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You have reached your question limit
how much do i need to wait
answer moar questions
is it a ban?
wait a few months
any good tutorials for Angular Js
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a usual part of our internship program. We offer a better-than-average salary and heavy tutoring for the intern to grow. — Thales Pereira 2 hours ago
D3DynamicTreeLayout-QS/Extension/Current version - 1.2.1/d3dynamictreelayout-qs/js/
@SohaibAsif yes many, please use google
@rlemon find it now
i didn't know that there is a workplace SE
@KarelG you are so outdated
there are lots of SE groups btw
@Mathematics move up a directory?
I don't bother with most of them
how did you find it now then ?
On view I have <span ng-show="vm.form.code.$error.required" translate="code.required.code"></span>. How to turn of this by controller?
@Mathematics is that a question for me or rlemon?
I feel bad, I have been doing nothing but down-voting questions :<
@rlemon I feel good, I have been doing nothing but down-voting questions :< (source)
@FlyingGambit I had a look at your profile. I'd say you're a maniac upvoter
My mouse moves on its own when it sees something good
Me too. It just doesn't happen.
!!s/\. I.*/ thanks/
@rlemon Most welcome
.... cap
that's not at all what you were supposed to parse that as
I just only upvote if the answer is useful and contains effort from the author
i never dv :P
I dv a bit
some need it
2912 dv from rlemon
70% of my votes are down.
I just check that post and then go away. I wouldn't waste my time with dv that
cos i know that it eventually gets dv'ed :P
@rlemon you demotivate your fans a lot :D
my fans oscillate
I changed my avatar.
I don't like it
change back
Why, isn't it good looking?
@ZhengquanBai you dont look cheeky enough
@KarelG you
@ZhengquanBai it's too good looking. I can't code now
@ZhengquanBai Wtf is this " Gay, Chinese, interested in JavaScript and Web development"
@Mathematics Denys just quoted a comment that leads to a workplace SE (i just checked it). Hence i found out that there is such SE place
but ya know, if you click on that SE dropdown, you find a huge list of SE groups
@FlyingGambit his bio
mines Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's going to die. Come watch TV?
@KarelG What ? Another Denys ?
Btw my colleague just told me that the real meaning of Gay is happy
anyone got anything interesting to watch?
show, lecture, TED, whatever
watching a lecture ? :P
not the obvious shows, I've seen them all
@FlyingGambit you didn't know that?
you know, a presentation
@rlemon no >_<
@FlyingGambit youtube.com/watch?v=L7BQRGXFLJs this must have been very confusing to you then
If gay == happy then what is the opposite of gay ?
@FlyingGambit sad
@rlemon that does not fit in
sure it does
you're associating the term with its adopted meaning not its original one
!!urban lesbian
@FlyingGambit That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@FlyingGambit lesbian a woman whose emotional, romantic, and sexual energies are geared towards other women.
"I'm very gay today." means "I'm very happy today."
Except most people would avoid that use to prevent possible confusions
@ZhengquanBai May God bless you with Gayness
thanks, mate.
@DenysSéguret thats like insult the Gay community
@ZhengquanBai that would sound odd even back in the day, feeling gay, as in feeling merry, was more often how one would say it
@FlyingGambit what do you mean?
I mean not using that word publicly with its real associated meaning would be like insulting the community
I am going to use it everywhere now and replace all happy jolly words with gay
the borrowed meaning of the word is a recent development. your grand parents would have said gay to mean merry/happy when they were kids.
I think it was like 1950's? or something the term took a u-turn
@rlemon that's what the article I linked to says
that means I have to readd it
we were taught this in school.
Old Batman series taught me that dick actually means police
you don't really have to read it, you won't find it surprising, only adds some precision to what you (and me) already knew
@rlemon I am wondering if you are older than my grandpa
@FlyingGambit no, I'm 30. I just enjoy history
@rlemon May you never age and stay 30 forever
no way, I'm looking forward to being old. finally a reason to be crotchety
I am feeling gay today so I am blessing people.
@rlemon No you have to take my blessings, no take backs, no refund
@SterlingArcher ^^
> About tree kitty.
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: p90x
I wonder if I could turn one of the SO chat rooms into a dating room
@FlyingGambit Full of programmers...
Can't see how that could go wrong
return false
it surprises me that the word "gay" has gotten multiple definitions through the years
panic attack
@BenFortune Hey Programmers also have lovely emo feelings
* press Ben's panic button *
@KarelG lots of words change meaning
@KarelG does it also mean hitler ?
Yup like gravitational force is not a pulling force but a pushing force
wait what
gravitational force isn't a pulling one
@rlemon How's react coming along?
it's an emotional highway
@KarelG Nope, its the universal force putting pressure on the earth, so anything you throw up gets pushed down
Probably understand it more than I do at this point. The state always confuses me, passing it around
And the state management libraries, even more. Though mobx seems the easiest
@KarelG The right word was space time, it bends around the objects
@FlyingGambit gravity doesn't pull anything down
there is an article coming that shows that the relativity theory may be incorrect
morning everyone
> sincerely the father
@FlyingGambit I hope you're not positing that as a valid experiment
@BenFortune the message format reveals everything
@KendallFrey Even I am not sure about the validity of that experiment but I just know that gravity is a pushing force from some Chinese science guy on youtube
He is a charismatic person
The problem with that is that you need to define what a pushing force is
I demonstrated it to your mum last night
@KendallFrey the one luke uses to push back the storm troopers
You can conceptualize any attractive force as a push from the opposite direction
But the definition of attractive force is when two objects tend to get closer to each other
so, the apple didn't fall, the sky threw it at the ground?
(yes, I'm aware the apple shit didn't happen)
Thus gravity is an attractive force, in Newtonian mechanics
@rlemon Well, according to Einstein, the apple was sitting nicely undisturbed and the ground came slamming up into it
@KendallFrey I prefer to think of clouds as sky-muscles and a fluffy arm came down to fuck up that apple
oh gawd you ppl are funny
@FlyingGambit hah, the engineer in me has put all alarms up.
actually the gravity affects everything with energy (thus light too)
does gravity affect the game too?
@KarelG But light does not bend if i am right so how can gravity affect it ?
light bends
@FlyingGambit according to Einstein, gravity bends spacetime. Light will just follow the shape.
gravity actually bends space and time
So we had enough gravity we could stop time and thus live young forever ?
And also if light's path can be made to bend in a circular motion forming a loop then we no longer will need the sun
hence if you're on Mercury, you age slower than on earth
all you need to accomplish is to get onto the north or south pole of a black hole...
@jAndy Thats where I threw my new year party
there is no space and no time, according to the special theory of relativity
you cannot stop time
@KarelG how about slowing it to a great extent such 1 sec = 1 year
you can do that. A good example for that is black holes ;)
when you circle around black holes you can live literally for centuries of earth years
but then again... all that is just pure theory.
but there is a minimum limit of aging speed. You cannot get lower of that I think
but even in that theory, you would not notice your long living within in your own reference frame
@jAndy That's a very strange thing to say
All I'm saying is game related.
@KarelG I can, you just won't notice.
how so?
removing the batteries from the clock ?
That stops the clock, not time
i'm just saying a poor joke
time stopping is physically identical to time not stopping
I used to think time was man made, but even then, how do you describe the 'duration' between two observable states?
time is likely emergent
not fundamental
what is time
baby won't hurt me
what if you are in room where everything is gray, you yourself is also entirely gray. how to measure time
Time is the difference in observable states.
@jAndy with a clock
so the gray room is timeless?
you can't measure anything by Waxis definition
Did you move in the gray room?
you're making the unfounded assumption that there is only one shade of gray and that I am deaf and paralyzed
there are in fact 50 shades of gray
Recording time is human, but time exists without us, I believe.
@Waxi the gray room was just a picture. Effectively I'm talking about all matter is the same. A perfect homogeneous state.
there is no time
nor a spoon
No time means everything is frozen in one unaltered state, but nothing is like that.
but the game
@Waxi On what basis do you say that? It's perfectly reasonable to describe the universe as a static state where time is emergent.
Can anyone tell me how to determine how a page is being cached? I have a page that uses javascript to call an API and return some json data, and the results are being cached on the page for some clients. Given that I don't have the pages cached on my machine, how can I determine how to invalidate the cache? Should I be looking to invalidate the entire page, or just pass parameters into the javascript filename call?
@Waxi that would be no energy
that is basically what grounds the standard theory. The universe began with the first quantum deviation
when the perfect homogeneous state broke up
@jAndy That's dangerous because you're implying that time existed before the beginning of time
Hi there! I'm trying the angular2 + material template exmaples. github.com/angular/material2/blob/master/src/lib/checkbox/… . When I run this example on my angular2 project, it fails with this message : Parser Error: Unexpected token # at column 1 in [#grocery of groceries] ...
@KendallFrey no
Time only exists to the observer, the one that can track/measure the passing of states.
there is no time in a perfect homogeneous state
there is no "before" nor "after" if everything that is, is the same
You're still implying that there was a moment before the first moment of time
time started the "moment" when the quantum vacuum left that state
Time started when the first thing moved/changed, whenever that was.
You said there was a homogenous state, and this state did not exist after the first moment of time, so it had to exist before
for whatever reason... maybe god had to leave to take a piss
@Waxi invoking a prime mover? how quaint
I have a hard time understanding/believing that things just were, with no start.
time is a result of gravitational forces. if there is no time, then there is no gravity ?
yes of course quantum vacuum existed, but it had no time without deviation
I don't see how you can stop time
Time does have a beginning according to our standard understanding of physics
Time started on 'day 1 of the big bang'.
But there is no sensible way to include anything (including "nothing") outside the domain of time
but our standard theory (big bang) is pretty full of crap and dogma and self defined constants and... pretty much a clusterfuck :P
@Waxi the start could just be out of our current understanding. Saying "It just started, don't know why" is more honest than "I think I know a certain deity who did this"
but within that clusterfuck it works pretty well
@KarelG "result" (or really, cause and effect) isn't a useful way of looking at the fundamentals of physics
time doesn't exist
time is a tool you can put on the wall
Just earlier today I read another theory that tries to solve the problem of dark matter. By rewriting/demolishing gravity this time.
time was the reason I get mistaken for a drug dealer - @SterlingArcher
dark matter is just one...outgroth to keep that fragile theory alive
hey all
hey all can some1 help me with this problem ?

if i upload the script is looking for extension png and upload the image
of the extension (example)

DRIVE_FILES[i].fileExtension + "-icon.png"

what i need is that if i dont have the extension he must take

the undefined.png

can some1 help me or give me advice how i can handle it
I have a problem with the big bang, that something came from nothing; however, wouldn't the big bang actually support grand design?
Can anyone tell me how to determine how a page is being cached? How do I know if the page is being cached, and not the file? I recently changed the JS file, and the client is seeing the old results. CTRL-F5 resolves the problem, but won't for other clients. I don't want to invalidate all page caching if it's just the js file call that could be modified to include a parameter.
we had to introduce a fictive "thing" which makes like 90% of the entire universe (dark energy included) to explain certain effects
To anyone to thinks they know something about dark matter, I say "But what about the Bullet Cluster?"
It's not fictive, it's unexplained. And sure.. us being wrong about howgravity works is a possible explanation. No one denies that.
which really is a joke after all
It's unlikely, at this point, but not impossible
@Waxi if there was no time, how could it have come from something?
@Waxi As I already said, something didn't come from nothing. There never was a "nothing". There is something, and it just is.
@Luggage of course is fictive at this point
Damn. I forgot Excel have a 32k cell text limit.
there is no evidence of dark matter nor dark energy at this point
Not fictive, we can measure it's distribution.
Sorry to repeat, but I couldn't edit my comment to clarify...

I have a page that uses javascript to call an API and return some json data, and the results are being cached on the page for some clients. Can anyone tell me how to determine how a page is being cached? How do I know if the page is being cached, and not the file? I recently changed the JS file, and the client is seeing the old results. CTRL-F5 resolves the problem, but won't for other clients. I don't want to invalidate all page caching if it's just the js file call that could be modified to include a parameter.
@Waxi "The Big Bang Theory" or whatever it's called doesn't talk about the origin of whatever inflated.
we just define it
on paper
invisible does not mean made up. radio waves are invisible.
@KendallFrey So where did the big bang come from? A different something?
@jAndy On the the contrary, there is a ton of evidence. Otherwise we wouldn't be talking about them.
we can measure radio waves directly
We can 'see' dark matter through it's lensing, for one.
@Waxi It may not have come from anything.
@SeventhSon Start with not using Chrome?
no we can't
ohh, ok.
I can't argue with that.
at best we see an effect which we "define" caused by "dark energy/matter"
@jAndy What do you think dark matter explains, if not what we observe from the universe?
dark energy and matter aren't related.
ehhhh.. rotation of galaxies for once?
that was because it was "invented"
we invented gravity
but the equations for gravity, which work so well, fail to account for the speed of stars due to rotation alone.
@jAndy That's what dark matter is. Dark matter isn't a theory. It's a hole that a theory needs to fill.
we have zer0 idea how galaxies can rotate on the speed they do
@Sheepy I use a variety of browsers, and the client is using whatever they want. How does that come into play?
to explain observable phenomemon
@jAndy We observe that
dark matter / energy DID start 'on paper', in a way. They were basically "things don't work out, let give a name to this error". but dark matter, at least, we now can measure
Bullet Cluster
The Bullet Cluster (1E 0657-558) consists of two colliding clusters of galaxies. Strictly speaking, the name Bullet Cluster refers to the smaller subcluster, moving away from the larger one. It is at a co-moving radial distance of 1.141 Gpc (3.7 billion light-years). Gravitational lensing studies of the Bullet Cluster are claimed to provide the best evidence to date for the existence of dark matter. Observations of other galaxy cluster collisions, such as MACS J0025.4-1222, are similarly claimed to support the existence of dark matter. == Overview == The major components of the cluster pair—stars...
that is all interpretation and effect
@SeventhSon You can send a header to tell browser not to cache a page - BEFORE they cache the page. You can't remove cache from client's browsers after the fact. You can onlu change the url and direct them to the new url.
not cause
Where does your doubt begin?
tl;dr: Not only do we see more gravity than we'd expect from the matter we see, we also see gravity in places where there is little matter.
I mean, what part of known physics do you draw the line and say "everything beyond here is a scam"? Is dark matter it? or gravity? atoms?
I just want to know what I am up against
being uncertain about dark matter is fine. skepticism is A-ok. I just get the impression you are more trying to say it's all a conspiracy, though.
@Luggage That our entire universe shall be constrained by literally "something" we can't see, measure or prove its existence beside "define" certain observable aspects of "light matter" with it.

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