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the youtube stream was random..
I have some UI that are in a page by themselves in some cases, and appear in a modal in another area where it's an occasional, optional, use.
it's only been a day since they deleted their website
fair to say 'YP' will double check before running sudo again
for a week
their whole team should be fired for not checking the backups
and to think they were trying to claim they needed real hardware
i know.. and all 5 recovery tools failed... :s
suppose that is what $20 million investment gets you...
my personal site has more working backups than their prod site :\
it will be 2 today
but yeah, pretty much just a nightly push to s3
maybe they'll get a external team in to sort out the backups
heh, "try gitlab risk free for 30 days"
their backup strategies are all good, they just need to actually run them
risk-free... lol
hey, we use gitlab and we didn't lose any data. I'm betting all their big customers were fine.
cause nobody is buying gitlab for the web version
we use gitlab
and were fine
although we based in the UK
so was asleep when folders got deleted
Not all parts of GitLab was affected, it was mostly the pullrequests and that kind of data that was lost
The repositories were fine
I actually had to go through the same thing at my last job, when the filesystem went sideways and we had to restore the backups. Luckily we only lost a few hour's worth of work.
If repos were lost, they would be in such a shitstorm.
Not that people shouldn't have their own backups..
Also the repos would exist in like 200 places for any real client...
someday I will be a web developer
It would be essentially impossible to actually lose a repo like that lol
@Jhawins yea.. anyone serious would be able to recover, but still. If the code you store there is lost, you'd be questioning your choice of host.
eh, it's pretty easy for some dev to have pushed code and nobody else to have a recent copy, then their laptop dies or they leave or something
Oh yeah, leaving but not suing
I don't have a copy of every repo in the company
@ssube That's losing a small set of commits not a whole repo :P
@Luggage Indeed
But yeah..
what's the difference? either way it's unusable
if you've lost history, you're fucked
If you lost 5 commits you're fine.
If you lost history (the repo itself) you're fucked
Because no actual valuable data was lost it's mostly a joke to laugh at
master no longer matches prod, you start running into db mismatches, things get ugly fast
Why tf would it not match haha
or.. you lost a couple bug fixes you have to re-do
You'd have to have some seriously messed up workflow..
5 commits to master could be days worth of work
@Luggage Yea, seems worst case. Maybe a whole feature god forbid
yea. depending on workflow.
then your repo is well behind prod
@ssube That's called fucked up workflow.
you have to painstakingly recreate the schema changes
@Jhawins that's how git is supposed to work...
Not necessarily fucked up. some projects have more schema changes than others.
they encourage large rebase/merge commits onto a single branch
Be incremental, your first commit shouldn't be a completed multiple days feature lmao
to master
but master might just be accepted merges
possibly some big commits
very few people can commit to master in most workflows
Every project I have been on could survive a loss of a day or two of commits, but I can imagine it being a big pain.
losing those reviews and the merges could be pretty painful
Master will always be derived from another source...
Like no one should be committing to master lol
Can you dispatch an action in a middleware or will that cause some sort of weird loop?
... an action?
i mean, you can do stuff in middleware,
anybody used rclone.org or any other cloud-to-cloud (swift to s3) sync tool?
@KevinB I'll show an example
@Luggage okay, so my struggle was that webpack/electron bitched about sqlite. so now I've got electron running with sqlite and I'm going to try to make some crappy boilerplate and add back in webpack and gulp. you okay to review that later (no rush, and you can say fuck off) ?
as long as it calls next or sends a response, once, it shouldn't cause any weird looping
export default function authMiddleware(store) {
  return next => ({ type, payload }) => {
    if (type === UNAUTHORIZED) {
@ssube any good pulls recently?
@rlemon Damn.
@SterlingArcher in the tiny monsters? I haven't played in a week or two, been pretty busy irl.
@Jhawins Cassini is taking some nice pics
@rlemon sure
now that I wfh and don't ride the bus every day, I don't really play much
Well that's upsetting
i wanted to raid with you lol
ha, I need to spend some time runing folks
I can auto GB10 now thanks to @Trasiva and ive been getting sick runes
never really built a raid team and capped out around giants 8 for now
I was stuck in G8 till he optimized my mons. Vero, Ariel, Shannon, Bernard and Lushen
lol, he's obsessed with that shannon/bernard combo
i thought so too but my god, they're clutch
easy to get. great starting out dungeon team
now Tian has almost 30k HP and almost 200 speed thanks to my G10 team
that's pretty decent, I don't think I've gotten anbody past 185 or so
Get Bernie and Shannon, Vero, an AoE hitter, and Bella, and your whole team will be swifty in no time
Total game changer, and soon I'll be able to hit DB10 and start getting violent
efficient way to learn python from a JS background?
I have all of those lol, but replaced bernard and bella pretty early on with the dark equivs
Who replaced Bernie?
Arta prolly replaced bella?
nah, Arta doesn't def break
I've got about a dozen others who do
True, but he does have natural buff strip
yeah, that's why I built him as a tank and have a Woonhak in progress
Arta/Woonhak/Woosa can do interesting stuff
it's a metric shitton of def with massive shields and pretty consistent stun/debuff
I don't have Woosa, but I do have Chiwu, and I also got Woonhak the other day
Good for TOA
woonhak is like the spec ops version of tyron
haha ill have to get busy
he's not heavy on the damage, but hits all the time and keeps em down
man, calling into meetings is so much better for working
hey, I am aware that this is a javascript room but running into a stupid bash problem. Anybody familiar with bash?
yoo betcha
!!welcome Raja
@Raja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey :)
@SterlingArcher fuckin harsh
absolutely barbaric
like having your product bought by Atlassian
or hosting on gitlab
such dishonor
Hi all, real newbie at JavaScript here. I added Google Analytics code to my website to track eCommerce transactions. Everything is working fine. Except when I view a certain page (after a form post) on a mobile device. It is def happening on iPhone and I suspect iPad as well.
This is the line that causes the problem
ga('ecommerceTracker.linker:autoLink', ['mydomain.com'], false, true);
So here's the problem: I am running a jar installation on linux. The damn installation asks me to press 1, then "ENTER" 22 times, then 1, then 1. Now it will start the installation. I am trying to automate this installation. How can I pipe the keystrokes to my command? I tried (echo "1"; yes " ") | installmyshit , but that keeps entering indefinitely. any ideas :)? I was thinking to use "expect"
you can use expect, but yes is the one that emits forever
I would echo with newlines
@Tommassiov Still typing your question?
@KendallFrey Sorry, that is basically what is causing the problem, which looks like it is disabling my JavaScript
@ssube I tried this, which did not work lol jsfiddle.net/thjkhwzr
@Tommassiov Were you not going to ask a question?
but it looks so ridiculous that I don't even wanna do that even if it did work
@Raja (subshells) don't return their output, $(subshells) do
echo -n '\n' is a pretty funny construct, too
@KendallFrey So my question is why would adding ga('ecommerceTracker.linker:autoLink', ['mydomain.com'], false, true); to my page, affect how the existing Javascript was working
> console.log($.unblockUI);
output: function (e){i(window,e)}
The problem I have is on mobile device I can't see console
is there a way I can log the function contents?
@Tommassiov How does it affect it?
probably throwing an error and halting the script
if I had to guess
yeah blahhhh, I guess i'l just do expect :p (sorry If I seem a little bit uneducated with bash, just started maybe about 2 weeks ago)
it took me a couple years to work bash
about the same amount of time it took to replace it with python :D
omg... omg @KendallFrey im so sorry
For example my ajax calls aren't working
yeah my brother was telling me I should do this stuff in perl or python instead of bash
what do you think?
@KendallFrey . I hate myself. Snow angels.
do not use perl
it's a waste of time
python, however, would probably do it quite handily
it's just really bad at anything thread related
alright cool, so maybe I'l start taking a look at doing some of this stuff with python!
it's easier to test and far more modular than bash
just use node for everything
I was able to set up modules and unit tests in bash, it's not impossible, it's just... not worth it
!!should I get braces?
@Abhishrek All signs point to no
1 message moved to Trash can
@rolu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
In NG2, would it be possible to wrap your html into an app component to do Interpolation?

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>{title}</title> <---
<meta name="description" content="yoloyolo">
<base href="/">
<div header><app-header></app-header></div>
<div body><app-body></app-body></div>
<script async src="/main.bundle.js"></script>
@Abhishrek I got my teeth straightened and it messed up my jaw
@rolu seems like your meta shoudn't change, really
@Meredith I just realized my jaw is inner bent a little bit [childhood injury]
@ssube just an example =)
so its already fucked up xD. I'm considering getting it fixed
@rolu well, what I'm getting at is: your head shouldn't change (other than the title), your body should, and you can just wrap the entire body
pretty sure you can, at least
@ssube It's not an obsession, it's just in the early to mid until you have a better mon spread those two work wonders for a Giants team. Especially if you build Shannon with despair, it's basically extra stuns. Plus, with her glancing debuff, the giant can't stun you if he hits you with a glancing attack.
@Abhishrek My problem was that I have a small jaw and an extra tooth, which was why my teeth weren't straight to begin with
Then they straightened them, my jaw didn't have enough room, and now I have jaw pain
my teeth were too big for my mouth so they just pulled 4 of them
I have all of my teeth, even the wise ones. So many teeth.
too many, maybe
They didn't pull any of mine
But my back molars never grew in
Cuz there isn't space for them
mine were starting to turn sideways and shit. so they pulled a bunch and waited to see if they straightened out on their own
which they mostly did
enough that I don't care to get braces
Dont lie you canuck
We all know canadians lose their teeth by 13
just the front ones
their 13th game
I gotta get surgery to pull up my molars
@Meredith ouch, I have really fucked up teeth :(
hockey doesn't really take out molars
But I'm putting it off
I'd rather have tmj than go through that process
never lost teeth playing a sport. I did run into a tetherball poll full speed and knock out a tooth.. but I wasn't playing tetherball at the time.
just not looking where I was going
@rlemon I keep forgetting which side of canada you live on?
the right side
It's a miracle I've never lost teeth
near the bottom
Me looks at the map
thinks its pretty close to DC
then realizes its almost an India apart -_-
@SterlingArcher other than the tetherball poll, only teeth I've lost was bare-knuckle boxing with my brother.
@SterlingArcher lol
welp im officially going to hell
I don't think I can even post this meme here
@KendallFrey @ndugger . im doing it
it's so dank I have to
inb4 flags
@KarelG are you talking about ma codepen or is it a mean joke? :D
just delete it after
I love learning about people who love what I do
do you suggest cloud server or dedicated for chat website (socketio)
Mission is to handle too many users.
@user3304007 it doesn't matter, you won't be CPU bound
@user3304007 you mean as an error, or you want to handle them all?
latency between your servers and your datastores will be far more important
Even socketio is not making server usage, message.php sends the message to database.
just keep an eye on CPU steal time and IO wait
So SSD disks and the server lcoation play a big role, right ?
@user3304007 are you running HHVM, PHP 7, or something else?
@user3304007 not especially
you'll have to hit some crazy scale before you care about SSD vs HDD for things that won't fit into memory
@user3304007 what kind/how?
Social network
which is built on what stack, exactly? "PHP" is not an answer.
32 000 lines of php + mysql + javascript (jquery + nodejs)
PHP is always the answer
you're running both jQ and node, huh?
what's your low latency datastore for the actual chat? (mysql doesn't count)
for message.php (when sending messages)
no, the backend store for the messages themselves
or are you trying to run a chat app off of mysql?
its already done and completed :)
how can I send private message to you here
you finished the app before picking your cloud or stack?
@user3304007 you can't
please don't
@ssube what do you think about sqlite3 memory store
@rlemon watcha doin with it?
finished but not go in public, its in beta
real time monitoring
@rlemon I would use something a little more resilient, sqlite can get funny with that kind of write frequency, since it's a single file.
but that really depends on your scale
it's for an embedded application
one or two clients writing a half dozen data points, yeah, go for it
single proc writes to it
many read from it
some lock issues, but nothing destructive
that "many read" part worries me, sqlite is not great at having more than one client
I'm aware :/
but we're going forward with it for now
you want something really light that runs on the client, though?
doesn't need to be light, just needs to handle many writes and be fast
couchbase has some functionality like that, providing a sync back up to the master
for time series in general, influxdb looks to be the de facto right now
Can anyone help me out with a small piece of angular code?


I am trying to display the value in my model on the select control by default. it is not happenning. Any help?
@rlemon actually, have you considered statsd?
haven't considered anything
it's another process, but it's really good at quick number collecting
and you can feed those out to a few destinations
@Phoenix I love that you've cross posted this in here and the Java room
yeah don't get response for some questions. i don't know any Angular rooms :/
@Phoenix that's like going to the veterinary clinic to fix your car.
java and javascript have nothing in common but the name
and that angular can be compiled under either without changes :D
@SterlingArcher I don't see a problem here so long as they clean the contacts again and have removed the batteries
we "wash" pcb's all the time
I regularly wash my xbox controllers
it's easier to wash the cheetos out than ask for forgiveness
I've washed keyboards, usb dongles, adapters
are you on shitty life hacks?
lemon, did you play hotline miami? if so, how do you feel about the soundtrack?
@ssube played it a bit
don't remember
when I play games that don't require me to have to listen for cues I usually put on music or netflix
well, I linked part of the channel earlier, but youtube.com/watch?v=IM2YKO-SGek
but.. I'm listening to log
then... listen to that later? or never?
decided today was a good log day, I'm sick.
I'm not sure who log is, either
lamb of god
ohhhh, I was hoping you knew Kenny Loggins personally
Wait you know KLog?
we've all known klog in the biblical sense
> Well, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Borgnar that night in Caracas. It’s not for sale.
you're playing a dangerous giphy game there lemon
of course :D
what the hell is happening in here. Is it already friday ?
but... LAMB OF GOD!
it would be friday if I didn't have meetings tomorrow
@dievardump listen simon. you know better.
Seriously, I love that song
I know, I know.
I hope this song wins a Grammy over Disturbed. If disturbed wins a grammy for best heavy metal song for a a cover that has NO GUITARS IN IT I will flip out
Fuck the Grammys
Don't get me wrong the cover was beautiful, absolutely stunning, but it has no business being labeled heavy metal
Did you see the shit applause Ghost got last year for best metal of the year?
probably a good time to change the looks of my website a bit, if I want to get hired by anyone
It's a popularity competition
It has never had anything to do with the merit of the art
I don't know why, but I love making PDFs.
are you ok
export default function ChartList({worksheets}) {
    return <DataTable rows={worksheets}>
        <DataColumn header="Billing#" valueFn={row => <basic-link internal-destination={'worksheet/' + row.id}>{row.billingNumber}</basic-link>} />
        <DataColumn header="Page#" valueFn={row => <page-number-citation ref-id={'worksheet/' + row.id} />} />
        <DataColumn header="Discharge" valueFn={row => formatDate(row.dischargeDate)} text-align="right" />
        <DataColumn header="APR/SOI" valueFn={row => row.aprSoiChange} text-align="right" />
@SterlingArcher Square hammer is good
Like it's so unexpected for a good heavy metal song to come out in 2016
I can't get it to work regex101.com/r/0Lwhwb/1 :(
They make pills for that
that reminds me.. i need to take some pills

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