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Okay I am abandoning my project and gonna ask users to go use WordPress
@FlyingGambit there's no such thing as global/local css unless there's some additional precompiling going on
and sure, just embed codepen frames, that's maybe the safest way
The idea was to let users define some css which will get auto applied to their new pages
codepen blogs actually kinda do that
but it's precompiled in a way that it disallows for some bad things to happen, I think
have a look at them
checking them right now
@Sheepy TIL.
do you have some links that talk about this? I can't find any.
IE used to allow for css evaluation of js, but that was a long time ago
oh, this is interesting, never heard of this: diaryofaninja.com/blog/2013/10/30/…
Q: Execute JavaScript from CSS

M'hamedPart of the HTML page. <head> <title>Overview</title> <link href="mystyle.css" rel=stylesheet type="text/css"> I know it's unusual question, but is it possible to add a JavaScript code to mystyle.css ? Edit1: The HTML is generated by third party software that I have no control on it...

Interesting. Thanks!
someone like you can't even google?
I'm surprised
you took some beats recently
something on your mind?
when's the hackathon?
will you marry me?
march sounds good
I'll call my parents
I got an idea.
Phone your parents and tell them you're pregnant.
already have
tell its triplets
that would be a lie
it's only tweens
oh no, one of them is imperative! D:
you're naming your daughter haskella
lol little poo would be the boy
@littlepootis omg that's actually beautiful 0.o
hey guys
and gals
Did you just assume our genders?
Is there some reference guide with all acessibility options in HTML? So, like say, a button, I wish to know all possible aria options I need to include.
@Thaenor mdn
@BenFortune far from it
@Thaenor ARIA spec?
@Thaenor Most of us here are men anyways ... some boys
morning everyone
!!cowsay Good Morning
< Good Morning >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@littlepootis yis
Hey, guys, has anyone here used mustache.js?
WTF, thats a weird name for a library
no, because { looks like a moustache
We might as well wait for Armpit.js to pop out
@JoãoPaiva Heard of, never used
nvm, then, I'm getting a stupid bug that I can't get rid off so I was wondering if anyone had run into the same issue, but if no one has used it, there's no point :<
until you ask the question you'll never know.
@JoãoPaiva You should post your question
@AndroidDev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I was waiting for Ben to say !!welcome Joao
do i need server side app for working with firebase cloud messaging
Can someone star the message "Happy Birthday @KarelG " , so that both Karel and towc have the same no. of stars
can I run electron renderer with node harmony flags?
@towc executing js from css is actually a software bug and shouldn't happen
ofc it shouldn't
@FlyingGambit INB4 code smells
eh, ben ... apparently people is lazy to google at their own
Yeah, I'm going to start ignoring blatant vamping.
i just respond with " that's a googleable question/problem "
these aria things are a mess... remenber when you just had to write <button>Click me!</button>
you need more?
is there anybody familiar with FCM
do i need a server side app for FCM
all these acronyms. Are you talking about the firebase thing?
firebase cloud messaging
have you had a look at the documentation?
Is it possible to disable the "disabled" html attribute without removing it from an element? Something like this: <button disabled="false"></button> //not disabled
no, you have to remove the attribute tmk
^ this
the existence of the attribute itself is the boolean indicating that it is disabled
<input disabled /> is valid
1 message moved to Trash can
@IvinRaj: Don't spam your question all over chat. Especially not if you've just asked it.
Is it possible to simulate the disabled effect with a css class?
don't think so
it sort of is, but why would you want to do that?
1 message moved to Trash can
@JoãoPaiva Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
okay, I'm gonna have to ask you why you want to do this
I think you can actually, but it would be a mess
pointer-events ftw, but overall it is probably a bad idea
Okay, so here is my problem.
I have inherited lots of template views like this:
<input  {{#IsEnable}} disabled {{{/IsEnable}}/>
@BenFortune I am trying electron --js-flags harmony-async-await ./app but it is not working as planned
@rlemon doesn't work at my browser :o
both doesn't console log
get a better browser
Chrome v56 bro
@KarelG ... that's the point
@KarelG yeah... that's the point
god dammit what is wrong with chats this morning
The problem is if I use mustache conditionals outside attributes it doesn't work. So I was trying to solve it by creating a class that could simulate the disabled behaviour.
the chat lags at me
@JoãoPaiva what problem is this solving?
Because if I could replicate the behaviour with a class I could do something like this:
<input  class="{{#IsEnable}} disabled-class {{/IsEnable}}"/>
and this would work
why doesn't it work in the other example?
and what is this? mustache?
because the conditional statement is not inside an attribute
it's outside
and for some reason, it doesn't work in that case
what templating engine is this?
@JoãoPaiva What do you mean mustache conditionals outside attributes don't work
Mustache is a templating language, it deals with strings, it's not aware of the fact that you're generating HTML
Maybe the v8 they're building on doesn't support it yet
@MadaraUchiha My problem is if I define a template view like that and go get its text to send it to mustache, if I have it outside an attribute the string will be like this:
<input  {{=""#isenable}} disabled="" {{=""/isenable}}/>
@JoãoPaiva sure it does, if you use the conditional properly.
not sure what the hell you're trying to do with ="" stuff
    <button {{#isenable}} disabled {{/isenable}}>button</button>
should work out just dandy
Ergh. I am trying to figure out something with electron and webpack... how would you start up electron and load the resulting bundle, from whatever output location?
have webpack take in your template.html and output your index.html with your assets file already set
What do you mean by "assets file"?
the bundle.
the plugin he is talking about is: html-webpack-plugin
it makes html file (or uses a template) but will put in the output bundles for you.
@rlemon That's not something I do on purpose. The ="" appear if I try to do it with conditionals oustide an attribute when I get the text for that template to send to mustache.
though webpack and electron gets complex. I'm not convinced it's the right choice.
@JoãoPaiva then you're doing something else wrong
use jQuery
works fine for me
@corvid also use "main" in the package.json file to tell electron what to load. Is that what you were missing?
e.g. "main": "dist/assets/entry.main.js"
start with "electron ."
Note: everything I say is suspect. I've never used electron before, except to make a boilerplate.
a boilerplate I am not 100% happy with
Could someone dupe-hammer this please? (js) I wasted my vote on a "No MCVE" 😒
I don't have a dupe hammer.
Our Loktar in chats,
hallowed be Your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as it is on interwebs.
Give us this day our daily lesson,
And forgive us our exceptions,
as we also have forgiven our consoles;
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the jQuery.
@Cerbrus wtf she uses for ... in
Don't mind her... She's special
@KarelG Why is it bad?
@Luggage say that my development mode has hot module replacement. In theory, I think electron would be implemented sort of as a plugin to webpack, no?
How would you use for..of in that case?
a plugin? no.
lemme see your webpack config. what issues are you having?
did you turn on the electron output type?
for .. in enumerates also through the prototype chain. if an object has functions in prototypes, then you will get these functions too
@KarelG She has an object literal
if you still insist to use for..in, use hasOwnProperty to have certainty of the loop's variable
The OP didn't specify it they need inherited props or not
unless I misread.
it's about habit
@Luggage Well, I think more simply my goal is to pass some options that come from my webpack pipeline directly into a renderer function that will initialize the application, does that make sense?
I just lost interest halfway through that sentence
@KarelG You gave for..of as an alternative
How do you use that in that case?
@corvid no.
like what options?
Webpack builds initial client => passes index.html file location to electron plugin => electron plugin bootstraps and runs the application, loading that file
also, it's the main process that initializes a renderer
yea.. that's a main. Write a main.
just copy and paste that one. it's a simple start.
Are you making two bundles? one for main and one for the renderer?
nah, but the index.html file location will change based on the environment. For example, if it is development or has hot module replacement, it will be at https://localhost:3000/, otherwise, it will be at file://__dirname/dist/index.html
yea, put that logic in main. It's not webpack's job.
Maybe someone made a plugin that will auto-generate a main for you.. but then you lose the ability to put your own code in there, which you'll need.
wait, why would anyone use webpack with electron?
You generally wouldn't
there is nothing stopping your from doing it or making it wrong tho.
just an additional step that might not be required
@towc gotta use that react, man
19 mins ago, by Luggage
though webpack and electron gets complex. I'm not convinced it's the right choice.
react has nothing to do with it, jsut use babel if you want that
@MadaraUchiha: Can you have a peek at the docs edit history of this guy? A lot of his edits are rejected...
s/might not be/is definitely not/
the only reason I can think of is using webpack's hot-reload
hot reload for a client app? Does that even make sense?
same reason you'd do it for a web app, faster development
it IS just chromium, after all
@Luggage oh, I didn't think that's what hot reloads were for
@Cerbrus Doesn't look like foul play to me
His English just isn't that good, and his edits are partially incorrect.
They are so parts of the app can reload on the fly.
System is working as expected.
Okay, fair enough
Thanks for having a look :-)
@Luggage yeah, I would have thought the main purpose for that is so that users can have a quick fix for stuff
Nope. it's for development only
i just thought it was for annoying you while you are trying to develop
oh. I'll be damned
You could use it that way, perhaps, but that was not the intention or the common use.
well, if it was, I'd have imagined it would only work under a flag, not under the absence of a flag
just realized that SO has a new documentation thing
welcome to a few months ago
that's not new
i haven't used the main site for years
It's a huge clusterfuck of misinformation and terrible examples
You missed your chance to be part of the stampede involving any jerk who's read the jquery homepage adding docs.
I've been trying to moderate and cleanup the Arrow Functions page
man i would have enjoyed witnessing that
don't tell me participating in the docs gives you rep???
I sometimes have to revert changes that are just straight up shite
I don't understand that documentation thing
Cleanup on aisle STOP MAKING MY DOCS BAD stackoverflow.com/documentation/review/changes/…
oh lol wtf I just approved the change, didn't know I could do that
and apparently it counts?
That arrow functions page is my baby. I created it and wrote most of the beginning content for it. I don't let people fuck it up.
Sounds like a challenge.
The rest of docs can burn it a fiery clusterfuck of terribleness, but not my work.
do I get rep points for editing/writing docs?
@towc You get for upvotes on docs you write/edit.
@towc No, just satifaction
sounds nice :)
there's no brainfuck docs
It's not. the required maintanence to clean up the docs to make them useful is ridiculous. You could spend a full 6 months working full time to clean it up.
@OliverSalzburg solved ya edge issues ?
eh nick, what do you expect? Everyone can edit it
If you allow everyone to edit, a person with a different opinion simply edits it. No checks
It's not about opinions, it's about people just adding wrong shit because they want more rep
Maybe that's why you don't gamify documentation on a popular site.
Or they think documentation is a dumping ground for their weirdly specific and useless tutorials that they want to write, so you end up with walls of text with weird or bad information
Your effort may work better on MDN.
@ndugger teeeheeeeee
seeing "gamify" makes me pronounce the "gam" part like "ham" in my head... game-ify yo
where u from?
yo makes me pronounce your sentence like "durrrr (drool)". :)
@littlepootis the amount of times I got screwed up by that when my english was still very poor... youd laugh, for sure
I'll raise Haskella so she doesn't have to go through that
by the time she'll be my age, the language will be dead and she'll be clueless
like, even more dead
I'm pretty sure your kid will not have hair, just tinfoil.
@Luggage is that meatballs and a heart?
@rlemon she better damn not have hair
that's where rootkits thrive
please stop me if I ever decide to actually have kids
mmm meatballs
We won't need to. :)
god damn wife changed my pillow on me, and for a week now I've had the worst back pains.
wait, you're married now? :D
He's fake married
still counts
I performed the ceremony.
@KarelG I am here my child
@Loktar wait, ANOTHER KID?
actually, doesn't surprise me
@BenFortune ahh, i see you were there.
he needs many of them and they have to be strong, for the next fuhrer. No hidden message.
@rlemon LOL
what's going on anymore
those are ben's emoji
@Loktar doesn't even have to do the deed anymore. he just looks in a womans general direction and she's preggo
true story.
speaking from experience
@rlemon I wear shades now :(
@Loktar like Cyclops
I'm like the inseminating Cyclops
lol yeah exactly
remember the movie Orgasmo?
imdb.com/title/tt0124819 I haven't seen it in years, but teenage me thought it was hilarious
@KarelG Yes. I had stored a reference to console.info in another variable, but the function reference wasn't bound. This caused a TypeError when the function was invoked with multiple arguments. This is only a problem when the DevTools are closed, as the function apparently has a different signature then or whatever, I dunno
he starred in it
Luckily, I have advanced knowledge of alert-based debugging techniques from the olde days
It should be "Our Loktar who fart in chats..." shouldn't it?
oak hay
hi everyone
@YasinOkumuş Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar you impregnate ladies by looking at them?
not only ladies, that's the scary bit
has anyone read the Percy Jackson series?
now we know why you're pregnant
I'm about 2/3 through the first book
anyone who use ui-select with keyboard?
does it have any importance to use @charset ... on the top of css sheet ?
I was born pregnant
like @charset "UTF-8"
@towc my mother warned me about ladies like you
> However, there is no actual at-rule named @charset. When a stylesheet is actually parsed, any occurrences of an @charset rule must be treated as an unrecognized rule, and thus dropped as invalid when the stylesheet is grammar-checked.
fuck specs that has caused confusion
@Shmiddty unfortunately
lol that was a joke in the AF actually
sicne I had kids every 16 months or so 4 times in a row
girl that sat next to me at the office got prego as well
(not by my hand) but the joke was my sneezes made it happen
Of course not your hand. Man, public education has gone downhill..
@Loktar so when Loktar sneezes, he's cumming? Otherwise that wouldn't be possible
you must have a sensible nose
@HatterisMad that's our secret code for "I'm one of them"
@Loktar having another kid?
no thank god
I took care of that years ago
so the child your wife is pregnant with is... ?
lmao @littlepootis
@Shmiddty haha she isn't pregnant
!!s/pregnant/showing yet
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@loktar how many kids did you have?
that you know about*
room topic changed to JavaScript: Topic: JavaScript, ECMAScript. Read this: javascriptroom.github.io/rules. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | devdocs.io Documentation™ Helps. Room meta discussions: github.com/JavaScriptRoom/culture [ecmascript] [ecmascript-6] [javascript] [nodejs] [typescript]
@HatterisMad 4
lol that room name was making me uncomfortable
I can't live up to that
he had enough to hand them a console and let them splitscreen decide who is the best
JavaScript :: Loktar, Cyclops inseminator
he streamed on twitch once and now we have the baby boom
@Loktar everyone and everything is god
0 = ∞ = 1
@loktar do you ever take them to a bouncy castle and give them rubber weapons and yell out "There can only be one!" and come back later to see which one won?
haha not in a bouncy house
depending on the viewing angle, a mobius strip can look like a 0, 1, or ∞
!!afk reading
Or reproductive organs

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