could render that apgn file while i just checked another one .... aaaaaannnd it doesn't animate
@rlemon : you must be a wizard o.O
1 message moved to Trash can
@KarelG why? extensions are mostly meaningless
check the file headers
morning everyone. I got a dumb question. is this a bad way to use code-splitting?
Imports in JS seem to try to be as verbose as Java...
.reduce((obj, tagId) => ({ ...obj, [tagId]: 0 }), {})
Could someone tell the JS counterpart of JQuery's ajaxComplete?
@BenFortune \o/
@SKG What do you mean by "Counterpart"?
@rlemon nice.
I threw a 4gb stick of ram into my 5 year old netbook. I can't believe how well it runs.
@Incognito I want to use ajaxComplete() ....but I dont wanna use Jquery....So is there any similar function in javascript which can do the job /
@SKG I think XHR has a callback for complete, no? You could use fetch depending on browser
I had to look up what ajaxComplete does, I didn't know people were still using that library. I'm so far down the framework rabbit hole these days.
@SKG Do you want it for every response on the page?
@Incognito I am using vanilla JS.... so backward am I...
yes...every response
You have to make your own abstraction ontop of the XHR object then, and use it everywhere.
That's why ajaxComplete works, it's adding a callback (or something) into $.ajax
In angular they call what you want to do an HTTP Interceptor, and they use promises to handle everything, it's actually kind of neat docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service$http
the link may not work correctly.
I've been able to use smalljs.org/ajax/superagent in the past on the frontend to do what you want but I've heard there are other smaller more modern libraries
Thanks @Incognito... I will read about it :)
Oh wow... they use events. :facepalm: github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/…
someone is complaining that my web app doesn't work offline :\
FYI, jquery source code is less scary than it was 5 years ago. Nothing to gush over, but you can read it at least.
@corvid Welcome to 2017.
Mobile developers I speak to wish we developed offline-first.
they said to make a website, so I made it. Then they said "why can't it get all the data offline?"
You'll be more and more expected to have your enterprise applications working offline thanks to service workers
Yeah but those just cache data, no?
not really. But I don't know them well enough yet. I just know I must learn them fast in order to handle offline working and notifications better than today
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
you have to store those information somewhere if you want to work offline anyways
One thing I am really interested in is those service workers that queue offline work for when you go online
@rlemon beautiful
what screen is that?
@KendallFrey so jelly
i'm jealous either :/
@BenFortune some cheap car dash display
china special
A car lcd with HDMI? Sign me the fuck up
All the one's I found were RCA only
I can't find my exact one
and there is not model number on it :D
a+ standards
This room has changed name a lot recently. Can you explain the current name?
Why meteors?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent meteor.com
Must look very professional to new SO users.
@jake is it a kind of shit that ruined every js dev's life?
We are professionals. Watch out, a meteor might ruin you life as well.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Idk, it is amusing for those of us who have the chat open in a tab every day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meteor is an open source platform for web,
mobile, and desktop.
@Max Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
5 hours ago, by anatoly techtonik
no time to explain.. what should i know about Meteor before it ruins mine?
Also what is on those fries??
Meteor is super heavy-weight. Tries to be a monolithic solution to any problem that you might face, which includes trying to develop anything on your own
while coding a system if am working on something that requires a lot of variables to be used should I use an array instead
the trade off is the fact that I'll have to run a loop which for the system I am working on will turn intro nested loop at most places
what should I go for
normal assignment via variable
or storing them in an array format
and then looping over them whenever assignment is needed
No, arrays are for collections
You think declaring variables is boring?
@GandalftheWhite Arrays make things easier to uniformly manipulate data
@GandalftheWhite "lot of variables" What kind of variables? Are they the same type?
Hello everybody. I have a page in which there are several plugins are used.And hence there are several functions used from different plugins. For instance I have this line $('#rdevices').numbers(); Is there any way to know from which plugin,numbers() function is called.if any source codes are used then directly I will search for numbers() but if any CDN are used then how would I know?
for( const str of arr ) {
  with(global || window) { eval(`var ${str};`) }
problem solved :D
eval is deprecated, use uneval instead
you are deprecated
I will stop being supported in Chrome 60
So I'm new to promises and I've used them for couple of things, but how would I create a promise that waits for a boolean to be set to true before returning to carry on other events?
you want an observable
Sweet, I'll google some stuff :-)
paying taxes is for schmucks... I'm a schmuck :(
@lix what do you mean waits for a boolean?
@lix unless you're writing some 3rd party script or userscript, you're doing something very wrong from a code architecture perspective if you need to "listen" on a state change of a variable
well currently my backend loads up stuff (users, news articles, categories) into a store and then using user data attempts to create a custom view that it servers back to the user for them to view (or atleast it's going to get smarter soon) but inbetween that period there is some wait time. Once the view is generated I want to return to the user it's ready.
or atleast return the view so it's loaded via websockets
ah, so something like progress
observables or nested promises are probably a good route
is there a good way to reduce the size of moment in a bundle? Can I just include a single locale?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent No
@jake "mayo"
on the contrary I don't mind that approach
Mayonnaise (/ˈmeɪəneɪz/, /ˌmeɪəˈneɪz/ or in AmE also /ˈmæneɪz/, and often abbreviated as mayo /ˈmeɪoʊ/) is a thick, creamy dressing often used as a condiment. It is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice, with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. Proteins and lecithin in the egg yolk serve as emulsifiers in both mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce. Commercial egg-free alternatives are available for vegans and others who want to avoid animal products and cholesterol, or who are allergic to eggs. Mayonnaise varies in color, but is often white, cream...
it's just that one guy who works with me suggested that
Am I doing something really terrible? @jAndy
pointing that code will look cleaner using that method
@KarelG Tell me its not true.
			var w1_scoreO = 0, w2_scoreO = 0, w3_scoreO = 0, w4_scoreO = 0, w5_scoreO = 0, w6_scoreO = 0;
			var w1_score1 = 0, w2_score1 = 0, w3_score1 = 0, w4_score1 = 0, w5_score1 = 0, w6_score1 = 0;
			var w1_score2 = 0, w2_score2 = 0, w3_score2 = 0, w4_score2 = 0, w5_score2 = 0, w6_score2 = 0;
			var w1_trips = 0, w2_trips = 0, w3_trips = 0, w4_trips = 0, w5_trips = 0, w6_trips = 0;
I don't like it tho. It's also not a healthy sauce tho.
take this for example
I've never seen a valid (reasonable) usecase to use observables except for debugging purposes
he was saying that make an array distribute them all from 0-17 index
the negative part is
@Luggage What's ES? My audience is exclusively American and British for this app
@jAndy observing behavior changes ?
I cannot assign them values in one go
I'll have to loop ever it to make things cleaner
use arrays man ...
@lix if all code is in your hands (backend and frontend) there should be a more elegant way to achieve that
Ok, use ARRAYS
but if you have to declare lots of things like camera positions, fov, aspect ratios, rotations, ..., not the same type, declare some variables.
@GandalftheWhite YES use an array!
@corvid spanish, i think? just switch it for what you want
/en|es/ is that english and spanish?
@jAndy I wouldn't argue that point, but It's a case of make something work and then improve on it I guess :/
@Shrek Not yet, no. Did you get one?
@jAndy automatically updating a template/component/markup when data changes is nice
@GandalftheWhite yes. you can generalize that to array of objects with keys score0, score1, score2 and trips
Okay will use an array
thanks guys
That I can do
@Loktar automagic "loading" states is nice
the only trade off is the loops everywhere
Like for some users with more data there's less analyzing going on whereas with others it could be a different story. I'm not sure how to elegantly figure out when the computation has finished
The more data I save the larger the problem is going to get and I plan to move that data off to another server and be feedback the views via an API
@Loktar Sure, but if you're the one who is responsible for the "change" in the first place, there is no need to use observables anyways
@GandalftheWhite I just made something thats exactly like you are describing. Good luck
@KendallFrey Where are you
@jAndy yeah but if 10 things rely on that change I don't want to manually update them
Can you please elaborate @jake
I'd rather they listen to something
for(x in y) is your friend
@Loktar that's what events are for
at least... in my architecture philosphy
Ooo, it worked, thanks @luggage
thank google.
@GandalftheWhite If you email me, Ill share an example with you, idk if you can PM in SO chat.
I copy pastad it a couple years ago
Man compared to when I woke up this morning the js room is really booming today :o
Yes you can @jake
@lix US/EU work hours
yea, we're all avoiding work now
@ssube woke up at 3am gmt to start working ^_^
also @lix , last time we talked, you were interested in grafana and metrics stuff, are you still on that? I've got a grafana instance set up with a bunch of data you could take a look at
The info page shows active hours for the channel in a graph. A github-style punch card might be easier to read.
@ssube It's what I'm working on right now!
Yeah man for sure I'd be interested :o
@GandalftheWhite how is using a loop a trade-off ?
it's nothing super fancy, but a few weeks worth of metrics from a half-dozen servers and the database
if you want to screw around with grafana, it ought to work
you will have a serious time with declaring 100 variables if you could have one declaration of an array on other hand. And don't forget flexibility
lemme turn on guest access
@KarelG ugly
Hi All
Sorry to disturb all of you
You can revert to your original account ...
@Gagan_iOS does she smell nice?
I am an iOS developer & I have a query in Node,js
where do you guys with similar pics get your pictures taken?
Somehow I grin to that, even I don't understand the pointe :|
II am getting an arrar like [{"MAX(myid)":"46"},{"MAX(myid)":"45"},{"MAX(myid)":"46"}]
@Loktar the police station.
can anyone help me
@KarelG it was so random/stupid one sec
@KarelG Agreed
Jan 18 at 1:43, by Loktar
user image
it started there
oh that woman. I still recall her
@Loktar does she want to live like common people?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know you need "custom yield handlers" tests to pass (addYieldHandler) but how about "Long stack traces with coroutines as context" and "Cancellation with generators" tests?
let me know if any one help me
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@Gagan_iOS Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Gagan_iOS can you please prepare your question then post it as 1 message only?
hahaha forgot about that
@rlemon good god
@rlemon LOL
dank photoshop
The performance of a "100% bluebird compatible" Promise.coroutine() will not be the same as a "5 lines and it does what I need" implementation, i assume.
hmmm a shooting in France today
Now there really is a hole in the wall where the men can see it all.
@rlemon lol
@ndugger i.imgur.com/GmdbdVr.gifv is this how you breed?
you just morph into your new target?
That is truly terrifying
yeah I love that one
pretty awesome lol
the things we use technology for lol
technology is for dank memes; everyone knows this to be true
how badly will fiber break existing code?
@Luggage you see link I dropped you this morn?
react loaders
4 hours ago, by rlemon
@Luggage https://medium.com/@thejameskyle/react-loadable-2674c59de178#.57bnpb7g8
Yea, I skimmed.
I excepted more excitement :(
Sorry, my mind is elsewhere. BenjaminGruenbaum fooled me into writing code.
and.. tests!
@rlemon that is kind of retarded
I mean his idea is fine, but what he did isn't anything special
he just wrapped up the handling of System.import'ing modules
it looks like to me anyways
yeah I'm speaking more to the article I guess in my negativity
acting like he's saved the world lol
webpack's api lets you slice and dice your bundles..
yeah exactly
though, routing-based or compoennt based slices are tedious in webpack, without getting into require.context and probably more.
I want to see who this is an issue for really
we have some giant react applications
greater than 7mb when dev bundled
but they end up 1.something as the release bundle
same. < 1 gzipped
And.. there are benefits to being in the same bundle.
yeah for sure
well I thought it was neat.. :(
I wonder if the Sean he is referring to is my old coworker
he works on webpack now
1. Users loses connection
2. Error occurs
3. The dialog to display the error is fetched on-demand
4. Dialogs fails to appear since there is no connection.
which is actually crazy considering when he worked with us we was adding things to the prototype in loops ect.
The separate vendor bundle that updates less often is a much easier improvement in D/L size.
Hi all
@007 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok thanks
@rlemon lol yeah sorry the dudes article just annoyed me
> In closing, please install this shit and give me a star on the repo.
Trying to understand Javascript better... how did you guys learn this and is there some sort of plugin that can be added to visual studio that will help with the syntax as the syntax seems to be a real horror show.
VS should support it by default
One doesn't simply understand JavaScript.
go on...
current VS supports ES6, too?
I don't know what ES6 is sorry
@007 You should try out VSCode
is that a plugin or something ?
So.. there is a lot of older JS out there the doesn't use new language features and it can be a horror show. Is this what you are seeing? or you are looking at modern clean JS and not liking it?
Couldn't imagine web dev using VS
gotcha just bing'd it
this looks nice
To luggage.. the stuff I'm seeing is just things like time and date pickers and stuff
it follows no clear structure it seems
A } here and there " or single ' its just typing on screen
I guess I am use to VB and C where there is structure to the syntax
well, there is more bad JS out there than good JS
Hi Ben will I web and desk to dev.. so I don;t know what else to use
but still a lot of good JS.
Plenty of modern JS is written in modules and bundled when released.
Why the name? Did something happen with Meteor?
you can do web dev in VS. It's just an editor.
it sucks
Just had something funny. Someone made a small commit (one line of code) and complaints about NPE's.
if ("".equals(error)) {
    cellValues = null; // resetting <-- got added
    return cellValues.get(columnName);
else ...
yeah I need to see if classes or training are offered....
the trick is to avoid some of the MS 'frameworks' that VS tricks you into using.
Let me paraphrase - did something happen with Meteor recently? xd
use it as an editor, not an engineer-in-a-box
Ahh I see
@ndn yea, someone used it
All that said, I use VSCode, these days, but I'm no stranger to full VS and would use it for some projects.
not sure why the name... Meteor is another tool for web engineers
@CarlosBaraza Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Well thanks for the link...To the vs code Iwill look into it more...
take care all.
@CarlosBaraza so is jQuery, but still, lives have been ruined.
@rlemon you are free to use whatever you want when you initiate a project
Meteor has it's use cases
no, meteor ruins lives
didn't you read the room title?
jQuery is responsive for countless cases of figurative cancer. Possibly a few literal cases, but those haven't been proven.
and it allows fast bootstrapping of interactive products
not all tools are good
jQuery as well had it's reason and fits in the history
meteor encourages poor practices and teaches patterns that won't apply to any other code you write
locked into a bad decision
also, it's in the room name. #hivemind
if anything, it's worse for beginners than it would be for experienced devs, but experienced devs won't use it in the first place...
using it now is probably a bad idea, but JS is what is in part thanks to jQuery. Otherwise we might be doing flash action script
that's giving jQ an awful lot of credit
there were other alternatives for cross-browser code. prototype.js.
others that I forget and hope to never remember..
well if everything was about good practices and patterns, we should not be doing JS at all
@ssube a whole hell of a lot
Soon we won't have to do JS. WebASM.
soon we won't have to program at all
lol we would still do JS
maybe a bit of C to optimize some snippets with wasm
ML is taking over the world
More than that. You get to pick the language for all your app's logic and organization.
@Luggage $10 says it still compiles to JS
With just a bit of JS to use legacy JS libs you want to include for the UI
2028, every language compiles to js as a step in the process
It compiled to WebASM, in my hypothetical scenario.
@CarlosBaraza you can write very clean JS that follows almost every good practice known to books, especially with classes now
@ndugger you're good at this design stuff. wanna help me write an LCARS React library?
JS can be beautiful.
I really want my home monitor hub that I will hang on the wall to be in LCARS
@rlemon * { border-radius: 3em 0 0 0; } //done.
@rlemon Can I have whatever you're smoking?
there are some dead css libraries out there I will borrow from
make a full LCARS bootstrap theme
but I feel like someone with a better eye for design should probably help
it's LCARS... psh, 'eye for design'
54 secs ago, by rlemon
there are some dead css libraries out there I will borrow from
> Creator Note I no longer have the time to work on this. If anyone would like to take over, please let me know and I'll transfer ownership to you.
Oh god it's awful
I've already looked at that one
if I get a good React library for LCARS then I can potentially write my KSP controller for a small touch screen in React
control KSP with a TNG interface
it's much more of a css problem than a react problem.
A hardware controller?
I'm getting excited just writing that..
@BenFortune I was going to make one, but if I can get LCARS working it would just be a touchscreen
Ah, neato
@Luggage sure. but I wanna use it in React, so as a last step wrap everything up in Components with some postcss or something
LCARS looks bad when you start having to make usable UIs in it. It's for random screens you don't look too closely at.
@rlemon write an alexa skill too
which would be perfect for a KSP conrtoller.
> Computer, set navigation to Minmus.
@ssube, @rlemon JS, and us, exist to fill a business need. We are engineers and every tool could be a good one for the job. Meteor, if bootstrapping an interactive application MVP fast and cheap is a priority, is a good option. Specially startups can benefit a lot of platforms like Meteor.
If I use something like this to wait for my boolean to be true will it cause blocking on the server stackoverflow.com/questions/30505960/…
@CarlosBaraza I disagree.
I started writing a skill to read my notifications for me
there are better tools. use them
illustrate me
@CarlosBaraza Meteor doesn't appeal to startups especially, nor is it faster to set up than other tools. Those other tools have the advantage that you can continue using them once you have a real app.
depends on the specific problem you're using Meteor to solve.
@lix No, it's asynchronous
@BenFortune Thanks :-)
@ssube I'm enjoying these new room titles. we're triggering people from outside the room. :D

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