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@KendallFrey Good idea, is T always exist in this format?
@Abhishrek yeah. How did you enjoy your time so far? You've been on the east coast, right? Near DC?
I don't know what "this format is", but I would say that's likely
@GNi33 Yep also in seattle. Compared to India
Oh, how was seattle?
Do you have an American accent when you go back to India?
someone told me to predefine the variable type of a function i should use this format:

function myFunction(string myString) {}
I just got back from my 3 months in Orange County / LA.
is that right?
@KendallFrey I have always had that :(
Its like going to a 22 Core Xeon with 4 GTX 1080s on SLI from a Pentium III with on board GPU :P
@Pigman168 Please tell us which language you're talking about when you ask a question that's not about JavaScript in this room.
@Abhishrek Are you saying India is slow and laggy?
@KendallFrey No, my desktop is in the US.
oh lol
@KendallFrey Yea that's what I thought, it was supposed to be javascript but I think I was misinformed
Yeah that happens when I go to the US
Not those specs though but with the internet here ugh :/
@Pigman168 that's definitely not JS
probably PHP
Also I am culturally in capable of being in either country :'(
Have you tried Canada?
but that might have to do with the fact that I never made it outside my room ...
@GNi33 But I would like to know how to correctly do it in JS
@KendallFrey I was about a swim away from Canada in August
@Pigman168 you don't. There are no fixed types in JS
Quite honestly I can't tell the difference between US and Canada
@Pigman168 How to do what? JS isn't statically typed, so you can't use static typing
@MohamedAhmed It's simple, first you start by taking the local time zone into account...
Oh, thanks for the info then hehe @GNi33 @KendallFrey
@Abhishrek Canada is the US but modern and with culture.
shots fired
Although I loved it over there, I really learned to appreciate Europe again
My serious thoughts though

- People are really nice and helpful, atleast, the ones I met, and things are more accessible in the 1st world. I don't have to be clueless about getting anything, its usually a google search away.

- Food is better although for the first 3 weeks I felt like I am eating cereal without milk or sugar.

- Air is clear and that made a huge difference when I came back.

- Driving a car is actually possible.

- Internet.
> On Saturday 14th 2017 at mid-day we became aware of unauthorised access to certain log files for YouTrack InCloud accounts. This was a result of a series of coordinated attacks against certain services worldwide and not specifically directed at JetBrains or YouTrack. Unfortunately due to a recent error in configuration, our services were also compromised.
So, an open MongoDB?
Couldn't make it to Canada sadly, but I'll definitely go one day
@Abhishrek give Europe a try as well :)
@GNi33 Does russia count as europe? :3
depends on where in Russia
@OliverSalzburg A "recent" error? Colour me unconvinced.
but I can't talk about Russia. I'm talking more "central to northern Europe"
Moscow would technically be Europe, yes
I want to but getting a Visa for anywhere is PITA, also I am on an Indian salary :P
@KendallFrey you're east coast Canada as well, right?
Not what I would consider east coast
@KendallFrey I hope the level of quality in their security is higher than that of their software we're using
ah, yeah. not really coast. eastern canada is what I was trying to say
In Canada it's easier to use province than east-west. Canada's so large that "east" is still an area the size of Europe
yeah, absolutely
So you can say a province name, or "Maritime", or "Northern"
me being an arrogant Austrian, I pretty much only know Ontario and BC
eh okay, I at least heard about most of the others
Given that Quebec doesn't count, that pretty much covers it :P
haha, I actually never heard about Nunavut. That province is freaking huge, but I guess not too many people actually live there
It's technically not a province
it's a territory
The three northern territories are pretty empty
2 million square kilometers
37.000 inhabitans
How big is India again
3.287 million km²
@GNi33 thats heaven :P
Do you have more than 37,000 inhabitants?
Your mom: 510M km², 7.4B inhabitants
haha!! :D
@Abhishrek not if you like warm weather, it's the arctic after all :P
Methods that works with array-like object != Methods that work with iterable object.
Example: Map is iterable, but not array-like. NodeList is array like but *used* to be non-iterable.
guys, I want to install package in atom
as such there is no such option of preference in edit
can anyone help me for an option to install package in atom
Ctrl+ it is increasing my font size
I found an option in File->Settings
looks like docs are not updated
you don't actuall press ctrl and +, you press ctrl and ,
@GNi33 That seems confusing
Ohh yes
it worked !!
yeah, it's a weird shortcut
Don't you have a Ctrl+, key on your keyboard?
@OliverSalzburg Nope
@OliverSalzburg jokes on you, I don't even have a ctrl key
:( No Unicode shenanigans either
do you guys use atom for react native programming ?
I don't use atom
what tool do you use
mostly PHPStorm now
I don't do react native programming
for JS I still use sublime mostly
let me find some video which can help me to code react native program in atom
Hello guys
do you know why im an error here jsfiddle.net/xbuppd1r/13
Uncaught TypeError: val.search is not a function
@Unmecparla val is probably not a string in your case
val return Assets.Code.Editor.Helpers.SimpleCardDataExporter+SimpleData, Assembly-CSharp-Editor
in my json
@Unmecparla oops your jsfiddle doesnt throw that error in console.
@Unmecparla Why are you using jQuery to wrap an Array to get its length?
i have update jsfiddle
but no work too ..
i don't understand why no error
Because you use jQuery but you didn't include jQuery?
@Unmecparla jsfiddle.net/xbuppd1r/22 Is this better? At least I get the error now.
setting, include jquery
ho great thx
@Unmecparla I think this is what you want: jsfiddle.net/xbuppd1r/26
hello, can i ask about footable here?
@ShiraIshikawa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Unmecparla Judging from your data, you may want to skip checking non-string attributes.
anyone know how to get row from footable?
kinda stuck here
i need to get row instance from the table when i click a link in the row
@ShiraIshikawa $( table ).on( 'click', event => console.log( event.target.closest( 'tr' ) ) /* Clicked row */ )
@ShiraIshikawa if you are listening to the event, it's usually in event.target.parentNode.parentNode ... (depends of your row structure)
just put tr = event.target; while(tr != null && tr.tagName === 'TR') tr = tr.parentNode;
well, i managed to get data from the row
i'm using this
1 message moved to Trash can
@ShiraIshikawa Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@KarelG .closest is a DOM function that can help you.
new stuff :P
ES6 right ?
need to be used with that
$("table").on("click",".detail",function(e) {
			$(this).parents('tr:first').each(function(index, tr) {
				var values = $('td', tr).map(function(index, td) {
					return $(td).text();
@KarelG DOM is not EcmaScript.
i managed to get the data using that code
but failed when i do checking using values instanceof FooTable.Row
@ShiraIshikawa Why would values, a js array, be an instance of the rows attribute of a table, an HTMLCollection?
I mean, what do you want to check?
well, i want to check if the row i get is insstanceof FooTable.Row
Do you know what instanceof mean? I think you want to check "part of" instead of instanceof?
so i can update the table's row using new data in values
well, i'm kinda stuck, so i just throw that there
because i don't know how to get the table's selected row instance
@ShiraIshikawa $("table").on("click",".detail", function(e) { var row = this.closest( 'tr' ); } );
thank you, i'll try it now
@UsmanHayatKhan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
need help in ajax response issue
i need to convert inputstream response to file
Q: Convert ByteArrayInputStream to file from Ajax.response

Usman Hayat KhanI am receiving ByteArrayInputStream type response from server side now i need to convert that inputStream to file and open that to new tab of browser.File may contains image file (JPEG , PNG ,GIF) or PDFdocuments Here is the server side java code which return inputStream response String conten...

if any one have any knowledge about this kindly help me thanks
@Unmecparla A non-jquery version that check only text: jsfiddle.net/xbuppd1r/27
@Sheepy well, that returns the tr's html
what i'm trying to do is something like Editing : -> editRow in this example : fooplugins.github.io/FooTable/docs/examples/component/…
@OliverSalzburg breaking changes, probably
@BenjaminGruenbaum It has since become a bit clearer: github.com/nodejs/node/issues/10825
I am currently baffled by the empty statusText issue in XHR again. When I perform an XHR against an HTTP/2 backend, the statusText of the XHR response will be empty in Chrome and Edge, but it will contain the expected data in Firefox
AWS support tells me that it is likely to be related to the browsers implementation of HTTP/2 extensions
And according to MDN, the property shouldn't be empty
@ShiraIshikawa You mean you want the index of the row?
$("table").on("click",".detail", function(e) { var rowIndex = $( this.closest( 'tr' ) ).index(); } );
@Sheepy i don't know how to word it, but on editRow : function(row), the var row in the function have all the selected table's row data, and i want to be able to get data like in that var row
Sorry I have to stop my try here.
@Sheepy yeah, i'm getting more and more confused, so i'll just pass the id i get from tr dr and refresh the whole table
thanks for the help
@ShiraIshikawa $("table").on("click",".detail", function(e) { var rowData = $( this.closest( 'tr' ) ).children().map( td => td.textContent ); } );
One more try
@Sheepy hahaha.... I'm sorry but i didn't work too
Too bad. I though I finally understand the question :p
the var row (object type i think) should be represent the selected table's row, so when i change the value in the var row, the table's row value also changed
that's what i understand from how it behave, but i'm still reading the .js file, trying to figure out how it works
I don't think you can create a "live update" object without some fancy (read: complex) tricks. The normal way is to update the cells' textContent one by one with code.
morning everyone
Can I say "We share 21 friends in common." to mean "We have 21 mutual friends?"
Yes. I think it is better to say we have x friends, rather than we share x friends
@Sheepy Well, that's what happen in Footable, so i'm a bit interested how it works (though i'm stuck now)
@ShiraIshikawa That depends on whether it is doing live update or it is simply copying the values after you are done. The later is the normal way. The first usually imply getter and setter.
@Sheepy well yeah, looks like it just copied the value from the form, but how it can found the correct row without id or class in the row's tr dr is still a mystery for me
@ShiraIshikawa closure?
@Sheepy okay, thanks for your help :)
Thx, linguist.
@Luggage Hey buddy, good to see you.
I need to learn how to make a quarrel in English. That would be embarrassing if I don't know what to say when I'm mad at someone. And, it's late into the night. see u guys tomorrow. Bye.
argh.. I hate when a branch has some updated dependencies from master and I have to switch back and forth.
Jesus, this place sure empties out on MLK day.
anyone else have to work today?
everyone not living in America
It's Monday, so... yes?
So are my American colleagues
i'm in the us, and i still have to work
i thought most places in the us gave mlk off...
Maybe if you work for the government.
We're seven people and all of our clients are closed today. We could have closed, but we don't.
@Luggage i DO work for the government!
or if your name is Martin.
Man, we got fucked over hard with ice this morning.
sounds refreshing
Not really, it took me 15 minutes to drive a mile.
is it me you're looking for?
guys I got a question. You definitely should not use async within a promise function, right?
I can see it in your eyes!
@corvid why not?
I am trying to draw D3js radial stacked bar chart but it uses 2 csv files. I uploaded them in JSfiddle but in firebug it gives errors about a semicolon, as if it cannot recognize it as csv file. What do I do wrong or how can i use csv files in JSFiddle?
@rlemon actually..
most of us have to work still
gov positions and schools get MLK day but not a ton of businesses
and depending where you live for schools even
@Loktar Which doesn't contradict what he said
in Nebraska the kids never got it off
sure, he asked if anyone else had to work today. everyone not living in America is probably still a pretty good answer
@corvid async IS a promise function. ( a function returning a promise)
@Loktar phrasing
Also everyone in the US
but in all seriousness only gov + schools really get MLK off
@Luggage no I mean like return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { /** ... */)
@corvid ohh, yea. That's wrong.
It could probably be made to work, though.. just make sure resolve and reject are called and ignore the fact that it also returns a promise.
I think.
Loktar Ogar
I think it does work, but it seems like unnecessary overhead... Just try adding the async to the babel transpiler and the LOC goes up a lot
@Vlad :)
can Timeline tab in chrome dev tools use source maps when inspecting main thread looking for js performance issues? or test environment should have source files as it is without minifying/uglifying
are you using "awaits" in there?
o/ @Loktar
@corvid why is LOC an issue? You should minify the result
yeah, right now I poll at some interval and resolve if something is true
I am trying to draw D3js radial stacked bar chart but it uses 2 csv files. I uploaded them in JSfiddle but in firebug it gives errors about a semicolon, as if it cannot recognize it as csv file. What do I do wrong or how can i use csv files in JSFiddle?
also why use Promise when you can use async/await everywhere
@Rovak That's like saying why use JavaScript when you can use Node.js?
an async function is kinda like a promise itself
Yeah, but how do you "resolve" an async function? You need a promise
you resolve it by returning a result
@Rovak An async function returns a promise. It's not complicated.
an async function returns a promise, so wrapping that in a Promise constructor doesn't sound right.
@KendallFrey i know, webpack can transform them to bluebird promises
kinda like a Task in c#
what if you have a setInterval, for example? That's my use case where I am using a Promise instead of async
1., you probably don't want setInterval or you risk it getting backed up
could you post the code including the setInterval?
2. You just wrap your setInterval (or setTimeout) in a Promise contructor, then use all plain promises or async/await around that.
If this it the polling until you get a result form before, you want setTimeout promisified and then it's all promises from there (Promise.race to handle the timeout)
There's no shame in promisifying legacy callback-based APIs
It really helps reduce code smell
There is shame in not doing it. :)
new socks. I feel luxurious
If you use setInterval to START a polling and the polling is delayed at all, you will get to the point where you have multiple outstanding polls in-progress at once.
@Rovak Sure, but it's too long for chat room (21 lines), so here is a gist
You want to poll, then wait for success or fail (or a timeout) and then poll again.
Basically, the asset does not exist immediately, and it wants to poll and return when the asset does exist
@HatterisMad about the darkyen00 loktar00, darkyen was taken so following the chosen one's example I switched I added 00 to my name. Thats pretty darn unique.
yeah yeah i get it, loktar00 was taken so you had to switch to darkyen00
If however, darkyen00 is taken, I shall then increment in as a 4 bit int. @HatterisMad daryken was taken.
subscribe to something like "assets:${assetId}:created" in your real-time channel
@rlemon Have you watched The OA on Netflix yet?
so i broke drupal at work, i have to wait for the boss to get in so i can get access to the php error logs and the database to revive it and continue working
@Luggage The back end team is supposed to be implementing that but have not done it yet :\
So I had this thought, suppose someone creates a neural network with sufficient bandwidth and processing power. And gives it just one goal to survive, and then start exposing it to the normal world. When it fails to survive, the next generation just follows basic genetic mutation. And we show it at very high speed data of how parents take care of their children. Will this system become an angsty 13 year old?
@Abhishrek sure, but you need the right structured network. Either copy off of an animal or learn that, too
@HatterisMad Is Drupal making you want to sit down and cry yet?
@Abhishrek implements genetics, mutations
@Luggage I was wondering what stops us from the learn that too part.
Have you seen the things where ANNs play video games give only the display as the input?
@Luggage thats very simple :(
@Trasiva i am honestly wondering if this project will cost me my job
I have done similar things :D, the input is very biased :P
bullshit. It's as complex as anything. can you make an ANN that drives around the GTA V world?
@Luggage does gta 5 has an API ?
I think video games are a good way to learn. You have any level of complexity you want.
That's the point.. you don't use an API, you use the rendered graphics only.
most of the examples I have seen so far
filter the input in some manner
(like the one that plays mario games)
There is a cloud service where you can have AI play games given only the the graphics input (maybe audio)
@HatterisMad Jesus, is it really going that awful?
@Trasiva i am ftp'ing into the server without proper permissions so drupal cant see the changes until file permissions get manually overriden
Video games can be a stand-in for training in a simpler environment (e.g. microscopic world or bacteria)
@Trasiva with drupal 8 they converted caching to be done in the database so any change needs to be recached before you will ever see it, recaching is convincing the browser and drupal that they both have the newest version and need to save it
@HatterisMad ...what the fuck?
> by looking at screen pixels and operating a virtual keyboard and mouse
@Trasiva this process can take up to an hour for them to both update properly even for a minor css change
You might need to take an hour or two and come up with a strong presentation for an alternative route to take.
@Trasiva this is with all of the caching settings disabled in drupal btw, on friday before i left i must have created a php error and it cached it immediately into the database and i don't have access to the db or error logs as my boss was out of the office
so i haven't been able to work since like 3pm on friday
just have a blank white page
Yea, at that point I'd be recommending something else.
@Trasiva already have and my boss wasn't too happy cause he has been using drupal seemingly since it has existed and all of his clients stuff is in drupal
he has been super cool and willing to hear me out on every other project and switch to stuff like node and react and whatnot
Well, bully for him. Drupal is great for the ignorant who don't know what they're doing. It's -awful- for devs.
but when it came to this project he stuck his foot down and it is going to be drupal one way or another :/
havent tested it
he is a good backend dev, so i guess drupal helps him not have to write front end code, my best guess on why he is so adamant at keeping it
@Rovak ah okay, that does make sense, thanks for taking the time to look at it, by the way
but then what was the point of hiring me if you refuse to utilize my skillset
I may be interrupting, but can anyone tell me what is the easiest way to edit and append a local word document with html canvas image hosted on a local php server, all this using JS?
@TNT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so until my boss comes in today i will be working on a warlords inspired game in react, or trying to create a react native app for league of legends chat client
You're fired.
that would be my luck
@HatterisMad sounds like fun
> Sorry Hatter, you can't get the one job I wanted you to get done despite you being clear about the issues and reservations you had with this project. Buh bye
ehh, out of the last 3 months i have worked here, this has been the first issue i have had at all with anyone here.
even then the biggest issue is that i don't have all of the access to the server i need to do my job
and that was because he had to go out of town and rushed set up a server and gave me ftp privileges and left
why the hell don't you have a user with the necessary permissions to do your job?
trust issues, time, lack of disaster recovery,
and is this a test server?
what kind of a website is this anyways? cloning the server and developing on, let's say, a vagrant box is not an option?
time, and yes a non production server
@Rovak totally works! And very readable, thanks so much for the help
@corvid you're welcome!
allowed me to reduce the poll progress down to only ~5 lines vs like 20, and makes a lot more sense too
@Trasiva no but Holly has
@corvid @Rovak his version doesn't do the timeout you initially wanted the other day, but can be easily changed to
@rlemon Definitely recommend it, it's hard to turn off once it gets going.
He wanted it to timeout while waiting for a polling result.
not just between them
Yeah, I wrapped it in another function that you and kendall recommended using Promise.race
noob question here, but I've never used streams before (I'm in node)... I'm doing a POST request and I get a stream in the body. How do I read that?
you probably wanted the promise.race at around: gist.github.com/Rovak/…
well, whateer. if what you have works..
Main site's down for maintenance, fyi.
thanks @KendallFrey but I'm still a bit clueless... that snippet doesn't even work :(
which snippet?
which main site
Back up now
mm, bitching at Tom Scott on Twitter
@ndugger how's the search going
@Luggage I think it's not necessarily around the response there, it's more like "this should not poll for more than 10 seconds, or something has gone wrong"
whew, busy morning
One of my spotify playlists is too big to download :|
2767 ska punk songs
well, at that point you could call it a library
What is a sexy way to iterate through an array in reverse order?
@corvid That mutates the array
oh yeah, forEach
for (const i = arr.length; i > 0; i -= 1) { const item = arr[i] }
not that glamorous though
@corvid That's not sexy. But I'll accept it ;D
Idk what you guys are trying to do
@Jhawins Slicing! Good thinking!
Not efficient thinking lol.... But yea
@Jhawins Can you do me a favor? Slice your slice, and then slice each one of those slices into a slice that I can slice?

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