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I'd rather not live somewhere where my PM is sad Castro died.
@MadaraUchiha Most of them.. for criminal activities. The rest inherited that money
@MadaraUchiha legally doing horrible things usually
At least I can get shit shipped to my house lol
@Jhawins lmao right?
> [...] everybody ought to be able to be assured that the vaccines that we have — he's very pro-vaccine, as am I — but they're as safe as they possibly can be.
doesn't sound bad
@Loktar And I'd rather not live somewhere where the president wants to ban Muslims.
clickbait-y article
but I guess.. that word "criminal" can be bend or defined at will. If I rob a guy that I declare a slave or "unhuman", I guess I wouldn't call it criminal right
@HatterisMad Why are these horrible things legal?
@jAndy That's a rather narrow-minded approach
Not every rich man is a criminal
it's embracing post-truth. just because he says we have to follow the science doesn't mean he's looking at science
@jeremy What a sick take on that.... The fact he wants a committee on autism means he is anti-vaccine? No, he wants a fucking committee on autism.
Things are legal because rich men made them so
@KendallFrey it happens, Obama banned immigrants from Muslim countries as well
I'm seriously curious about what Trump will do in his presidency
not every, but the top nodge fraction.. I doubt anyone in that league earned his "position" by fair game
@MadaraUchiha thats kinda the point
I don't think you need a committee on autism, to be honest, though
A committee on autism?
So then, before the rich men made them legal, how were they rich to begin with?
the narrative isn't "ban all muslims" anyway.
and I hope he will be a good president, although I doubt it
They were rich because they were able to convince other people giving the currency better than others
What would a president need a committee on autism at all?
This concept existed before currency was even a thing
@ndugger Should we just forget about everyone that's autistic..?
@Luggage Maybe he's autistic
@MadaraUchiha I'm actually not talking about just "rich boys", I'm talking the elite of the elite, the guys behind money, the guys behind "institutes" like banks or the "FED"
Maybe because it's a problem in the nation he runs lol
@MadaraUchiha I would call that "working". Its a slavery system
^ most likely
As long as it isn't tied to vaccinations without evidence.
^ I agree
@Jhawins Well fuck, then I want a committee on ADD, and another on ALcoholism, and another on Depression and Anxiety, and another on getting my oil changed past its due date
@jAndy But that's how it always worked, and that's especially how it works in the county you live in.
I want a committee on eating too much ice cream.
There are multiple bloody revolutions in our history, and it always comes back to this
@ndugger if you let your oil go past its use date then you just need to be shot
newsflash the committee has existed for a while.
ah gnah
@jAndy Meh
damn edit mode
@ndugger Did you just compare autism to needing an oil change? You're a sick fuck. Want to come meet my brother?
In the past, you'd tend you fields, take care of livestock, die at the ripe old age of 40, and you'd spend most of your time on your chores and survival
@Loktar yea.. a committee on a topic is fine, but it was brought up under the context of vaccinations. That's the only think we are reacting to
@Jhawins Is he also an alcoholic?
Today you spend, what, 50 hours a week?
@ndugger He's severely autistic. Tf is your problem lol
@MadaraUchiha if you break it down, money and the whole eco system behind banks, interest and debt is to enslave billions of people
That's a good compromise compared to what we used to have.
I think I've made my point
and a small group of people (the guys who "print money") are the gods of our time in that picture
@jAndy Money is merely an abstraction over trade.
or at least, they think they are
Printing money means exactly nothing
What point was that? That this is not an issue?
@jAndy so pretty much how civilization has been since the beginning?
The more money you print, the less it's worth
now it's just on a more global scale.
@MadaraUchiha not true anymore
@Luggage The committee will glean that autism and vaccinations are not correlated... Win, win, win.
the Emperor of Rome sure did have a lot of sway and actually enslaved a lot of people.
that's only true in financial system where money is based on something from limited resource, like gold
in today eco system, there is no such thing
32 mins ago, by Jhawins
Yall about to have a very dumb discussion. Wonder if they sell popcorn in the company kitchen
I don't think you understand even basic economics
I got involved lol.
@Jhawins I called my former prime minister danger for democracy. The current one has made many promisses I'm interested in. He's not keeping enough of them, but I have hope. Heck, weed'll soon be legal and commercially available.
Trump wants to audit the fed, which pleases me.
@jAndy That's really... REALLY not how it works
@JacqueGoupil Oh weed will be legal? What a huge issue to deal with.
@Jhawins we've remained civil. My only complaint is that we're moving between topics too fast.
Have you seen the world lol
@Loktar I agree, there were always those 0.2% (or less), but at least people KNEW back then they were slaves
But I have to go now, so I can't really explain...
Good luck.
@Loktar lol #RonPaul
@jAndy You aren't a slave to anyone.
I guess I know a little bit something about that stuff too
@Jhawins Rand Paul now
You're free to get up and leave whenever you wish to travel the world.
when it comes to eco and financial systems
At least he's not afraid to do something good just because an opponent suggested it.
You're free to quit your job at any time, and do your own thing
Who did he just call fake news? I couldn't hear the organization
@jeremy Both options are valid.
if you are not in debt, maybe.. maybe in some abstract way
@Luggage Buzzfeed
unfortunately, most people are in debt some where
@jAndy yeah but it's their own choosing
unless you mean the debt of a nation
My favourite news aggregator is Clickhole
@MadaraUchiha Oh is that true? I mean, I'll have to go buy photos and a passport and in 2-3 months I will be allowed to leave the country only to remain in my destination for short periods of time, not allowed to earn compensation for my work.
@jAndy While you do play a game in which the house is stacked against you, it doesn't mean you can't win, once you understand the rules.
Most "poor" people in the US have iphones and cars
goes all together.. a children in Germany is born with 17k (Euros) debt
just as example
> The president-elect just told CNN reporter Jim Acosta, “You are fake news.”
@KevinB i see
@Loktar That point speaks loudest
You're a slave to your own consumerism.
Which is hammered into your heads since birth
Ugh.. I hate that everyone is calling everything fake news now. It was about actually made-up news for ad revenue
not biased news ot news you don't like
its not freedom to possess an iphone or a car
You as an individual can break that chain easily.
@jAndy What do you call freedom?
@Luggage lolright
I didn't vote for Trudeau anyway. I'm just happy we're rid of Harper and that the new president is at least not all bad.
CNN et all started the fake news BS
What would make you feel free?
Random canadian comment...
People always want more, want the newest tech, want to ride the freedom wave, but they lack passion and drive and good work ethic. I'm not saying this about any particular group of people. It's humanity.
This is too hard to follow guys
love that it's used against them.
not being forced to do anything, unless you choose to. People are literaly forced to do anything to earn "money" in order to survive. If it wouldn't be that way, nobody would do the dirty jobs
fake news isn't BS. There were actuall fake articles on the internet for the purposes of making money.
but this is getting philosophical
I reply slowly, sorry. I guess I'll stop speaking politics where nobody will relate.
@Luggage sure but it was too politically motivated
I know most things aren't that easy to change, but effectively this is a silent slavery system, period.
> Hillary lost because of fake news
give me a break.
it was an influence.. probably small.
I used to lack passion and drive and any sense of responsibility. It took me 8 months of working retail to realize that that's what my life was going to be forever, so I kicked myself in the pants and decided to change it. I went from retail to being very well off 100% of my own effort.
And it was on Trumps side as well!
People forget that it takes hard work to change
while I am anti-trump, you wont' hear me arguing that he didn't win legitimately.
There was so much BS floating around about Trump as well.
but they chose to spin it one sided which is frustrating
and I especially would not call it freedom, to give away like 50-70% of your "earned money", to those "rich men behind the scenes", which rob billion over tax and interest
@jAndy Well, we're still not in a place where we can just do nothing except whatever we want to do and everything would be alright
@Luggage at least you aren't a hypocrite
what have I done
I felt the same way with Obama personally
@ndugger You and everyone else in this room lol
but he was still my president and won legitimately, ect.
Crops still need to be tended manually, power generation still requires people, etc.
I come back from a 10 min lunch to >100 messages
I didn't protest or anything stupid.
If you gave everyone 100% freedom to not work, nothing would get done
Money is a motivator, a strong one
@Jhawins what do you mean?
@MadaraUchiha I don't fully agree with that, I think it would be closer to 80% of people would do nothing
Like I said, in the past, you'd spend 18 hours a day on your crops and farm animals and whatever for survival
@ndugger Backing up your point because that's how all of us did it I think.
I think a good chunk would still choose to enrich others
Today you spend less, it's a good deal.
@Jhawins Ah, yeah, it wouldn't surprise me
@MadaraUchiha probably yes.. but then again the financial system which implements that is a crime in itself, because of interest
Everyone thinks that they work hard and everyone else is lazy.
except me, i know it'm lazy.
and lucky
@jAndy Don't get me wrong
The system isn't perfect
the basic idea might be good thing, but the implementation is pure evil
@ndugger I think your point was that you're not trapped... You just have to get up and do something like us?
And I already said that the game is played against you
But that does not mean you can't win.
you can only win by exploiting others
are you guys talking about a living wage?
@jAndy I disagree
one way or the other
You can make a living by giving a service other people want
@Jhawins Yeah, pretty much. I know it's not easy, but there are so many options. It's not just sit in poverty and die or be white and get rich, lol
No, they aren't.
That's what Stack Overflow does
@MadaraUchiha The way history has gone is that technology has replaced or reduced people's jobs. Those people didn't stop working. They worked on higher-level jobs. Thus the exponential growth of technology.
ah it sounded like that might come up with the "people being given money" argument
because that will one day have to happen.
@MadaraUchiha I 90% agree with you, but some people jsut don't have the skills to do so. We're all lucky being able to program.
@KendallFrey Right
@jAndy Define "win"?
In 50 or 100 years, we'd be able to let machines take over completely
And the only "jobs" would be maintaining those
make a living... probably.. but getting "rich" and "independent" from money.. you have to go the exploiting way (which most likely is unmoral and a crime)
And lawyers, lawyers would never die
@KendallFrey yeah but man in the next few decades so many more will be gone
@MadaraUchiha actually apparently that is happening
@MadaraUchiha I highly doubt innovation will stop
@jAndy Ah earning your Independence from money and from labor... Well yeah, we have to buy it or exploit people. I agree.
@Loktar and many more created
@KendallFrey I'm sure it won't
@Loktar people being given money is what we want for the future. I dont' knwo if we can do it, yet, but we want a civilization where so much is automated and quality of life is so high that people don't have to work all week to eat.
apparently lawyers had to do weeks of research into dockets
If you want it before 50-60 you have to exploit in some way
AI is replacing that rapidly
But we wouldn't need farmers and sewage workers and construction workers etc.
All those things would gradually be automated
Automation is progress. I am very sorry to those that lose their jobs over it, but it's inevitable. I am sorry. However, automation should mean that people get to work less for more money... unfortunately, the top folks still money grab and leaves the workers poor and helpless...
And if you just build up retirement and are finally freed at 50-60... What kind of life is that. So I see your point
@Luggage yeah I think that's humanities ultimate goal
but at this period in time there would be a lot of people against it
anybody tries go get that independence.. because "money" is the god of our time right. Effectively worthless paper and digital numbers, which allow you to live a life in "freedom" as far as it goes
but man once the trucking industry is automated.. something will have to happen
so... we have a war at hand
@Luggage We already live there. If everyone worked on basic things like food, it'd be a one-day-a-week kind of thing
@jAndy I don't think rich people are free
Not anymore than you are.
So socialism might be the only way forward when 1 programmer and a robot repair man can feed/cloth/entertain 1000 people.
Some (most) of them are criminals, sure
@KendallFrey That would be a step backwards.
Good discussion, folks. Glad we went from shitty politics to something actually interesting and sane to talk about.
Most of them would get away with a lot, sure.
as long as the programmer still gets more @Luggage :P
I'm gonna grab some lunch though, so I'll be back later
of course not, but you at least you're not forced to get up like 60 years of your life, trading away your lifetime for most likely "useless shit" you don't even like
@Jhawins Yes, because the other 4 days are people working on innovation
@KendallFrey Right, but people want their luxuries
@jAndy that's someones choice though
And are willing to pay a lot for them
I firmly believe that. You can still strive to do what you "want"
@Luggage Lol I have tried to explain that concept to people many times... Always just get shallow minded excuses for why it wouldn't work starting tomorrow morning lmao
but everyone has to work up to that point, regardless of where you start out
This means that technology eliminates jobs while creating more
I mean what 400 years ago you would just take over the family farm
what if you didn't want to farm? You die!
Rich people buy assets, and the middle-class buys liabilities
@Loktar would be nice if it was that way, but again.. nobody would do the dirty jobs if that slavery system wouldn't force people into it
A big a house you live in is a liability, not an asset
Your car is a liability, not an asset
@MadaraUchiha you're smart
most people think a house is an asset
I always argue about that.
An apartment you've bought and are renting for a good price is an asset
An apartment you bought for X and can renovate for Y and solve for >X+Y is an asset
But fuck it if I'm not gonna have a yard and 7 dogs
Well, houses are less of a liability than a car. They hold some value, usually.
@jAndy Most of them have no idea and are very happy to do it tho... Idk where those people fall. Like where do the drones exist compared to those of us that have actual ambitions bigger than "Sell cigs at the station and play on my iPhone"
you really think anybody "chooses" for work in a slaughterhouse? Or garbage collection and stuff if people really would have independence
@jAndy You always have a choice.
I disagree
@jAndy I don't think everyone does, but I think some have to due to choices they made
Why aren't you working in a slaughterhouse or garbage collection?
There will still be meaningless drones of people lol. They will still be the majority.
that's propaganda from a few (rich) people
@jAndy if you don't have other skills, but can get away with working only a couple days/week in a shitty job no one wants and live comfortably.. maybe.
You (and your parents, probably) made different choices in life than those who work in less appealing jobs
Spend 4 hours a day doing X skill and learning it
instead of watching TV
@Loktar That
or going to the bar.
10000% that
many people just don't want to, and would rather complain
and say the rich hold them down, because you surely can't blame yourself.
You want things to improve, improve yourself
Almost everyone I saw who don't do well in life blame it on the environment
I mostly agree with the people just not getting off their asses, but you forget just how stupid some people can be.
I just don't like the force mechanism behind all that. Sure people can learn new stuff, people can do all sorts of things, but then again.. educational systems are a joke on that matter as a beginning.
@MadaraUchiha Lol I have the quote for this
When they get into abstract concepts, they get lost
Look at Elon Musk!
his child hood sounded shitty lol
I mean yes you can always point to the big ones we all know, but there are 10,000 others we don't who are doing well.
@Luggage I don't believe that the general population is incapable of abstract thinking.
> Success is just a matter of luck. Ask any failure
I believe that most of them never tried, or tried for a little then gave up
and the biggest crime of all is the financial system itself, because at some point, if you (basically) robbed enough money, you're free from any force because money works for itself then
which can't be right
@Jhawins luck is involved, but you can't get lucky on an invention if you never invent.
@MadaraUchiha if so, then they need to be helped a lot earlier in thier lives
@jAndy The financial system is like everything humanity has ever done
It started small, and evolved into a monster by necessity
@Loktar sure you can. patent trolling :)
@Luggage I saw a patent for "software that transmits data from server computer to the user's computer"
@Loktar Well, except for the thing where the guy who steals an invention often makes more money on it than the inventor.
patents are ridiculous.
point #1 for a better world: Get the money back into the peoples hand, not "private" families to control it.
Email.. on a phone? I predicted that. Gimme money. Money Me. Money Now.
but then.. you better watch your back
Kennedy can tell
@Loktar keyword just ;P I agree
@jAndy I assure you that in 10 years, everything would go back exactly to the way it was.
@KendallFrey sure but even that takes work
@jAndy whoa there Mr. Robot
Bobby boy sitting on the couch isn't going to be doing that
The rich get rich because they know how to sell
And it doesn't matter what they sell
or because they don't care to abuse other people
They sell their name, even. (cough, Trump)
@Loktar No, the problem is, it's the people who already have a lot of money who can capitalize on it
@jAndy That's also possible, sure.
Most successful rich men are known psychopaths
@KendallFrey how does that explain people like Notch?
psychopaths are very good at making logical decisions over emotional ones
maybe you're right, but I don't think there is any chance, anything gets better as long as the biggest force in our "civilized world" is controlled by a few private families
for every notch there are hundreds of more making not as much but still doing very well
under similar circumstances
@jAndy What are you talking about? Things are better now then they have ever been in history, ever.
@Loktar He was pretty lucky
If it was easy, everyone would do it
@Loktar And even more people being abused while working at EA
@KendallFrey sure but he still put work into the luck
and again.. what does it tell you, that the last President of the US who tried to bring the control over money back into peoples hands, was shot 2 weeks after
@Luggage yeah but what do they do on their own for self enrichment?
effectively shut down the FED
sometimes you have to take risks
All I know is if at least one person in this chat doesn't become a household name... Imma be super disappointed.
a lot of people don't want to
so.. sharing needles?
Like if you just want to program fine. But at least someone must want something more
good idea. saves money
@Loktar I don't like the way "You have to work hard to get lucky" is a thinly veiled "Working hard makes you lucky"
my job is comfortable, I don't want to change, blah blah blah, rich man is keeping me down
Right.. there are lots of hard working unlucky people, too.
@KendallFrey no but i think some factors improve your chances
The whole point of luck is that you can't influence it
Hard work doesn't get you money, neither is smart work. You need to do both
@KendallFrey I don't believe in luck.
I mean seriously if you just work 9-5 at a shitty job and do nothing else how can you expect to get "lucky' and be rich
besides playing the lottery.
And I don't mean the freak disease/accident or lottery wins kind of thing
In a perfect world, the system would help disadvantaged people have a chance (e.g. education, opportunity), but we can't guarantee success. Also, people will have the ability to get rich.
@Loktar well I don't mean as individuals i look down on anyone for this. Just seems like we should be able to get to that higher level of life
I mean that people are getting up every morning, brush their teeth, take a shower, and go to work
And most people have no idea why they go to work to begin with
They have no goal, or their goals are wrong.
@Jhawins you can, but some jobs won't give you that
@Loktar That mostly falls under the "smart" part. You can get insanely rich by doing the exact same amount of work, but different work. You can also end up broke that way.
They play to not lose, instead of play to win.
No job will
@KendallFrey That's the risk portion
aka luck
some people are willing to take greater risks sometimes they pay off
sometimes they don't
not all 6 billion people can be making new businesses and getting rich. So, we do owe it to the people that pick up our garbage and serve us beer to try to make thier lives decent, too
I feel bad for trash collectors...
To an extent.
they make like what 30-60k
@KendallFrey Putting your money on a solid company that's been getting 2% a year for the past 20 years isn't about luck
people think they make shit lol
It's just being smart
they are always used as an example
A way better "financial system" would include mechanisms which make the "first million" the easiest and then it gets tougher and tougher. Because of interest and interest of interest, this is quite the opposite in our system. Of course.. the rich guys in todays world want to keep it that way, but it will always lead to horrible things
@Loktar hell i might as well go do that
And putting your money on several of those is even smarter
30k is way too low. 60k is reasonable.
Also, like it or not, even if you say "I'm not willing to risk my money, I won't invest" you're still investinng
@Loktar yea, mayb they aren't a good example. the bartenders can be, though
seriously.. that difference does it make for a guy if he has 520 million to this name or 501
@MadaraUchiha That also won't make you rich, just less poor.
this system is broken as shit
You're invested in the dollar, because that's what your currency is in
@Luggage yeah I mean everyone does it, I just think it's funny
So if the dollar drops, your money is worth less.
I mean so many use them as an example
So you're always playing, even if you don't want to
Which reminds me: @jAndy the game
I just imagine being a trash collector being like wow guys fuck off I work 5 hours a day and get weekends and holidays off!
that's the only thing which is not broken, the game
So given that you're always playing regardless
You should at least play for win.
And that means understanding the rules
I never said it was easy btw
So, i believe you that they make a more livable wage than public perception, but I can't really imagine they are making 60k while working 25 hours / week, either.
my plan is to keep buying random retro shit, and digital video games with the hopes that will somehow make me right /s
yes I know the rules very well, but I would hate to make a fortune on the back of others
I'm making it sound easy, but it really isn't.
@Luggage yeah I have no hard facts I just remember reading an askreddit thread
it didn't sound like they made bad money
/me turns to google
@jAndy I'll give you an example
ok looks like it's closer to the 30l mark in MI
it is pretty easy to make a lot of "money" in this world if you forget about morals and your fellow human beings
Say there are two shops, A and B
they sell the same products, but A is cheaper, by a lot
> According to the BLS, garbage collectors earned a median salary of $33,800 in 2015. The highest-paid 10 percent of garbage collectors made $58,790, and the lowest-paid made $19,860.
B buys from A and sells it to its shoppers at a higher price than A
People still buy from B a lot more than they buy from A
hey I wasn't completely off! lol
Would you say that B is a criminal in that scenario?
now I wonder what their hours really are
(This is a real situation simplified into letters, by the way)
@MadaraUchiha anyway you'll never get "rich" (to be independent of "work") that way. As you said, you can make a living on a lot of stuff, but get into the league of "rich men", you have to forget about humanity basically
@MadaraUchiha heh I just listened to an NPR piece about exactly that
unless you're a freaking genius 1:10000000000
@jAndy The Game
A was extremely pissed off.
but... A was still getting paid what they were selling it for...
@jAndy Why would I want to get into the league of "rich men"?
I thought the goal was to be free
See? You lost sight of the goal too.
because everybody wants it, because nobody really wants to be forced to work
which is the case for like 90% of people
That's the thing about this game. You control the goal
is garbage collector in really bad social status where you guys live?
I guess we have to define free
because its not a bad job here lol
@jAndy If your goal is to not work
typescript is like the annoying parts of haskell combined with the good parts of java
That's doable.
totally not
If your goal is to have 12 digit numbers in your bank account, probably less so.
I love my work, I love to create stuff and develop new things
but I hate to be forced to do it
@jAndy You're a programmer
Find something that people pay for and automate it.
(I never said it was easy, just doable)
@jAndy Again, humanity is still not in the stage where it's possible for everyone to not work.
I'm just saying, my assumption is that 90%+ people would not do what they do 40 hours+ a week, if they would not get the drug of money
Trust me, when everything gets automated to a level where we don't need the so called "stupid" workers, those jobs will die.
Because employers would rather not hire people
And then we'd need to hope we'll have a strong supportive system in place for those people
which could be awesome or aweful, depending on politics at the time
Because we'd really not have enough jobs for everyone
Think of all the people doing the jobs you don't want to do, now imagine them without a job because there's nothing that matches their limited skillset
yea that is actually an interesting scenario
but then again..I'd say the majority of "jobs" are unnecessary nonetheless
The only jobs you'll have are "people" jobs, jobs that require human contact (lawyers, preschool teachers, etc) and high skill jobs like management and automation maintenance and R&D
@MadaraUchiha Hopefully education keeps up and allows people to have more skills in relevant fields
@KendallFrey Hopefully indeed.
Although I think that we'll reach a situation where we just won't have what to do with a large portion of the people
I don't think widespread automation will really change anything
it hasn't so far
@KendallFrey It hasn't?
Have you heard of the industrial revolution? 😒
Not that way, you silly goose.
That was, what, a hundred years ago? more?
like.. bankers, brokers, lawyers, tax collectors, etc. those are just.. fictive things created by our self created system. Real jobs are actually only a few, like farmers, doctors, architects, builders etc.
@jAndy Who said you can't invent your own job?
Like I said, think of a service that people need want and provide it
Either automatically or not so
@jAndy Now your imposing arbitrary opinions on what a job is and isn't
One could easily argue that farming isn't a job either
Jobs getting invented and wiped from existence isn't anything new
it's not so arbitraty.. if you think it through, what are the real needs for a human?
food, shelter etc.
@jAndy But it isn't about what we need
It's about what we want
And we want luxury, and loads of it. And we're willing to trade a lot for it
I don't think we want luxury as "people". A few sick gents might want that
@jAndy No? I think we do.
it all comes down to that saying again.. "if the last tree was felled (...) people will realize they cannot eat gold"
I think that leaving mean comments on YouTube while you're taking a shit is something most people want to be able to do.
or something similar to that
@jAndy If you settle for shelter and food, you'd live very well indeed.
If that's your goal, you can easily reach it with relatively little work.
But you don't settle for shelter and food
You'd soon find that you'd enjoy not having to shovel poop
not really, because in most countries you can't own "property" without paying tax and if you don't pay tax, they come and take it away from you. So you're forced to make money on any way, which you have to give away like 50% via taxes and interest
@jAndy A country is a company
It provides security and other services for a fee from its residents
Whether it does its job well is a different matter
In the US you pay relatively little tax, and get very little
In Sweden you pay 80% tax, but get plenty
@MadaraUchiha what if you don't desire those services is what he's saying maybe
those are all abstract concepts which never really worked... corruption for once, non transparence for second. Nobody really knows who is in charge and stuff like that
@Luggage Aye
But you'd be living in a hole so idk.
@Luggage But you get 81% back from the country in the form of all the things you get
@MadaraUchiha is in charge. See the blue name.
80% tax? fuck me, I'm moving to Sweden
blue = illuminati
@KendallFrey hah theirs is 57%
god dang insane.
I think you misunderstood me
and which is it, 80% or 57%?
@Jhawins There are ways
And those are statistical anomalies at best.
oh I just googled
I didn't see Madaras earlier comment
but in generell, I guess you have a hard time to figure a system which is really fair and able to support 8 billion people, granted. But anyhow, I still figure our current idea of "democracy" and "capitalism" is based on pure crime, greed and injustice.
I want higher taxes
Hey JS
Any people in here with an iphone by any chance and willing to do a quick test for me?
@PeeHaa Hey unbeliever.
@PeeHaa Sure
@MadaraUchiha I prefer truther
@KendallFrey I want everyone but me to have higher taxes
Can you scroll that page ^ ?
@KendallFrey I don't mind high taxes, as long as I get a return
@MadaraUchiha oh dear, one of those people
> First of all: If you have debts, you are fucked. (All US students facepalm right about now.) Pay them off. You decided to loan money, it's your responsibility to pay it back. Don't bitch at me, I did not make it near impossible for you to travel like I described. That was your government and your educational facilities.
@MadaraUchiha That was kind of implied
> Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. - Churchill
I like this guy already.
Gratz @FlorianMargaine! \o/
@PeeHaa Doesn't scroll
Awesomesauce. Thanks <3
I forgot about that. Is alien still working for them?
I have an alien in my basement.
@Luggage Only one?
I think he's from Guatemala.
"Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world
war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world's trading
system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world
finance its opportunity to profit." - Churchill @Luggage
So the Jew thing was A-ok?

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