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You think the UK or US moved into war against Germany because of jews?
re-read those history books
No, because they were trying to take over the world
I blame jQuery
oh boy :P
It was a joke about how "the unforgivable crime" was that.
@jAndy iirc it was due to Hitlers ambitions
Poland was the last straw
germany did invade other countries before the US moved in... Whatever other politcal reason there were, germany DID intend to take over the US
or let japan do it
Hello guys. I'm trying to learn NodeJS. I just want to ask, "Should I use NodeJS to serve static files or Apache for it?"
I don't agree with what happened to Germany after WWI that was total shit
@ZahidSaeed if you're trying to learn nodejs, you should use nodejs
it's a good start
Poland was just another unsolved piece of chaos after WW1, created by the winners back then.
serving static files is a one-lines, but to get there it introduces you to npm and general nodejs structure
and about some of the alternatives
@towc Aren't there any issues for serving static files with it?
aye. Israel also suffered similar meddling. Also India/Pakistan.
later, though
I see. Thanks @towc
@ZahidSaeed I agree that you can just do it in node for now, but a more robust system usually lets a web server like nginx handle static files.
@ZahidSaeed not really. Some argue that it's too much setup for a 2-lines of bash task alternative like apache
screw apache.
ohh, we aren't talking about US history anymore.
well, apache is also much less secure than the simple express engine
Apache's reign has come and gone.
not joking
@jAndy why? You're saying there are no good men that are rich. That's bogus...
Bill Gates.
Tell us where Elon Musk gave up on humanity.
@Jhawins in the toilet, probably
Q: How to pass multiple values while uploading image to server(File Upload with AngularJS and NodeJS)?

coolClient side: I have done file upload with AngularJS and NodeJS it's working but while uploading file i need to pass 'name' and 'email' to server. Server side: After uploading file into folder i need to save file path, name and email into database. How can i do this? angular.module('fileUp...

Even if Elon's only goal is to make money, he's doing it in interesting and potentially beneficial ways.
@jAndy what about Prussia?!
@towc 1 more thing. To learn the best practices. Should I use express or core NodeJS?
Germanys borders changed a lot since the mid 1800s to post WWII
@ZahidSaeed oh pal... you're definitely not going to use core NodeJS. To send packets at all (or craft them in binary, for that reason), you need modules anyway
That's not a 'best practice' question. Express does many boring tasks for you. I suggest you use it (or Moa or another alternative). Node only provides a very low level http api.
@Luggage his goal is to bring access to information to the entire world right now?
there's not much of a use for core NodeJS, really. Maybe as a bash alternative
Like that's how you get the rest of the world on the same page. That's how humans are different than animals, we are able to persist and share information.
He's bringing it to everyone...It's the first step towards modernizing the whole world. Even if it'll be a very long process.
He is the definition of futurist...
How is Elon Musk spreading information access?
although if you're ever bored, I do think it would be an interesting task to just get core packet-sending/receiving modules and build a server from those. Maybe also the system and fs modules
I only know of SpaceX, Tesla and the Solar Thingy.
He applied to put up 1,440 satellites to bring gigabit I ternet global with essentially no dead zones...?
@Loktar I pretty much meant Prussia with the unsolved piece of chaos. You don't rip out a huge portion from a country and expect that to be stable and in peace for kingdom come
That's when we found out he owned the vast majority of Tesla personally.
@Jhawins holy fuck all praise Elon Musk
@towc you are talking nonsense. node has an http api that would make more sense to use. That's what express is built on top of.
@Luggage but it's still a module. I guess I don't understand what core node actually is
I'd give Elon a handy for a discount on a Tesla.
You guys are sitting here debating the future and you don't even know about the guy with that vision who actually has the power to do it...
it's a pre-installed module, I guess, so that could make it core?
@towc it's part of core node
I'd give elon a handy for the chance to just talk about life, mang
@towc also look up spacex and then his work on solar power, and if i remember correctly a train in california
yea, it's an included module. You can't do anything without those modules.
Yo elon, how it do?
It do what it do, mang
@Luggage which is why I said "core" NodeJS might be completely useless if not as a limited alternative to bash
@jAndy yeah I understand you have a different viewpoint on it actually living in Germany
He's no god or wizard or genius in my eyes. He's just like everyone else in this room except he went for power so that he could change the system from outside of it.
@towc those modules are part of core
ok, now I know
just from what I've read in the history books the reason Europe begrudgingly got involved was due to the land grabs
without the fs module it makes a poor alternative to bash. very poor
Elon is like 100x smarter than me.
I think most even agree Germany got totally screwed after WWI though
Yes, germany was screwed.
@ndugger but not smarter than the best potential Nick ;)
they didn't do too well right after wwii either.
what with being half-russian and all
@Jhawins I'm pretty retarded, bro
I can't do simple maths
heh and I don't mean that the way it might sound @jAndy I mean more along the lines like you would definitely have a more interesting view actually LIVING there
guys, stopPropagation on a click event should prevent the a default action, right?
preventDefault would
@corvid No it doesn't
@ndugger yeah but you're only human just like all of them lol... You all act like you're trapped in some system when people just like you have made every accomplishment ever recorded lol
good point, though
@ndugger work hard, eat your crusts. you could be president one day, or like an astronaut.
Oh fuck yeah, crusts
I'm good at that
Lol Poverty > crusts
eat your poverty?
that doesn't make sense
I sometimes buy crustless bread
I suspect there is a negative correlation between the amount of crust you eat and being poor.
So, Ben is poor.
I eat my crusts, Holly does not. correlation busted.
@Luggage If you eat the end pieces you might aswell live in a ditch.
pft, end pieces are great
... the end pieces are perfectly fine bread
stop being a bread hater
you're being breadist
@rlemon rather be stuck in poverty than eat my crusts
unless you use a sacrificial end piece to stay and get stale while the rest does not.
@Jhawins lose/lose - you're poor and you don't have crusts.
I don't see an upside there
You can grow crusts on your body.
hey , is there any way to import something without typing require ?
type import
sure. var r = require;
now you can type r('foo')
okay its a weird issue im having
i have bin/ww
Do tell.
import foo from './ffoo'
in that i have
let server = http.createServer(app);
ObjectID = null;
mongo = require('mongodb');
I really hope we get his entire program one line at a time
that would be excellent
then mongoclient.connect(function{ blah blah})
inside that blah blah i have
ObjectID = mongo.ObjectID;
as one of the things
in my mac when I run npm start
I need a regular expression that can get doubles out of strings. Right now this works well: "\\b\\d+([\\.,]\\d+)?" - but some lines have a double that begin with a decimal i.e.: .75mg. Anyone know what I can add to get doubles out that also just begin with '.'?
im able to access object id like
var x = new ObjectID()
@balpha ignore everything I've ever said negative about the throttle feature.
I understand now
without any requires
but on windows same thing throws error
not a constructor
omg, just start with the error
sorry :P
@KendallFrey I think I broke physics. I made a solid evaporate.
left some jerky out on my desk before lunch, it's gone now
That's normal, it's called sublimation
as for the jerky, that's also normal
i was about to write ,'wow, that was sublime of you'
gist: b6d39fe20710ea864d67ffae0038c3ff, 2017-01-11 18:26:25Z
#!/usr/bin/env node

 * Module dependencies.

let app = require('../app');
let debug = require('debug')('maroon-lab-node:server');
let http = require('http');
let io = require('socket.io')(http);
 * Get port from environment and store in Express.

let port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000');
app.set('port', port);

 * Create HTTP server.

let server = http.createServer(app);

ObjectID = null;
db =null;
mongo = require('mongodb');
MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect( "mongodb://localhost/test", function( err, dba ) {
    this.db = dba;
    if(err!=null) {

    // ObjectID = dba.ObjectID;
   ObjectID = mongo.ObjectID;

 * Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.

    io.on('connection', function (socket) {
        console.log("got a connection");

        socket.on('hi', function () {
            console.log('got hi');

        socket.on('disconnect', function () {


    // io.use(function(socket, next){
    //     console.log('ok?');
    //     // socket.disconnect();
    //     next(new Error('Authentication error'));
    // });

    server.on('error', onError);
    server.on('listening', onListening);

} );

 * Normalize a port into a number, string, or false.

function normalizePort(val) {
  let port = parseInt(val, 10);

  if (isNaN(port)) {
    // named pipe
    return val;

  if (port >= 0) {
    // port number
    return port;

  return false;

 * Event listener for HTTP server "error" event.

function onError(error) {
  if (error.syscall !== 'listen') {
    throw error;

  let bind = typeof port === 'string'
    ? 'Pipe ' + port
    : 'Port ' + port;

  // handle specific listen errors with friendly messages
  switch (error.code) {
    case 'EACCES':
      console.error(bind + ' requires elevated privileges');
    case 'EADDRINUSE':
      console.error(bind + ' is already in use');
      throw error;

 * Event listener for HTTP server "listening" event.

function onListening() {
  let addr = server.address();
  let bind = typeof addr === 'string'
    ? 'pipe ' + addr
    : 'port ' + addr.port;
  debug('Listening on ' + bind);
it's called don't-leave-jerky-where-others-can-get-it
whole thing
I feel bad for anyone not using dark theme
And the error?
 ReferenceError: ObjectID is not defined
works on mac , doesnt work on windows
!!should I make a coffee or drink water
@rlemon Neither
... but I'm .. what?
@Luggage that file itself doesnt cause the error
doing new ObjectID() on another file does
you never declare ObjectID, btw.
but show me the other file's require() and use of objectID
gist: f90c039ce370484d15dffaec44249395, 2017-01-11 18:29:11Z
 * Created by harshvardhangupta on 07/01/17.

let chai = require('chai');
let chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
let server = require('../../bin/www');

let group = require('../../core/group/model');
let Joi = require('joi');
let should = chai.should();

describe("Group model", function () {

    it('should add a dummy group to database, and overwrite the _id field', function (done) {
        console.log(new ObjectID());

        let testGroup = new group({name: 'bleh', admin: "me",users:[{
            _id: new ObjectID(),
            _id:new ObjectID(),

        testGroup.save().then(function (data) {
            // data.should.have.all.keys(['name', '_id']);
        }).catch(function (err) {


    it("should check for validation of group schema", function (done) {

        const schema = Joi.object().keys({
            name: Joi.string().required(),
            users: Joi.array().required().items(Joi.object().keys({
                    _id: Joi.required(),
                    isAdmin: Joi.boolean(),

        let testGroup = {
            name: 'my name',
            users: [{_id: '134fasdf',isAdmin:true}]

        console.log(Joi.validate(testGroup, schema,{stripUnknown:true}).value);

        should.equal(Joi.validate(testGroup, schema,{stripUnknown:undefined}).error,null);



or the whole thing in a gist
i then do mocha tests --recursive
yes, you never declare it there. that's why
but how does it work on mac
gist oneboxing was a decent idea.. failed miserably.
You are somehow getting away with a global variable on mac.. which doesn't make sense
maybe different node versions
but I thought node never allowed that unless you did global.foo
@rlemon Yeah I hate it too when I need to scroll to read it all
It's just not big enough
is there any way to do globals without require ?
several of my files need objectid
but i dont want to require for each
too bad
why not?
globals are a sin
modules are cached, require is free at that point
globals are in
let ObjectID = require('mongo').ObjectID;
@Loktar in HELL
import {ObjectID} from 'mongo';
or just let mongo = require('mongo'); and then mongo.ObjectID;
ya but i have to do that :(
@rlemon const, you fool
for each and every file
@harvey_slash Stop being lazy, and just write good code
@rlemon we don't knwo if he's using a transpiler and import isn't in node, is it?
@harvey_slash so?
@harvey_slash make a UMD then
and include it on the page with a script tag
oh.. ok, not sure how that helps
@Luggage typo
this is a server.
@Luggage we don't know he's not using any of these technologies. so why not
ah wasn't paying attention
okay so just to make sure
the best way is to require a billion times
@rlemon only that moving form require() to import doesn't actually solve his complaint, so it could be a diversion. That's all
and not try fancy tricks
not a billion. You shoudln't need to use mongo directly form too many places
especially objectid
@Luggage his complaint is not wanting to require, but to leverage modules... so yea. I don't have any solution but "don't"
IF every file in your server directly uses the mongo api, you are not containing your concerns very well
i mean, wherever ill save to db
there is not really a legit concern other than being lazy
it wasn't about lazy , i thought there would be a nicer way
Yea, I agree with you, lemon, just didn't want to switch from require() to import, as that might start a whole babel conversation
I'm always game for a babel conversation
use babel
@harvey_slash having each file declare what is uses instead of having to guess IS nice.
What if you have another library with an ObjectID?
@Lugg, also did you notice how im instantiating my db object ?
im using the same logic
in mac it worked
without requiring anywhere else
yea, same global problem
use exports.
so ill export db from bin/www
but will it be available to me ?
coz db is being created later on
umm.. i forget how to export somethign that is created asyncronously..
but yes, you do export. Never a global. Never.
I have never found one valid reason in all my years.
why is it so bad ?
Good luck maintaining and testing code that has a ton of globals
@Loktar LOL
Why is it bad to have random variables from other files with generic names in an application?
i mean , apart from that, does it 'fuse' something ?
makes other devs blow their fuse
It's an age-old argument. I don't want to explain that just like I don't want to explain why you should cut with a knife away from yourself instead of toward.
@Lugg, got it
On both cases, I give up and say "go for it, kid.. you probably know best"
> I don't want to explain why you should cut with a knife away from yourself instead of toward.
Hey! Let Darwin do his job!
sup everybody?
@Luggage That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Luggage good advice! high 3!
You should have a response to that.
i dont understand how to export now :(
mongo should be connected first
then my app should start , and then mongo should be exported
anyone notice YouTube opening your dev console in a new window?
just pops up occasionally when I'm on youtube or a video is present in another site
just tried. no
it doesn't happen every time
o you're on linux :$
happens on windows too
o you're on windows :$
started probably around middle-end of december
maybe hit the button @ top left to re-attach to browser window, then, hide it. maybe it's a config bug, so that'll force it to not pop up?
i don't get how it is detached to begin with.
I keep my console on the bottom
hasn't ever happened to me

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