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Small city, not much surveillance
Or not where I am anyway
Think you showed me that the other week, I love it
yas <3
@rlemon I'm on a Machine Head kick again
Been listening to too much electro house lately
@BenFortune no, the day before halloween
@Luggage Ah, I'm thinking of something else
Bought Astroneer, looks fun
Cool. I'll pop onto your planet later.
guess I'll play some Brutal Legend
I don't know what I'm doing and my settings aren't saving :(
there are settings?
Audio options and stuff
anyone uses emmets plugin for vim?
A: Object is not a constructor JavaScript error

H. J. RhenalsYou should be aware of JavaScript Hoisting what @Denys Séguret just described is what is happening. You shoudl assing the new instance to a deiferent variable var GeoLocMapInstance = new GeoLocMap();

He makes an answer to say that mine is correct...
A: Object is not a constructor JavaScript error

blcktAs Denys said,you tried to recreate variable and call as constructor. change this: var GeoLocMap = new GeoLocMap(); to this : var geoLocMap = new GeoLocMap();

It looks like a joke...
they want dat rep doe
They could properly steal without attribution, as is usually done... Here... it's strange
Those are typically the ones who don't know. Since he tagged you, I don't think he wants the rep. Probably not enough rep to comment on yours
@DenysSéguret They do
well, no, deny's answer didn't explain why it didn't work at the piont in time the other answer was posted. Posting a new answer was the correct action to take, as him editing your answer instead would have been wrong.
@rlemon well found
it's the second most recent answer
I didn't look hard
localStorage.colorSetting = '#a4509b';
localStorage['colorSetting'] = '#a4509b';
localStorage.setItem('colorSetting', '#a4509b');
@KevinB Hoisting was already mentioned, as well as the decomposition
What's the benefit of using localStorage getter/setter over object props?
@SterlingArcher Any type of name
@SterlingArcher localstorage is a string
nvm. it just returns
ignore me
@DenysSéguret what do you mean any type of name?
@SterlingArcher just that you can't use any string with the first notation (yes, you already knew it)
In any case I think the two other ones are identical (and I use both, against the recommandations)
But bracket notation would cover that -- I can't see making a get/set just to ignore bracket notation
The bracket notation might hide the fact you're not just setting a property of an object
Not saying it's necessary, just why I think they choose that
damn SO
lost 5 seconds of productivity
RIP Software Engineers everywhere
Productivity just dropped 98% all over the world
SO was probably broken by the thousands of new users who suddenly realized they could just copy an answer to make one
lol dystroy mad, dystroy smash
BTW Miaou just reached 3.5M messages
Hi everybody! :)
jesus that neckbeard is strong af
gotta give him credit for persistance of song and angle
is there someone who likes develop component in vanilla js?
ew vanilla js
"component" ? What do you precisely mean here?
jquery or bust
Is jQuery a component ?
fact: jQuery is developed in vanilla js
Is your mom jquery?
@DenysSéguret that's a dirty lie and you know it
jQuery is developed in Perl
it's why it is so fast
oh, that's why
it's jquery all the way down
Skynet is written in jQuery
I've had a lot of coffee today I'm sorry
work getting better?
In any case the question about custom elements is legit. I can't answer it though
we miss our old meme lord
see this

Work is hell. We have a massive deliverable to basically Congress this week and... well it's not going to go well
Tell congress that you love Trump; they will give you free money
Fortunately my ass is covered because this project was 50x worse before I was onboarded to save it
This usually doesn't save your ass
Yeah, that won't save you... recent experiences tell me so
It just means somebody decided to sacrifice you
What do you mean?
!!define scapegoat
@rlemon scapegoat In the Mosaic Day of Atonement ritual, a goat symbolically imbued with the sins of the people, and sent out alive into the wilderness while another was sacrificed.
My boss just got on board with my team, and we're on a project destined to fail. He wasn with us for only a month before the company decided to punish the entire team, including my new boss
I'm left to my own devices
it's nice until it isn't
Ah, no it's not like that. Basically every project in the company was fighting for me to join their team, and it was decided to put me on this one to save it. If it dies, it's not my fault because 1. I haven't been on the project long enough to make a deliverable happen, and 2. Despite #1, my lead methodoligies have increased business output that I can measure in metrics
So my ass is covered. Project fails, I move to another project
I'm not at risk of being dropped, they're too desperate for good angular devs and I'm the 2nd best they have
Good luck
lol angular devs
I know :(
So yeah
!!afk pray for me
In any case you're right that we good enough engineers can't really be at risk
back to rocket league before i could join and troll your game?
wait, is () => {} proper syntax for creating a noop?
const action = this._keys.get(e.which) || (() => {});
yes, that's an empty function..
Yeah, or you can use f => f
and it's ugly
no, that retuns your first argument, not a noop
Empty () is ugly.
well, technically it's an identity function, sure
too bad, it's the syntax
the proper way is to check the value is defined before calling, not to put noop
yourMum => null
_ => {}
_ => null
undefined, if that
yourMum if that
_ => void 0
Let's submit a proposal for function.noop that returns jQuery
Who do you want to submit that to?
Brenden Eich
Do you agree to put Ben, who's in the ES list, in charge of that proposal ? He can't refuse
we have Madaras email address
send it to him
Don't you read the esdiscuss mails ? We have all the mail adresses
yea, but we have his work email now
and benji said it was fine to send him jQuery questions
Dear sir or madam,
We want to extend the function keyword to add a "noop" property that returns jQuery.
Eager to hear back from you,
Room 17
I don't know who decided to put pretty glowing ON/OFF buttons on computers but I'm sure he doesn't have kids
(new feature here: baby powered auto-completion)
@Luggage you play with electron + react yet?
yes, but only a bit
when the app loads the path is /home/rlemon/blah/crap/index.html I have to push / into history for the router to work as a first step. doesn't feel like I should have to do that
well, you migh not have those kinds of routes at all..
but it's correct. you always need to push once
react-router just does it for you
I'm using react-router (3)
basically, you take window.location once and use that path once.
ohh, well, react-router might be trying to use browsers things. are you still using browser history or did you swap for another?
ohhhhh so <Router path={window.location} component={App}> instead of /
but then... when I navigate to / I don't hit that route
what? noo
I'm using browserHistory yes
ok, will it's probably trying to READ window.location
not sure what that is in electron
you also likely want another history object. like memory
what's the deal with webpack 2 anyway?
browserHistory uses html5 history api. not sure if that is in electron or not
let routeConfig = <Route path="/" component={App}>

browserHistory.push('/'); // if I don't push here, IndexRoute doesn't hit because it isn't on /

ReactDOM.render(<Router history={browserHistory}>{routeConfig}</Router>, reactContainer);

/// getPageRoutes returns an array of <Routes> and the <IndexRoute>
@Luggage should be, in any case history isn't really important to me, I was just doing what I know
use history api and you probably need to push once
React messes with me -- accepting HTML-like objects in a method like that without strings
i mean memoryHistory
I'll check it out. again, history isn't really important to me (atm) it's a full screen touch application
@SterlingArcher I had major reservations about it, but once I got used to it, I love it.
no back button, no history buttons, no nothing
better than stinky angular
@SterlingArcher because it just gets transpiled to React.createElement(Router, {history: foo, children: [ routeConfig ]})
history might still be a lttle important, so just switch to memory history
easier than trying to write it out
but anyway, reading your own url once is normal in an SPA. react-router just likely pulls the wrong (or no) path when it tries that in electron.
also, if you truely want no history, then react-router is kinda pointless.
instead of history.push() you just want app.setPag() or some shit
@Luggage it's pulling the file path, I think
I caught * and checked the path it was seeing.
@Luggage well, I need/want routing
ok.. so you want to refer to a component with a url, even though you want no history?
Why are regular expressions returning "associative arrays" and not objects o_o'
This is the first time I encounter a associative array in javascript:
["↵", index: 0, input: "↵↵"]
I need to create HTML page with JS function to save input to .TXT file in my machine
the HTML page contain :
2 input box
e-mail & password
1 button submit when i click the input save in the txt file
so what have you done about this?
@blckt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I search & find that
But that is not what i need
why not
that will download the file
Why can't you just press Ctrl+r, type notepad, type some text, then save?
oh, it's windo r
@Sami and how else do you expect to get a file on their pc
u cannot write from inputs to your machine from browser. Only download it
@blckt well, I'm sure you can but not without a lot of other shit going on
The process will be visible
your best bet is to generate the download link then programatically click it
i need when you click the button
@rlemon yep
@rlemon then you can see the file download
you want to silently install/save files on someone elses pc?
how are you handling security of the password?
yes , on my local machine
not gonna happen
you're phishing
@Sami Let's pretend for a second that this is possible... Are you comfortable clicking this link in that world?)
Oh man I fucked up
@rlemon no need to see this
you can't silently do this. not possible. also this looks a lot like you're trying to setup some kinda phishing attack
no one will help you here
It's too bad there's no sort of reprimandation for users asking for help with malicious sites..
you have to prove malice :/
Not malicious
it can be used that way, so it isn't possible.
@Sami Then why do you need to secretly download a file with no indication to the user?
It's on my pc , not other pcs
The browser prevents you from doing this to protect end-users. Even if you are said end user.
@Sami the people who wrote js don't care.
@Jhawins my mom shouldn`t see my download history!
@Sami Then download the file. You only need to use it on your PC, so click the link manually.
Ok , then thank you for your time :).
@Sami use wget instead
I don't think he's trying to be malicious.
@NathanJones I'm not js dev , idk anything abt js , i just try to learn from you.
It sounds like a business requirement to me from the boss, or something like that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but Samy is my hero
@Sami what the room is telling you is that not only is it not possible - it's not possible for a very good reason.
& i don't have a boss :)
It sounds to me like he's reached the point where he knows he needs a backend, but doesn't know what that is or how to make one
@BenjaminGruenbaum wanting to save username and password silently to a file sounds to me a LOT like a shared pc phishing attack
Also, you can run Chrome with --disable-web-security, or an extension can also do this.
Guys please listen
someone wants to know their SO's facebook
I just ask
@Sami oh, I think I know what you need - you can use localStorage or IndexedDB to persist data.
You have a non relational database in your browser you can use to save data.
@rlemon my SO has my FB password.
yea, because you're in a functional relationship
I don't have FB
So , the result is : No, that is not possible ?
I really wish I could delete my facebook, but there are friends that I keep up with and communicate with on facebook
@Sami, tell us what you're actually trying to do
@rlemon ?
I try to learn new things
@Sami the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
its also where its star wars force is saved
@Sami Then the first thing you need to learn is how to communicate properly. Because I have no idea what you're actually trying to achieve here, so we cannot offer any constructive help. You will only get 'troll' responses unless you find a way to describe things more clearly.
Idk what is mitochondria , sorry
it's the powerhouse of the cell
@Sami It's the powerhouse of the cell
I just told you..
damn, ken
jeez do you never listen
@david try to help => try to help again => slight mock => full out troll.
generally the way things around here go
Guys, is there iOS chat client? Or only web version?
@rlemon yep, that's what I'm trying to help him avoid
but it appears that it's far too late for this powerhouse of the cell
that mean im a troll? @rlemon
if you put your mind too it, you can grow up to be whatever you like
maybe even president one day
No, it means that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
found the Canadian
I ask my Q, now i should leave .Bye
You didn't ask your Q ><
@rlemon I want to be a child
... there is a kink in there I don't want to explore
@rlemon shudder
!!urban kink
@KendallFrey [kink](http://kink.urbanup.com/1595732) Noun - kink
Plural - kinks
As in "a kink". sexual tastes for a person. Usually a kink is an unusual taste in sexual behaviour.

The following example is NOT me or anyone i know.
yeah, don't explore that
they make adult diapers for a reason, no?

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