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should I strive to write unit tests and functional tests separately, or just mix them together by the context?
if you want something that works, use that or similar. If you want to exercise and experiment, don't use regex
@Mosho I like to have different test suites for unit and functional
But they have the same test runner/framework
I find I'm usually too lazy to really write unit tests for parts deep in the system
Making a own parser is crazy. We already have the dom api
with really injecting everything
so I'm not sure I should bother separating them
@Asperger The DOM API wouldn't help you in this case.
You don't need the DOM, you need the AST of the HTML/XML you're writing
It's a bit different
ya I just visited that link too
So AST means every character in the html is treated as a node?
@Asperger Not every character
Every "token"
you are right
A good visual example is the JS AST explorer
That should give you a good feel about what you're working with
@MadaraUchiha I think I see what you mean.
But if we use the existing dom parser (api) + range api isnt it the same?
especially the range api gives me a lot of data
also start and end index the container etc
To be fair, if it's an editor you're writing for yourself, and you don't mind that edge cases will be broken, going with regex is probably the easier choice in this case.
(And there aren't many such cases)
If, however, you're going to give it to users, you should do it right.
@MadaraUchiha I agree with you. Its just for myself and I only care if it works on chrome
Then regex away
You've found the one case where parsing html with regex is the sane option, good on you 😃
@MadaraUchiha one question in regards to that last parser link you showed me. How does he start parsing it?
Just don't go and end up like zalgo
@Asperger I'm guessing you input some HTML into it
I couldnt figure it out. He "tokenizes" everything but how does he get his hands on the data?
And it returns an object graph
@Asperger Think of it like a single big function
It accepts an HTML string as input, and returns a big object as output.
I assume he needs innerHTML or something as an input?
@Asperger It doesn't matter where the HTML string comes from
It's a string
parse(html, options)
@Asperger Yes
html is a string
It could have come from innerHTML, or it could have come from the Java server
Who knows, who cares.
As long as its a string. I see. Makes sense now
I thought there was some other byte level magic happening there xD
His API is simlar to that of the JSON object
JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify()
JSON.parse() is string => JS object, and JSON.stringify() is JS object => string
Same here
oh ya true! Now that you mention it.
@MadaraUchiha makes even more sense now:
var lookup = (Object.create) ? Object.create(null) : {};
Thats how he creates the graph right?
@Asperger That's how he initializes the object.
Object.create(null) creates an object with a prototype of null
If we have two directory in expressJS views and both have files named index.pug
then res.render('index') will render which file?
So that it can be iterated with for..in without getting nasty side effects.
@ankitbug94 The one in the folder configured as the views folder
@MadaraUchiha eventually he builds a graph like in the online demo.
@MadaraUchiha *no prototype
@Mosho SSDD
Its still kind of a mystery to me why that guy wrote it. We already have the data with the native tools
but hey, im just a noob. xD
@Asperger No, we don't.
We have the result of parsing the HTML into DOM, that's true.
But we don't have the tools to say "this is a tag name, and this is an attribute name, and this is an attribute value"
@MadaraUchiha I saw that page but failed to find anything about precedence of file
@ankitbug94 There's no precedence, there's no ambiguousness.
You have on directory defined as views
you are right
That directory is the one it'll look in
With other words, a truly professional tool uses a real parser instead of regex. I would have to plan how to tokenize the stuff though in case I plan to write one
@MadaraUchiha http://stackoverflow.com/a/11326059/1533609
no, multiple directories are supported
@ankitbug94 In that case, since an array is an ordered data structure, I'm going to assume it's in the same order as the array
But given that it isn't documented behavior, your best bet would be to look it up in the express source code.
Or, alternatively, ask a question on main 😀
Now I have started to think that expressJS is poorly documented framework :(
@ankitbug94 ExpressJS is a very poorly documented library.
*framework :D
What do you think if I set a views directory on subapp and a views directory on mainapp ? Both have same name files called index.pug
You guys got to check out the Battery Api
really fun. It allows you to read the battery status of your device. Native api.
WTF Blizzard... They're giving away 100 candles on the EU site... But only a few countries are eligible..
1 message moved to Trash can
@JohanSundman Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@JohanSundman Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
How would I go about calling a function that is sent as an argument, like in the addEventListener method?
@JohanSundman you mean.. a callback?
Your callback is already being executed
Not upon creation
@JohanSundman like this
function doCallback(fn) {
  // bla bla bla

doCallback(() => console.log(42));
where can I read about that last line?
what part of that line?
the arrow function? () => ...?
@ndugger Yea that i'll google arrow function, thanks
22 contributors
ohn eat pls
ohf uck you
jor dan
ni ck
@Mosho dunno, I mix mine, but to be fair I never understood well why they were separated on projects I worked
you 're wro ng!
dan kme mes
@MadaraUchiha whats your opinion about Dart?
Dart is dead
it was alive at some point :D?
Dead is dart
@ndugger lol seriously? its so much stronger than before:
Uhh, no, it's dead
Javascript is top but dart is cool too and really alive.
Who says its dead?
I've never met anyone that used Dart :\
No govcons I know use dart
Guys its a fresh language.
Doesn't mean it's popular
Google killed dart when they cancelled adding it to be a native language for chrome. Once that happened, everyone had to ask why they would ever use it
> at google
@ndugger that was tactical. Its the best thing they ever decided to do
@Asperger no
I have tacos to eat while I watch youtube videos. I won't debate this
The js ecosystem is so strong.
dart is dead, get over it. go cry.
Angular is also google, and angular is 100x more popular than dart
Well they recently released AngularDart
and flutter is pretty heavily under development
what's flutter?
There's no metrics to say that either of those are popular in industry development
!!Clean garage or make more of a mess in garage
@rlemon Clean garage
you heard the bot
Filled my new tool cabinet. Now I wanna use the tools :)
Especially Go is getting really popular
!!afk groceries
Aka goldfish and cupcakes
Hey guys, does Babel Polyfill simply add new ES6 API features if imported to your project?
Anyone here knowledgable with Angular 2 applications and issues with mandatory 'public' folders for webhosts?
@MindsectTeam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi all, anybody here with nodejs ?
Babel Polyfill provides static functions supported only in ES6, but it doesn't provide syntactic sugar like 'import' and 'export'. Am I right?
I have node
what would be the easiest way to refresh a page when a certain html file changes?
I just need it for one page, one html file
with express
all these modules suck
I have a message send function. Its sends on enter keypress. What I do is, when user sends the message, I check the other user's if a div is visible or not. So the point is, when sending message (right before), emit.check other user and get the details with on.checkdetails. part of my script is;

if (e.which == 13) {

socket.emit("check", {user: "john"});
socket.on("checkdetails", function(data) {

//send message



However, because of socket.on is on the keypress part, after sending many messages, it runs so many times. How can I prevent this ?
@Mosho straight up websockets and chokidar?
yeah that's what I did
but is it too much to ask
for someone else to do it for me
lol nice
I stopped using any of that shit a year ago, never looked back
is there a difference between git rm --cached filename and git reset HEAD filename?
@towc did you just tell me to go fuck myself
!!giphy maybe
CoffeeScript is not bad, because you get cake too coffeescript.org/#cake and you can opt to write in literate style
was hoping for the "maybe, maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself"
anyway, I was reading a guide
initially it said that if I wanted to remove a file form the...
I see
one is removing from the whole repository on the next commit, the other is just unstaging it, but not removing it from the repo
I probably have some terminology wrong
literate coffeescript is the most hipster thing I have ever seen in programming
have you met haskell?
@KendallFrey look at that beautiful beast
@Mosho explains why I loved it so much
@Mosho well, sh sucks balls, bash is hard, vanilla is nice to read and literate is terse
@towc yes I have
is he a cool guy?
you should have haskell somewhere in the stack
that's what he keeps saying
just to spice it up a bit
I used elm in tipranks
I do sometimes have to write commands, like... dl 30 files from some public db, concat, parse, reduce, transform, put into DB... literate is nice for ad-hoc scripts
what's the thing that lists what you should learn called? Like, in schools
!!define curriculum
@FilipDupanović curriculum The set of courses, coursework, and their content, offered at a school or university.
can I not detect disconnections with SSE
it was syllabus
tbf it phonetically starts with one of the sounds associated with a c

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