We wrecked her in darts, I laughed at her, and when we were about to leave, she asked "So how do I pay?" Obviously meaning "How are we gonna split the checks" and my dumbass just blurts "Uh, it's called a fucking tab" and my boy's jaw dropped
Hi guys, quick question: what do you send from server to client as a cookie after authentication? Since I've read that the server should be stateless I can't send an arbitrary id so what?
@Ferus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so I sent a cookie to the client, which is not an id then that is sent back everytime without storing anything on the server except the session data, so how can I map the cookie to the session data? Do I need to some sort of hash-function or?
What I meant was I sent session key to server in which I have a cache objective taken from the database like { sessionkey: database.user.data } where the session key is the key and the data it maps to is the user.data
Rookie question.
I have a parameter being passed to a create view. I need to set a field name with a default value.
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Id)
I need to set this input field with name Id with a default value that is being passed to the view via an actionlink.
So, how can this input fiel...
It would probably be easier and faster execution wise to just go vanilla
The reason your jQuery function doesn't work is because your trying to attack the form with a load() which is used to query the system for a specific file.
If you'd simply used $("#branchUserId").val(''); inside the ready function providing the ID is correct in this context it would work
Is there anyone that's able to male a .js script work under Tampermonkey? I'd like to have a very basic introduction to making it work properly, I think the problem lies mainly in the wrapper. Maybe this is an OK question for the main site?
@Brandin well, not really, I guess? I know how to write a scrit, where to write it, it even marks as active when I open the intended page, it just does nothing.
I think I miss some crucial piece like, I don't know, <script> tags?