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@rlemon yea, looks good. One minor nitpick/suggested change: gist.github.com/luggage66/c713655c36cb40937710cf2751979509/…
sweet, I'll check it in a minute. trying to fix some shit in my lang component
god dammit I suck at regular expressions.. I'm trying to split a string into parts. "hello {name}! do you like {food}? {food} is good." and I want ["hello ","{name}","! do you like ","{food}","? ","{food}"," is good"]
like a tagged template literal
I couldn't figure out a single regexp so I split the string on spaces, tested for {}\W and then replaced the contents of that
but then I lose the punctuation
@Luggage yea, I suppose.
end goal being that {name} and {food} will be replaced by a React Component and the others will just be wrapped in <span>'s and returned as an array
i see. so, yea.. just like a tagged template literal, except, i guess you need these to be strings..
I could tag them.
is there a "not-supported" user-intelligible standard error? Like the http server errors (404) or BSoD?
like.. the original strings are template literals.
(last one is arguable)
Anyone know of a way to make a function return something which denotes two branches in synchronous code. So, in simple terms I am requesting for synchronous version of promise without promisify etc.

One branch when results are return and another when error occurred
then you'd need the variables food, name, etc to be defined..
what I've got now
let name = ... ?
hello: TAG`Hello, ${name}!`
They could be placeholders, or references to the components..
that would be a big change
not too big, but I havent' sold myself on it either.
the simple strings placeholder should be doable, too, like you already are working on
> "hello {name}! do you like {food}? {food} is good." and I want ["hello ","{name}","! do you like ","{food}","? ","{food}"," is good"]
if only @KendallFrey were around
I'm sure he'd have a clever regexp
Tagged template literals have the weirdest syntax
all matches are either {[a-zA-Z]*} or not..
so...no template strings?
isn't the syntax ${}?
it is a dynamic replacement
Nah, tagged template strings
So you can change the values on the fly
these are to be resolved later. so either custom or tagged template literals, not normal template literals
oooo gotcha
I'm only using template literals in the start so I don't have to fuck with escaping quotes
easy life
quite frankly, I'm leaning towards using them for all strings in js
I've yet to come across a valid use for them outside of preprocessors
@rlemon Why?
why not?
I don't have to worry about conflicting quotes
easy life
is that a major concern lol?
plus if you ever need to print a new line
Seems like unnecessary abstraction
but... what's the harm?
@Loktar if I have one convention that always works, why not
it's free.
provided the rest of your team knows about it lol
I am a team of one
he is his team
so I think he's good lol
template literals are fine to use anywhere. they are just a string
no different than 'foo ' + bar
one man army
@rlemon You team tells me you're a shitty boss. Always turning up to work drunk
I don't show up to work drunk, I just do most of the work at home while I am drunk
there is a difference
i swear most of the architecture gets done whilst drunk at a bar
yelling at each other about one way or the other
good times
Drunk for talking about code, sober for writing code. That's my motto :P
Feb 20 '15 at 15:38, by rlemon
code drunk, debug sober ™
touching myself when thinking about code touching myself when thinking about myself
then I turn inside out
do the hokey pokey?
I like marmalade.
The egotistical nerd
programming is the most fun you can have with your clothes on and the least fun with your clothes off
@derp you're freaking me out, I keep thinking you're mosho
@derp That depends entirely on your parallel processes ;)
@derp tuples are super fun naked
my Canadian is leaking
ou is life
Merge Conflict
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
@rlemon, could you have a separate jsx file for the en and a separate jsx file for the fr? That way switching the languages would just be a matter of switching the component
<-- still a react noob so questions may be dumb
Doesn't everyone just use i18n for translations?
@tereško Stalkers :(
You aren't fooling anyone
@derp the idea I'm going with is that I have a root i18n component and I just provide it with a new prop for the translations
ahhh that makes sense
@Shrek what you did amounts to a company changing it's name and logo in order to get its past deeds forgotten
they're passed on the context, and the <T (text) component picks those up with the id for the lookup
problem I'm facing now is what if I want nested <T's for translations
but in your case, I dont think there were any transgressions you should have been running from
<T id="..." values={food:<T id="..." />} />
He killed a man just to watch him die.
const english = {
	common: {
		hello: `hello {name}!`
	question: {
		enjoy: ({ food }) => `Do you enjoy ${food}?`
	food: {
		cake: `cake`
@rlemon ^
yea.. I suppose..
... ;)
I would probably want to automate that translation to every term being a function
that's actually not a bad idea
If I was your stalker, you just said you were a stalker target. Probably mine.
thanks @Luggage
or you could just check the type
you can leave it as non-function for ones you don't have arguments for. check before you run
easier to just make them all a function no?
i feel dirty saying that in a dynamically typed language
no reason you need _ => 'cake'
not a big reason not to have it tho? seems like it would simplify the entire ordeal
either way.
it would make the i18n file harder to read :/
as in, my current build-languages.js could just transform everything I have into a method
you can support all 3. string, tagged template literal, function. :)
what if someone wanted to use hex values? :p
they can kiss my shiny horse ass
you should get to a vet.
I can't seem to find any article explaining this
Q: Why isn't $\log(-1)=i\pi$?

AlyoshaReading http://people.math.gatech.edu/~cain/winter99/ch3.pdf, $\log(z)$ is defined as $=\ln|z|+i\arg(z)$. Looking on the Wessel plane, isn't $\arg(-1)=\pi$ (more generally $\pi \pm 2 \pi n$)? And $e^0=1$, so surely $\ln|-1|=0$, making $\log(-1)=0+i(\pi \pm 2 \pi n)$? My problem is that apparentl...

@towc Have you seen this? youtube.com/watch?v=Kix3JKn08OU
Or anything of the sort :P
Just popped up randomly, I'm not researching ;D
^ have seen other videos on it
flash drive scams are not uncommon
I knew a lot of crazy shit is possible and I'm not quite up to speed on hardware prices so the whole thing didn't even seem that unreasonable to me
I would not have thought that someone would actually be doing something like that
most of the ones I've heard of come from China
i'm not surprised in the slightest
@OliverSalzburg hey, it came from china, it must have been legit :P
yeah sure, I had some doubts, but I did honestly believe it was 2tb
let me see how much data actually is on the one I bought
I mean, selling a 16 GB drive as 2 TB is one thing, but going the extra length to have a controller that spoofs more space...
I am disgusted!
@OliverSalzburg the ones I've read about all spoof space
cheap/easy and doesn't kill your company rep
I try to buy trusted brands
not the worst I've seen either btw
So we've had 8 sprints, and I took over at sprint 4. Our average velocity before I took over was 49.3% (meaning we accomplished about half of what we committed to doing). Since I took over, I've brought our sprint velocity up to a company high 97.1% completion, with an average velocity gain of 17% per sprint, including a 72% increase in commitment.
So not only did we achieve what we wanted with much higher success, we accomplished more work per sprint at the same time.
Fuck I'm good at my job
Way to boss those sprints!
Are there any objects against using PGP for authenticating and communicating between a users approved devices. Each with its own keypair
lol this was such a scam. Turns out my 2tb usb has 172MB on it
@OliverSalzburg ^
oh a bit more, nvm
still not even 1GB

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