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@Unmecparla There are many things wrong with the code. It's like a Frankenstein assembled wrong. You may want to start with a proper js tutorial,slowly, to better understand what you are doing.
Yes I think to do this, thank you for your answer
@david I had made the incorrect assumption that that was supposed to be a working example of the error
@monners :(
people seem to hate making it easy to help them
Hard to blame them when there are books that claims to teach you JavaScript in a day. Or a month. Instead of a year or ten.
learn to code in 24 hours...
And don't forget Learn Git(Hub) without any code. I'd wager that, to the average user, typing command is typing code.
each hour followed by 4 hours of head scratching, 3 days of swearing, a few weeks of productivity, a few months of perfecting, and then a few years of realising that 90% of the stuff in that hour wasn't quite right
Nothing beats finding a good mentor
yeah, github was quite the learning curve
There are code courses in China and India that promise high wage programming job after you finish the course. You only have to pay a few months of that high wage upfront.
Theses months long crash courses accomplish that claim by booting anyone who can't keep up. They may spend a few days on JS before moving on to jQuery and jQ plugins.
It's borderline scam if you ask me.
sort of ok with the ones that don't charge anything, or exempt unemployed people from paying
i'm sure the teachers earn more than the students. Perhaps combined.
So i'm watching The Shallows -- pretty good for a shark movie so far
anyone know what's the current performance of for of
@Mosho Don't worry about performance of loop syntax. Worry about Big O and how easy it is to read and maintain.
@Sheepy really? my impression was that lecturers get a rough deal at these private establishments
!!> console.time('for of'); for (var i of new Array(1000000)){}; console.timeEnd('for of');
@david "SyntaxError: invalid for/in left-hand side"
@FilipDupanović Well, the managers then. I never attended them. I know it because we used to get daily help request from students who can't catch up, before the chinese forum decides to commeracialise its assets and kicked all us moderators.
weird, that works in the console
@david "TypeError: console.time is not a function"
you're not being very helpful bot
Caprica is not a full browser afterall. She is better than JavaFX's browser, which doesn't have console, alert, or prompt.
@Sheepy I've been here for years, there's no need to go all generic
@Mosho In that case it's on par with iterator, because that's what for of uses.
Anyone know the technical term for the item a tag points to? I looked into anatomy of an HTML element, and the results only refer to it as a tag. I'm referring to items like b, div, a, input, etc.
@Enteleform Any example?
I think a more useful response would be "It is x times slower than a for loop using an index"
i don't know what x is though, and i'm too lazy to make a test
That depends on what is being iterated over... for a map it's faster than index loop. for a dense array it's slower.
for a simple array, stop being obtuse :P
I usually assume too much. I try to assume less when I can :P
Good morning javascrippters
@sheepy The reference that the tag is pointing to. For example <input> or <div> . What is the "type" or "object" that each of those tags is referencing?
anyone with nodejs here ?
@Sheepy for example, a year ago a for of in a function would cause V8 to avoid any optimization of that function
don't know if that's still the case
@Enteleform an element? a node?
@Enteleform Ok. HTML has elements, nodes, comments, and a few other structure that nobody cares about. The element is often called "tag". Tag is tag. Some tag can refer to others, like how <label> refer to an input with its for attribute. But not all tag can, so I have no clue what you mean. Can you give a more detailed example?
I have a socket emit on keypress for telling the other opponent that the user is writing. The scripts emits on every keypress (unless its enter). However, if there are too many users online at same time, is it overkill for sending too many emits ?
Depends on how much your sever can handle
@ADISbayrakcan look into throttle or debounce
Is there any better option ?
@Mosho I have heard of that but I think that's not a reason to avoid it. As long as you use strict mode and avoid with, eval, prototype changing, exponential algorithm etc., I would say don't mind small things like loop optimisation. Let the future V8 worry about it. I prefer Firefox and it is slower than V8.
I know it depends on the server but my question is actually is this the right method or there are other methods ?
For example try catch is expensive too. But its clarity, the maintainability, far outweight the cost.
the first thing that came to my mind is, after the first keypress, it should not send until after 2 seconds
@ADISbayrakcan that's throttling
and probably what you want
@Sheepy yeah I agree, but it's good to know
I see. Hmm, can you give me a reference ?
@Sheepy So the main thing I'm trying to figure out is why I can create "<myElement/>" and then style it with "myElement{color:#FFF;}" and it works, VS what seems to be a more standard implementation of "<div class='myClass'/>" and ".myClass{color:#FFF;}". IMO the first method results in much more succinct, easier to read code, but I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with that approach.
if you ever have to write something particularly performance oriented
@ADISbayrakcan You can try to throttle the io on client side - fire a typing signal at most once per 2 sec.
@david is it on client side ?
@ADISbayrakcan yes
@Enteleform Custom tag is, traditionally handled inconsistently across browsers. You also run into the risk that some future spec will conflict with your custom tag. Like if someone invented their own <detail> tag, they may be surprised to find that modern browser will collapse it by default. <dialog> is another example.
If I make changes on server side nodejs. on SSH, should I do
pkill node
ctrl + c
node node.js

for re running node ? or the pkill is unnecessary ?
@Enteleform Adding methods to javascript prototypes also has the same risk. It's not a single way problem of breaking your code in the future, the ES7 spec draft had to be changed to avoid a common conflict, for the record.
@ADISbayrakcan yeah, you have to kill the process and start a new one
but if I dont do "pkill node" it still works.
just ctrl + c is ok?
are you typing pkill node into the actual node process? o_O
@Sheepy Excellent points, I'll stick with classes for sure. Just getting started with web dev & just wanted to make sure I'm not getting into any bad habits, so thanks : )
you probably just need ctrl-c
afk my baby wakes up
ok thanks
no I just do this when I make changes and need to restart node
@Enteleform it sounds like you're basically talking about web components: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components scroll down to the Custom Elements link
that's a more formal way of doing what you're saying
and will probably be immune to name clashes later
i've never used them though so ymmv
My watch keeps telling me to breath. Have I not been? Am I unintentionally some kind of a breath-holding world record breaker?
@monners Has your watch told you that you are not breathing?
Anyone heard of uWebSockets ? its more recommended for scalability. It says it uses 10x lower ram. Is this module of socketio like Express ? Or it should be used instead of socketio ?
@KendallFrey Is it supposed to?!!
I don't know what your watch is, I can't answer that question.
@david Cool. I was actually just reading through w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom, the link you sent is a nice overview.
@KendallFrey Some kind of fruit
definitely easier to understand quickly lol
seems like it's not 100% supported at the moment though
you can use polyfills today
Nice, just found a huge list of polyfills @ github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/wiki/…
@ADISbayrakcan i think uws is API consistent with ws so it should just be a drop-in replacement. As far as I'm aware there is no reason to use ws over uws
you suggest it right ?
If I install it, is it replacement of socketio ?
no, socketio does a whoooole heap more than just ws
@Sheepy Just found that the technical term I was looking for is "nodeName" developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeName
Got it. But something confused me. If socketio and this are different things, then why they say its faster and more scalable than socketio
Surprised it's not referenced in any "anatomy of an HTML element" resources. Kind of tough to find unless you already know what it is, and it seems like an important thing to know.
And an element with custom tag name is a custom element. Yes, learning the terms is part of learning programming.
Regarding the naming conflicts you mentioned - seems like it's handled by the WebComponent spec requirement of at least 1 hyphen in the tagName
I'd be wary of using web component now. It's not well supported yet. shim is... heroic, but nonetheless complex. Adding a hyphen will make your name safe, though, that is guarenteed.
True, still figuring out what direction to go. Just trying out different technologies at this point. So far using Jekyll as a base to mess around with JS/jQuery stuff. Probably will dig into WebComponents a bit, Polymer seems fun too.
oh, if you're doing this for fun you should give it a go; for most of us it's probably all new and not well understood
Actually just read that Polymer includes a slightly more browser-compatible implementation of WebComponents
Hey guys.
Is there a chat room for general programming discussions? Not specific language related.
Hi @Eugene, we kinda do that here... I'm sure there are plenty of places all over the net that have programming discussion though
> This is a horrible solution. [...] I'm mystified why this would be the accepted answer.
my 2013 answer is triggering some salt
I should reply with "Doesn't matter got 45 rep"
@Eugene For programming practice please read The Pragmatic Programmer. For software engineering please read The Mystical Man Month. For algorithms please read The Art of Computer Programming.
I've not actually read any of those titles...
Okay. To simply put it. One has a Validator on REST level on back end side. Now one would wonder, should validator throwe out the exception or should code where validator was called do that, thank you
They are good books. :)
I don't doubt it. Will add to reading list
It's about time I switched back to non-fiction
Just gotta finish my current book
And if you find any typo in the last one, you can submit it to the author to get a cheque. If you managed to get it, don't cash it in. Owning the cheque is a privilege :D
I find typos in every book I read. Used to do copy editing for my college newspaper :P
Good luck with it.
Is it possible to make an object that is falsy? For instance, if I wanted to have my own special Null object but be able to just do if (potentiallyNull) rather than if (potentiallyNull === Null)?
I'll be delighted if I don't find any, don't get me wrong. Just seems to be a rarity these days
Rarity +1
Are there HTTP verbs that entails to return a formatted XML document or none at all?
@david Sorry I think you can't.
@Knu HTTP has no notion of XML, if that's what you mean
@KendallFrey I am talking about webdav
who is web dave?
Was your question about WebDAV and not HTTP at all?
those are HTTP verbs
What are
@david What you want are getters and setters
@Knu Is there any verb that constrain the data type? The normal way I can think of is specifying only xml in the Accept header. But I know my code doesn't check the Accept header.
@Sheepy what I am interested in is not the constrain but the duality
either something (formatted in a certain way) or nothing
only an API geek would know that kind of stuff
so I wanted to run that through the chat
instead of searching for something that might not exist
@monners Not quite sure getter matters in check for boolean value. It won't even check toValue for example. If it's an object it is true.
@Sheepy Sure, but you can do it internally if all you're worried about is checking whether something is null or not
const obj = {
  value: null,
  get isNull () {
    return this.value === null;

@monners nah, getters and setters won't work
+ will use valueOf, but it doesn't appear ! (or if) will
@Knu Sorry I don't understand. :( Got to catch some sleep so... good luck. :)
@Sheepy np
@david Then I don't understand what you're trying to do :/
@monners sorry, was busy making an actual question: stackoverflow.com/questions/41668770/…
i suspect it cannot be done
but we'll see if someone can do something crazy
Is there a reason you can't just use type coercion?
!!obj.a.b.c ?
@monners how would you make that work?
!!null === false, !!undefined === false
i need !!Null === false where Null is an object
Your use of Null was confusing
!!> !!document.all
@david "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
it seems document.all is a collection that is 'falsy'...
well yeah
typeof document.all is 'undefined' but typeOf(document.all) is null... madness
document.all is a browser native object. it's not a real js object that you can create.
Within js, the answer is no. The dup does not have a good answer and I may make one later, but for now, the answer is no.
since you are still here @Sheepy Ill try to explain: webdav.org/specs/rfc2518.html#rfc.section.11
Can you have a multi-status response OR nothing?
Are there verbs that enable that kind of scenarios? (you are not entitled to receive XML)
typeof Object.assign({}, document.all) :P
!!> Object.create(document.all)
@Knu "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
@Knu I think multi-status is only for multiple operations, so I can't wrap my mind around it. But then my experience in webdav is limited :(
!!> typeof Object.assign({}, document.all)
@monners "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
Oh, derp
got my response
MOVE meets the criteria
what javascript framework needed to create paint application
@Knu wonderful
not really
gotta handle that case elegantly
refactor time
@jacobian The technically correct answer is none, since frameworks does not enable things that are impossible to do without.
hello hello
any idea ?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Valentincognito Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
capricious bot
if (Number(data) >= Number($('#amount_invested').html())) {
never returns true for some reasons
Use the console to debug
It's very trivial to do so
Something is NaN I bet
call Nanna
because shit is NAN
Working on grapple hero
Going to finish it in 2017 damnit
Going to finish that shit before summer.
Damn it cropped it.
That's a better beard than some dudes can grow.
Better beard than I could grow
3 messages moved to Trash can
Troll somewhere else, please.
1 hour later…
is it possible to change the localstorage DB name to something custom rather that the domain name it picks up ?
@MadaraUchiha I watch JavaScript videos in app.pluralsight.com
whoa.. 3622 messages in chat
you guys have been busy over the weekend
(i left my computer running at work)
I have a question and am hesitant to post it as I figure it will get removed since another question has the same title but is confusing to me. How do I pass an argument to the contents of a promise. This is a code example: jsfiddle.net/ut7jyLfu
This is a simple question, I just don't know the answer
@William The setTimeout itself - and its time argument - is called immediately when the Promise run, and you cannot change it later. Do you mean you want to pass the time on as the promise's result?
:( more compatibility issues :'(
@sheepy I suppose so. I'm learning the proper way to use promises so ....
any direction is helpful
@sheepy. This is weird. Promises from what I read are supposed to be easier than callbacks but they really seem more of a hassle
I feel like I'm issing something
THanks btw
@William Promise is not easier than one callback. But if you have multiple async actions that wait on each other or one after another, it can turn the callback hell into better organised code.
So if I had 5 time outs there is a way to use promises so they look better I assume
Instead of five nested timeout functions (five or ten level deep depending on how you count), you will have five .then, all at the same level.
Hi All
@Sheepy according to that shouldn't I be able to do something like this: jsfiddle.net/3npq7sm4
@Sheepy apparently @FlyingGambit liked the spinning wheel menu (if you remember), so I told him to give you and I credit if he gets rich off of it. :D
@thedigitalmouse It's so kind of you. I think it is mostly your work. XD
@William If api2 and api3 return promise, it'd become a serial chain of async calls.
is there an unbiased, neutral place on the internet, if, say I was going to try to find out age statistics for the whole internet? Maybe facebook?
@towc Facebook does not represent the whole Internet. China, for example, blocks Facebook. (Or google) So... I doubt what you want exists.
yeah, right :/
well, I can still conduct the study on other places
as in, physically
And the young people don't like to use facebook anyway. The reasons I hear most often is because their parents are on Facebook. And also because other tools are lighter and faster.
@Sheepy damnit I'm old...
@Sheepy From what I understand promises are used as a wrapper for async API's that are part of the browser, part of node or part of some other JS environment. So when you say API's that return promises I am unclear how to structure code to do so. I mean, I understand how to write a function that returns a promise but I'm tangled in my head as to how to integrate this with multiple API's so the "then" keyword can be used to return one after another the way its intended.
@Sheepy but you helped me overcome some roadblocks! :)
If Objects keep a reference to the memory address, what does primitives keep ?
@rlemon Haha that sounds great, it's like a 6 hour trip for me though
@FlyingGambit I wish JavaScript is that simple. But JavaScript is not C++.
What do I tell an interviewer when he asks such a question ?
How would you answer?
I would have just said that primitives just keep the values and not a reference to the value
When I say "Just for the buzzing effect", do you understand what I mean? In fact, I intended to say I just wanted to express myself, in no hope of what I said causing any significant or fundamental change. But I'm not sure if native speakers can understand me in that sense.
afk baby crying
@Sheepy I thought you were still a student 0.o
we're always unsure about Sheepy's real identity
!!urban hmu
@towc HMU AIM acronym for : hit me up
!!urban afk
@ZhengquanBai afk Away From Keyboard.
is there a standard time for leaving airbnb apartments?
@FlyingGambit well ... ?
@FlyingGambit Ok. Why'd you thought so? Did you read it from a book or did someone tell you that?
@littlepootis that's short for "fuck you", right?
I mean, I think in europe you need to leave hotels before 11 as standard practice, I just don't know if airbnb assumes those practices
@FlyingGambit Kind of. I just finished the module on newborn. I am now studying baby massage. From youtube.
@towc leaving as in "check out"?
as far as i know, they don't have a standard policy. So hosts can set it up themselves
@Sheepy No its something I thought it would be , anyways I am off for the interview . Bye guys
A: Primitive value vs Reference value

TalhaA variable can hold one of two value types: primitive values or reference values. Primitive values are data that are stored on the stack. Primitive value is stored directly in the location that the variable accesses. Reference values are objects that are stored in the heap. Reference value stor...

mine just didn't say anything, so I thought there was a time I should've known about already. I've asked him now
@GNi33 i'm almost convinced Sheepy is really a Javascript AI, and the 'baby' is just another algorithm :)
@thedigitalmouse You know too much (・ω-)·︻┻┳═一
applies a DiffieHillman key exchanged AES256 cypher to his geolocation to hide from Sheepy-assassins
all is male here?
@star Are you looking for a date?
@thedigitalmouse you made enemies with an AI... now you have to write on plant fiber and draw electricity from fungi until the end
@OliverSalzburg a date? how about... August 1, 1967 :D
@FilipDupanović challenge accepted! \o/
If you think about it, strings can't be stored on the stack, otherwise stack everywhere will just blow up.
It's even more fun when you switch a variable from a boolean to an int, then to a double, and to an object. What happens? Stack values can't shift; does that mean everything on stack is 64bit, even for a boolean?
@star we have 2 people of the other side coming here fairly often, but we're mostly all males
So... the second answer is right. Or at least the most correct. Fact is js values are, well, shapeshifting. The "bindings" - the variables - are on the stack, but the value may or may not be part of it. Here is a slideshow pdf if you want to know how it works:
@towc Alright ,its weird, feel allways being misunderstanding .
@Sheepy so that is probably why JavaScript is not a typed language since the contents of a variable determine it's type, and that could change at anytime.
@FlyingGambit In practice, though, it's complicated. For example a dense number array is not stored as an array of js value reference. It's usually optimised to be a dense array of int32, int64, or double. The same optimisations may also put your variables in CPU registries, totally skipping the memory.
@ZhengquanBai Quite a few people call me that, yes. I know there's still a lot I don't know, though. Node, for example.
sup dudes :)
nm, u?
I'm glad how quickly I got myself adapted to how English-speaking people greet.
I'm just realising how ... what's the opposite of verbose? that's what node is...
@ZhengquanBai what do you mean?
I'm running a node script but all I get is undefined:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected token
@Thaenor elegance? succinct?
@Sheepy more like something that doesn't say anything. Like you call verbose a error logging that prints the stack trace of the error. But what if you had something that just says "you got error"
simplicity in nature
@Thaenor I call it stupid. Enigmatic if you want to be nice lol
Hi guys, I'd like a little chat with you. I'm looking for a realy lightweight BUT performant solution for a chat. If possible without including new framework.
Do you have a proposition for me ?
@Baldráni why not look into ready-made solutions ?
drop the files and integrate type!!
aaaanyway... I've just been digging around... seems the issue if that my json file has trailing commas.
It's gonna be a pain to get around that...
@FlyingGambit Note that the pdf is implementation details, but the general rule of type tagging and optimised object structure ('shapes' in SpiderMonkey) is universal to all js engines afaik.
@Shashi Aint it is precisely more heavier ? It will probably dorp the performance of my server :/
@Baldráni how can a small SDK drop the performance ??
use a hosted solution then
something like conversity.net the chats are handled on their own hosted server, you just need to integrate their SDK
and their are tons of other solutions like this, I am pretty sure
@Shashi It seems nice, I'll have a look at it :)
@Sheepy wrong William sheepy
@star I wonder why that is
@William Yes? You mean exceptions like Nashorn?
@thedigitalmouse uhh, I don't think that's a problem for the compiler, variables aren't bound to types
I think... the mobile version of this chat works better than the normal one...
And it's prettier...
@sabrehagen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Thaenor definitely. stackoverflow as "pretty"? never heard of that :P
that's bing actually showing you what you're looking for in the first page.
there's even an animation when you post something
guys, quick poll - any fav CI tools?
36 hours of assignment work complete! Now to get back to programming ^_^
@BartekBanachewicz I like travis :-)
@lix can I get an on-prem version of that?
@BartekBanachewicz You can blog.travis-ci.com/2014-12-19-introducing-travis-ci-enterprise that's a blog post about it
@BartekBanachewicz Very basic repo that has travis setup using mocha and chai assert framework github.com/LiamDotPro/Travis-CI-NodeJS-Skeleton-Mocha-Chai
@lix it says "2 concurrent jobs" - but does it limit a number of build plans?
@lix it won't be testing a simple web app :)
If you click passed you can get a feel for the reporting
@lix I know how travis works, I've used it in the past. I'm trying to get a feel for its capabilities for this setup.
Which is running a few dozen VMs
@BartekBanachewicz I'd hope not ^_^, I personally haven't used the enterprise version and my projects are small so I don't want to give you the wrong info :)
But thanks for mentioning Travis Enterprise anyway
it seems much cheaper than the alternatives
oh wait that's /mo not /y. Similar then
@BartekBanachewicz you've also got jenkins jenkins.io
I don't like jenkins.
I've been thinking about TeamCity mostly.
Ahh a friend who works in a finacial startup is using that
I've heard good things :)
@Abhishrek what kind of a question es this even?
No idea
the answer just saddened me :/
that made you sad?
does anyone have a list of which array methods work with iterators, and whether they produce arrays or iterators in that case?
@GNi33 The person she called works for an IT company :/ presumably developer D:
well, of course it's not the brightest of answers, but still... it's not really something that should make you sad, buddy :)
I'm actually amazed that you guys have this tv format as well. It looks exactly the same as the Austrian/German/US (?) version
What question are you guys looking at?
@GNi33 same show :)
yeah, that's interesting
@Abhishrek you still in the US?
@GNi33 nope
I'll be in US in Feb though
back in India?
so you're not moving permanently?
@lix Is there also a blog post that explains how to run it on-prem with GitLab?
@BartekBanachewicz We use strider-cd.org
Q: Can't select dropdown values after Back button

user5348fh8y5We have 2 dropdown boxes & once we select those and click on "see cases" button, it will redirect to proper page. Issue : but once we click on "Back" button, it will show selected value of 1st dropdown , but we can't able to select 2nd dropdown value until we change value of 1st dropdown valu...

I get this date from the database via an Angular http request: 2017-01-09T18:41:04.000Z
How can I convert it to: 2017-01-09
@MohamedAhmed Remove everything from the T to the end
@GNi33 Visas my friend :( Not so easy to get

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