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my project is a knockout.js turned react/mobx project that IS more complex than the Apollo 11 command module.
ok, not that complex.
maybe if I print it with a very large font.
@MadaraUchiha Am pretty sure that the built project transpired to Apollo 11 computers ASM would be more pages than that. /cc @Luggage
fun fact: they used an early alpha of webpack for apollo 14.
@Luggage wat
I don't have a link for obviously made-up things.
How do get the value from a HTML text box?
I need to use the value to send into a Scala template view
It's doing my head in
It is so confusing
@Perfect_Comment .value property, if you have a reference to the input already.
@Luggage I thought for a second that now I know why there wasn't an Apollo 14, they are still figuring out the exact webpack config.
I think tried that
there was an apollo 14.
like how can i even get the value of a text area
ot text box
um? So you don't see a text box.. but you think one is there and you want it's value?
I have a text area.
So when the user enters a value i need to grab it
Sounds easy
> "How can I get my dog to stop peeing one the floor.. WHEN I DON'T HAVE A DOG!?"
I've tried every answer on this site
I'm missing something
Do i need to use JS?
can this be done using just HTML?
I am missing something in understanding your problem. Can you get as far as you can on jsfiddle, then we'll help?
I have a quesion on this site
yea, you need to use js, unless you want to POST a form back to a server
Q: How to get a value from a HTML text area in the Play Framework?

Perfect_CommentI am using scala templates within the Play Framework to create my views. The user is required to enter some text into a text area. I would like to use this text to send into another view within my application. <div class="ui form"> <div class="field"> <label>Please use the text box below</...

^ his/her question.
Yes thats the question!
I can't post the form so i need to grab it using JS
So, I don't know wnaything about scala views or whatever you are using, but I'll anaswer in a "plain JS" way
I am so confused
I want to go out to the pub but i promised myself i wont until i can resolve this
1. Put an id="" attribute on the text area
2. Get a reference to the textarea (see: document.getElementById())
3. read the .value property
I have the id - id="txtarea"
Thanks guys am so happy with my setup now :D
Here in lies the problem
So i get use the document.getbyId to get the txtarea value
Which returns a JS variable?
that gives you the <textarea> itself.
from there you can get the value (or change the value) among other things.
So i use the .value to get the value
But how do i insert a JS variable into html?
define 'insert js variable into html"
@dashboard_send(userId, "Message")
Thats the scala template thingy
The "Message " part is the string i need to send in
which is derived from the textarea
well, did you get the value, yet?
I think so
I have no way of knowing
sure you do. console.log() it
but after that.. No idea. Never used whatever scala thing you are using. I don't know if it's client-side or server-side or anything
Ok i think i have it.
Ok luggage
thanks for your help
you are a nice guy
np, good luck
No, i'm not.
ok your not
you're* :)
you are a divil
Wow I was missing so much cool stuff with TS
it really feels a neat language so far ;D
making a clock in infinifactory is easy :D
Then step it up and make a calendar.
not that kind of clock
Hey, guys. Will DataTables pagination work even without a specific Web API method designed for pagination?
@Shmiddty not that kind of calendar.
Sorry for the triple ping, I forgot how to spell.
so how does typescript compiler cache?
@Mosho Is there a point in using typings anymore?
@types is where it's at now
I don't think typescript itself has caching
I use ts-node and it has caching
I require it and use one of its internal exports
it works well
@Mosho so how do i install all the packages that i need types for?
uhh, most package owners provide a reference in package.json, afaik
some packages have their own
most of the rest you can do npm i --save-dev @types/{package}
so just nuke
and npm install ?
the type packages are separate packages
I just want a list :D
you have to install them
maybe someone wrote a tool
For example its not typing Express as anything.
const app = new Express();
became any
npm i --save-dev @types/express
there is a vscode extension
Typescript hero?
also from the page Filip linked it seems it should be --save and not --save-dev
up to you
it doesn't matter if you don't publish it to npm
and if you did publish you wouldn't want typings to be installed with your package
Types auto installer
nvm yep found it.
@Mosho died silently.
yeah that happens quite a bit
at least that kind of extension
anyway, good luck, I'm out
Cya, thanks for all the help
Can someone help me figure out this isn't working?
there seems to be some problem with the CommentBox component. It's the last one
Have you looked at the errors in the console, yet?
@Luggage oh.. I didn't know there was a console there... lol...
but ... wait...
It doesn't make any sense I didn't touch ListClass and up until yesterday it was working just fine
i meant the console you get with F12 (or command-option I)
CommentList is capitalized, then referenced as lowercase
Uncaught ReferenceError: commentList is not defined
there you go!
Thank you very much, I didn't notice that.
The list thing is just a warning, because that was an early exercise I assume they weren't too worried about it.
Isn't the color scheme just terrible 😅 😂 😭 🙈
meh, fine for testing. easy to see
while I'm at it, let me ask the quesiton in the comments bellow the demo.
if I'm in jsx I know I can't do <div class="smth">
it must be className
but what if I want to declare a style directly (not sure why I'd ever need to do that... I mean, I'm asking for a friend see...)
jsx won't render <div style="border:1px solid blue">content</div> for instance
wait... my code isn't working right... it's only showing one of the comments.
Because I was dumb and wrote the same id twice.
Anyone familiar with negamax and alpha-beta pruning algorithms ?
@MadaraUchiha apparently tsc can create a unified bundle :S
but you still might want webpack instead if you have other client assets to bundle.
@Abhishrek It might be able to, but Webpack has more useful features
oh yes.
If you have libraries etc, TS wouldn't be able to bundle them
web pack makes life really easy.
Also, if you want multiple bundles.
in other words, tsc bundle is good enough to put on npm?
and that's it
though. i guess you don't even need to bundle for that, just transpile.
@Abhishrek One of the better things about VSCode though, is that you can npm i -g typescript then npm i --save-dev @types/some-library and that library would instantly have type support in VSCode, even if you aren't using TypeScript
ohh? shit.
Just having the type definition is enough
It's insane like that
Just make sure you have the versions right
Oh sweet!
I'll need to spend some time playing around with these things to get my mind around them.
I am currently setting up tests and web pack with vscode tasks.
What if we change the rooms name to (3*) JavaScript ?
@MadaraUchiha do you have a minute to help me with a meta request? would be g-r-e-a-t :)
@MadaraUchiha ++ thanks!
oh wow, MS HoloLense is on sale microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/en-us
Yeah it has been for a while
over a year I believe if you were accepted, and 6 months or so if you aren't even a dev
that price though.
> $3,000
anyone here use polymer?
  "scripts": {
    "watch:client": "webpack --watch  --config webpack.frontend.config.js",
    "watch:server": "webpack --watch --config webpack.dev.config.js",
    "watch:nodemon": "nodemon --watch \"./dist/server\" --exec wt serve --hostname localhost --port 9000 \"./dist/server/main.js\"",
    "run-locally": "npm-run-all --parallel watch:server watch:client watch:nodemon",
Gah :/
has anyone played Infinifactory?
@Shmiddty Aye
How big is it? [In Gigabytes]
I haven't beaten it yet
Oh I can actually download it :D
the drone maintenance (tank) level is some bs
I'll need a ton more options in the watch: nodemon, is there a sane way to pass those params?
As of now I am playing through Diablo 3, Act II, About to go meet Belial
have I added you on bnet?
what do you mean @Abhishrek? chokidar allows some options to be passed through the environment
@Abhishrek Seasonal or not?
Not yet seasonal
This is the first time I'm playing D3
season 9 starts soon
If you need a boost or something, poke me :P
oh ok
you are already strong enough to boost?
It starts soon.
6th of January
@Shmiddty @Cerbrus I am level 43 atm.
added you
Season 9
Me and my girlfriend play it like every night for an hour or two
Cerbrus#2204 <-- Battle tag
@Abhishrek oh, nodemon.json and PM2 has watch options and accepts a config file as well
so I'm kinda bound on level
the endgame isn't too bad
get's kinda repetitive
The endgame, especially seasonal, is kinda fun
but getting high GRs is tough
You get insanely powerful :P
Repetitiveness isn't a problem. She is a seasoned WOW player
and I don't really care.
they turned d3 into WoW lite
you should play Divinity: Original Sin with your gf :D
This season: T55 GR.
party members can disagree on choices :P
did you get my friend request @Abhishrek?
all other RPGs I played in multiplayer, the party leader or the person holding the conversation only gets to call the shots with NPC interactions
@Shmiddty accepted. :D
wait, nvm send again _/_
@FilipDupanović Very Diablo3-ish in style
I see you now
@Cerbrus whats our d3# ?
Don't judge me for my Green out of place armor :P
what? since when do you have choices in D3? was there a game update or smt?
4 mins ago, by Cerbrus
Cerbrus#2204 <-- Battle tag
@FilipDupanović "Continue or skip"
I am the savior of the planet, but all I can do is click next->next->next in conversations
@FilipDupanović they almost re-wrote it
But I meant in graphics
potions are replaced with drops.
@Abhishrek demon hunters are pretty crazy
did they ever introduce PVP arenas?
@Shmiddty yep.
the teaser looked so cool, too
so, ff a couple of years, I still want my money back for D3
but from what I understand, they couldn't figure out the balance
I'm definitely making a Necromancer
@Shmiddty: I don 't blame'm
> Skeleton king vs Necromancer
The class sets are absurd :D
necromancers are probably going to make groups laggy
@Shmiddty: D2 joke?
or for real?
People should team Necromancers with Necromancers
for real
That'll be pretty funny to watch
Considering the amount of mobs on-screen in higher level rifts, I doubt it
some builds spec out of area damage paragons because they make group play laggy
They're also increasing mob density
They might have optimized the engine a bit though
I've never heard of that / experienced that
I played it on a very old laptop
I'm still stuck with a random frame drop bug(?)
and benched it on my Desktop it felt the same
every so often, the foreground disappears for a few seconds
no idea why
but then... so far I'm in dungeons don't have much mobs either
tried all the things they suggested on the forums to no avail
@Shmiddty Faulty GPU ?
Try updating Direct X :D
I don't think so, but maybe
I have had this happen to me a lot on my Old Radeon
Seems like a issue on your end, tbh
What I don't quite understand is
probably, though a lot of people have the same issue and report no issues in other games
how does League of Legends stress all my computers out but Diablo 3 doesn't stress out even the lowest end laptop I have
I don't have any issues with league
It just keeps my CPUs at very high
but I have Linux / OS X On all computers
so that may be the reason.
@Shmiddty want to play Diablo for a few minute?
I am curious how strong, high level chars are
sure, but my non-season toons aren't very good
You want me to invite you?
whats the kid?
a pet
runs around and picks up gold for me
PRetty darn strong :P
can anyone recommend something reliable for testing page load speeds from the command line? I want to tweak the server and get instant feedback on changes, can't wait for anayltics reports to come in
have the page post to the server when it is done loading
Chrome from command line straight up viable?
try chromium or google-chrome, if you're on debian-based systems
grrr, chromium --headless is opening a browser Window
I'll try getting Google Chrome
uuu o/
@towc wtf, is it a problem if I'm on Wayland or something?
if I knew what wayland was maybe I would know the answer
chances are, I don't even if I googled what wayland was
happy holidizzles :d
merry christmas snoopedog
Lol i see it now
New char Paragon 13... In 10 minutes, @Shmiddty
@FilipDupanović whatcha using chromium for :d
trying to get the page loaded headlessly
damn thing is returning too fast atm, doesn't feel like everything is getting dl-ed :/
what exactly are you trying to achieve?
why not a nodejs client?
I cloned an existing server and I want to incrementally turn on compression, double the CPU count and strap on SSL
I'd like to get something like deterministic page loads and bombard the server and see how the cache and response times change

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