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@BenFortune Congrats and good to know that your real name is also Ben :D
Hello, guys.
nice @BenFortune do it
@Loktar maybe RT .. but mainly because they really dont like idea of new cold war ... or even a hot one
@tereško yea
I work with a former Russian he was worried about that as well
@BenFortune Nice, Ben.
@Loktar It's in the next country over, not sure if I want to move that far
ah lame
Not a big LoL fan either haha, I'll express my gratitude though, I'm not an asshole. Especially since the email was kinda personal and not your generic recruiter email
@Loktar since USA got pushed out of Syria, they have started looking for ways the threaten and/or punish Russia ... but that's just my uneducated assessment.
@tereško aye. But things are going to change regarding Russia.
hope so
uuuuuuh biden
so adorable
@towc you're too old for him
but I love him
don't tell me how to live my life
and look at the littlest trump <3
I just want to punch him
our future dictator
@KendallFrey It's working :) thank you for the help
@towc That's Eric for me. That face :S
well, him too
@towc does it make you mad to know he will always be more popular and succesful than you just for being born?
well, he'll be laughed at much more than me
yeah people know him
I feel bad for the guy
what's up with the kid actually?
it's not like he's jealous
I need to sort an array in DESC order by sub arrays length
[ [ 'match' ], [ 'arrangia', 'appuntamento' ] ]
"mdn array sort"
what have you tried?
just sort()
but I'm not sure if it makes the desired effect
so, you simply called yourarray.sort() expecting it to sort based on sub array length, in DESC order
I expected longest arrays up
in DESC order
that's... not what that method does with no args, it's in docs
oh, I see, the kid wanted to play videogames, but had to attend...
yeah I imagine it would be boring af
how old is he/she?
is making a protein shake with yams retarded and disgusting?
time to find out
wtf? The american flag can have the stars in different dispositions?
if it isn't accurate, sure
sort() does the opposite effect (ASC) :/ jsfiddle.net/2ukq84x3
well, yeah, that's what it's supposed to do.
how can I invert it?
just call .reverse() after
it works thank you guys
look what happens when you have arrays with 10 or more items

I just want to inform you that we are interested in your profile picture on Github for the Sony bill board advert,Send an email with a copy of your current picture too  for more details about the bill board advert.

Thanks For your co operation.


Will Colton.

Pearl Model Management
Received that on github..Am I really that good looking? ^
what's your github
also, don't do it
Github profile
What if its my only chance at being a top model??
what if they put you in a VD add
i have problem in angular material template
@towc lol are you talking about previous flags?
Hmm what if..then I would be super famous!
i have change menu but it's cant effect in browser
now I have another problem
var obj = {
	brown: ['a'],
	blue: ['a','b'],
  	red: ['a'],
	lime: ['a','b', 'c'],
	orange: ['a','b'],
Or maybe I should reply GTFO
if i'm delete any menu but not show effect in broser
how to apply it to this
"js sort object"
please help me
@neoDev google how to loop over an objects keys, then once you can loop over the keys you can call obj[key].sort(fn)
@KevinB can you help me to understand it logically?
@neoDev objects cannot be sorted.
it is a sort of scores
I'll need to pick up the winner and show others DESC
I am very confused
use an array
Q: Sorting JavaScript Object by property value

SteerpikeIf I have a JavaScript object such as: var list = { "you": 100, "me": 75, "foo": 116, "bar": 15 }; Is there a way to sort the properties based on value? So that I end up with list = { "bar": 15, "me": 75, "you": 100, "foo": 116 }; I'm having a real brai...

is he trying to sort the values in the objects properties, or is he trying to sort the object keys?
sort DESC by sub-arrays length
you can't
read what Kevin said then
I'm reading it
I have to handle a rogue developer and idk how to do it
cut off access, wait a day, ask if they're working
@SterlingArcher "rogue" ?? as in ?
As in adding tickets to the backlog that are ungroomed, and bringing them into the sprint without my or the product owners consent, ignoring the priority list laid down by the customer
give them a shitty job until they learn a chain of command
or just straight up tell them that if they value their job they'll stop fucking around
anyone have idea about anguler material template
@rlemon bs no one actually does stuff like that in real life
i used it once in the distant past, but no
@rlemon that's about what I need to do. It's so frustrating
@Mosho I have in retail. but I was managing a bunch of kids
retail :|
@SterlingArcher you need to sit with him and explain it calmly
if he doesn't improve after that you should talk to your superior as I assume you're not an executive and can't actually threaten to fire someone
not that you should either way
@SterlingArcher you don't play games, right? U got classy shit to do
Fun fact: Donald Trump is the 44th person to be President Of The United States
@KevinB it doesn't work jsfiddle.net/2ukq84x3/1
return a[1] - b[1] doesn't do what you want it to do
I emailed my project manager asking for guidance
you wanted to sort by sub array length didn't you?
@Jhawins define "classy" lol
ok so
return a[1].length - b[1].length
a[1] references the first item in the sub array, you want the sub array's length
wait, no..
a[1] IS the subarray
then it should work just as well as the old one you had did (well until you have sub arrays with more than 10 item)
@SterlingArcher Not playing Forza with me
more than 10, why?
because "2" > "10"
@KevinB They are not strings.
I'm lost...
it's complicated
I cannot figure it out
!!> ([]).length instanceof Number
@Jhawins false
Oh are they?
lmao stupid jhawins... instanceof lol
so here what do I have to change exactly?
var obj = {
	brown: ['a'],
	blue: ['a','b'],
	red: ['a'],
	lime: ['a','b', 'c'],
	orange: ['a','b'],

var sortable = [];
for(var key in obj){
	sortable.push([key, obj[key]])
sortable.sort(function(a, b){
	return a[1] - b[1]

!!> typeof ([]).length
@Jhawins "number"
"god god god"
Imagine the fuss if someone read from the Qur'an
Both equally wrong, form my view.
['a'] - ['a','b'] -> NaN
please anyone have idea about angular material template ?
i have issue in menu
this "sky wizard" junk is embarassing.
> "I'd like to thank Santa Claus"
@KevinB please can you show me how to do it
@Jhawins oh lol yeah I don't play much video games
!!welcome km8295
@km8295 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SterlingArcher lol fine
I am trying to change it in any way without luck
@neoDev Put a console log in your return, console.log(a[1], b[1]). Look at what you are trying to subtract.
!!> [1, 2, 3] - [1,2]; // nonsense
@Jhawins "NaN"
yes but I am not figuring out what return does
and what to put on that line
"mdn array sort"
It returns NaN every time. We help people learn to code here, we do not code for people.
i.imgur.com/8YjcliJ.gifv > omg don't cry don't cry don't tell mom, you're fine. don't cry.. fuck I'm in shit
I unhid the youtube chat for 2 seconds. I'm starting chemo next week.
     function Restore()
            canvas = document.getElementById('can');
            ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
            w = canvas.width;
            h = canvas.height;
            const img = new Image();
            img.src = "images/my-file-name (2).png";
            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
How can I load that image before drawing?
@rlemon The terror is real when you're trying to comfort them.
@Mr.Toxy you already know
oh right hahaha
i think that live chat is taking all my bandwidth
figured out
sortable.sort(function(a, b){
	return a[1].length - b[1].length
@Luggage I'm watching it through CNN, no issues.
you could probably eliminate the .reverse()
i need DESC
so reverse the comparison
@Loktar I hope you're watching this, you filthy Jesus looking wannabe.
It's the same thing as long as you don't have tie breaker conditions...
let's see if trump can get through his oath without a rant about Rosie O'Donnell.
or winning by a "landslide"
Let's see if the room can get through it without throwing shit at each other haha
I'm shitting at you. At him. :)
This should be interesting.
talking shit about our president is a US pass-time.
bush is a moron, obama is a muslim, etc.
Lol oh man I saw a good one this morning about Bama
Ignore politics, enjoy dank memes
Well more about general incompetence of the public
> With midnight regulation, Obama Energy Department just outlawed your three-way bulb
@SterlingArcher I don't get it.
Lol the comments on FB are rich. People think Obama banned the concept of the 3 way light bulb
There's memes going around making fun of Obi-Wan when he says "It's over Anikan, I have the high ground"
So the new meme trend is "high ground" memes
Is it just me, or does trump look like he REALLY doesn't want to be there?
Would you? I'd be bored.
@Trasiva Today is the day for assassination fears, isn't it?
@SterlingArcher I like the memes where anikan says "no one can kill a jedi" then kills all the jedi
I'd be venervous on a hundred different fronts.
@Jhawins Considering the security and their location? Not even remotely.
I think it'd be hard to assassinate here.
s/hard/borderline impossible/
gosh everyone's so unimpressed
@Trasiva Outside?
He is outside.
A .50 from a rooftop half-way across town, maybe.
^ lol. It can be done!

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